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Dinesh Divekar

Dear Janaka Dasa,

You have written that "If someone is well qualified then wouldn't it be unfair to him that he is being depreived of working in the company simply because his relative is also working there."

It is not a question of recruitment of relative because of capability. Their closeness hampers the growth of the company. Many times they are perceived as informants of the Managing Director (MD) / Director. Secondly, generally management is strict with the employees. However, will they be as much strict with their relatives also. They are always given leeway. This in turn vitiates the organisation's culture.

When Infosys founders founded their company, they had taken oath not to appoint their kith and kin. It requires a great courage to implement this oath. The violation of the oath came when Mr NR Naranaya Murthy returned to Infosys to turnaround Infosys which was passing through rough weather. However, along with him, he had also brought his son. Mr Murthy had made him his Executive Assistant (EA). However, this raised eyebrows and presspersons asked one simple question, in spite of having 100,000 persons on the roll, why Infosys could not get single person to become EA? Infosys had no explanation.

If the relatives are that capable, then anyway they can get a job outside also. Their capability cannot be selective!


Dinesh Divekar

From India, Bangalore

Do you think that your HR department isn't capable of handling the huge responsibilities of keeping the employees intact and contribute to the growth of the company? If yes, then it is time to send them to best HR training from an apparent training and consultancy firm.

HR training is crucial for every organization if they wish to achieve their organizational goals quickly. The Human resource department is considered as the backbone of any company and if this department does not able to fulfill their responsibilities well, it will lead the company to the disaster. This is the main reason many small and medium sized industries send their employees from HRM for training in a reputed training and development firm to enhance their capabilities and become an important asset for the company.

Why exactly is HR training so important?

Well, it is a fact that a good human resource management can bring a lot of positive changes in the industry that includes increasing the productivity of the employees. However, a not so fair HRM can also degrade the potentials of the employee and lags the company behind. To make sure this doesn't happen, company owners or CEO send their human resource employee for training or hire someone with competitive skills and knowledge. Let's take a look at how HR training will benefit the HRM department of the company.
  • HR training helps HRM in hiring and training the right candidate for the company: Choosing a suitable candidate out of hundreds of them is certainly a difficult task. It requires to analyze the capabilities of all the candidates and find out the most appropriate person for the job profile. Furthermore, providing them the right sort of training is also as crucial to maintain and enhance their functionality.
  • It helps take care of performance management system: With HR training, the human resource department will be able to motivate their employees to perform better and contribute more for the company's growth. They are taught to praise the skills of the employee performing better and help others who are having difficulty in finishing their assigned tasks. This allows increased performance management and helps the company to increment productivity.
  • Creating cultural values in the organization: HRM is responsible to create a worthy work environment where every employee feels satisfied and secure. Only a good environment can make the employee perform better and HR training aids the department in building and maintaining one.
  • Conflict management: Surely there are times where disagreement arises between the employer and the employee. The HRM must be able to avoid such conflicts from arising and sort the issues in a more effective manner. This is possible with the help of proper HR training provided by a quality training and development firm.
  • Developing good relationship: It is necessary to establish cordial relations in every department of the company. A responsible HRM must be capable of holding meetings, official gatherings and seminars while giving a helpful hand in growing business by building better marketing plans for the company. The training will teach the team of the human resource to develop a good relationship among the people of the company and their business associates.

Many companies have benefited greatly from HR training in helping their human resource team gain a considerable amount of experience and skills to aid in the growth of the company. If you also wish to send your HR employees for training, it is necessary to find a respected and highly admired training and development agency who have prior experience in providing such training courses to corporate.

SLA Consultants India is a leader in providing effective and valuable Human Resources Training Courses to companies in order to increase the performance of their human resource department. Being an established and highly experienced training and development firm, SLA understand the needs and requirements of the company and thus, provide most appropriate solutions by making their employees more competent.

From India, Mumbai

Employee motivation has gained a lot of attention in the past few decades. As the economic slowdown has hit every country and industry, people and organizations are looking for new ways to motivate their workers so that they can achieve measurable results from each and every one.

If you are also an employer or HR person who wishes for the employee to perform at its best then you need to consider the following options we have mentioned in this article. These motivation techniques might involve a bit of work and monetary investment in some cases but the end results would always be worth it. Don’t trust us? Try them and see for yourself.

