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hey seniors, neede ur our company is going fro ISO recognition...v have to present a proper hr process..if you could please share your valuable solutions....
From India, Bangalore
HR Process has lots of areas to cover, so it would be nice to know your quality objectives and then based on that you will have to uncover policies and procedures...
So, i would like to know what current documents you have related to HR Policies etc..based on that we will be able to make HR Documents.
As per ISO : Retention,Recruitments, Training could be four major Objectives...

From India, Hyderabad
Hi Deepthi,

As RK rightly said that you need to review your current HR processes.

For instance, if you have training programes, what is level of effectiveness measured vide training feedback?...or in terms of recruitments have you defined the quantifiers like 1 month for freshers, three months for positions above Managers..etc.



From India, Pune
I hope you might have hired some consultant for that. They will design your processes as per your day to day activity. They will format and impliment the process by you., and they will inspect your practice for internal audit. They will bring your cirtificate by their guideline.

From India, Raipur
Dear DeepthiISO has a lot of different modules so kindly tell which module you are going for.Secondly ISO is all about maintaining regular and rigorous records for each process you follow.You need to have proper MIS for each activity you do in HR whether it is Recruitment, Induction, Employee Relation, Trainings,Competencies of Employees or any other.And if ISO recognisation is only the purpose then in that case what Sandeep has said is absolutely right.Cheers...........
From Nigeria, Lagos
Dear Deepthi,
Please go through ISO 9001 Consultant Hyderabad for further details.

From India, Hyderabad
Please find a reference from me.
"Synergy InfoTech (AN ISO 9001:2000 COMPANY) is a Business & IT Solutions company
based in Kerala, India that provides services of ISO Certification Consulting and Executive
Search and Staffing Solutions.
Our Management & Business Consultants give excellent services in ISO and HR Solutions.
Please contact me directly for any clarification. Dinesh Williamdas-MOB: 9847923116"
With Warm Regards,
Dinesh Williamdas
Executive Director
I Floor,Kinchans Plaza,Kunnumpuram,
Ayurveda College,Trivandrum,India.
Tel:0471-3012672, 4068685,09847923116
Website: <link no longer exists - removed>
HR & ISO 9001,14000,22000,27000 CONSULTANTS

From India, Kochi
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