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Evaluation of:______

A 360 degree appraisal is designed to gather feedback from peers, co-workers or colleagues on an employee's job performance. It may also be used to provide feedback on skills of a manager or supervisor by his/her employees.

Please complete the evaluation form, based on the interaction you have had personally or have directly observed. Check "Not related" if you do not feel that you have enough basis for commenting on a particular question.

During my work with this individual, I have found that he or she:

a.Is technically competent and well versed in his or her field of expertise; is able to provide counsel and advice when I have technical questions.

____ Consistently ____ Usually ____ Sometimes ____ Rarely ____ Not Related

b.Is a good teacher; explains and monitors expected standards of performance; provides direction to me on new projects and priorities.

____ Consistently ____ Usually ____ Sometimes ____ Rarely ____ Not Related

c.Keeps me informed about objectives and progress, and lets me know when plans are changed.

____ Consistently ____ Usually ____ Sometimes ____ Rarely ____ Not Related

d.Effectively delegates workload, responsibility and workload.

____ Delegates work appropriately _____ Gives assignments that are not challenging _____ Gives me assignments which require experience I do not have _____ Not Rated

e.Makes time to be accessible and available to discuss my suggestions, questions or problems.

____ Consistently ____ Usually ____ Sometimes ____ Rarely ____ Not Related

f. Is receptive to ideas and suggestions for new or different systems or approaches.

____ Very Receptive ____ Somewhat receptive ____ Not receptive ____ Not Related

g.Is fair and consistent when dealing with other staff members.

____ Consistently ____ Usually ____ Sometimes ____ Rarely ____ Not Related

h.Gives me recognition for my contributions and efforts.

____ Often ____ Occasionally ____ Seldom ____ Not at all ____ Not Related

i.Provides support and encouragement to me in areas I am working to improve or develop.

____ Consistently ____ Usually ____ Sometimes ____ Rarely ____ Not Related

j.Helps me to develop professionally and personally by providing opportunities for growth and challenge.

____ Consistently ____ Usually ____ Sometimes ____ Rarely ____ Not Related

h.Treats others and me in a manner which creates a feeling of mutual respect.

____ Consistently ____ Usually ____ Sometimes ____ Rarely ____ Not Related


Kranthi :)

From India, Nizamabad
my name is apurva n i m a MMS student specializing in HR.i m doin ma final project on "360 degree feedback"......plz if anyone can help me with any kind of information related to 360 degree appraisal method....... or could suggest me some web site or sum buk frm where i can get valuable information related to this topic........i wud really appreciate it if sumone wud help me out.......
From India, Mumbai
Dear Ms Apurva N,


360 Degree Appraisal:

The 360 degree performance appraisal is the start of a conversation between the manager and the team member. It is based around candid feedback collected anonymously from supervisors, peers and subordinates asking a few key questions. Its accuracy is tied to patterns of comments in response to each of those questions.

Following these steps can help you become more confident in conducting effective 360° assessments.


It is important to identify the assessment objective before beginning the assessment process, large or small, because the objective is the reference point that guides the assessment. The objective influences the number and types of questions and helps shape content and administration. When making decisions in other areas of the assessment process, you can return to the objective statement to ensure that what is being asked will achieve the desired result.

What will the results of 360 feedback reports be used for? Will this be a system focused on leadership, coaching, management development, or performance? Some organizations use 360s as a development or coaching tool only. They link leaders' formal development plans to their feedback results. Other organizations use the results as both a development tool and as a factor in determining pay and/or promotions. They add relevance to the results by giving leaders an incentive to work effectively with various constituencies. Although there can be benefits of linking results with rewards, the system developer needs to exercise caution so that 1) participants do not directly or indirectly suggest to subordinates that they give good ratings and 2) peers do not agree to give each other good ratings.

Once the objective is determined, you will need to write a plan that includes key actions, dates, roles and responsibilities, as well as the resources needed to administer the assessments and communicate the results to the participants (employees being rated).


What is the best way to reach the intended audience?

In today's world you can administer a 360° assessment electronically via the Internet or Intranet, as a paper and pencil process, or with a combination of the two. Phone deployments are also used. In this article we primarily focus on web-based assessments. The big advantage of administering a survey electronically lies in the capability to import the responses quickly and inexpensively. A Web-based process also crosses geographic boundaries easily, and can provide economic advantages based upon scale and volume of participants. Where electronic methods are not possible, paper and pencil assessments work very well.

The range of electronic/web-enabled assessment tools ranges in features, functionality and price. Some systems allow you to create and post the assessment on your own in-house server. Others have a system where they host the assessment on the vendor's server, but provide you access to status information and reports.

Questions to ask as you talk to vendors include:

How flexible is the application for our needs?

Where does the application reside - on our server or yours?

If the application resides on your server, what information and reports can be accessed internally?

How long will the reports be kept on the server for viewing?