Make them Feel Human

One of the most dangerous mistakes employers or HR people do is that they start considering their workers as a machine that will produce results. This is not the case ever. Employees are human beings with feelings and emotions so they need to be treated as such. You should begin to make them feel more human by being with them if they want to talk about a personal problem or a client that’s giving them grief.

You should also make sure that the employees feel valued by appreciating good work and implementing the great ideas shared by them. If you are unable to implement a great idea, explain why you cannot do it and ensure that you will implement it in the future. It will make the employee feel closer to the company and his or her company loyalty would increase. Always remember that a loyal employee is a more productive one.

Additional Training

Most of the workers think that they have got the skills needed for the job. But the reality is that the employee skills always need to be upgraded to keep them productive and keep the company ahead of the competition. To ensure that the skills are upgraded you can organize in-house training or you can opt for training the employees outside. Training employees outside like an HR training institute in Noida is a good option when you don’t have a large bunch of employees. Training in-house is more viable for large organizations.

It’s always vital to test the success of the training you organized like the HR training institute in Noida by asking all the employees to practice and hone the newly learned skill. The management should ensure that it’s done so that the time and money invested in the training are not wasted. When the workers use the new skills, there will definitely be an increase in the productivity.

Organize Events

Celebrating occasions like Diwali, New Year, etc. within the company is not only traditional but also smart. It makes the employee feel more connected not only to the company but his or her own boss/ peers etc. The employees also get an opportunity to make friends in other departments and they will bond well with others. Which employer doesn’t want the workers to mingle with each other so that the departments can function smoothly with each other and there is no friction?

Social gatherings also allow the employer to know which of the employees are more open and talkative and which of them are more conservative. These personality traits would help you assign the work better and form more efficient teams. For example: If a brilliant employee doesn’t like to make new friends at a party, chances are he or she performs better alone. So expecting him or her to work in a team and give results is not a smart thing. In contrast, if you assign that employee to a project that he or she can own and deliver results, it would be more effective.

Rewards and Awards

It is a time-tested method of ensuring that employees perform better. As an employer, you need to ensure that you create several competitions and contests within the organization from time to time. Not only will it keep the creative juices of the employees flowing, it would also enhance the productivity.

In case you are short on the budget then you can make sure that you opt for non-monetary rewards for employees such as an employee of the month trophy, a certificate of excellence or even a few days of paid leave. These factors sometimes have more impact than the money you would have given as a reward. You should just be able to judge a reward that most people will appreciate and offer it. For example, a new father would like a few days to work from home over a late night party.

Did you like the simple employee motivation ideas we shared? Do you wish to add some creative employee motivation methods that you had tried and worked? If so, don’t forget to comment on this discussion so that it keeps on helping others too.

From India, Mumbai
Dinesh Divekar

Dear Mr Arvind Gaba, In your article, you have forgotten to mention one important component that motivates juniors. Think and try adding it. Thanks, Dinesh Divekar
From India, Bangalore

Resume fraud has unfortunately become a common problem these days. Many people think that if they would add fake details like they have completed a certification course in HR or worked with a reputed company and they will more likely get the job. This phenomenon has become a cause of many problems for the HR people who are responsible for finding out whether a resume is fake or not.

If you are also working as a recruiter, HR professional or a business owner who wishes to hire only the best people then you should know how to spot a fake resume. Here’s a list some things that may assist you. This list is crafted on the basis of personal experience and in-depth study of the patterns present in the recruitment sector. We hope that you will like it and benefit from it.
  1. Learn the Common Areas Where People Lie: Your first step should be to get an idea about the things about which the candidates lie more often. The list includes exaggerating skill sets like if a person scores 6 on 10 in spoken English, he or she will write that he or she scores 8 on 10. People also lie about the work they did. For example: If an HR Recruiter just issued one offer letter in 1 5-year long job, it cannot be posted as that the person has in-depth experience in issuing offer letters.

