:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Giving Powerful Presentations----
Sweaty palms? Palpitations? Sleepless nights? You must be due to give a talk of some
Whether it's a wedding speech, an in-house presentation or an informative talk for your
own purposes, having this unassuming little ebook to hand will keep you on the right track.
Containing 101 (& a bonus) "at-a-glance" gems, it's ideal for the busy person who needs
this information….. AND NEEDS IT NOW!!
1. Tell them what you're going to tell them – Tell them – Tell them what you told them.
2. Don't make your speech one long ramble. It's more interesting and easier for you to
remember if you string together a series of points and tell a story to illustrate each.
3. "When speakers use a lot of numbers, the audience almost always slumbers". It's
okay to use a few as illustration and you should always have the back-up information
to hand, but a long regurgitation of figures won't be remembered or appreciated.
The Opening.
4. Your opening is crucial. You have 30-120 seconds to capture the audience's
attention. They will make up their minds about you in that short time and spend the
rest of the time seeking facts to justify their opinions.
5. Involve the audience at the outset. Pulling out one audience member involves
everyone else as they will identify with the "volunteer".
6. Opening questions – even rhetorical ones – draws everyone in and gets them relating
what you're saying back to them.
7. Never start with an apology of any kind. If something's gone wrong, the audience
may not have noticed until you brought it up!
The Closing.
8. A speech is like a love affair, any fool can start one but to end it requires considerable
9. This is the 2nd most important part of your speech so spend time getting it right.
What's the ONE thing you want your audience to take away with them? "If you only
take one thing away with you today…..".
Crrreeeaaatttiiinnnggg YYYooouuurrr PPPrrreeessseeennntttaaatttiiiooonnn
10. Start with the end in mind. What's the purpose of your speech? The objective will
drive everything else.
11. Find out as much as you can about the audience. You don't want to "teach Granny to
suck eggs", OR use industry jargon with outsiders.
12. Likewise, tell stories with which the audience will identify. There's little point
peppering your talk with rugby tales when you're addressing a group of young
13. Write your own introduction and provide it to your host before the event. This gives
you control over what you want your audience to know.
14. Write for the ear, not for the eye. There's nothing worse than a speech which sounds
like somebody's reading it from paper.
15. Mark Twain said "It takes three weeks to prepare a good, impromptu speech". If you
know you have to give a talk, start preparing early.
16. Be ruthless. If something doesn't add to your objective, take it out. Make everything
count, you're privileged to be there!
17. The use of absolutes adds weight to your argument. Words like "absolutely", "never"
and "definitely" are powerful.
18. Once you've decided on the points you want to make, write each on a separate piece
of paper and spread them on the floor or table. Move them around to find natural
links to make your talk flow.
19. Make sure the key points you want your audience to know are repeated two or more
times and group similar ideas to establish themes.
20. Don't feel you have to tell all you know. Your task is to generate interest and get the
audience to take further action.
21. Remember the audience is always thinking WIIFM (what's in it for me?) It's human
nature. They will pay more attention when there's a payback for them, even if it's as
simple as you complimenting them.
22. Don't trample on the audience response. If you get a laugh or applause or other
reaction, allow time to let it happen. Don't interrupt your own audience!
23. Use the word "you" frequently. Ask questions such as "What would you do if…..", or
"Ask yourself whether…..", etc.
24. Use examples from your own experiences. People will relate to you if they can
identify with your stories.
25. Ensure your presentation sounds current, even if you're using the same speech many
times over a long period. Add in observations about current events.
26. Write in a modular format. You can then miss out chunks and move to your closing if
you overrun or get allocated less time than you expected.
Finding & Using Humour
27. Humour can be one of the most effective ways of driving home your message.
People feel good when they laugh and it builds rapport with the audience.
28. Make sure any humour is appropriate for your audience and current events. You
wouldn't want to include a story involving an aeroplane right after an airline disaster.
29. Keep a notebook with you for jotting down any humorous incidents or stories you
hear. Everyday life can be very funny and if you don't record it you're bound to forget.
30. Don't be funny, be humorous. You're not there to be a comic and tell jokes, so make
sure the humour you use ties in with your message or the point you're making.