Do you have a library of competencies and behavior-based statements to share with us?

Will we need to use your consulting services (e.g., ongoing coaching, OD work) if we use your 360 ° assessment?

How is the application priced - one time fee, fee per participant, fee for each completion of an assessment or a combination?

If the assessment is lengthy, can respondents stop at any given point of an electronic assessment and come back to it while retaining already entered answers?


The 360° process is based on a survey/assessment. It generally includes items (questions) that are related to the organization's goals and to the participant's roles. These questions can be about technical and soft skills, values and behaviors. Here are some sample items…

Encourages the open and candid expression of ideas and opinions.

Is flexible in dealing with changing or new circumstances.

Influences others to translate the organization's vision into action.

Considers a broad range of issues or factors in making decisions.

Survey items are organized by specific competencies (topics). There are usually 3 to 10 items per competency within a survey. Some common competencies are communication, employee development, and leadership. Many assessments have a number of questions ranging from 30 to 100. Take into consideration the audience who will read the questions. The language, difficulty of the vocabulary used and comprehension level of the participant will heavily weigh on the meaningfulness of the responses.

Multiple-choice items usually use a 1 - 4 or 1 - 5 rating scale. For example, 1=Disagree Strongly, 2=Disagree, 3=Neutral, 4=Agree, 5=Agree Strongly. Some administrators prefer to force raters to have an opinion by eliminating the middle choice like 'neutral'. Many administrators give a 'not applicable' choice for respondents. Most surveys also include one or two open-ended comment questions, such as: "Which

aspects of leading and managing change does the individual do well?"

The number of people (raters) who complete the assessments is usually in the 8-15 range. It is important to not go much lower than six people, in order to maintain the anonymity of respondents. One question to ask in this phase of the process is how many types of people will rate the employee - will you group all raters into a group called 'other', or will you want the raters identified by their relationship with the participant (e.g., direct manager, peer, direct report, customer, other). Another question to ask at this point is who will select the raters? Will it be the participant, the participant's manager or the assessment administrator?

Also, this is the time to decide if you want to deploy the assessment for all participants at once, in several groups, or individually (e.g., on an anniversary date). Sometimes a pilot group is given the assessment before a full rollout is completed.

Careful preparation of the assessment will pay off in the end. Questions/statements should be designed carefully in order to gather the desired information in an unbiased way. Some vendors provide a library of questions that you can choose from to build your assessment. Limiting response scales to one or two types is a good strategy to keep the survey simple. Some assessment administrators like to group questions by topic in the survey; other administrators like to "mix up" the questions for respondents to answer.


Tell the respondent group (both participants and raters) in advance about the assessment. They need to know why the assessment is being conducted, how the information gathered will be used, and when and how the assessment will be administered. In most situations, participants need to be assured of anonymity. You can use memos, e-mail, meeting announcements, or a combination of some or all of these methods.

For all organizations, there are good and bad times to do assessments. Do not administer survey during crunch times. Choose a time of low organizational stress, if possible. The timing of the assessment may be dependent on your objective for the assessment (e.g., coaching, tied-to performance).

If raters have to go through long assessments and have to assess a lot of people, ensure that they will be able to save responses and return at a later time to continue the assessment. You cannot always

assume that raters will have the undivided twenty minutes of attention it takes to honestly answer some 360-degree assessments.

The success of these evaluations also resides on the fact that all participants are rated by a sufficient number of people for the results to be meaningful. Make sure there is a method in place to remind participants who have not completed their assessments. It can help sustain a widespread and meaningful participation throughout the organization.


If you use an electronic administration method, compiling the responses is already done as part of the assessment process.

On a web-based assessment process, there should be some flexibility regarding who has access to the reports. For a coaching assessment, perhaps the participant is the first/only person who sees the outcomes. Perhaps the first person to view the reports is the Assessment Administrator who sends

the reports to the participants' managers. Each process can be managed differently based upon the organizational culture and the objective of the process.

For electronically-deployed assessments, the web reporting structure generally begins with a login page where the participant's manager or assessment administrator would enter his/her login and password information to proceed. Upon entering the reporting section, that person would then see whatever level of reporting was granted him/her based on predetermined permissions (e.g., may see only reports for self, or may also see reports for a department, etc.).

You can attain some level of benchmarking within the organization by comparing a given individual's performance to her/his department or to the overall organization. This helps tremendously in raising the bar for all individuals assessed.

If you use paper and pencil to administer your assessment, you will have to do some data entry in order to start analyzing your results. For paper and pencil assessments, you might consider completing your reports via a survey software package or Excel. As you do your analysis, think about how you will communicate the results. What information is most important? What's the best way to display it: tables or graphs? Referring to the objective you set in the beginning and your survey plan will help you do a better job of communicating your results.


