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Hi friends, Pls kindly send me the General Leave Policy. Regards, Amudha
From India, Coimbatore
Casual Leave
Eligibility – All full time employees of AIPL.
Entitlement - All eligible employees are entitled to 12 days casual leave per annum.
This leave is earned pro-rata of 1 day for every month worked, and cannot be given or availed of in advance. Employees are credited with prorated leave from the date of their joining the company, on confirmation. Holidays are not included in the calculation of this leave even if they fall in between the period of leave.
· At the time of joining the company and subsequently at the beginning of each calendar month, every AIPLite’s Casual Leave Account will be credited by half Casual Leave entitlement for the particular month. At the end of each calendar year, the casual leave not availed, will automatically lapse.
· Casual Leave requires prior approval of the authority as specified in Authority Structure (chapter 29) at least one day in advance and can be availed from the date of joining the AIPLite. In case of exceptional circumstances, when the AIPLite cannot seek prior permission, he/she should inform the HOD / Project Incharge as soon as possible. The leave application in such cases must be submitted by the AIPLite immediately on returning for duty.
· The head of the department/human resource has the discretion to refuse leave to any AIPLite due to exigencies of work.
· Casual Leave cannot be combined with any other leave i.e. Privilege Leave, Maternity Leave or Leave without Pay (LWP).
· CL cannot be clubbed with EL or vise versa.

Earn Leave
Employees also get 15 days of earn leave for every 12 completed months service in the company @ 1.25 EL credited in employees leave account at the end of every month. EL can be prefixed or suffixed with holidays , however , holidays falling during EL , days shall count for determining the total EL taken. (EL cannot be sufixed or prefixed with CL). EL can be accumulated upto 30 days and any unclaimed / unencashed leave more than 30 days shall be deemed to lapsed. EL can be availed in advance , subject to a specific approval by the Manager, in case of SERIOUS ILLNESS , SELF MARRIAGE / CAREER EXAMINATION or IN EVENT OF DEATH OF BLOOD RELATION during the first 12 months of the service.
Sick Leave
Employee also get 7 days sick leave.
Maternity Leave
This scheme is applicable to all married female employees of AIPL who have worked / on the permanent rolls for more than 1 year before the expected date of delivery. Entitlement of Maternity leave is for 12 weeks. 6 weeks prior to the date of delivery and 6 following the delivery day ( including the day of delivery ).
In addition the employee can avail leave for a maximum period of one month in case of illness ( of mother or the new born child ) arising out of delivery. In case of miscarriage , following day of miss carriage the employee can avail leave for 6 weeks . For availing leave for above two clauses, the employee has to submit a medical certificate indicating the reason of leave from the Registered medical practitioner. It is essential to get the leave sanctioned from the department head at least 15 days in advance before proceeding on Maternity Leave. The leave application should be submitted along with a certificate of Expected date of delivery from a registered medical practitioner to HO / Regional H R department.
After availing Maternity leave and at the time of resuming duty , employee must bring with her a fitness certificate and submit the same to respective HR department.
Accumulation of Annual leaves
Casual leave not availed over and above the prescribed limit of accumulation will lapse.
Earn leave not availed, accumulated upto 10 days will be carry forwarded to the next year leave.
Encashment of Accumulated Leave
On separation from the company, employees may encash accumulated earn leave. For the purpose of encashment Basic Salary will form the basis for calculation. Total accumulated leave for this purpose is upto 30 days.

Process - Employees may make an application to their supervisor at least one week in advance for a maximum of 5 days and must obtain written approval ‘or’ approval in lotus notes for leave before proceeding on the same.
IN CASE OF CL : one day in advance , if prior sanction could not be obtained it must be done on the day of the reporting back to duty. It is expected that in an emergency it could be reported over the telephone. (Format enclosed)

IN CASE OF EL : 15 days before proceeding on leave and the address of the place of visit should be indicated if going out of station from the place of posting. (Format enclosed)

Eligibility – All employees of AIPL.
Entitlement – All employees are entitled to 12 days of holidays per annum. Out of these, 10 are listed as core holidays.