31. Use what you find funny. If it tickles you, the likelihood is that it will do the same for
32. Avoid using humorous stories that are currently doing the rounds. If you heard them
recently, chances are others have too. Instead, squirrel them away and let them
33. Be careful of creating very text-heavy slides. Your audience will read them instead of
listening to you.
34. Colours reproduce differently on screen vs. paper. Check out your chosen scheme
using both mediums.
35. Stick to a maximum of 3 colours per slide. Too many can appear garish.
36. The same background colour throughout adds continuity to your presentation.
37. Consider using charts to compare figures. A graphical representation can be far more
revealing than words.
38. Use pictures instead of words wherever possible. They make good memory joggers
for you and bring in the audience's imagination.
39. Text: don't mix fonts – two at most on one slide. Use upper and lower case – all
40. Spelling & grammar. Get it right! An audience can laser in on an error which both
distracts attention and makes you appear less professional. Have someone else
proof read for you.
41. Number your slides – it's very easy to get confused when all eyes are upon you.
42. When using an overhead projector, don't leave the light shining on a blank screen.
It's blinding and unprofessional.
43. When your slide appears, pause for a moment so the audience can take in the
Practical Preparation
44. Record your speech on a dictaphone and play it as often as you can. Eventually,
you'll find yourself speaking along with the tape.
45. Video yourself, if you can. This is an excellent way of becoming aware of your use of
body language – is it congruent? If not, your audience may have a hard time
believing what you're telling them.
46. An alternative to video is to perform many times in front of a mirror.
47. Always rehearse using your visual aids and any other props.
48. Time yourself several times. Remember to allow for pauses and audience reactions.
Notes & Memory TIPS
49. Mentally place each separate point in a room of your house and make your speech a
walk through the house, bringing in each item as you progress.
50. Use big type and big gaps in your notes. You need to be able to glance at them and
see where you are instantly, not spend time finding your place.
51. Consider using pictures on your cards instead. The picture will trigger your key point.
You will speak more naturally and won't be tempted to read off the page.
52. Write your keywords or little reminder graphics on small cards. These are far less
conspicuous than a sheet of paper.
53. Number the cards containing your keywords and string them together using a treasury
tag or elastic band. There's nothing worse than dropping your cards and scrambling
about to get them back in order.
54. Write notes on the frames of your overhead slides.
Mental Preparation.
55. Write down all the times in your life when you succeeded at something and remember
how you felt then. Always think of the successful times before you speak.
56. Sit quietly and visualise the outcome. See and hear the audience laughing, gasping
and sincerely applauding and know that you created that result.
57. Put all other thoughts out of your head. Remembering to pick up cat food on the way
home can wait till later. Your successful outcome is your single focus right now.
58. It may surprise you to know that even the most experienced speakers suffer from
nerves. Welcome them as a sign that you care and use them to your advantage.
59. Deep breaths calm, as can Bach Rescue Remedy or sniffing Lavender
aromatherapy oil.
60. Don't draw attention to your nerves. You may think it's obvious that you're nervous,
but most of the time it's not noticeable….. unless you point it out!
61. Be reassured that the audience is willing you to succeed. They'd rather hear an
entertaining speech than a poor one.
62. Yawning before you start speaking will help your jaw to loosen and aid your diction.
Practical Tips
63. Make sure you're familiar with the room and how to work any equipment, including
switching on microphones and working projectors. Stand on the stage and get
familiar with your spot before the audience arrive.
64. Chat with some of the audience beforehand. This will give you some familiar faces in
the audience and you won't feel quite like you're addressing a lot of strangers.
65. Never speak when looking down. If you need to refer to notes, do so, but look up
again before you start speaking.
66. Good eye contact doesn't mean sweeping the room. Instead, lock eyes for a few
seconds before moving on to the next person. Include as many members of your
audience as you can.
67. Depending on the nature of your presentation, it adds interest if you use your whole
stage. And remember, your stage doesn't have to stop where the audience starts –
why not move amongst them?
68. BUT…. don't just wander aimlessly. Be purposeful in your walking and use it to
punctuate what you're saying.
69. Make your gestures big and bold enough to be seen and appreciated from the back of
the room. When you're onstage you might feel that you're gesturing big, but
frequently you're really not being big enough.
70. Facial expressions convey a lot. Be sure to smile naturally as often as it's
appropriate. It opens up your face and builds trust and rapport.
