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Dear All,
As I read the daily reports of retrenchments and further recessions happening in and around us. Fear grips me and i do have few questions in my mind that I’d like to share with you all and also seek answers.
1)When experience candidates themselves are facing the risk of losing jobs, what would happen to all the lakhs and lakhs of fresher’s from different streams right from Arts to Professional courses?
2)If someone is planning to start up a company is it wise now? Or what sector can he/she be concentrating now?
3)What is the best idea/suggestion given to those people who have lost their job now? What can one do after losing their job?
4)How long would this recession be? Would there be further disasters or would it end?

From India, Madras
From Saudi Arabia
Hi Arsha & badlooser,
i don't think that you should write such an unethical language in this site.
the people associated with this site are very dedicated to solve and answer everyone's queries and help others.
if you can't help, at least don't talk like that.
people on this site really think intellectually.

From India, Delhi
1)When experience candidates themselves are facing the risk of losing jobs, what would happen to all the lakhs and lakhs of fresher’s from different streams right from Arts to Professional courses?
When ever a slowdown occurs the top management is the worst affected. Companies can save more cost by shortening the hierarchy. Freshers and junior staff are the actual revenue generators. They are the last to go unless they have no work to be allotted at all.
2)If someone is planning to start up a company is it wise now? Or what sector can he/she be concentrating now?
Well, depends. Honestly the Indian economy is quite Insulated. The market crashed as foreign investment was withdrawn followed by panic. Experts are still positive. The growth has slowed down not ended! :)
3)What is the best idea/suggestion given to those people who have lost their job now? What can one do after losing their job?
If you have the potential dont loose hope. This is a time to experiment. Leave the mental block of the market slowing down behind. There are plenty of jobs for you. Optimism is the key.
4)How long would this recession be? Would there be further disasters or would it end?
Difficult question. It depends, though i feel the effects would be controlled soon. These are my views... I feel we can look forward for some rapid growth starting next financial year.

From India, Mumbai
Well! BAD LOOSER name itself sends wrong signals about U n UR thoughts...

Anyway coming to the point... well, no one can stop this CRISIS happening and no one knows how long will it take to end.. But i dont think world ends here for those who lost their jobs.

The reasons why people worry about the crises is because of their overlooking / over confident nature.. people fail to do some of the below and repent later...

1) Your education and jobs should not just fetch you good positions and money but make you learn LIFE SKILLS and ABILITY to OVERCOME DIFFICULT situations.

2) OLD SAYING- SAVE FOR RAINY DAY.. when you join good and high paying job you only get PARTIES, BIKES, CARS, HOUSE and other Luxury gadgets to mind first... SAVINGS IS LAST on PRIORITY.

3) Once you hit high paying job, Your Learning curve stops and you just neglect to upgrade your skills. When learning stops your professional growth stops.

4)Also its a persons OVER CONFIDENCE and SELFISH THINKING that "If company wants ME badly then they will train me on higher skills.. this certainly costs you your job during crisis

5) Here comes the issue of JOB HOPPERS.. if you r frequent Job Hopper then you are the first to be sacked.. and no one thinks of this until fired. So, LOYALTY PAYS even if you get lower salary but stay longer.. it saves you for sure!!!

These are just few from SEA of REASONS you ignore and start to panic and become victim of CRISIS

Here are few things one can do to beat the odds and still come over the crisis.

1) Dont keep hopping jobs frequently.. U should have not changed 2 jobs in 10 years. Loyalty and INTEGRITY Pays alot.

2) Keep the learning curve grown if you want your career to grow. Why wait for company to sponsor you for training program in the first place... you try to learn new skills and technologies.

3)Do an organization scanning and keep talking to HRs about new projects or existing projects your company has.. Do a GAP analysis by Matching your skills with the skills required in other projects or new projects and start working on filling the GAP by joining those courses and certifications. When company does a internal scanning of skilled employees to fill new projects you will be the first to be given priority... SO HOW CAN YOU BE LAID OFF?

4) Start saving for crisis days. Always be positive about your job.. but that doesnt mean you should stop thinking of WORST CASE SCENARIOS in your job/company.. This just gets you be on you toes all the time to think on how to save yourself from crisis

5) First 5-8 years of your career should only be concentrating of improving SKILLS AND LEARNING CURVE.... SALARY SHOULD BE THE LAST THING ON YOUR MIND during this period.... (This period should help you gain the trajectory required to jump high in you later career and bring stability in life)

6) IF You have lost job then dont panic.. THIS IS REALLY A GOOD PERIOD. If you have really saved some money for the rainy day then utilize that money during unemployment period.. try to spend on learning the skills required to fill the SKILL GAP and simultaneously scan for new opportunities and increase your existing professional NETWORK to get you new job.