Hope it will help u out..

From India, New Delhi
Dear Seniors I have completed MBA in HR so can i join in distance learning program for an double MBA in HR only i want to learn more for a hr so is it right Plz Reply
From India, Mumbai
Dear Friends,
I have an query regarding the paid holidays. If in the paid holiday period if any employee take leave (PL,CL, SL, COFF) before and after the paid holiday days of if he remains absent on Leave without pay to the suffix and preffix of the paid holidays. In this case will paid holidays to be calculated as leave without pay or still shall be considered as paid holidays.
Please help me on the matters.
Brijesh Jadhav

From India, Pune
Dear Brijesh,
What we practice in our organization is :- holidays are given (which is paid holidays) . If the employee doesnot turn up next day of holiday , that is considered as Either absenteeism or LWP depends. We don't replace Holidays with any other leaves.That is given for sure.Sundays are treated as leave when it comes in between of PL taken. Suggestion are appreciated.

From India, Gurgaon
I have one doubt..... if an employee has worked on all the working days in a month (for eg 31 days/month) but we have 2 national holidays in that particular month. My question is should we pay him for all 31 days???
please help me out as i'm very new to this HR field

From India, Hyderabad

Please read below:

The company recognizes and respects the employee’s needs for leave to enjoy a substantial break from working life or due to any personal exigencies. The company believes in maintaining a healthy work life balance for its employees.
To set guidelines governing leave facilitation in the organization so as to enable the employees to plan in advance and avail their leaves appropriately.
The policy is applicable to all employees who are on the rolls of the company.
Leave Year:
The financial year of the Company i.e. 1st July – 30th June will be considered as the year for the purpose of calculation of leave.
Leave Sanctioning Authority:
Immediate Manager or any other person authorized, for the purpose, by HOD.
Approval of Leave:
  • Leave will be approved at the discretion of the sanctioning authority based on the exigencies of the work.
  • Employees will be required to plan their long-term leave adequately in advance in consultation with their Immediate Managers both administratively / functionally at the beginning of the year.
  • Employees proceeding on leave are advised to leave their contact address / phone numbers with their Immediate Managers.
All Purpose Leave
  • All confirmed employees would be eligible for 30 days of All Purpose Leave, annually.
  • Employees can avail 07 days of all purpose leave during probation which will be adjusted against their leave balance.
  • All Trainees (Management / Executive) can avail 15 days of all purpose leave till confirmation.
  • Employees joining the organization anytime during the financial year will be given leave on pro-rata basis.
  • Employee can either prefix or suffix a leave to any Public Holiday or weekly off but not both.
  • Leave accumulation will be permissible upto a period of 90 days, beyond which, the excess leave would lapse.
  • Only 15 days of leave of a year can be carried forward to the next year and in case of Trainees the same will be restricted to 8 days.
Maternity Leave
  • Maternity leave will be governed by the Maternity Benefit Act.
  • The employee should have been in employment for a minimum period of 160 days, in the Company.
  • A maximum of 84 days leave will be granted to the employee.
  • Employee can avail six weeks of leave pre-natal and six week of leave post-natal.
  • Incase an employee wishes to work during pre-natal stage then the employee needs to submit a letter to the HR along with a Health certificate from the doctor. The company will not be liable in case of any mishap during this period.
  • In case of miscarriage or abortion, Maternity Leave will be admissible upto six weeks immediately following the day of miscarriage or abortion.
Procedure & Responsibility:
  • Application for Leave should be submitted along with relevant medical papers at least 30 days prior to commitment of leave.
  • All leave entitlement under this heading will be as per law.
  • Maternity Leave is applicable only for the first 2 children in a family.
  • Maternity Leave can be combined with All purpose leave standing to her credit, with due approval.
Leave Without Pay Employees who have exhausted all the leaves entitled to them, and need leave and be away from work to attend to their personal exigencies is termed as leave without pay. As the title suggests the employee will not get paid for these days of absence.
Authorized Leave without Pay: ALWP
  • Leave without pay will be sanctioned only in case of any exceptional circumstances; with sole discretion of the management.
  • Leave without pay needs to be authorized by the respective HOD & HR.
  • The employee has to give a written application stating the exigencies & the period he will be unavailable for work & his contact no.
  • The leave application has to be sanctioned by the HOD & then sent to HR dept for due records.
  • On his return from the leave, the employee should inform the HOD & HR in writing or email that he has joined back.
  • This period of leave will not be taken into account only for the purpose of calculation of any benefit like: ex-gratia, computation of leave for next year, any other reimbursable benefit.
  • Incase the employee fails to return back with in the agreed / sanctioned period of ALWP, the employee will automatically lose lien with the company.
Unauthorized Absence: UA
Leaves that are taken without prior notification and prior permission from the sanctioning Authority will be considered as Unauthorized Absence (UA).
The following actions be taken in case and employee takes UA:
  • All UA’s will have a detrimental effect on an Individual’s Performance Review.
  • In case an employee is on UA without intimation for 10 consecutive days then the organization may treat this as voluntary abandonment of services.
Leave Application / Approval Process
  • All applications for leave must be made well in advance in case of Long leaves. Employees at Zonal office shall use the printed form of Leave Application / ESS / My leave, on Microsoft outlook (for HO employees) as applicable.
  • Employees should make a leave application within 2 days on reporting back to work in case of emergencies / illness leave.
  • The leave mail has to be approved and communicated by the employee’s immediate supervisor / HOD. Merely marking a CC to the immediate supervisor/ HOD, will not be constituted or considered as an approval for the purpose.
  • The leave mail will be considered as an approved leave, only when the same is approved by the employees immediate supervisor/HOD.
  • The approved mail then should be forwarded to HR by the employee or the immediate supervisor/ HOD.
Leave Encashment
  • Leave can be encashed only at the time of exit from the employment.
  • Leave can be encashed on the last drawn monthly basic salary.
  • In case of termination /resignation from the employment, the payment / recovery in lieu of notice period will be on last drawn basic salary.
  • The Policy comes into effect from July 01, 2008
  • Leave cannot be claimed as a matter of right.
  • Any relaxation in the provision policy would require Head HR’s approval.
  • The Policy can be revised/altered as required from time to time
For any further information please let me know


