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Dear Mr. Praveen,
Thanks for your reply but I still have a confusion whether the EDLI calculation is still 20 times and 20% or it has been revised to 30 times with 1.5 lac Bonus subject to a max of Rs. 6 lac. Kindly confirm.
Calculation of Pension is also not very clear that If Pensionable service is last 12 month drawn salary then what stands for "Pensionable salary "
Thanks & regards

From India, Kolkata
Dear Asru.J, Ceiling of EDLI is still Rs. 3,60,000. Pensionable salary is average of 60 months. Note that there is a cap of Rs. 6500 on pensionable salary up to 31.08.2015. Abbas.P.S
From India, Bangalore
Dear Abbasiti, Thanks for your reply. I would like to have an expert opinion from you on the following case. Suppose a person joined PF in 2008-09 and died in Oct 2015 and his monthly salary for last 12 month was Rs. 7250.00. Last month of his service i.e. Oct 2015 management paid salary by cash without keeping any record of payment and accordingly there was no record of PF deduction hence PF not deposited . I would like to have your comment on this particular issue on EDLI calculation particularly the effect of a missing month i.e. Oct 2015. I think EDLI will be calculated as 7250*11/12*20*20% = Rs.159500.00 instead of Rs. 174000.00 Kindly confirm. Further to that could you please confirm if there will be any pension for the family since the deceased employee couldn't complete 10 years of service. If the family is eligible for any family pension then what shall be the basis (formula) of calculation and once again how the missing month would affect the calculation. I look forward to hear from you and at the same time I am highly obliged for your act of kindness.

Thanks & regards

From India, Kolkata
Dear Asru.J,
Management is liable to pay PF till the day of death. Kindly contact the Sub Regional PF Commissioner's Office. Even if the member having LWOP, EDLI amount will be full, which in this case is Rs. 1,74,000. In death case 10 years completion is not required for pension, Widow will get Rs. 2051/- and two of the children (elders) will get Rs. 513/-each till they attain an age of 25 years.

From India, Bangalore
Dear Abbas P S,
My heartfelt gratitude for the prompt reply you have put in. Could you please elaborate the basis of calculation of Pension Rs. 2051 and the children benefit of Rs. 513.Kindly confirm are this amount you mentioned is monthly or annually.
Thanks & regards

From India, Kolkata
Dear Asru.J,
The pension mentioned above are to be paid monthly. For widow / widower pension there is a chart viz. Table C. As per this table for a salary of 6500 and above, pension is 2051/-. (Note that if member pension, as per formula is above this amount, whichever is high will be taken into account.) Child pension is 25% of widow pension.

From India, Bangalore
Dear Sir,
That's great Mr. Abbas and my gratitude for the same. I got the Table C chart and now things are clear to me. Thank you once again. Could you please highlight is there any revision of late in pension chart due to change in PF ceiling. The EDLI benefit is supposed to be increased to 30%+1.50 lac with a max of 6.00 lac. Do you have any idea when it shall be implemented. Hope I am not troubling you raising too many queries.
Thanks & regards

From India, Kolkata
Dear Asru.J,
No, the Table C is not revised. Even though ceiling salary is enhanced to Rs. 15000, reflection in pension will be very less as the EPFO apply the new pensionable salary (average of last 60 months) only on the service w.e.f 01.09.2015. For the period up to 31.08.2015, salary is restricted to Rs.6500. This is a perfect cheating. If somebody approach the court, definitely EPFO will be in trouble as this is illogical and violation of the precedence. It was the demand of the Central Trade Unions to enhance the ceiling limit, so that the members might have received corresponding hike in pension. But EPFO is only the beneficiary as they receive higher contribution, but pay very nominal benefit to pensioners. I feel EPFO is exploring that how to give less pension to its members.
Regarding EDLI, still the maximum limit is Rs. 3,60,000.

From India, Bangalore
Dear Sir,
Sorry I am little late to respond to your post which is once again very useful. I also agree with you that EPFO is not doing justice to the pensioners. As you said central trade unions demanded to enhance the ceiling limit then they should take this issue to Court for the better interest. I have few other issues in regard to PF but this public forum is not the suitable place to discuss. In that case could you please share your email ID at .
Thanks & regards

From India, Kolkata
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