    People also lie about the dates of employment, especially if they have a huge employment gap. Lying about the job designation is also a common phenomenon and people do that in order to get a better designation. Lying about the education, awards, etc. is also very common.
  2. Do Extensive Background Checks: After you have known about the things on which the candidates most commonly lie about, your next step should be to conduct an extensive background check on each of the shortlisted candidate before issuing the offer letter.

    It would be a smart idea to conduct the background check by doing personal visits rather than on telephone as people can lie easily over the phone. If you don’t have the luxury of a face to face background check, you should ask for the scanned copies of the records over the email. For example: If a candidate says that he worked for Accenture for 8 months, you should ask for all the scanned records of the employee via your email.
  3. Organize Skill based Interviews: This is a perfect way to spot the resume fraudsters. You must organize skill based test for each candidate. The candidate should be able to prove his or her technical skills by doing a small task. For example: If you are hiring a content writer, you should ask him or her to write some content for you on the spot. You should also see to it that the candidate doesn’t get a chance to cheat by supervising him or her.

    In cases where judging the technical skill of a person is beyond your scope, you can take the help of the prospective future manager of the candidate. For example: If you are hiring someone for the marketing department, the Marketing Head of your company would have the capacity to judge the skills of the candidate in a short amount of time.
  4. Judge the Body Language: Another key to finding out people who lie in the resume is to observe their body language. The best sign a liar gives is to not meet your eyes or hunching his or her shoulders while talking about an award he or she got in the previous job (which probably is fake).

    You need to practice a lot and learn some basics of body language over the internet if you wish to successfully judge a candidate on the basis of body language only. It would also be a smart idea to not depend on your judgment if the body language alone, you should merge it with the technical skill set test and background checks to get the best results.

If you have developed the skills needed to spot a person with fake resume, you should not hesitate to report that person wherever you can. You can post reviews of that candidate on the online job forums so that other people can also get assistance in spotting the fraudster. It would also be a smart idea to blacklist that person in your company’s employment database so that someone doesn’t hire that person accidentally in the future.

Did you like the ideas we shared on resume fraud and how to spot a fake resume? If so, you can get more such practical advice in the certification course in HR we offer.

If you have any ideas or experience in dealing with a resume fraudster, please feel free to share it in the comments of this discussion so that all of us can learn from it.

From India, Mumbai

Do you possess brilliant accounting skills? Have you completed your 12th or graduation in commerce with outstanding marks in accounts subject? If yes, then you can make a great career in the payroll department of any firm, however, before that, you certainly need to master the payroll skills and advanced payroll training will assist you confidently.

What is Payroll?

The Payroll, as the name says it all, a dedicated team that deals with the money that is to be paid to the employees of the company. The people working in the Payroll team are responsible for the timely payment of the employee’s salary. The team ministers every other team and accordingly looks after the salary of the members.

The team cannot afford to make any mistakes while calculating the salaries of the employees as it could harm them financially and emotionally as well. The Payroll needs to give out salaries for the exact hours the employee has worked in the organization and the accurate salary that they deserve to get.

So for this the candidate interested to pursue their career in the fields of Payroll need to undergo proper training and gain much knowledge about the process. The working professionals, who wish to take up a Payroll as their main career, can take up the advanced payroll training course to learn the process in a very short span of time.

Role and Responsibilities of the PAYROLL

The team not only calculates the salaries of the employees, but also looks after the legal tax matters for them, like income tax which every employee has to pay to the Government. Also the team makes proper deductions to be added to the employees Provident Fund, Account and to their Pensions after retirements.

The payroll team gathers payroll information of the employees, production numbers and time sheets, and after considering them all, they file in the calculations for the salaries of the employees. Payroll calculates the bonuses or the incentives that an employee earns while working in the department. If there are any deductions that are required to be made from the salary, in case of an unplanned leave or any other circumstances.


One must be wondering, what is an Advanced Payroll Training? Well to answer that, it is just like any other Payroll course that one needs to excel in the field, however for Advanced Payroll Course one needs to be experienced in the field of PAYROLL MANAGEMENT or Human Resources.

This is an advanced course for the people who are already involved in the field of Human Resources and are looking to pursue Payroll as their main career.

