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good saranamuthu first i would like to tell all the best for ur project and future... first u have to select the topic in which u r going to do the project.
after tat u need to search articles related to that topic
u need to set the objectives in which u r going to find
then questionnaires
for example
if u want to find the effectiveness of training in any organization
u need to set the objectives according to the title which ur going to find.
then u need to create the questionnaires as per each objective
then u have to take survey from the employees
then u have to use tools to find the effectives
then suggestion and recommendation
finally conclusion
this is the procedure and steps. i hope u would have understood

From India, Alandur
hi ,
am doing a hr project in a retail comp, where i was a part of the hr team which worked for the launch of a new store .. as mine is a real time project i couldn do any research in it. now i ve a doubt as how to document this project . is there a format for these kind of project or there is only one format . could any one help me out in this ...

From India, Madras
An academic project report follows a set structure imposed by the institution/university. It's not clear from your post whether you are a student or not. What's the report for?
Please see messages posted by me in this thread.
Have a nice day.

From United Kingdom
hey first of all thanks for replying . am a student and it was ma summer intern project .. ya college has given a specific pattern but it says abt research .. i ve not done any research .. so how to document ma project .is there any other pattern to do so . kindly reply back .
From India, Madras
Have they given any instructions for an internship project? A real-time project should be OK, provided you can do some literature survey about opeining new stores and explain why it was necessary, describe what was done and how, explain why it was done that way and what other options were there and why they were ruled, and then evaluate what you learnt from that experience and how the practical aspects relate to what you studied in the classes.
Please search the web for any information on real-time project reporting.
A retired academic in UK

From United Kingdom

From India, Ahmadabad
Hello friends im n MBA HR student of 3rd sem of FIMS calicut,kerala.If anyone feels convenient pls give me a project for the minor project on september1.I expect a positive reply before september 1.
Mohammed Hashim Qureishi.A

From India, Thrissur
I am Nirmala . I am looking out for doing summer projects in HR. I want to know which company offers projects for MBA students for 3 months.
I am looking out for projects in chennai.
I want help in doing the project, any HR please help me.
If any one know the details, please mail to
Thanks and Regards,

From India, Madurai
hi U may go to do the project in Welfare/Recruitment/Abesenteeism& Labour Turn ovr Regards, Suku
From India, New Delhi
Dear Radhika,

Greetings of the Day !!!

Hope you will be in pink of your health and spirits.

We are proud to inform you that we at MTouch Technologies, are going to
initiate a short term HR Live Industry Project specially for management Students
(Starting from 27th Dec., 09 )in the mentioned field. The Live Project
Recruitments are open to all Students pursuing MBA, PGDM, PGDBM or PG
in Arts/Social Sciences. There will be no fee or extra/hidden charges for training the students for HR Live Project. During their tenure in the Organization selected
students will get the opportunity for the practical exposure of all the HR
activities/functions/domains while performing the tasks themselves.

Note: The company will not be liable for any of the expenses done by
the students for their Accommodation/Lodging/Transport.

Company Name:
MTouch Technologies

Company Location:

Industry Type:
VAS (Value Added Services)

Company Profile:
MTouch Technologies offers its prestigious and potential clients
extremely cost effective and precisely targeted business promotion
products. Our products have been proving to be great tools for
business expansion in even most undiscovered directions excavating
newest consumer bases. With the combinations of utmost professionalism
and technological perfection we have been delivering the best results
to the industry by the means of following business promotional tools:

• SMS Marketing/Campaign
• E-mail Marketing/Campaign
• Short Code Campaign
• API (Application Programming Interface)

For More Details Please visit us at Mtouch Technologies

Here, at MTouch, we welcome the students for a great corporate
exposure in the above mentioned field.

Apart from the crucial learning of all HR activities, students
will also be benefitted with the opportunities of getting the following advantages*,

-Star Performer Certificate
-Achiever Certificate
-Appreciation Letter
-Weekly Gifts
-Stipend (Rs. 5,000 to 10,000)
-Best Project Award
-P.P.O. (Pre Placement Offers)

*performance based terms

If interested, kindly forward the resume with the
passport size photograph attatched latest by 27th Dec, 09.

CVs should be mailed at :

NOTE: Openings for Sales & Marketing Live Project are also available.


* Dates can be extended for some Exceptional Candidates for the reasons being urgent.
* Seats are Limited.
* Through this Live Project, not only we are able to judge the most suitable candidates for the required operations, but we also provide a kind of gap filling between bookish HR Knowledge and the Real HR Functions (and we would be agree with the point that both are different from one another in their true nature).
* 'NON PAID' Project means that we are not going to charge the students for providing them the training in Core HR.
* This is for the further information that in our company, one fourth of the employees are employed through these live projects itself (be it IT, HR, Finance or Marketing) by judging their performance and then providing them with P.P.O.s(Pre Placement Offers).

Thank You
Gaurav Misra
Manager HR
(Certified Recruiter & Corporate Trainer)
09310120212, 09910440571
MTouch Technologies
F-351,2nd Floor,Sector-63,Noida(U.P)
Tel: 0120-4227941/42, Fax: 0120-227946
Mail at:

URL : Mtouch Technologies

From India, Delhi
Attached Files (Download Requires Membership)
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