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Hi, I want to know what is the Job description,KRA and KPI of HR executive?
From India, Mumbai
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To handle and support the manpower properly such that the contribution of manpower facilitates to profit maximization of the organization and vision of MTAR through the support and co ordination of top level and middle level management and all the work groups.


 Arranging & conducting Interviews/Initial screening the candidates/ coordinatiing in recruitment processes /training programs.

 Prepare and submit all relevant HR letters/ documents/ certificates as per the requirement of employees in consultation with the management

 Procuring all the leave applications/ on duty forms / shift change forms and forwarding to HO for salary process and records.

 Resolve grievances or queries that any of the employees have. Escalate to the right level depending on the nature of the grievance or issue.

 Engage with employees on a regular basis to understand the motivation levels of people in the organization.

 Conduct exit interviews for employees and record them accordingly.

 Conduct employee orientation and facilitate new comers joining formalities Maintain and regularly update ( personal database, organogram) of each employee .

 Monitoring the movements of employees by authorizing gate pass system.

 Ensuring that required no. of contract labour deployed in the plant as per the man power planned.

 Ensuring the workmen will wear uniform, id cards and maintain safety regulation.

 Monitoring housekeeping staff, canteen facilities, toilets and washing facilities, general admin functions.

 Cross Checking the security and workmen activities in variably (in the times of late evenings and holidays).

 Maintaining good relationship with superiors, peers and all sub ordinates and union employees to tackle the various issues.

From India, Hyderabad

“Key Result Areas” or KRAs refer to general areas of outputs or outcomes for which the department’s role is responsible.

In simple Terms KRA can be defined as Primary responsibilities of an Individual, the core area which each person is accountable and This capture about 80% of the department’s work role. The remainders are usually devoted to areas of shared responsibility.

Importance of KRAs.

• Set goals and objectives

• Prioritize their activities, and therefore improve their time/work management

• Make value-added decisions

• Clarify roles of department or individual

• Focus on results rather than activities

• Align their roles to the organization’s business or strategic plan

• Communicate their role’s purposes to others

KRA for HR Department

1. Recruitment & Selection

• Reduce Average time taken to fill vacancies

• Reduce Average cost per recruitment

• Finalize selection in 5 weeks for each individual position

• Workplace accidents

• Reduce workplace accidents

2. Building capabilities and organizing learning

• Training

• All workforces below middle management should receive a minimum of 4 days training.

• Maximize induction training. Maximize training workshops

• Employees Development

• Training needs analysis & Competencies development.

3. Performance Management

• Performance Appraisal

• Managing Employees through KRAs

• Achieve 100% performance appraisals against total employees.

4. Monitoring employee deployment

5. Compensation and benefits.

6. Employee Relations

7. Statutory Compliance

8. Reward Management

9. Effective HR management systems, support & monitoring

10. Workplace Management

• Reduction in absenteeism per employees

• Increase in employee satisfaction

• Talent retention and turnover ratio.

• Reduce the labor turnover

• Benchmark total HR costs externally.

11. Safety and Health Workplace

HR KPI (Key Result Indicators)

1. Recruitment KPI

They includes KPIs about recruitment process.

Recruitment key performance indicators (KPIs) is a part of Human resources KPI include KPI as follows:

1. Recruitment costing KPI

• Recruitment costing per position.

• Recruitment costing per position per channel

• Average sourcing cost per hire Average sourcing cost per hire. Sourcing costs include advertising, referral and agency

2. Recruitment time KPI

• Average time to recruit. Calculating from date of recruitment require to date of employee hired.

• Average time to recruit per position.

3. Recruitment source KPI

• Number of CVs / per channel

• Recruitment source ratio. Ratio between internal versus external recruits.

4. Selection KPI

• Average number of interviews from submitted resumes. Track the number of converted submitted resumes to interviews.

• Number of qualified candidate compared to resumes.

5. Recruitment efficiency KPI

• % recruitment achievement meet hiring plan

• % new hires achieving 6 months service

• % new hires achieving 12 months service

• % new hires achieving satisfactory appraisal at first assessment

Training kpi

Training KPIs include key performance indicators as follows:

1. Training costing

• Company training expenditure (% of salaries and wages)

2. Training hours

• Average number of training hours per employee

3. Training certificates

• Number of employees completing sponsored MBA programs

4. Training courses

• Number of courses offered

• Number of courses implemented.

