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Hi ayatakshee, As far as name is concerned, symbiosis holds a good name. I suggest you do your distance from symbiosis , pune regards, Babita
From India
Check out IMT, Gaziabad its really good.

From India, Coimbatore
As you have doubt about distance education. As far as i know in AP We have Osmania university,Andra university,Kakatiya university and more like and if you are from Andra padesh u can go through these universities and if you want to know about other universities away from Andra pradesh just i know about Pune university which is providing symbiosis facility and i dont have any other idea about other universities in India becoz i am unaware of the other locations.

From India, Hyderabad
Hi Gururaj, The Actual Cost is Rs. 9000 plus 14000= RS. 23000, to RS. 24000. REgards, Nisha
From India, Mumbai
First of all dont confuse between MBA and PG Dilploma. Both are same.
As far as MBA is concerned, any 2 years full time prog in management is an MBA prog. All top management institutes in INDIA give either PGDM or PGDBM or PGDBA degrees to its full time students. Even IIM's give Post Graduate Diploma in Management. Only Pune, ICFAI, Symboisis, Amity gives MBA degrees. Rest all gice PG Diploma.
Same is the case with distance learning. so try in Symboisis or Welingkar or ICFAI only. because these are brand names. As far as pay package is concerned develop your knowledge in your field. for distance learning knowledge is more imp than brand name.
And as far as ICFAI is concerned i have done my full time MBA from ICFAI Business School. And i dont have any bad experience.

From India, Mumbai
I need some information regarding the program :Executive Post Graduate Program (E-PGP) in Global Management offered by Alliance B-school.
I am looking for the following details:
1 How is the program rated in the industry
2 Is it true that preference is given for industry sponsored candidates.
3 also on the admission front is it true that more experience carries more weighatge.
4 what if a student is willing to join but is not sponsored by the employer.what are the chances in that case.
I remember Jaishu having posted info regarding this Program but that was quite brief.
If Jaishu or anybody can help on the above queries I will be very thankful to them.
Kindly let me know.
~ Amrut

hi ayatakshee why don’t you try online education which helps a lot while working sandeep

abe kameene tu pehla job karna. later company log tujhe sponsor karega. iim kolkata, ahmedabad hr ko bahut famus hai. symbiosis uske paas ek jhaat bar university hai.

Dear all,
reading everyone suggestions, i am a bit confused as i have the same problem.
Now if considering these factors can any one suggest me the best university for distance learning .Factors are:
less cost
less duration max. one year
possibilities for good jobs.

From India, Madras
Dear All, What about NIBM, Chennai they are offering One Year Executive MBA through distance mode having fee Rs. 7500/- for full course. I have joined this. Regards,
From India, Bangalore
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