71. Avoid swaying on the spot. If you need to stand still (perhaps to work with props or
overheads) keep one foot half a foot length in front of the other at a reasonable
72. Use pauses. They can be more effective than words for making an audience snap
back to attention. Punctuate important points with a pause each side.
73. Don't fidget! Jingling change, shuffling papers, fiddling with buttons or pens – all
these can distract the audience and detract from your message.
74. If you're using a microphone, get used to it first. Have a soundcheck but do it before
your audience arrives.
75. Keep your notes with you at all times. Don't leave them on the podium in readiness.
I've seen instances where the previous speaker has gathered everything together on
departing…. including the next speaker's notes!
76. Consider using a microphone for an audience of over 50.
77. Learn to read the audience's reaction. Lots of coughing often signifies boredom.
Take remedial action by changing pace, adding a story or involving them.
78. Avoid hiding behind a lectern or table, it creates a barrier between you and your
79. Stick to time! Everyone will appreciate it, including your host, the audience and the
next speaker.
Your Speaking Voice
80. Suck a honey flavoured sweet, a mint or a Vocalzone© lozenge just before you go on.
81. We can't all be BBC Broadcasters, so don't try to put on or hide an accent. The aim is
to use what you have to the best of your ability.
82. Speak as if to the person in the back row, imagining that everyone in between is
chatting amongst themselves, but……. DON'T SHOUT!
83. Take deep breaths and breathe from the diaphragm, not high in the chest. This gives
you more resonance, longer between breaths and helps assuage feelings of panic.
84. Have water on hand, but a better way to lubricate is to constrict the back of the throat
and breathe out in a rasping manner, like the precursor of a growl.
Quuueeessstttiiiooonnnsss & Annnsssweeerrrsss
85. If you can avoid it, don't end your speech with questions. You're relinquishing your
closing to the questioner so if the last question isn't a good one, your closing becomes
weak. Build Q&As into the speech.
86. Consider using a "car park" for longer presentations. Provide delegates with sticky
notes on which to write their questions. Encourage them to stick these on an area of
wall designated as the "car park". They will be happy that their question will be
addressed in the fullness of time.
87. If you are inviting questions, make sure an audience member, perhaps your host, is
ready with a question to ask.
88. If you can't "plant" a question and nobody asks the first, say "A question I'm often
asked is…..".
89. Encourage more questions by always starting your answer with "That's a very good
question…", Good point…", or similar
90. If you're asked a question to which you don't know the answer, don't make it up. Say
you don't know, get the questioner's contact details and get back to them when you're
found the answer.
91. Reflecting a question back to the originator shows you've listened and understood
and ensures the whole audience hears it.
92. Listen to the words your questioner uses. For example, does he say "I can't see how
I….", or "I'm not hearing how I…..", or "I don't feel I…..". He will feel acknowledged if
you use the same words in your response.
93. Remain calm and avoid ever getting into an argument with your audience.
94. Address your answer to the whole audience, rather than just to the questioner.
95. Tell the audience at the start that you have handouts so they don't feel pressured to
make detailed notes. But understand that when people take notes, they often
remember what they've heard better.
96. Keep handouts until the end, otherwise your audience will be reading them during
your presentation.
97. Ensure your contact details are on every handout sheet. You never know where
they'll end up.
98. Make sure your handouts contain useful information in addition to a summary of your
talk. Related websites, recommended reading lists or special offers are always
99. Practise makes perfect. Give your talk whenever and wherever you can. Some of
the world's best speakers gave hundreds of free speeches before they were ever paid
for giving one.
100. Ask people you trust to provide feedback. What worked? What didn't? Tweak your
next speech accordingly.
101. Join a local speakers club. Toastmasters, for example. You'll learn in a supportive
environment and get feedback on your efforts. Visit www.toastmasters.org for the
location of your nearest club.
From India, Coimbatore
Giving Powerful Presentations----
Sweaty palms? Palpitations? Sleepless nights? You must be due to give a talk of some
Whether it's a wedding speech, an in-house presentation or an informative talk for your
own purposes, having this unassuming little ebook to hand will keep you on the right track.
Containing 101 (& a bonus) "at-a-glance" gems, it's ideal for the busy person who needs
this information….. AND NEEDS IT NOW!!
