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:icon10:Dear Nancy,
I understand problem. I have worked under this kind of attendence system.
Iwould advice you to desing a slip for attendence regularisation.(for those whose thumb impression got failed/ for those who forget to punch).
The slip has to be duly signed by his/her reporting head or authorised signatory. Also he/she has to mention the reason for filling the slip.
content of the slip:-
1. Name of the employee
2. Deptt.
3. Emp. code
4. Date
5.Reason for filling slip
6. time period( e.g.16oct to 21oct)
7. shift Hours
8. signature of reporting Head
9. Concerned Authority/Authorised Signatory
Feel free to call me in this regard.
This will really help you out.
Thanks & Regards
Vipin Kumar Manav

From India, New Delhi
We met the same problem in our company also. We informed this to our higher management and got approval for marking absent for those person as a last step.
From India, Coimbatore
I am totally agreed with Mr Peer mohamed’s Reply. This is only the right Approach for the Professional HR
From India, Ghaziabad
Dear Nancy,
I hope till now you have got sum idea as how to cope up with he situation.
I think u must inform ur senior immediately about the person who isn't following the rule. Also ask the employee with proper authority why he wasn't able to do so. Tell him for the first 3 times & evenif the situation isn't under control ask him to give written explanation but with ur superior's permission.
Hope it will enlighten u in sum way.
Tasneem Anis :)

From India, Mumbai
Dear Nancy, I totally agree with Mr.Peer Mohammed . There are areas in HR were organisation’s rules & regulations has to be given priority which ever industry you are working with .
From United Arab Emirates, Dubai

You can take the following steps to ensure the proper execution and following the process by your employee:
  • Have attributes in your performance review form namely 1. Attendance 2. Behavior 3. Attitude 4. Discipline 5. Following Policies and Processes. You can give the rating to employees on the scale of 1 - 10. This section will be rated by you being the HR person there. When these areas are rated in the performance review, they are taken more seriously by employees as well as management.
  • Mark LWP or CL (leave without pay) for those days for which attendance is not marked by employees. You don't need to be very strict. Apply this action to only those who are not marking attendance even after several reminders. Sometimes you have to take such actions to get your organization's policies and processes in place. But make sure you properly discuss this with management before implementing it. Tell them the problem you are facing and why your organizations need to be process based as it is growing.
Hope that will be useful to you.

From India, Delhi
Dear Nancy and all the Seniors,
Wish you happy and prosporous belated Diwali.
This type of casual nature is noticed in every organisation.
Taking a hrsh decision will not solve the issue.
The employee terminated for the casual attitude, can you give the assurance that the new employee will not repeat the same?
and if he does the same then again termination.............not accepted.
Tell the employee that it should be strictly followed.
If not keep on highlight the matter in open forum, intranet of the company, notice board or in a place where maximum number of employee can access.
This way you can try.
Termination from job will not solve the issue .
Thanks and regards,

From India, Mumbai
Dear Nancy,
I don't think this is that much tidious process,
We can make this more simpler, by fixing it(scanner) at the entrance door of
your office where your security gaurd is sitting to monitor visitors,
For this, you should make your office entrance as automatic door which could
be linked with the attendance scanner(finger print), whenever your employees enters and exit they should register their finger print which is already stored with your systems,
by this way you can eliminate not only your attedance problem but also other problems regarding your employees entry/exit during office hours
NOTE: Office entrance door can be opened by making finger print scanning only

From India, Chennai
Dear Nancy,
1. first you inform employee to make attendance you have to swap your finger in and out, other wise you will get LOP.
2. after informing if the employee not punching then inform to his boss.
3. you can make LOP.

From India, Bangalore
Hi Nancy,
Call them for meetings. talk to them. Make them understand that it is necessary for them to do this and violating it is behaving like a student and you want them to work as an executive.
Even after this, if it repeats,
Try sending reminders to them with cc to their leads
Even after this, if it repeats,
Question their leads. Ask the leads to educate them
This will solve the issue.
G Priya Mani

From India, Madras
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