Good to know the views of all participants and the SENSITIVITY with which the issue of an old peon was discussed.
A person who has worked hard for 10 years, can be made productive again through proper counselling and once he overcomes his personal problem (with a bit of HR help).
Termination is NOT A SOLUTION at all; but then greedy companies ALWAYS LOOK FOR A QUICK-FIX SOLUTION - (in the time of recession you can easily get a person TO DO THE SAME JOB AT HALF THE COST).:icon3:
From India, Delhi
A person who has worked hard for 10 years, can be made productive again through proper counselling and once he overcomes his personal problem (with a bit of HR help).
Termination is NOT A SOLUTION at all; but then greedy companies ALWAYS LOOK FOR A QUICK-FIX SOLUTION - (in the time of recession you can easily get a person TO DO THE SAME JOB AT HALF THE COST).:icon3:
From India, Delhi
Dear All,
Thanks for your suggestions. Your suggestions are very helpful for me. Specially I thank Mr sajid Ansari, shimit,Ash Mathew for there valuable inputs.
In my org. we care for people. In my org. HR policies are not best but i can say it is good. We know peon served our org. for long 10 yrs but from last more than 1 yr we are facing problem. At the end of the day we have also to answer to top mgmt. From long time we are not terminating peon for reson of loan(we have to give some resaon for not taking action). You all know for org. pitty Money don't matter. we are giving opp. to peon to imporve his perfomance and disciplane. But now we don't have much time. We are confused morally and ethically what to do.
1). One side there is peon who served org. loyaly for more than 10 yrs. He is poor and he require job for his childrens and his survival. (I don't no why he is not undersatnding it. our heart says we should give him more time)
2) Otherside there is org. policies. if we don't take action than it will spoil the culture and values. (Mind say-if one part of your body is poiseond than for betterment of whole body you should cut that part.)
It is differnet and special case so we had passed file to top managment with all details and our suggestions. Now god only knows what will happen.
White Eagle
From India, Hyderabad
Thanks for your suggestions. Your suggestions are very helpful for me. Specially I thank Mr sajid Ansari, shimit,Ash Mathew for there valuable inputs.
In my org. we care for people. In my org. HR policies are not best but i can say it is good. We know peon served our org. for long 10 yrs but from last more than 1 yr we are facing problem. At the end of the day we have also to answer to top mgmt. From long time we are not terminating peon for reson of loan(we have to give some resaon for not taking action). You all know for org. pitty Money don't matter. we are giving opp. to peon to imporve his perfomance and disciplane. But now we don't have much time. We are confused morally and ethically what to do.
1). One side there is peon who served org. loyaly for more than 10 yrs. He is poor and he require job for his childrens and his survival. (I don't no why he is not undersatnding it. our heart says we should give him more time)
2) Otherside there is org. policies. if we don't take action than it will spoil the culture and values. (Mind say-if one part of your body is poiseond than for betterment of whole body you should cut that part.)
It is differnet and special case so we had passed file to top managment with all details and our suggestions. Now god only knows what will happen.
White Eagle
From India, Hyderabad
Dear Firends,
One point I want to add is that he might be suffering with loneliness as his wife passed away and he might have adicted to some habits like drinking etc ( my presumption ). We as HR pesons need to concentrate on the remaining 16 hrs ( out of office hours) of any employee to understand his life style so that you will know the root cause. By knowing the real issue you can counsel him, support him so that he can be an asset to the organization.
In the present scenario employees are working for very short time and this employee is with the organization for more than a decade and what ever the loan you have given him should not be a concern for the organization. Pl. verify his life style, address the concerns, I am sure he will realize and add value to the organization.
Regards - kameswarao
From India, Hyderabad
One point I want to add is that he might be suffering with loneliness as his wife passed away and he might have adicted to some habits like drinking etc ( my presumption ). We as HR pesons need to concentrate on the remaining 16 hrs ( out of office hours) of any employee to understand his life style so that you will know the root cause. By knowing the real issue you can counsel him, support him so that he can be an asset to the organization.
In the present scenario employees are working for very short time and this employee is with the organization for more than a decade and what ever the loan you have given him should not be a concern for the organization. Pl. verify his life style, address the concerns, I am sure he will realize and add value to the organization.
Regards - kameswarao
From India, Hyderabad
Dear White Eagle It was nice to know about your own views on the issue. Plz do your best, and don’t worry about the results (as said in "Shrimad Bhagwad Geeta"). Regards.