1. Tell them what you're going to tell them – Tell them – Tell them what you told them.
2. Don't make your speech one long ramble. It's more interesting and easier for you to
remember if you string together a series of points and tell a story to illustrate each.
3. "When speakers use a lot of numbers, the audience almost always slumbers". It's
okay to use a few as illustration and you should always have the back-up information
to hand, but a long regurgitation of figures won't be remembered or appreciated.
The Opening.
4. Your opening is crucial. You have 30-120 seconds to capture the audience's
attention. They will make up their minds about you in that short time and spend the
rest of the time seeking facts to justify their opinions.
5. Involve the audience at the outset. Pulling out one audience member involves
everyone else as they will identify with the "volunteer".
6. Opening questions – even rhetorical ones – draws everyone in and gets them relating
what you're saying back to them.
7. Never start with an apology of any kind. If something's gone wrong, the audience
may not have noticed until you brought it up!
The Closing.
8. A speech is like a love affair, any fool can start one but to end it requires considerable
9. This is the 2nd most important part of your speech so spend time getting it right.
What's the ONE thing you want your audience to take away with them? "If you only
take one thing away with you today…..".
Crrreeeaaatttiiinnnggg YYYooouuurrr PPPrrreeessseeennntttaaatttiiiooonnn
10. Start with the end in mind. What's the purpose of your speech? The objective will
drive everything else.
11. Find out as much as you can about the audience. You don't want to "teach Granny to
suck eggs", OR use industry jargon with outsiders.
12. Likewise, tell stories with which the audience will identify. There's little point
peppering your talk with rugby tales when you're addressing a group of young
13. Write your own introduction and provide it to your host before the event. This gives
you control over what you want your audience to know.
14. Write for the ear, not for the eye. There's nothing worse than a speech which sounds
like somebody's reading it from paper.
15. Mark Twain said "It takes three weeks to prepare a good, impromptu speech". If you
know you have to give a talk, start preparing early.
16. Be ruthless. If something doesn't add to your objective, take it out. Make everything
count, you're privileged to be there!
17. The use of absolutes adds weight to your argument. Words like "absolutely", "never"
and "definitely" are powerful.
18. Once you've decided on the points you want to make, write each on a separate piece
of paper and spread them on the floor or table. Move them around to find natural
links to make your talk flow.
19. Make sure the key points you want your audience to know are repeated two or more
times and group similar ideas to establish themes.
20. Don't feel you have to tell all you know. Your task is to generate interest and get the
audience to take further action.
21. Remember the audience is always thinking WIIFM (what's in it for me?) It's human
nature. They will pay more attention when there's a payback for them, even if it's as
simple as you complimenting them.
22. Don't trample on the audience response. If you get a laugh or applause or other
reaction, allow time to let it happen. Don't interrupt your own audience!
23. Use the word "you" frequently. Ask questions such as "What would you do if…..", or
"Ask yourself whether…..", etc.
24. Use examples from your own experiences. People will relate to you if they can
identify with your stories.
25. Ensure your presentation sounds current, even if you're using the same speech many
times over a long period. Add in observations about current events.
26. Write in a modular format. You can then miss out chunks and move to your closing if
you overrun or get allocated less time than you expected.
Finding & Using Humour
27. Humour can be one of the most effective ways of driving home your message.
People feel good when they laugh and it builds rapport with the audience.
28. Make sure any humour is appropriate for your audience and current events. You
wouldn't want to include a story involving an aeroplane right after an airline disaster.
29. Keep a notebook with you for jotting down any humorous incidents or stories you
hear. Everyday life can be very funny and if you don't record it you're bound to forget.
30. Don't be funny, be humorous. You're not there to be a comic and tell jokes, so make
sure the humour you use ties in with your message or the point you're making.
31. Use what you find funny. If it tickles you, the likelihood is that it will do the same for
32. Avoid using humorous stories that are currently doing the rounds. If you heard them
recently, chances are others have too. Instead, squirrel them away and let them
33. Be careful of creating very text-heavy slides. Your audience will read them instead of
listening to you.
34. Colours reproduce differently on screen vs. paper. Check out your chosen scheme
using both mediums.
35. Stick to a maximum of 3 colours per slide. Too many can appear garish.
36. The same background colour throughout adds continuity to your presentation.
37. Consider using charts to compare figures. A graphical representation can be far more
revealing than words.