From United States, Rochester
Hi Ganesh,
It is very obvious that you should pay for all the 31 days. In case of national holiday's e.g. 15th Aug and 26th Jan which are compulsory holidays for all companys, they are included under the Paid holidays category. Generally companies allot 10 - 12 paid holidays which cover diwali, dassara etc
Hope the above info helps

From India, Pune
Dear All,

I am giving below the leave rules which we adopted in our organization. I hope that the same will be useful to you also.

On every 1st January computation in respect of different categories of employees shall be done as under:-

Category Basis of computation No. of leave
(i) Employees in Sr. Executive & 1 PL for every 10 days 30
Managerial/ Officers/staff grade worked in the preceding year.

(ii) Semi Staff Employees including
Peons /Drivers etc. 1 PL for ever 14 days 21
worked in the preceding year

(iii) Workers 1 PL for every 20 days 15
worked as provisions of the
factories act.

In computation, entitlement for less than half day`s leave shall be ignored and entitlement for half day or more leave shall be treated as one full day`s leave.


All employees in Sr. Executive/ Managers/ Officers Grades and Staff employees who are not entitled to Sickness under ESI Act shall be entitled to 2 Sick leave in every calendar quarter subject to maximum of Sick leave in full one calendar year, provided such employees has been worked for at least 40 days in such a quarter for earning 2 Sick leave and at least 20 days for earning 1 Sick leave. Staff employees and workers who are entitled to Sick leave benefits under ESI Act shall continue to be governed by the provisions of the ESI Act.


