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I need your active participation & brainstorming on Safety committee meeting & it's legal requirements.
1.What is legal criteria for safety committee for any X organisation?
2.What agenda points should be raised & who will raise it?
3.Why most of the safety committee meetings did not work? what will be the missing ingredients.
I am in search of brilliant ideas about the safety committee meetings By safety experts.Obviously you All.

From India, Bangalore

Dear Syed
Nice to see you back after long time.
Why can't you refine your questions after going through the following earlier threads in citehr itself:
Request you to use the RESEARCH option available on the top before starting any new threads.
All the best.

From India
Dear Dipil Thanks for your kind information,

I agree with you & i checked previous discussions before starting this interesting topic.but before that i just i wants to explain a little bit about this discussion.

Dear dipil let me correct if i am wrong, My purpose of this discussion was to get excellent ideas about Safety committee meeting by safety experts . Because we know that SCM is best procedure & i can say a weapon for safety professional, Because everyone is ready to blame Safety person for easy escape if anything goes wrong.I am sure some excellent results we will get after completion

of this discussion.

In SCM we are raising issue's related to QHSE but up to which level we are achieving our targets & goals in real manner. what are lacking area's which becomes the reason to failure .& re discussion is required because we must be updated all time because we don't know someone may get best idea's during this time.

To be honest our committee members really actively participating in SCM with solution or they thought SCM is waste of time & just to attend ,Have some snaks & make MOM . Some one should come with excellent ideas that our member & organization love to organize SCM for achieving goals & target in real way.

I know that cite hr is platform where anyone can clear their doubts without any hesitation, Still i am requesting you there must be some more discussion & debate on SCM.

Thanks to all

From India, Bangalore
I don’t want any ppt or pdf , i just wants to continue this discussion to get practical views & what experts thinks about SCM. How we will be effective for planning SCM.
From India, Bangalore
Dear Friends,

Point 1

Sec.21 to 41 of the factories Act,1948 explains the safety provisions to be taken care by the organisations.

Further regarding forming the Safety Committee , the Act explain under Sec. 41-G as “ The occupier shall ,in every factory, where a hazardous process ( as explained under Sec.2cb) takes place or where hazardous substance are used or handled, set up a Safety Committee consisting of equal number of representatives of workers and management to promote co-operation between the workers and the management in maintaining proper safety and health at work and to review measures taken in that behalf.

As we know that every plant requires manpower, tools and machinery to work with. Even though it is not mandatory for every factory to form Safety Committees. But it is in the interest of the organization and the employees to form such committees to maintain health and safety conditions and overall morale of the employees .

It should be the moral responsibility of the employer to provide safe and accident free environment in the organization.

Point 2

Regarding the safety meeting agenda and points , all points may be discussed which affects the safety and health of the employees. Any member may raise the point or give his/her idea in the meeting. The following are the some of the points but not limited to :

1 Increase safety awareness

2 Build enthusiasm for safety programs

3 Reduce and prevent injuries

4 Regulatory compliance

5 Emergency planning

6 Training

7 Ergonomics

8 Safety surveys

9 Job hazard analysis

10 Accident investigation reviews

11 Employee safety promotion

12 Reduces accidents and lost work time

13 Positively impacts a safety program.

14 Touches all levels of the organization

15 Liaison between Safety agencies

16 Promotes staff involvement at all levels

17 Creates a safer work environment.

18 Increases productivity

19 Improves communication.

20 Increases safety awareness.

21 Enhances employee morale.

Point 3

In spite of our best efforts we have experience that we may not get intended results. The following may be some hindering points:

1 Lack of support from the top management

2 Wrong selection of the committee members

3 Lack of Leadership to hold Safety meetings

4 Lack of Teamwork.

5 Lack of proper Follow-up because of financial and non financial resources

6 Lack of Focus on specific issues

7 Non rotation of the members

8 Change of management priorities

9 Any other reason

The members must voluntary participate in the committees for the noble cause. The Top Management must also support the employees to hold the safety meetings and get the desired results by financial and non-financial support system.



From India, New Delhi
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