7) Its no BAD / WRONG IDEA to own a Car or House. But do an SELF INTROSPECTION of your finances and job. When you really are financially sound to go for CARS and HOUSE then DO IT but plan cautiously...

8) You can use your weekend offs for learning new skills then hitting PUBS/ PARTIES/ OUTINGS...




From India, Hyderabad
Great answers Kishore. One thing every one should follow is always save money for emergency situations. When you think of recession, the first thing come in mind is where do you get money to run your family and your necessary needs. If you have emergency fund of 5 to 6 months salary, you wont get panic and you can concentrate on job searching
From India
Good answers for the above problems Navin, this should be the attitude of all of us :always think +tive & constuctive. Well done.
From India, Jaipur
There is a solution for everything, where there was job openings people got high salary and they didn't worry why they got salary and when the recession has happened they have started to worry rather thinking solution about it. when there was a UP there will be a down and when there is Down there will be a up, so instead of talking about recession people should think about the solutions. Definitely the recession is going to get over soon, so still then people should hold on.
P.S: Arsha and Bad Looser - If you think people are not intellectual here, then you shouldn't post a topic here and ask for answers. It's easy to say people are not intellectual but we should first see whether we are a intellect.

From India, Madras
Hey Hats off the guys those who took pain to reply...!!! Thanks...!!! :-P But i dun understand onething...Y now blaming BADLOOSER?? N also included me too in the blamin list...!!! My God what's happening...!!!

BADLOOSER saw that there were almost 60+ views and NO single reply...!!! That's why the comment...And moreover i didnt find any foul language there...Does "INTELLECTUAL" mean anything foul??:confused:

A dictionary word INTELLECTUAL means "An intellectual (from the adjective meaning "involving thought and reason") is a person who tries to use his or her intelligence and analytical thinking, either in their profession or for the benefit of personal pursuits."

Would any intellectual just view it and ignore this happening issue and think "WHO CARES !! ITS NOT ME, BUT SOMEBODY WHO IS SUFFERING, Y SHUD I BOTHER???". :confused:

Honestly Speaking i currently hold a good job...!! But I felt really pity and wanted to seek answers for OTHERS who might be in this situation...!! TODAYS its someone's fate...WHO knows...what FATE might bring in for them...:(

So STOP blaming around him/her/me...and start giving a proactive soultion...!!!
Still if u would carefully view this case, it is our problem. A social and human issue...!! 306 views and hardly 4-6 replies...!!!
Stop....Analyze...Proceed...And Dont just BLAME him/her and put down one and think high of oneself... :(
None is gonna take a high priority unless and until he/she learns to be HUMBLE first...!!!
Thanks to all who genuinely wanted a correction...!!!! :icon1:


From India, Madras
Hey Hats off the guys those who took pain to reply...!!! Thanks...!!! :-P But i dun understand onething...Y now blaming BADLOOSER?? N also included me too in the blamin list...!!! My God what's happening...!!!

BADLOOSER saw that there were almost 60+ views and NO single reply...!!! That's why the comment...And moreover i didnt find any foul language there...Does "INTELLECTUAL" mean anything foul??:confused:

A dictionary word INTELLECTUAL means "An intellectual (from the adjective meaning "involving thought and reason") is a person who tries to use his or her intelligence and analytical thinking, either in their profession or for the benefit of personal pursuits."

Would any intellectual just view it and ignore this happening issue and think "WHO CARES !! ITS NOT ME, BUT SOMEBODY WHO IS SUFFERING, Y SHUD I BOTHER???". :confused:

Honestly Speaking i currently hold a good job...!! But I felt really pity and wanted to seek answers for OTHERS who might be in this situation...!! TODAYS its someone's fate...WHO knows...what FATE might bring in for them...:(

So STOP blaming around him/her/me...and start giving a proactive soultion...!!!
Still if u would carefully view this case, it is our problem. A social and human issue...!! 306 views and hardly 4-6 replies...!!!
Stop....Analyze...Proceed...And Dont just BLAME him/her and put down one and think high of oneself... :(
None is gonna take a high priority unless and until he/she learns to be HUMBLE first...!!!
Thanks to all who genuinely wanted a correction...!!!! :icon1:


From India, Madras
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