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I want to know totally about EDLI & pension fund,benifits, related forms ext. I am some confused about EDLI & pension fund. SO Please anybody tell me about this matter according to P.F act 1952.
Ravinder kumar

From India, Jhajjar
Dear Rvinder Kumar,


EDLI is the abbreviation of Employees' Deposit Linked Insurance Scheme. Here deposit means average deposit in EPF. When an employee dies while in service, family will get some compensation based on his/her deposit. To get the claim, the employer has to pay 0.5% as its premium.

1. Determination of Deposit.

Average of deposit of last twelve months as well as total service, will be calculated and whichever is less being taken for the calculation.

2. Determination of Compensation.

Upto Rs. 50,000/- he will get actual. Beyond first 50,000/- he will get 40% of the rest; subject to ceiling of Rs. 100,000/-.

Eg. a) Deposit Rs. 100,000

For 1st 50000 - 50000, Next 50000 - 20000

Total - Rs. 70,000 (will get full amount as it is not more than 100,000).

Eg. b) Deposit Rs. 200,000

For 1st 50000 - 50000, Next 150,000 - 60000

Total - Rs. 110000 (will get Rs.100,000 only as it ecxeeds 100,000).

Eg. c) Deposit Rs. 300,000

For 1st 50000 - 50000, Next 250,000 - 100,000

Total - Rs. 150,000 (will get Rs. 100,000 only as it exeeds 100,000/-)

But there is better Insurance schemes with the same premium, even without cosidering the deposits. With this type of better benefits, some of the organisations are exempted from EDLI. Instead they are providing in lieu of EDLI. There are schemes which specifies more than 100,000/- for natuaral death and double benefits for accidental death.

II. Pension Fund

Out of employer's contribution, 8.33% (subject to a ceiling salary of Rs.6500/- & maximum contribution Rs. 541, presently) will go to Pension Fund. I shall give some details on pension calculation as under:

There is no upper limit for Eps-95 pension. For pension calculation, the service will be taken into 2 parts. Service before 16.11.95 and service w.e.f 16.11.95. The first one is called as past service and latter one as pensionable service. Past service is divided into 4 slabs. Service upto 11 years, 12 to 15 years, 16 to 19 years and 20 & above. If the salary on 16.11.95 is below Rs. 2500, the monthly compensation will be Rs. 80, 95, 120 & 150 respectively. For Rs. 2500 & above this will be Rs. 85, 105, 135 & 170. This amount is for those who attain 58 years on 16.11.95. In the case of those attain 58 years after 16.11.95, the above compensation will be multiplied by a factor stipulated in table B, according to the difference between 16.11.95 and the date of completion of 58 years.

For pensionable service there is a formula to calculate pension. It is Pensionable Salary x Pensionable Service / 70. Pensionable salary can be categorised in to 3. 1) Below Rs. 6500. 2) Rs. 6500 & above, but contribution on statutory celing of Rs. 6500. 3) Above Rs. 6500 & opted to contribute on actual salary. In case of 2nd, pensionable salary is Rs. 6500. In other two cases, pensionable salary will be the average of last twelve months. Also if pensionable service is 20 years & above 2 year's bonus will be given.

For details please see the web site :

EPFO <link updated to site home>

One example I shall quote.

Date of Birth - 2.1.1961

Date of join - 23.2.1987

Salary on 16.11.95 - Rs. 2500 & above

Salary on completion of 58 years on 1.1.2019 - Rs. 6500 (Statutory Ceiling)

Past Service - 8 yr 9 m (approx) rounded to 9 years

Compensation - Rs. 85

Factor as per Table B (for less than 24 years, i.e the difference between 16.11.95 & 1.1.2019) - 6.102

(This can be calculated as 1.08 to the power of 24 - 0.5, correct to 3 decimals)

Past Service Benefit - 85 x 6.102 = Rs. 519 - (A)

Pensionable Service - 23 years

Bonus (Service is 20 & above) - 2

Pensionable Salary - Rs. 6500

Pensionable Benefit - 6500 x 25 / 70 = 2321 - (B)

Total Pension - (A) + (B) = Rs. 2840

Besides the above method of calculation, there will be a minimum for those who have service before 16.11.95. In the EPS-95, they are categorised into three.

1. Date of commencement of Pension before 16.11.2000

2. Date of commencement of Pension between 16.11.2000 & 16.11.2005

3. Date of commencement of Pension after 16.11.2005

As the first two categories are already over, I shall a give a brief on third.

Pensionable benefit (minimum) of Rs. 635 and Past service benefit as mentioned above, subject to a minimum of Rs. 800. This amount is for 24 yrs or more service. If it is less than 24 yrs, this will be reduced in proportionate (amount x actual service / 24). However this amount will be subject to a minimun of Rs. 450.

I shall insert Excel work sheet to calculate pension. Enter Date of Birth, Date of Join, Date of Seperation from Service, Salary on 16.11.95, Salary on Seperation from Service ( in compliance with the contribution to pension fund) and break in service before and after 16.11.95, if any in green colour column. The results will appear in yellow colour column. The red colour is for static information.

In case of any error or suggestion, please notice to me.

Abbas.P.S, ITI Ltd, PALAKKAD - 678 623

Ph. +91 9447 467 667

From India, Bangalore
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