Candidates who can Pursue this course are

The course will be able to help the professionals polish their skills and be able to take serious tasks at work in the field of Payroll. The course will cover subjects like
  • Statutory and Labor Laws
  • Exposure to Tax components in Payroll
  • Case Studies, and Related assignment
  • Payroll Reports
  • Payroll Accounting's
  • Maternity Benefits
  • Payment of Gratuity
  • Software for filing Information of the Employee.

After the completion of the course the candidate will be able to work in a full- fledge Payroll Team with great accuracy and efficiency. He or she will have the ability to clear any interview from a reputed industry and can deliver all the payroll related tasks with utmost ease and comfort. But to make sure you garner such knowledge and develop necessary skills, it is required of you to join a highly respected training institute to pursue advanced payroll training as only there you will acquire the right set of understanding. If you choose a cheap training institute, you won’t be able to clear your doubts or obtain sufficient knowledge as the instructors there are not fully capable and lack experience.

Thus, find a reputable institute with outstanding teachers and competitive course material to polish your payroll skills and make you a better administrator.

SLA Consultants India, is a leading training and development firm located in New Delhi who offers the most reliable Advanced Payroll Training Course to their candidates who are willing to become a professional payroll administrator.

From India, Mumbai

Getting a job in HR department is certainly a difficult job, especially when you haven’t done any special course to understand the deep concept of being an HR. Many candidates try to land a job in HRM just on the basis of their MBA degree, which is definitely not enough. You need to be highly intelligent, filled with required skills and knowledge along with having a dedicated attitude to become a successful HR. This can be done by pursuing a Certificate Course in HR from a well reputed training institute that will help you hone all your needed skills and give you adequate awareness of becoming an HR.

Human Resource, known as the HR is a very reputed department in every organisation. Human Resource is said to be the backbone of all organisations. They are very skilled working professionals who have the ability to manage the organisation in a proper manner considering their professional as well as personal requirements. Human Resource performs the key responsibility of hiring the candidate who is fit for the profile train them for the job and inform and guide them about the candidate’s role and responsibility. Human Resource department bridges the gap between the employees and the organisation, informs the employees about the expectations of the organisation and takes care of the employee’s salaries and leave issues.

Anyone who is looking forward to making a career in the field of Human Resource needs to go through the foundation course in this field which is Human Resource Management course. Human Resource Management is a foundation course that one needs to pursue securing a job as a working professional in any reputed organisation. Human Resource Management course will thoroughly train the candidate according to the requirements of the field. There are a lot of courses available for this position and these vary in duration. An aspiring candidate who is looking to pursue this course and doesn’t have much time on hand or working professionals who are already engaged with their jobs can opt for Certificate Course in Human Resource.

Why Certificate course in HR is really necessary?

There are many long term courses offered for this particular course, however, only a few candidates have the time to go for such long courses. This Certificate Course in HR is a very efficacious course for the people who are already familiar with the traits of this field. They can get the professional documents with this course. Students who cannot dedicate much time for Human Resource Management course can gain skills and professional knowledge with this Certificate course in much lesser time. This course is ideal for all candidates who want to gain knowledge and grasp as much information as they can in a limited amount of time. The durations for Certificate Course in Human Resource Management are of 6 months and during the course, the candidate will be trained on the basic software, workplace management ethics, payroll procedures, labour laws etc.

What’s included?

The role of a Human Resource officer is not just to manage the workplace but there are a lot of other things that needs to be taken care of by them. Some of the responsibilities are Leave management, Payroll, Labour laws, Tax Management, Provident Fund and Pension schemes.

All these things would be included in the course which will further enhance the skills and knowledge of the candidate who is involved in the course. The course also includes an introduction to some software which makes the work easier for the people who are looking forward to excel in this field. The candidate who has enrolled for this course will not be disappointed at all as they will learn the essentials theories of this course and once when they start working as an official they would not face any troubles in their work.

The most important thing that you need to consider is to find a standard and well recognized training and development agency to pursue to course as only they can hinder your troubles and inspire you to tackle them with great dedication and intelligence.

SLA Consultants India offers the most convenient and competent certificate course in HR that allows the candidate to learn all the specifics to clear interview from any MNC company for the profile for HR.