From India, Delhi
From India, Delhi
Dear White Eagle,
He is a peon and his salary must be less. He has taken loan from office to meet medical expenses for surgery. Imagine medical expenses in these days and the loan eligibility for a peon. As his wife could not survive, that must be a major surgery. So in spite of office loan, he must have arranged some amount from other source for which he may have to return.
Now, after expiry of his wife, he has to take the role of both mother & father for his children. So he has to spent more time for his children.
So, my request is to please consider these points before taking any decision. In case he is terminated from his services, there is possible that, out of frustration, he may take strange step to terminate himself from this earth, either leaving his children orphan or take them with him also.
So, to solve his present liability to your management, I can say that in addition to counselling him and providing financially help, give him promotion as senior peon and assign him some special work. This way other peons will not compare themselves with senior peon. Dont waive out his loan but give financial help in otherways. I think, in this way, he may recover from his problems to some extent and cooperate the management in positive way.
From India, Hyderabad
He is a peon and his salary must be less. He has taken loan from office to meet medical expenses for surgery. Imagine medical expenses in these days and the loan eligibility for a peon. As his wife could not survive, that must be a major surgery. So in spite of office loan, he must have arranged some amount from other source for which he may have to return.
Now, after expiry of his wife, he has to take the role of both mother & father for his children. So he has to spent more time for his children.
So, my request is to please consider these points before taking any decision. In case he is terminated from his services, there is possible that, out of frustration, he may take strange step to terminate himself from this earth, either leaving his children orphan or take them with him also.
So, to solve his present liability to your management, I can say that in addition to counselling him and providing financially help, give him promotion as senior peon and assign him some special work. This way other peons will not compare themselves with senior peon. Dont waive out his loan but give financial help in otherways. I think, in this way, he may recover from his problems to some extent and cooperate the management in positive way.
From India, Hyderabad
Very well said parasurampur ! I totally agree with your point of view, because we are humans first and professionals later !
Dear White Eagle, please share with us the decision that you ultimately take.
From India, Mumbai
Dear White Eagle, please share with us the decision that you ultimately take.
From India, Mumbai
old emp becoming liabilty coz compnay are not taking care of him sumit stated ...i do agree withhim .......... we should try to know abt the emps who was perfroming better and suddenly .& he is not, whyyyyyyyyyy??? why are you thinking for termination ??? is the termination only the solution of this ??? he must be having some prob...... i will tel you in my comp there is some old empls wrking frm last 30 to 40 years.....and now comp dont need of them .cozzz.everything has been changed has been changed ...but coz of their dedication towrds comp are not going to terminate them ( given some work where they can perform and now they are performing also)rather than they are waiting for their retirement period and they wil be retired with respect and cortsy ..coz they are also entitled for the same.........and a person having 10 years exp in ur comp and not going to change wats ur responsibilty towards ur emp......i must say he will be more responsible person than any new comers .....he will treat with ur comp and empls as a family members..............he will be more attached with the comp than any new comers....and if he is not performing now ..,,,find out and resovle the issue......and if you want to terminate then follow the standing order act in your comp.......
From India, Pune
From India, Pune
Dear All
As all of us have experience of such type of personalities in our organizations. Sometimes it happens that the persons become as rigid as their tenure goes up with the thinking that now nobody can fire us. So they become careless and irresponsible. I think he is also having such type of attitude .So the best solution for this is to give him a threat for termination.(not exactly terminate ).
One thing more is to be noted that you should observe his behavior and note down weather he does the mistakes intentionally or unintentionally. And chk his presence of mind. If he is still in shock of wife how can we expect quality work from him? If required give him leaves for some days so that he make up his mind and u may find a change.
From India, Amritsar
As all of us have experience of such type of personalities in our organizations. Sometimes it happens that the persons become as rigid as their tenure goes up with the thinking that now nobody can fire us. So they become careless and irresponsible. I think he is also having such type of attitude .So the best solution for this is to give him a threat for termination.(not exactly terminate ).
One thing more is to be noted that you should observe his behavior and note down weather he does the mistakes intentionally or unintentionally. And chk his presence of mind. If he is still in shock of wife how can we expect quality work from him? If required give him leaves for some days so that he make up his mind and u may find a change.
From India, Amritsar
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