38. Use pictures instead of words wherever possible. They make good memory joggers
for you and bring in the audience's imagination.
39. Text: don't mix fonts – two at most on one slide. Use upper and lower case – all
40. Spelling & grammar. Get it right! An audience can laser in on an error which both
distracts attention and makes you appear less professional. Have someone else
proof read for you.
41. Number your slides – it's very easy to get confused when all eyes are upon you.
42. When using an overhead projector, don't leave the light shining on a blank screen.
It's blinding and unprofessional.
43. When your slide appears, pause for a moment so the audience can take in the
Practical Preparation
44. Record your speech on a dictaphone and play it as often as you can. Eventually,
you'll find yourself speaking along with the tape.
45. Video yourself, if you can. This is an excellent way of becoming aware of your use of
body language – is it congruent? If not, your audience may have a hard time
believing what you're telling them.
46. An alternative to video is to perform many times in front of a mirror.
47. Always rehearse using your visual aids and any other props.
48. Time yourself several times. Remember to allow for pauses and audience reactions.
Notes & Memory TIPS
49. Mentally place each separate point in a room of your house and make your speech a
walk through the house, bringing in each item as you progress.
50. Use big type and big gaps in your notes. You need to be able to glance at them and
see where you are instantly, not spend time finding your place.
51. Consider using pictures on your cards instead. The picture will trigger your key point.
You will speak more naturally and won't be tempted to read off the page.
52. Write your keywords or little reminder graphics on small cards. These are far less
conspicuous than a sheet of paper.
53. Number the cards containing your keywords and string them together using a treasury
tag or elastic band. There's nothing worse than dropping your cards and scrambling
about to get them back in order.
54. Write notes on the frames of your overhead slides.
Mental Preparation.
55. Write down all the times in your life when you succeeded at something and remember
how you felt then. Always think of the successful times before you speak.
56. Sit quietly and visualise the outcome. See and hear the audience laughing, gasping
and sincerely applauding and know that you created that result.
57. Put all other thoughts out of your head. Remembering to pick up cat food on the way
home can wait till later. Your successful outcome is your single focus right now.
58. It may surprise you to know that even the most experienced speakers suffer from
nerves. Welcome them as a sign that you care and use them to your advantage.
59. Deep breaths calm, as can Bach Rescue Remedy or sniffing Lavender
aromatherapy oil.
60. Don't draw attention to your nerves. You may think it's obvious that you're nervous,
but most of the time it's not noticeable….. unless you point it out!
61. Be reassured that the audience is willing you to succeed. They'd rather hear an
entertaining speech than a poor one.
62. Yawning before you start speaking will help your jaw to loosen and aid your diction.
Practical Tips
63. Make sure you're familiar with the room and how to work any equipment, including
switching on microphones and working projectors. Stand on the stage and get
familiar with your spot before the audience arrive.
64. Chat with some of the audience beforehand. This will give you some familiar faces in
the audience and you won't feel quite like you're addressing a lot of strangers.
65. Never speak when looking down. If you need to refer to notes, do so, but look up
again before you start speaking.
66. Good eye contact doesn't mean sweeping the room. Instead, lock eyes for a few
seconds before moving on to the next person. Include as many members of your
audience as you can.
67. Depending on the nature of your presentation, it adds interest if you use your whole
stage. And remember, your stage doesn't have to stop where the audience starts –
why not move amongst them?
68. BUT…. don't just wander aimlessly. Be purposeful in your walking and use it to
punctuate what you're saying.
69. Make your gestures big and bold enough to be seen and appreciated from the back of
the room. When you're onstage you might feel that you're gesturing big, but
frequently you're really not being big enough.
70. Facial expressions convey a lot. Be sure to smile naturally as often as it's
appropriate. It opens up your face and builds trust and rapport.
71. Avoid swaying on the spot. If you need to stand still (perhaps to work with props or
overheads) keep one foot half a foot length in front of the other at a reasonable
72. Use pauses. They can be more effective than words for making an audience snap
back to attention. Punctuate important points with a pause each side.
73. Don't fidget! Jingling change, shuffling papers, fiddling with buttons or pens – all
these can distract the audience and detract from your message.