The report serves as the starting point in creating a participant's development plan. Often, the assessment administrator (or the participant's manager) sits down with each participant to present the report and begin work on a development plan. The administrator/manager is there to help the participant understand what the report implies about his/her skills. This feedback should include a balanced approach, focusing both on the positive feedback and on areas to be improved. Beyond that, the administrator/manager is there to help the participant identify the development opportunities that may provide the best pay-off, when comparing efforts to results.


The person who is sharing the results with the participant (the coach), needs to have a good understanding of the results:

Self - Others Reports: compare the scores given by raters with the participant's self scores.

Rater Category Reports: for overall and topic results, look for differences among rater categories.

Item Level Reports: look for highest and lowest rated items overall, highest and lowest by rater category (e.g., peers, direct reports), and consistency by category.

ALSO: if scores are mostly high or low, look for relative highs/lows.

The coach should schedule time to sit down with the participant to discuss feedback. Give the participant

the following advice:

Be open to the feedback.

Look at the high scores - understand what raters have said that you do well.

Look at the low scores - what group of raters does this information come from? Is it for an entire competency area or just for individual questions?

If you feel that the feedback is inaccurate, take it for what it is: this is how you are perceived.

Acknowledge to the raters that you have received your results.

Ask raters for more feedback. Try to build bridges by asking for their help/advice.

If the assessment process is stopped after the participant sees their feedback, the organization has missed a strategic part of the process - how to help participants plan to make changes where necessary (and support the areas that were scored highly). An effective approach in developing an action plan is to:

o Prioritize 2-3 strengths to leverage over the next year (strengths are top-rated areas)

o Prioritize 2-3 areas to improve over the next year (areas to improve are bottom-rated areas)

o For each strength and area to improve, commit to at least 2 actions for the upcoming year that will offer the greatest return (to both the participant and to the organization).

These actions may include, but are not limited to formal training and development.

The next time the participant is rated, everyone wants to see measurable change that can be attributed back to the assessment system. Once you put the action plan in place, follow-up assessments can measure the change in participant and rater perceptions. This concept also refers to the continuous improvement process.

I have attached 360 degree feedback guidelines which i have taken from a site for your kind perusal.


John N

From India, Madras
Attached Files (Download Requires Membership)
File Type: pdf 360_degree_feedback_guidelines1_104.pdf (346.1 KB, 7616 views)

Dear All,
Pls. help me in implementing performance appraisal policy in an IT industry. Organization strength is around 100+. 60% are service engineer, 20% in sales and 20% in back office. I have few question in mind :-
1 What type of appraisal (360, 180 etc.) would be good for Organization ?
2 We have already implemented the 360 degree appraisal, it was not succeed (Before my joining).
3 What would be the exact process for the same ?
Pls. help me. I would be really thankful to you.
Thanks in advance !!!
Monika Gaur

From India, Gurgaon
Hi Monika,
Being in the same field , I feel that 360 degree appraisal is more useful only if its implementation is carried out very effectively.
The Quaterly appraisal in this format will give more results if monetary appraisal is also given for good performance.
For better implementation your appraisal format should be given a thorough study.
Please let me know if you need any help.
With regards,

From India, Ponda
Generally, 360 degree Performance Appraisals are not sucuccesful if done within the organization. We have tried this method by hiring a external agency who have conducted Employees Satisfaction Survey where all the feedback is kept confidential by the Hired Agency. The Agency has a method of rating all the staff as per the 360 degree feedback received and common strenghts & weak points are put across in the common presentation. The Ultimate objective is to only highlight certain weak points of people at various levels. Increments/Promotions could be ancillary to this feedback/survey.
A. Pinto

From India, Mumbai
U can definitely add me . Although I dont have problem chatting on Gmail, its hard to log in for longer duration for obvious reasons. But if I am not available you can mail me in details or can even have my cell no. 09860586071 if need be.
From India, Ponda
Dear Friends You can check out this seminar presentation on 360 Degree performance appraisal. One of the current hot topics of the industry. Hope you all will like. Regards Rima
From India, Madras
Attached Files (Download Requires Membership)
File Type: ppt 360_degree_performance_appraisal_176.ppt (314.5 KB, 11240 views)

:D Dear Rima / all the H R pundits
1. Please accept my sincere appreciation for the nice ppt " 360 Appraisal"
2. May I request you to educate me - as to the weightage ratio that can be assigned to each catagory of appraisors around an employee, so as to ensure maximum objectivity to the final ratings.
3. Views from the HR seniors / peers are most welcome .
Email ID - Ramesh Gautam
LNMI- Patna.

i read the ppt on 360degree performance appraisal... its really worth appreciating... thanks a bunch, was indeed informative...
but some where on this site itself, under the performance mangement forum, i found that theoretically external customers are not a part of 360degree, rather all these were added by different people over the years and that when external customers or for that matter any external element when added onto performance appraisal, would make it 720degree appraisal and not 360 degree...
its not what i have identified but i read on this site.. expecting ur comments...

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