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Dear All, We have developed HR Policies in our organisation which has a stengh of 400+ employees. Can anybody sent me a sample project plan for the implemention of the HR policies. Regards SH
From Kuwait, Kuwait
Dinesh Divekar

Dear Shiji,
After preparation of the policy manual, you may segregate the policies on who should what type of policy. Each and every policy need not be known to each and every employee. Once you do that then you may convene department-wise meetings and read out the important contents of the policies. It is not just a question of communication of the policies but these should be understood by each employee as well. Therefore, this exercise of mass communication would be ongoing process.
Dinesh Divekar

From India, Bangalore
Dear Mr.Dinesh,
Thank you for your valuabe suggestions.
We did almost alll the excercises.Only thing i require is how to put it across in the form of a project plan.I mean a forecast for the next finiancial year( Time frme required for implementing each one).
Can you please help me in this

From Kuwait, Kuwait

Mr. Shiji Peter -- 1.11.16.


Thanks for ur query in Citehr reg. HR Policies, Rules etc., Pl.go thru' below points. I hope; it will be useful.




I am an Ex AGM-HR&Adm.with 35+ HR,IR,LEGAL, & Admn., Works of 7 Mfg. Cos.- Steel Plants, Power, Chemical , Electronics Plants & Mines ( 2000 + CL). Due to sudden CLOSURE of our STEEL PLANT in 2013, I developed /Started Consultancy for H.R. Management ( Recruitment to Separation - Soft Copy- for all HR Jobs for easy Adoption. )


I am providing below; details of


KINDLY GO THRU’ ALL & Revert for any query.


You may PRINT RP&F, Compare with existing one & Adopt the BEST. Most Rules, Forms do exist in all Co.s; but those made with practical exp. in many Mfg. Cos. can vary; like; We don’t go to a Dr. with less exp. but to a Specialist with 20+ yrs. exp. as; we trust; the Expert with his varied exp. will solve the Problems.

Even with M.R.I.Test etc., We MUST tell Dr. our real problems to help Dr.diagonose properly.

As O&M Officers work with “ALL Machines & Equipments, HR Officers have to take care of “ALL HUMAN RESOURCES IN THE Co.”(H.Rs -who have to run the Co./ work with Machines, Materials & Money) from Recruitment to Separation.

HR Mgr.Duty:


Make proper Rules to keep employees Disciplined & Satisfied to optimize Productivity & Continuity of Service. Most HRs reacts/ protests if Cos. Rule is not helpful unlike Machines. Even if Machines re-acts, it will not disturb like a Group Protest/ Strike; causing law & order problem. When problem comes, some HODs don’t support HRM; but take CREDIT when Co.get good Prodn, Profit which are BUT; CONTRIBUTED by Co’s H.R. due to good HR Policies made by HRD.

Hence, HRMgr must make all RP&F; with Mgmnt/ HOD’s appl; implement Fairly & Uniformly to maintain Good Relation; for which; HRD is created.

My HR RP&F are Designed in Simple Std. Forms like Fill up the Blank; to Reduce WRITING works; to Save precious Man-hours of ALL OFFICERS & thus; REDUCE COST to Co.

For P.O./HRO, the RP&F will help Regulate Dept’s Work; allowing them to deal with other Imp. Works of Dealing, Solving Empl’s HR Problems.

As January is Approacing, HR Dept. is busy to compile Holidays List, Updating Leave,HR Infn. to consider Promotion, S.I./A.I. in Jan.2017 after P.A., Statutory Returns,etc., the below Rules/points can be Useful; if not yet done.




For Continuous Working Cos., Plants (for uninterrupted Works), 2 Optional Holidays can be given with National & Festival Holidays to ensure Min.MP to man Essential Services like Prodn., O&M, A/c.s, HR etc., as most empl’s don’t observe all Festivals at 1 time & so, when 1 set of empl’s take Holiday, other set can work & vise-versa. Thus, HODs can plan min.MP for Shift duty/ maintain Essential Services by adjusting MP to suit his needs & avoid OT or stop work due to Holidays (without increasing Declared Holidays-10-12).



