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Hi everybody, Can any one help me by giving idea about how to generate feedback questionnaire for the Induction program from new joinee. Thanx and Regard Mithilesh
From India, Mumbai
Dear Mr.Mithilesh

Here is the one you are looking for:


How did your induction rate?

This exercise helps in evaluating the kind of Induction received.

This can also be used to review and improve the induction process.

One needs to think back to when one started his/her current job.

Read each statement and circle either T (true) or F (False) as it relates to the induction received.

Then check the rating in this box following this Questionnaire.

1) I was made to feel welcome.


2) I was introduced to other members of the work group.


3) My boss paid attention to me and made me feel welcome.


4) My induction seemed well planned.


5) Company Benefits were well explained the first day.


6) My office or work space was set up and waiting for me. T F

7) I received a tour of the organization by a qualified person.


8) All the necessary paperwork and forms were available. T F

9) I received a copy of relevant literature, such as the company’s

Employee Handbook, Operations Manual etc. T F

10) I learnt about the company’s History and Future Plans. T F

11) My boss reviewed my Final Job Description with me. T F

12) I was invited to lunch the first day by my boss or key individual he or she selected. T F

13) I met people from other Departments. T F

14) I was able to observe colleagues at work before starting a task. T F

15) I was given a specific job assignment along with instruction or training T F

16) Office Hours, dress codes, Sick leave and other policies were explained to me. T F

17) I was shown the phone system. T F

18) I had opportunities to ask questions. T F

19) Payroll policies (and withholding) were covered my first day.


20) At the end of the first week I felt like a member of the ‘TEAM’. T F

Total number of TRUE=

Total number of FALSE=

18 – 20 True: Induction was outstanding.

15 – 17 True: Induction was above average. Make some improvements.

11 – 14 True: Unfortunately a typical Induction received. There is a lot one can do to help the organization with future Induction.

10 or less: One should be congratulated for sticking it out. Don’t let the same thing happen to others.


Hope this fits to your requirement



From India, Hyderabad
hi. i think this might help in induction feedback. chek out the attachment. Aparajita
From India, Delhi
Attached Files (Download Requires Membership)
File Type: doc induction_training_feedback_form.doc (38.0 KB, 2021 views)

Dear Aparijata,
Thanks for the questionnaire. I am no HR expert and am not commenting on the content based on a brief scan. However, I would like to know why you chose 10-point scale for 2 questions and then a skewed 5-point scale for some of the other questions.
Also the terminology is also different. (Very clear and poor are not ends of a continuum.
A retired academic in UK

From United Kingdom
i too am not an expert as i am a student of HR. as per my understanding i've chosen 10 point scale in 2 questions as i've asked employees understanding rate in it to know the impact of the induction methodology we are using to explain them about the company. and in other question i have asked to rate them the importance of whatever policies etc they have been told so that we can know how much important, they think, listening to the policies is or rather how much clear they are about the policies.
on the other way round, those 10-point scale questions could have been made as 5-point scale but dont you think you will get pissed off by filling or answering the same type of scales for all the questions?!!

From India, Delhi
Thanks Aparijata for the clarifications. Just because you use a 10-point scale it does not become more accurate, as the numbers are all not anchored.
No, I would not be bored, let alone "pissed off" (as you put it) by answering questions with the same scales. However, I would be put off from answering a questionnaire which is not clear or which is ambiguous and skewed towards what management like to hear.
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Questionnaire Design <link updated to site home> ( Search On Cite | Search On Google )
You can find more at
designing questionnaire + scales - Google Search
Have a nice day

From United Kingdom
thank you Sir. it will surely help me for my future studies. i've made a questionnaire and i will be grateful if you check that out too. i am doing project in SKF. . project is about NHO: Best practices. so the questionnaire is to get little details about NHO practices of manufacturing companies without breaking their policies (and without making them think that i am spying.) the list includes Mercedes benz,Kirloskar,Lnd johndare,bajaj auto,Sandvick,Tata,Thermax,Bharat forge,Ina etc.



Questionnaire for new employee orientation practices

Company Information Date: __/__/09

Name of the Company Type of company

Name of the person met No of employees

Turnover if known

Induction Process

I. Which type of Induction is practiced for new employees of the company? Formal or informal.

II. When do we conduct Induction (is there any decided date/period?)? How long does a typical induction last for a new employee?

III. Are the employees provided with initial lodging-boarding facilities? For how many days?

IV. Is the induction process structured i.e. does it follow a set timetable? If yes, please provide details if possible.

V. How many people are involved in the induction process?

VI. Who is appointed as Induction In-charge? (In what way does the HR department or an HR representative get involved in the induction process, whether formal or informal? And who all participate in carrying out the induction?)

VII. Is the induction program and induction material rendered regularly according to the changing time?

VIII. Are the existing employees, who are promoted or transferred, been given an induction into their new role?

IX. How do we introduce new changes in the company to the employees which have gone through induction process long back?

X. Do we take feedback to know the Induction benefit, understanding and seriousness of employees for Induction?

XI. Do we practice a ‘Buddy’ or ‘Mentoring’ system? If yes, what has been the benefit of this type of system? Else what system do we practice to make new employee adapt organizations working process and environment?

XII. According to you, what are the benefits of an induction program for your organization?

XIII. What makes your Induction program better than others? What is the best practice sharing of your Induction program? What factor makes your Induction program unique?

XIV. Can you provide an example of your induction program, such as an induction checklist or brief details on the topics covered during induction?

XV. Please provide any other information you feel may be useful.

From India, Delhi
i want to know hw to benchmark induction n orientation process. i’ve got data of 9 companies.
From India, Delhi
Aparajitha, thanks for sharing the questionaire on induction.
You can make use of a software SPSS to interpret if your results are based on multi-factors.
Pls refer book called Marketing Research by Naresh Malhotra to clear off your doubts.
Hope it helps!

From India, Mumbai
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