From India, Mumbai

Human resource is certainly an important field, may be the most important field for any successful business. This is the main reason behind the strictness of business companies while hiring a possible candidate for their HR team. One can simply not clear an interview for an HR unless he or she is highly skilled, educated and trained in the respective field. And to be such a candidate, one should pursue a certification course in Human resource management. The main benefit of this would be recruiters will take an extra interest in you over your other competitors due to certification as they understand that people with certification are specifically trained and more educated than those who don't. Thus, find a suitable institute in your area who could provide competitive course in the HR field to make you successful HR.

A certificate course in human resource management is an extremely popular program nowadays. The primary objective of Human Resource Certification Courses is to groom future HR managers and leaders, who can perform their duties in an extremely cost effective and time bound manner. The primary function of HR managers is to recruit the best staff. Other functions include supervision, manage employee records and compensation. Next, they also have to coordinate employee safety and health. Last, the most significant aspect, is that they have to handle employee labor relations. Keeping all these requirements in mind, many institutes and universities have designed the popular certificate course in human resource management for both working professionals and students alike. Though, there are no eligibility criteria for attending this course, quality institutes insist on five to ten years experience before attending this course.

A certificate course in human resource management generally is in the range of 3 months to 6 months in duration. It is available both offline and online for working professionals and students alike. Renowned institutes like SLA Consultants India offer a 3-6 month course over the internet. The main topics which are widely present in all the courses are as follows HR basics, Audit in HR , Structure of organization, industrial relations, compensation, online performance management and if possible dissertation. The fees for this program usually range from 20 thousand to 35 thousand.

The faculty imparting knowledge are themselves highly qualified having a deep corporate exposure of more than twenty years. The teaching methodology consists of slides, PowerPoint and projectors, workshops along with theory. Some programs also involve real time case studies to be completed by the candidates through industrial visit. So, it is advisable that candidates must pursue a certificate course in human resource management from quality institutes to prevent wastage of time and money and after acquiring a good corporate exposure.It has been observed, that students coming with real time experience is able to grasp the subject in a better way and prove to be better HR managers in the long run.

Concluding, this is a brief synopsis of the essence of a certificate course in human resource management. For additional details, one needs to contact the respective institutes where this program is conducted.

SLA Consultants India offers the best and most appropriate certification course in Human Resource management to candidates who wish to make a successful career in the field. They have been in the market for over seven years and are filled with highly trained and experienced faculty.

From India, Mumbai

HR training is a special course provided by training and development institutes to candidates who are looking to make a career in the HR department. Just having enough knowledge won’t make you land in a fitting human resource job. You will require to gain specialised experience in the field, which you could show to the company. In today’s competitive generation, every company, big or small, requires candidates with great experience and knowledge for any job profile. This becomes more difficult when you wish to enter the company as an HR. But, with right medium and highly trained instructors giving you every possible help to understand the concept of being an HR, you will have no trouble at all getting placed in the HR of a successful company.

HR trainee is an integral part of all organisation. HR trainee refers to a fresh graduate gaining foothold in the field of HR. HR trainee is recruited through two mediums in the market. One is through campus interviews from reputed institutes and secondly, by employee referrals. In certain circumstances, reputed placement consultants also recommend candidates for HR trainee. A typical HR trainee usually finds a real time scenario quite overwhelming, since real time work is entirely different from studies undertaken in the university.

An HR trainee is first recruited in the months from January to April, when the hiring season commences. Then, he or she undergoes a small induction in the company for a period of about three weeks, where he gives a brief overview of the tasks and processes in the company. On the job training usually starts after the induction and consists of eighteen months duration. The training is usually composed of the following modules which are briefly described.

First of all, there is compensation and benefits or payroll work. It is the most important part of HR training. Compensation includes salaries, deductions like Provident Fund, House Rent Allowance, Transport Allowance, Dearness Allowance etc. as per company norms. Benefits include paid leave, performance bonus, etc. This module is often known as payroll processing.

Secondly, there is the crux of HR recruitment. Recruitment basically means selecting suitable persons for the assigned jobs. Positions can be both permanent and temporary. There are various methods of recruitment like online and offline hiring.

Thirdly, there is the task of employee relations, which is one of the main responsibilities of HR. Employee relations refers to the company's practices regarding relationships between employees and employers. It consists of employee joining and exit formalities as per the organization 's rules and regulations. HR functions include the need to maintain work life balance, safe working conditions and preventing strikes.