As per Industrial Employment (S.O.) Act,1946, Cos. with 50+ Workmen should Frame & get the S.O. Certified by Dy.LC. The CERTIFIED S.O. becomes part of STATUTORY TERMS & CONDITIONS OF SERVICE – BINDING the Co. & its empl’s.

S.O. is Statutory. Anything in Apptt.Order, Agreement contrary to S.O. can be Contested in Court. Hence, Co. Must

define with SUFFICIENT PRECISION; CONDITIONS OF EMPLOYMENT under them & Make them KNOWN to empl’s to avoid Empl’s Contesting in Court that Co. has not Notified them. i.e.,

The S.O. so Certified; empowers the Co. to take Action against its Empl’s for violating T&C in S.O. BUT; the Co. cannot punish Empl’s for Acts not included in S.O - SUPREME COURT.


Hence, Imp.Acts/Conducts involving Discipline of empl’s; MUST be included in “MIS-CONDUCT LIST” in S.O. & PROCEDURES of NATURAL JUSTICE MUST be OBSERVED to make Co’s. action LEGAL.

Do’s, Don’t’s, Duties of empl’s -120 Points.

Mis-conducts forwhich empl’s LIABLE FOR DISCI.ACTION-100 points. Co.Appn/BioDataForm-40Points, Imp.t&c. in Appt.Order.-for Sk-20 & Suprvsrs & above-35. (Pl.check t&c in ur Co.Appn., A.O, S.O.etc.)- Effect of Non- inclusion.




HRM to make Leave Rules keeping Co.’s interest, Complying Factories, S&CE.Act, Empl’s interest & similar Cos. in the area.

I CAN provide ALL Rules+ Forms for



W-Off, Extra Work, Co-Off Rules, Appn.& Regr

M.B. Rules, Appn. & Pay Forms,

P.L. Rules, Encash & Pay - Forms

Most empl’s try to save Leave (& he must save since that is what he get - as Encashment when he leave job).

When emply’ suddenly go due to urgency & return after 3-4 days, How to adjust/save his W-O?

Today, HRM is blamed for Not making Rules; though Rules exist to protect Interest of Co. & workers.


Most HR Dept. have Per.Files on all empl’s. Still,

many empl’s current Infn. is missing when HOD wants it; i.e.

1. Present Address to send Notice to X,

2. Mobile No. would have changed to contact X

3. Nominees detls. to Notify accident etc.

4. Nominees detls. to send payment of deceased X

5. To know Marital / dependents detls,

6. To verify latest Addnl. Qlfcn. etc.,

As the above infn. have changed after giving Ist BIO-DATA -on joining, they can be collected by Decembr using above Form to update MIS to Promote, give S.I./A.I. in January.



Absenteeism is becoming a serious problem in some Cos. HRM is blamed for laxity. It can be controlled by using above Form. HRM to take Action against erring employee or when a HOD sends A.N.F. to him. Proper Disc.Procedure tobe followed for AOS lest; Court may nullify it as void. Pl. check for SAMPLE CIRCULAR + FORM in the 50 LIST for Adoption.

BASIC RULES, FORMS to Professionally Manage H.R. Works-

– Provided to Group Cos. to SET UP H.R.Dept.- from the scratch - where NO HR/Per. Dept./Per.File existed;, NO Co.Appn., Appt. Order, S.O., Leave & Service Rules, ISO, Other Forms existed to Regularise Services of Empl’s. working for many years;


1. Company Application / Bio-data Form (2 Page, 50+ Points). All Empl’s to Submit with

Certificates Copy for Proof for DOB, Qlfcn, Exp. & Old Salary to open PersnlFile for all Empl’s.

2. MD/GM to Call HOD Meeting, Circular to Submit Co. Appn. by all employees with

Certificates Copies

3. Check List for Opening Personal Files- Certificates Copies, AO etc. for all employees

4. Personal Infn. Change . .. . Every Employees to Report Changes in Address, Phone No.,Qflcn,

Notification Form Marital status,, Nominee etc. to update HRIS once a year by Decmbr.