All employees and workers shall be entitled to 2 CL in every calendar quarter subject to maximum 8 CL in full one calendar year provided such employee have worked in such a quarter at least for 20 days for earning 1 CL and 40 days for earning 2 CL


Privilege leave/ earned leave accumulation in case of Sr. Executives /Managers/Officers/ Staff employees, Semi Staff and workers shall be allowed up to 3 years entitlement of leave up to 90, 63 and 45 days respectively. Accumulation of SL in case of Executives and eligible staff employees shall similarly be allowed up to 3 years entitlement i.e. up to 21 days, Accumulation of Casual leave shall be permitted to all Executives, employees and workers up to 2 years entitlement i.e 14 days.

Any leave in excess of the accumulation limits shall automatically lapse with the end of the respective calendar year in case encashment is not applied for between April – October.


(i) All managerial staff and executives shall be entitled for encashment of PL and SL
over and above 2 years full entitlement i.e. over and above 60 days and 14 days

(ii) Staff employees who are eligible for SL under those rules, shall be entitled for
encashment of SL over and above 14 days. All staff employees shall be entitled for
encashment of PL over and above 42 days.

(iii) Encashment of earned leave in case of workers shall be permitted over and above
30 days.

(iv) All categories employees , any, managerial, executives, staff and workers shall be
entitled for encashment of casual leaves over and above one years entitlement i.e.
over and above 8 days. Such encashment of leaves shall be granted only once in a
calendar year between Aril- October at the rate of salary/ wages of the employee
concerned for the month of December last year.

(v) Application for encashment of any type of leave shall be submitted to Time Office in duplicate, in the third week between April- October. Time Office shall verify the number of leave eligible for encashment and forward the same to Account Deptt. Accounts Deptt shall be scrutinize the applications as per these rules, get sanction from sanctioning authority and arrange encashment hereof in fourth weeks of the respective month. The duplicate copy of the application shall be return to the Time Office the number of leave encashed to unable them to debit the leave account accordingly and get the same countersigned by the accounts department.


Normally leave shall be granted for the purpose as per the nature of leave applied for and different type lave shall not be taken in combination. In special case, however, combination of leave may be permitted by the Management.

Any weekly off, National Holiday or Festival Holiday prefixing and suffixing may be availed in combination of PL/SL/CL with the prior permission of the management. Weekly off, National or Festival Holidays intervening a period of leave/ absences shall be treated as part of such leave/ absence in case of executive and staff employees.


Application of PL/SL/CL shall be submitted in the form prescribed for this purpose, Sick leave and casual leave shall normally not be granted for more than 3 days at a time. As far as possible, such leave should be availed with prior sanction/ permission of the management. No leave application for SL/CL already avoided will be entertained if not submitted within 24 hours of resumption of duty along with a medical certificate and / or explaining the specific exceptional circumstance on account of which application could not be submitted in advance.

Grant of PL can not be claimed by an employee as a matter of right and the management may refuse after or curtail the quantum of leave depending on the exigencies of the work. Normally application less than 4 days PL shall not be entertained. In exceptional/ emergency case, however, grant of less than 4 days EL shall be considered by the management on the merit of each individual case. Expect for PL required under coregent and unforeseen circumstances, application for PL shall be made as under :-

PL 4 to 7 days - 7 days in advance
PL 8 to 14 days - 10 days in advance
PL above 14 days - 15 days in advance

The number of time in which privilege/ earned leave taken during any year should not exceed three.
After an employee submit his resignation, he shall not be allowed any PL during the notice period. Any PL granted before the receipt of resignation shall automatically be cancelled to the extent it covers a part of the notice period.


Any employee remaining absent for more than 10 days continuously shall be deemed to have abandoned his employment and resigned from services voluntarily. Name of such employees shall be removed from the Rolls after the 10 days of absence and recovery of due notice pay shall be made from the leave salary or from other dues if any and / or through other legal proceedings.



From India, Udaipur
Hi Dear Whats up
As far as leave policy is concern
We have to give seven SL and Seven CL in one year and E L is based upon your working days. it properbly be on 14 working Days. may be decided as per company policy.
Thanks & Regards,
Devendra Singh Rawat
Haridwar Plant:x

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