Next, there is the advanced topic known as Performance Management System. It is the primary responsibility of HR to ensure high performance consistently by employee motivation and training. This module is also known as learning and organizational development.

Compines work on some ERP like SAP Human Capital Management. SAP is an enterprise resource planning software which consists of organizational management, personnel administration, e-recruitment, time management, payroll, employee self service and manager self service respectively.

HR trainee needs to focus a lot on communication, both in speech and in print, since they act as a bridge between top management and the lower staff. A significant part of HR training includes practising the art of communication, both verbal and in writing.

Concluding, we can safely state that with proper training and grooming, HR trainee can jump start his career and sharpen his skills. For this, the right environment is essential along with the proper tools and techniques. Cooperation of the senior colleagues is also very essential for a good HR training. If requirement arises, HR trainee can also undergo external training programs.

A reputed and well recognized training institute will help you learn all the specifics of an HR, and allow you to tackle every difficulty an HR face in their career. This is the main reason you should always look for a standard and advanced HR trainng institute. Make a thorough research on trinaing institute before deciding to take admission. Try out their demo classes and take a look at the resume of their instructors to see if they are capable of giving knowledge at par with the competition.

From India, Mumbai

Human resources training is very essential for people who wish to become a professional HR of a successful business enterprise. It allows the candidate to be aware of every job responsibilities and knowledge of human resource and how to handle several requirements that must be fulfilled by a professional HR. There are many training and development companies available in the National Capital and nearby regions who offer the best human resource training courses to both individual candidates and company employees at a very reasonable price. These institutes contains some highly certified and experienced trainers, brilliant learning environment along with updated and competitive study materials that give the candidate a better Insight of the job profile.

They also provide desktop based smart classes using PowerPoint presentation, charts and graphics, tabular presentation and statistical observation to give the student a better understanding of the job profile.

What are the inclusion of Human Resource trading course and how it can affect the career of a candidate?

The student will first learn the basic theory of being in human resource. This includes learning statutory and legal compliance where the students will be taught EPF and MP act 1952, ESI act 1948, Payment of Bonus Act 1965 and Payment of Gratuity Act 1972. These are some special factory acts, laws and ethics which every HR must be aware of.

Apart from this human resource training course will also help the students grasp some important jobs and responsibilities of an HR which are as follows:
  1. Recruitment and selection: soldier the main responsibility of an HR is to find necessary sections in the organization where additional resources are required. He or she must be able to find the relevant candidates through online job portals and schedule interviews. Then they should conduct interviews of each candidate and recruit the best one fit for the job profile. They must be able to identify the capabilities of each candidate and compare them effectively to find the most suitable one.
  2. Training and development: the job is not done after the selection of the candidate. He or she must be provided with the right training so that they could get acquainted with the company's and working patterns and contribute better to the company. Furthermore, it is the job of an HR to assess the results of the training and invite the employee in conferences, seminars and trade shows of his or her interest so that they could feel cared for. This would include both employee engagement and productivity of the organization.
  3. Employee relation and appraisal: one of the main skills of an HR brilliant communication and interpersonal skills that would help them maintain a healthy relationship between the employees and the organization. He or She is responsible for handling the human part of the organization which involves praising them for their work helping them with any issues they might face. This is very crucial for motivating the employees to contribute their best for the company.
  4. Resolving conflicts: conflicts are sometimes inevitable in organizations where different people have different views. Thus, it is the responsibility of an HR to provide a meaningful and satisfactory conclusion about the topic and resolve issues between two employees.
  5. Technical aspects: An HR must know how to use MS Excel and Access database management system along with its advanced functions to keep records of the employees. In the course the student will be taught advanced Excel and access that would help them keep track of their employees working shifts and activities.
  6. Payroll processing: another highly important job of an HR is to process the salaries and wages of every employee in a proper and timely manner. They must know how to calculate the wages after deduction of tax and adding any compensation and incentives.

These are all the things that you will learn from a quality human resource training course. Make sure that you read the study material of the course and reviews of the training agency before making the final decision of joining.

From India, Mumbai
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