5. Man Power Planning . . . It provides Required Strength, Appd. & Existing MP of each Dept.

Statement . . . . . . with names to help Recruit, Rationalise/Re-organise the MP

6. Succession Planning . . . It provides detls of Empl’s including those Separated, Died, are

Statement . . . . . . . due for Retirement etc. to help HRD to plan to fill up-

7. Man Power Indent Form/. . Recruitment work starts when User Dept. sends MPIF/MPRF stating

MP Requisition Form . . . .. Post tobe filled + J.D., Qlfcn, Exp.,- Min.1Month time to Recruit.

8. Check List for Interview / . Check List Form to be used to verify whether all Required Certificates,

. Appointment. . . . . Documents, Copies, Photos Given before 1. Interview.

9. Form to Conduct Interview, .It gives full dtls of Candidates to Interview Panel to know Qlfcn.,

Selection& MD Exp.,CTC, to Select Best Person & take MD’s Appl.

10. Offer Letter/Apptt.Advice. .When X is finally Appd. for Appointment, OL/AA to be sent to him

. . . . . . . . Stating Post, Salary, Dept. D.O.J. & ask him to join duty with R.O.

11. Medical Examination . . . Authorised Doctor to Examine Employee and Report of Medical

. . . . . . . . . . . Fitness for the job to be Checked before taking for Duty.

12. Induction Schedule: to advise all HODs to brief new Employee (on Joining)

about Co. Policy, Gen Rules ,SO-Leave Rules, Misconduct, Do's & Dont's of Employee etc.

13. Circular to HODs reg. Joining of New Empls. with all detls. for A/cs., PF, ESI. etc.,

14. Appointment Order- for Below Supervisory, Ofcrs & Above-20-30 Imp. t & c.

15. Grading, Categorising of Employees based on Qlfcn, Exp. Service, Salary etc..

16. Master list of Employees – a. Seniority & b. Category wise for H.R.I.S. & M.I.S.

17. Leave Rules - 6 CL, 6 SL, 24 PL/EL- Short & Long Leave, Extra Work, Co-Off , M.B. Rules

18. Leave Card to take Leave-1 Card–A4 size-per Empl’ for 1Year. Stop Leave Appn.

19. Leave Register to record Leave availed – Update as & when reqd.atleast Monthend &

On 31st Dec. every year -Statutory.

20. Extra Work, Co-Off - Regr.& Appn. to Notify HRD & Regularise Absence -Statutory

21. Travelling Allowances Rules – Simple & Comprehensive Rules

22. Loan Application Form for Emergency - Medical, Death, Marriage, Education etc.

23. Form to Draw Advance Amount to incur Expenses for Company Works.

24. Form to Submit Expenses dtls. After taking Advance, Submit Expenses Vouchers.

25. Form to Submit T.A. Expenses. After OD- Submit Expenses to adjust a/cs.

26. Indent Form to Book Flight, Rly./Bus Ticket, Room, Vehicle,Food for Co.Guests,VIP

27. OUT PASS Form- HODs Permission to go out for Personal work; during Duty hours

28. OOD Form- HODs Authorisation to go out of Office/Factory for Co. Works.

29. Gate Pass – Inward GP-IN . . Security to Check HODs Appl. for all Goods Coming IN thru Gate ,

. . . . . . . . . . . . Report to Seniors of any variation, discrepancies.

30. Gate Pass –Outward–GP-OUT . Security to Check HODs Appl. for all Goods Going OUT thru Gate ,

. . . . . . . . . . . . Report to Seniors of any variation, discrepancies.

31. Gate Pass-SPECIAL- For Returnable .When any Machine, Motor, Instruments, PC, Laptop etc., are

Items-Motors, Machines, PC, to be taken Out of Co.,for Repair etc., this Special GP tobe used

Laptop etc., . . . . . . & Entered in Separate Regr. in Security to ensure timely

. . . . . . . . . Return & Follow-up

32. Vehicle Indent Form . . . . . HOD to approve Form for using vehicle for Company duty

. . . . . . . . . Outside the Plant etc., allotment of Vehicle / Driver.

33. Visitors Pass . . . . . . . Security to Consult HOD & then issue Pass to Visitor

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . before permitting into the Office/ Factory. Conditions.

