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Dear all, I am conducting job evaluations and I would like to have an insight into the HAY Guide Chart-Profile Method. Could anybody help?
From United Arab Emirates, Abu Dhabi

Found this article which you may find useful.


General Use of the Hay Scheme

The nature of job evaluation schemes is such that only those schemes that compare jobs against jobs are universally applicable at any level in an organisation. The Hay scheme has found widespread acceptance because it:-

* is based on the step difference principle;

* it measures any job from office junior to the Chairman;

* will relate different cultures and styles of organisation; and

* is effective in all market sectors.

Consequently, it is now used by more organisations on a worldwide basis than any other single type of evaluation scheme. Hay has over 1000 consultants working from 76 offices in 36 countries around the world. In the British Isles, the HayGroup are working with over 1000 clients. Wherever the Hay Guide Chart-Profile Method of Job Evaluation is used it employs a number of well tried procedures and rules.


1. Jobs must be properly understood before they can be evaluated hence, good quality information is required in the shape of job descriptions which make the content and context of the job clear.

2. Job evaluation is a judgmental, not a scientific, process thus every effort must be made to minimise subjectivity. This is achieved by having people with knowledge of the sector, function or organisation involved and by having a number of factors to make judgements about.

3. The task of the evaluators is to make consistent judgements and the use of the evaluation method is the tool which enables this to happen.

4. Each evaluation is checked using the profiling techniques.

5. As patterns of relativities begin to emerge they are reviewed on the basis of reason and fairness using the step difference and profile techniques to clarify judgements.

6. Each decision is properly recorded in order that the reasoning is documented for future use when maintaining the scheme as jobs change, or dealing with appeals when job holders consider the evaluators are at fault.


1. It is jobs that are evaluated not job holders.

2. The evaluation is based on a fully acceptable level of performance by occupants of the job.

3. The job is evaluated as it exists today.

4. Present pay, status or grading are not relevant.

5. Jobs can only be evaluated if they are understood.

The Hay Guide Chart-Profile Method has been developed empirically over a period of 50 years and has a number of key features:-

a) the three elements common to all jobs which facilitate comparison;

b) the step difference principle, which is the tool of comparison;

c) the numerical scale for relating different levels of jobs; and

d) the profiling technique for checking the consistency of each evaluation.

The Common Element

There are a number of different methods of job evaluation. Some compare whole jobs, the majority look at factors or elements which are common between jobs, such as knowledge, skills, experience, mental effort and responsibility. The Hay scheme is based on the analysis of three common elements, each element being measured on a separate guide chart which is set out like a grid. The elements are:-


The sum total of every kind of capability or skill, however acquired, needed for acceptable job performance.


The original, self-starting use of KNOW-HOW required by the job to identify, define and resolve problems. "You think with what you know." This is true of even the most creative work. The raw material of any thinking is knowledge of facts, principles, and means. For that reason, PROBLEM SOLVING is treated as a percentage of KNOW-HOW.


The answerability for action and the consequences thereof. It is the measured effect of the job on the end results of the organisation.

The Step Difference Principle

Some job evaluation schemes compare job factors against pre-determined scales. These are known as points rating schemes. The Hay scheme compares jobs against jobs using the step difference principle which works as follows:-

* if the difference between an element in two jobs is immediately evident and requires no consideration at all, then it is probably three steps or more;

* if, after some consideration, the difference is reasonably clear, it is probably two steps;

* if, after very careful consideration and scrutiny, a difference can just be discerned, then the difference is one step;

* if, after very careful scrutiny and consideration, no difference can be detected between the element in the jobs, then they are, for evaluation purposes, identical.

The Numerical Scale

Each intersect on the grid contains two or three numbers which overlap other intersects in order to provide the finest of tuning in evaluation judgements. The numbers themselves are directly proportional to each other in a geometric progression e.g. 100, 115, 132, 152. This avoids the difficulty that in an ordinary progression e.g. 1, 2, 3, 4, the numbers are in a constantly diminishing relationship to each other. The Hay scale of progression is 15% and means that each judgement is given this constant relativity wherever it falls on the scale.


The Hay scheme also has a facility for checking the soundness of an evaluation by considering the shape or profile of the job. This is accomplished by testing the distribution of the three elements of Know-How, Problem Solving and Accountability in the evaluation of each job to see if it makes sense.

dear anand
iam a student of m.b.a doing my internship right now. the project on which iam working is regarding job evaluation. when i was checking about it at this site, i found ur article. thank you very much for the informative article anand.

From India, Delhi
I have not practiced it in business, but based on my readings and what I hear from my colleagues and from the business that it is a very powerful tool IF it is implemented properly. The major disadvantage related to it is its subjectivity.
You should also consider other methodologies, just to broaden your mind. Such as: Decision Band Methodology (DBM) and Position Analysis Questionnaire (PAQ)
Good luck

From Saudi Arabia, Riyadh
There was a good discussion on this subject in this forum. Here is a link to that.
Soumya Shankar

From India, Bangalore
This topic also is written in wikipedia and

You can find it by using Google.
Apart from that, you also ref more information at: Job evaluation books


From Vietnam, Hanoi
kind of informative text..hope to see some people who imply and share their feedback of the effectiveness
From India, Bangalore
Can any one share HAY Group Guide Charts Thanks and regards Abraham
From India, Chennai
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