74. If you're using a microphone, get used to it first. Have a soundcheck but do it before
your audience arrives.
75. Keep your notes with you at all times. Don't leave them on the podium in readiness.
I've seen instances where the previous speaker has gathered everything together on
departing…. including the next speaker's notes!
76. Consider using a microphone for an audience of over 50.
77. Learn to read the audience's reaction. Lots of coughing often signifies boredom.
Take remedial action by changing pace, adding a story or involving them.
78. Avoid hiding behind a lectern or table, it creates a barrier between you and your
79. Stick to time! Everyone will appreciate it, including your host, the audience and the
next speaker.
Your Speaking Voice
80. Suck a honey flavoured sweet, a mint or a Vocalzone© lozenge just before you go on.
81. We can't all be BBC Broadcasters, so don't try to put on or hide an accent. The aim is
to use what you have to the best of your ability.
82. Speak as if to the person in the back row, imagining that everyone in between is
chatting amongst themselves, but……. DON'T SHOUT!
83. Take deep breaths and breathe from the diaphragm, not high in the chest. This gives
you more resonance, longer between breaths and helps assuage feelings of panic.
84. Have water on hand, but a better way to lubricate is to constrict the back of the throat
and breathe out in a rasping manner, like the precursor of a growl.
Quuueeessstttiiiooonnnsss & Annnsssweeerrrsss
85. If you can avoid it, don't end your speech with questions. You're relinquishing your
closing to the questioner so if the last question isn't a good one, your closing becomes
weak. Build Q&As into the speech.
86. Consider using a "car park" for longer presentations. Provide delegates with sticky
notes on which to write their questions. Encourage them to stick these on an area of
wall designated as the "car park". They will be happy that their question will be
addressed in the fullness of time.
87. If you are inviting questions, make sure an audience member, perhaps your host, is
ready with a question to ask.
88. If you can't "plant" a question and nobody asks the first, say "A question I'm often
asked is…..".
89. Encourage more questions by always starting your answer with "That's a very good
question…", Good point…", or similar
90. If you're asked a question to which you don't know the answer, don't make it up. Say
you don't know, get the questioner's contact details and get back to them when you're
found the answer.
91. Reflecting a question back to the originator shows you've listened and understood
and ensures the whole audience hears it.
92. Listen to the words your questioner uses. For example, does he say "I can't see how
I….", or "I'm not hearing how I…..", or "I don't feel I…..". He will feel acknowledged if
you use the same words in your response.
93. Remain calm and avoid ever getting into an argument with your audience.
94. Address your answer to the whole audience, rather than just to the questioner.
95. Tell the audience at the start that you have handouts so they don't feel pressured to
make detailed notes. But understand that when people take notes, they often
remember what they've heard better.
96. Keep handouts until the end, otherwise your audience will be reading them during
your presentation.
97. Ensure your contact details are on every handout sheet. You never know where
they'll end up.
98. Make sure your handouts contain useful information in addition to a summary of your
talk. Related websites, recommended reading lists or special offers are always
99. Practise makes perfect. Give your talk whenever and wherever you can. Some of
the world's best speakers gave hundreds of free speeches before they were ever paid
for giving one.
100. Ask people you trust to provide feedback. What worked? What didn't? Tweak your
next speech accordingly.
101. Join a local speakers club. Toastmasters, for example. You'll learn in a supportive
environment and get feedback on your efforts. Visit www.toastmasters.org for the
location of your nearest club.
From India, Coimbatore
Dear Sardhar Saheb,
Thanks a lot.
How do you find time to keep on enlightening us with such unfailing regularity.
Your admirer,
Sunil Chandra
From India, Gurgaon
Thanks a lot.
How do you find time to keep on enlightening us with such unfailing regularity.
Your admirer,
Sunil Chandra
From India, Gurgaon
this was a fantastic job.....
I have always admired the way and the material u have posted so far....
keep posting such wonderful things.....
Also today, on this occasion i wud like to wish you 'Eid Mubarak'. May the coming year bring you peace & prosperity.....
Shriya Karve.
From India, Mumbai
I have always admired the way and the material u have posted so far....
keep posting such wonderful things.....
Also today, on this occasion i wud like to wish you 'Eid Mubarak'. May the coming year bring you peace & prosperity.....
Shriya Karve.
From India, Mumbai
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