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Dear All

Changing 6 days to 5 days working pattern becomes common nowadays. How we are managing 48 hours in 5 days whether you are proposing 9 hrs / day or 8 hrs / day. If so 3 hours / week how do the company manage. Whether the productivity affects on this or not need to check. Even if agree for forgoing 3 hours/ week, swapping to 6 days at the future times will be difficult which you have to judge. After recession in 2008 all the manufacturing companies offer employees holidays on saturdays for axing the overhead cost / welfare cost. You have to keep in mind that absenteeism during Fridays / Monday will be more than current condition if 5days working followed. In my opinion if the distance from employees house to working location is more than 40-50 Kms or duration of journey is more than 45 minutes then the 5 days working will be most suitable option for both employee & employer perspective. Having addition one hour working due to 9 hrs working pattern will definitely helps if you adjust your working start timing and end timing suiting less traffic conditions.

Hope you consider the above to decide.

best regards


From India, Madras
Appreciate your efforts proposing for 5 day week. Even in manufacturing industries too, 5 day week can be implemented, for example for Admn. Staff, Design etc., that can be implemented by working more hours in the 5 days. Lot of advantages are there - can save resources like Power, Water, Transportation etc.,
From Belgium, Wilrijk
In addition to all the above I want to emphasize on the following facts.
1. Is there any Over Time consumption among workers. 2. Calculate the OMS and find out if any chance of improvement by this proposal. 3. Any new positive change for the workers acts as catalist for the worker for a few days but after some days that become usual and workers accommodate that change as their right and its reversal will not be easy. 4. Usually the remuneration and responsibility is job based for officers & management staff and that is time based for workers everywhere hence this will be disturbed.

From India, Mumbai

Dear Amit,
Adaptation of international or Corporate standard is good for five days in a week working, But before full implementation you should need to identify & check it out that such off Saturday doesn't mean for organization's business growth interruption. You should also compare the cost saving as with regard to working and not-working days i.e. holidays. If all conclusion is positive then there is no problem for Saturday off.
You can also consider over views of Kinjal, Kmitabh and Monali. This is also a better option.
Best Regards:
vikas ranjan

From India, Bangalore

I am afraid what I am going to say might not sound nice. While the discussion is certainly interesting, I wonder why people can't use proper English words. having to read SMS lingo on a forum is rather irritating. Especially since the abbreviations and idioms are extremely region centric. People, please use English on forums. What you write is going to stay here long after the SMS culture has moved on and most people won't know what you are talking about.
From India, Mumbai
Syed Fahad Ali
Is there any policy / proposal document for 5 working days model, please share on
From Pakistan, Islamabad

As per my view
Pros for 5 day week is :
Low power consumption
Low cost on company on travel, if provided.
MNC culture
Employee's get the best opportunities to work in MNC in future
Stress relief
Improve their Health
Employees can enjoy with family and go for weekends
Company will get better clients like MNC
Employees can work for more hours
Productivity increases and absenteeism reduces
Cons of 5 day week is :
Salary payout issues on weekends
Work will delay if not closed by weekend
Employees gets pressured
Employees Health remains same
Gratuity calculation changes
Employee per day salary increases considering working days
Escalations may happen on any emergency at weekend
Finally, employees or HR may have to catch up their laptops if necessary on weekends.

From India, Hyderabad