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Am I understanding my need? (That's major problem which i see)
Am I sharing what I expect from by junior (Another issue)
Is communication channel and method is proper to reach rather than to inform? (Here even best performer gets back seat)
Can the I understand what my junior can? (If not it depresses the junior)
Can we have mutual feedback?
Above are some of my view on the proverb! I am again posting questions rather than answers as answers are hidden behind these questions.

From India, Mumbai
Hi All,

A definite chief aim is missing or Lack Of Definite Purpose.Which is why horse doesn't drink water.

--Organizational Structure is & will always be Pyramids.Which means One man Army,where we'll always have differences of opinion as our "Indigenous beliefs systems"

--The Crime that Managers make is to mislead Horse(Employees) for personal & organization Benefits only & not understanding the fact that employees have their personal goals as well.

--Thought for 90% of people in this world, Organization is they way to make their destiny however that is not the ultimate one & team performs fail to understand.

Once you leave the organization you loose the old people you work with & you get new association with new organization.So nobody really cares from heart where how pissed are you with someone Or you love that person or not.

---Perform or Perish is the formula,however If One choose not to perform or be an average performer I am still saved & my salary comes similar to who outperforms.

--Bottom line is nobody is married to a company,everyone is there for their own benefits & employee are aware how stuff works in companies.

--Employees don't appreciate people at work as they never learn to give.

--More often then not The horse owner ( Managers)are not able to make a cohesive force to attract that person or entity to our group because we were not able to understand his/her needs & wants

From India, New Delhi
Hi Vivek,

Thanks for starting a nice topic!

Motivation is very hard to induce into people. It's even harder, if they are considered horses..

Though there are some simple rules, which are forgotten/bypassed by many employers:

1. Ownership:

Supervisors / management are not owners of employees. The expectations like late working hours, extra assignments are considered as part of duty. Employees take these things up unwillingly, hence motivation level is very low. They work, only to retain their job, & to keep the boss happy. It should be understood at both levels that employees are not pet.

The organizations should consider programs for improving Employee-Employer relations insuch cases.

2. Appraisals & Trainings:

Management conducts appraisals for two reasons. Training needs & incentive discussions. The idea should be to focus on strengths for incentives, & weaknesses for training needs.

But, in practice, they both focus on weaknesses. Especially the incentive discussion starts with big amount, & then it is cut down reasoning employee weaknesses. In general, this is conducted as "Depraisal" in many organizations. This is one of the main factors in unhappiness.

To compensate this, employees have to hype up their self-appraisals, which results in rejection for improvement trainings.

3. Perks and Penalties:

Anything that has monitory effect on employees, directly affects motivation.

Rules for penalties are strictly followed, while rules for perks are always ambiguous. Also, perk assessment is done as part of employee retention policy, & not as actual work assessment. So, good employees with low ambitions get sidelined.

Many times, it is not 'what' is given is important, but 'how' it is given matters!

These are just few points, & I am not saying that all employers practice these ways, but fact is, that employees tune themselves to survive in the environment built up by management.

If they don’t have to struggle to survive, then the motivation is high!

In short, make sure the horse is happy & thirsty, before taking him to water. And he is taken to water at right time & in right way!

Aim is not to make him drink, but to keep him strong, to work after drinking.

Many organizations focus so much on making the horse drink, that they make him unhappy in the process… :-)

Please reply with your thoughts on above points!

Best regards & best of luck with your new book!

Amod Bobade.


The above questions raised by one is very natural and obvious but prior to that one should know and understand about self- why exactly he is in the work place!, why is he in such job!,what are his own intentions!, what he have to deal with!! .After only he/she get answer to these questions related to self , then the time comes when he have to deal with the psychological problematic questions the surrounding is creating:-
  • 1.If a person is not working, then if you are his superior , you have to anyhow make him work.

    2.No one is bad or good, it all depends how you make them for you.

    3.If you have already decided that you will not get good people to work with , then it is well said- if there is no hope there shouldnt be any expectation.

    4.Its nice that you have met an ungrateful person who made you know the others you came across are is learning.

    5.No one hates one, till one know his/her limits of involvement.Kindness is never spent, it come backs well and intact.

    6.Its a simple question, why that person wants to embarrass YOU!! are you not enough strong to avoid it.

Thank you :)

From India, Bhubaneswar
Dear Mr.Vivek Nice topic to discuss! See what you give that you will get. It is applicable for our whole life. Match this with your questions. All the Best! Regards venkat
From India, Salai
intersting topic ... it all beacuse of will and need ... if u try to drink water by force then you get losst ....
From Pakistan, Karachi
hi vivek , the most controvartial QUE. you arise....................
The best example of relationship between Employer & Employee ,,
Follow RAMAYAN , there are two characters Sri RAM & Sri HANUMAN..
IN india Every EMPLOYER ask His Employee as HANUMAN but never be
RAM. SO If we follow these IDOLS ,,, bCOz thye are loyal,commited,respectful
honest,transparent,obeyed & understand each other, SO hw u wud expect from
both side now a days. 90% emploee & employer are not satisfied with each other.

From India, Delhi
Hi All,

Asish has touched a very good example. An employer and en employee should be like Ram and Hanuman.

Think of Mahabharath. Arjuna is unwilling to fight the war. He says he shudders at the thought of killling his own grandfather Bhishma and Guru DRona.But see how Lord Krishna persuades and motivates Arjuna to fight the war. We have a lesson to learn from this. If an employer is able to satisfactorily answer allthe questions and clarifies and clears the doubts of an employee, he can be persuaded to work. But what's happening is that most of the time the employer has no time or his communication is bad or he doesn't has the stuff like Lord Krishna. Even if he has, he has no time to spare for his junior. He also lacks in patience. Instead of expecting results from his juniors, an employer would do well to spend some quality time with his employee, talk freely and frankly, understand what motivates him and how he can be cajoled and coaxed to work. It requires infinite patience and senenity of mind. With patience and love anything can be achieved says a French proverb! Ladies have these qualities by nature and that's why mothers are almost always successful in chaning the children. However, still the best method is, as I have already said, is to lead by example. Be an example to others. Over the years some will observe you keenly and they will try to emulate you.

As far as I am concerned, I think, this is the best way to motivate a person.

Leaders of past were doing this. Now-a-days, political leaders teach one thing and pracise another! That why people lose their faith in them. Dr. Abdul Kalam is an exception. When he was a President, he cast his vote for Delhi election standing in a queue like an ordinary citizen, doing away security personnel. How many leaders are capable of doing this? When there was J and K quake, he gave away one moth's salary without any one asking for it! He was able to remember at least 200 staff name in his office! He was easlily accessible to common man. He did live a simple life, shunned extravagaenza! He is a living example for many of us to follow. But unfortunately, he was not made President for the second term! Good leaders are not wanted in our cournty.


From India, Bangalore
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