34. Standing Orders for Certification- Imp. Terms & Conditions, Do’s, Don’ts, Duties etc.,

35. ISO Certification Procedures, Documentation, Updating all Forms for Auditing

36 . Monthly / Qrtrly /Half Yrly/ All Statutory Returns / Reports to be submitted to various

Yearly Returns/Reports . . . . . Govt. Authorities. F.I., ALC, PF, ESI / GM / TOP Management

37. Performance Assessment Form- Seniors to Evaluate X’s Aptitude to Regularise Trainees,

Casuals, Promotion, Annual Increment, S.I., Transfer, T&D etc.,

38. Performance Appraisal Form – Seniors to Discuss Performance with X to consider Career

Growth / Progression / Change / Development

39. Self Appraisal Form – X to fill up & Seniors to evaluate to consider above(Supervisory+)

40. Job Description , Daily Duty . . . This Form gives detls of Main duty & other jobs tobe done,

Chart / Report Work assigned to every employee.

41. Disciplinary Process- Show Cause Notice, Charge sheet, Enquiry, Suspension, Dismissal

42. Non -Attendance / Absence. .When employee Absents for 3+days, HOD to send this Form to HR

(ABSENT Notification Form , to Initiate Disc. action like, issue SC Notice etc.& VAOS.

43. Resignation, Retirement, Termination, Notice Period, Exit Interview, Relieving Procedures

44. No Due Certificate to intimate Balance Accounts (for Recovery from F.S.) of Left Empl’s.

45. Handing over LAPTOP, -- Employee leaving Co.Service must fill up this Form & Handover

Mobile, Sim, Co.Items All Co.Items & Submit No Due Certificate to process his F.S.

46. Exit Interview, Procedures. . HRD to conduct E.I. before FS & give feedback to MD

47. Clearance Certificate/. . . . Employee to get CC from concerned HODs. to get Relieving

No Due Certificate . . . . . . Certificate & Final Settlement

48. Final Settlement . . . . . . . HR to arrange FS after X submit CC from all Dept. HR to make

. . . . . . . . . .. FS Form showing DOJ, DOL, Leave,Gratuity amount etc.,

49. Relieving Order , . . . . . . . HR to issue R.O. & S.C after employee submitting C.C.

Service Certificate from all concerned HODS, Handing over all Co. Items etc.,

50. Damage, Breakage, Loss- HODs to Submit the Format when any Accident, Injury

Accident/Injury /Report Incident occurs (for Internal /MIS & for follow up action).

51. Daily Observation-Report . . Security- to Report to Sr.Mgmnt all Happenings in the Co.Mines,

. . . . . . . . . Office, Factory including Groupism, visit by FI, LC, Police etc.,


I hope; some of the above RP&F. are useful for your HR&A works.

I can provide Soft-copy of all + Procedures for Adoption. U will get Ready to use RP&F - of HR Expert & help GROW HR Consultancy to Benefit all HR & Other Mgrs. who have to get their work done thru’ empl’s.

Pl. “ SELECT SPECIFIC RP&F U Need” to retrieve from 4000 Files in 200 Folders- & SMS ur Persnl MailId to send dtls of

Above RP&F & 150+ Policies to solve most HR Problems.

Most Cos. Hire Experts & give Training; to infuse new Blood / SHARE Exp. to existing Officers & pay as T&D Expense. Training helps to solve Most HR problems & Cost of Training is LESS.

I can send 5 Files at 1 time with RP&F + ONLINE GUIDANCE.

Due to sudden Closure of our 2013, I & my HR Asst. started Consultancy to pay rent etc., Pl.consider our Consultancy & Help us to send all ur HR needs.

REQUEST: Pl.Reply & also refer me to ur Friends.

With Kind Regards.

C.Neyimkhan,HR Consultant(Ex-AGM-HR&A)

Ph: 09535470460- E-Mailid:


Ex-Member, NIPM, Calcutta, Ex- Tr.-Member, I.I.M., B;luru.

Languages known: Kannada, Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam + Hindi & English

Abrevations used to save space.

From India, Mumbai
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