5. Training satisfaction

• Employee satisfaction with training.

6. Training budget

• % of HR budget spent on training

• Average training costs per employee

7. Training results

• % of employees gone through training

• Average time to competence. That is average time it takes until expected competence level is reached.

• % & employee reach competence after training.

8. Training penetration rate

It measures the percentage of employees completing a course compared to total number of employees employed.

9. E-learning training

• e-learning courses utilized

• % of e-learning pass rate

Health and safety KPIs include key performance indicators as follows:

1. Health and safety non-conformance KPI

• Number of non-conformance per year / quarter..

• Number of accidents per year.

• Number of reportable accidents year.

• Number of reportable non-fatal accidents per year.

• Number of solved safety non-conformance for the month.

• Percentage of corrective actions closed out within specified time-frame.

• Percentage of fatal accidents relative to all accidents per year.

2. Health and safety training KPI

• Percentage of staff with adequate occupational health and safety training.

• Total of hours in safety and health training in the month.

3. Health and safety representatives KPI

• Percentage of attendance at occupational health and safety committee meetings.

• Percentage of health and safety representatives positions filled.

• Percentage of issues raised by H&S Reps acted.

• Percentage of occupational health and safety committee recommendations implemented.

4.Health and safety Costing KPI

• Cost of solved safety non-conformance for the month.

• Health and safety prevention costs within the month.

5.Health and safety results KPI

• Lost time (in hours) due to non-fatal accidents per year.

• Lost time (in hours) due to accidents (including fatalities) per year.

Performance KPIs include key performance indicators as follows:

Performance KPI include indicators as follows. If you find search for all information about KPI, you can click link : “sample KPI” at the end of this post.

Performance KPI

1. % of appraisals completed on time

2. % of employees above competence

3. % of employees below competence

4. % of low performing employees

5. % of high performing employees

6. % of employee with their performance decreased compared to last month

7. % of employee with their performance increased compared to last month

HR efficiency KPIs include key performance indicators as follows:

1. Sales turnover per employee.

This rate should compare to competitor in same business sector.

2. Profits per employee.

This rate also should compare to competitor in same business sector.

3. Administration cost per employee.

4. Labor cost as % of sales.

This rate also should compare to competitor in same business sector.

5. Revenue generated per Full Time Equivalents (FTEs)

Compensation KPIs include key performance indicators as follows:

1. Salary rate / sales turnover.

2. Cost rate of workers compensation.

3. Cost rate of social insurance.

4. Cost rate of medical insurance.

5. Cost rate of benefits.

6. Average income per employee by month

When you consider how average income of the company, help you consider how average income of the company you have or have not matched the average income of the sector or to other competitors.

7. Average income per employee by hour.

8. Average income per employee by position.

- When considering the level of income by the average position, help you consider how average income of the company you have or have not matched the market.

- The average income does not reflect accurately the income of the titles in your company

Employee relations KPIs include key performance indicators as follows:

1. Internal communications KPI

• Number of emails issued

• Number of bulletins issued

• Number of staff briefing sessions conducted

2. Number of unfair dismissal claims KPI

3. Work/life balance KPI

• Number of active flexible work agreements

• Number of active working from home agreements

• Number of active job sharing agreements

4. Number of formal union grievances KPI

5. % workforce on individual contracts KPI

6. Workforce teams KPI

• Number of active teams

• Number of team meetings

7. % of employees covered by collective bargaining agreements KPI

Employee satisfaction KPIs include key performance indicators as follows:

1. % Average satisfaction.

2. % Average satisfaction by each department.

3. % Average satisfaction by field such as:

• Attitude about compensation and benefits.

• Attitude about coworkers.

• Attitude about supervisors / managers.

• Attitude about promotions, training.

• Attitude about work tasks.

4. % Average satisfaction by new employee.

HR budget KPIs include key performance indicators as follows:

1. Average cost of recruitment per year.

2. Average cost of recruitment per staff.

3. Average cost of training per year.

4. % training cost / sales turnover.

5. Training cost per employee.

6. Salary budget ratio / sales turnover.

7. Health safety cost per year.

Job leaving KPIs (key performance indicators) include KPI as follows:

1. Job leaving ratio per year.

2. Job leaving ratio per department.

3. Average age of employees that retire.

4. Percentage of early retirements.

5. Attitude of employee who leave job:

• Satisfaction ratio with wages/salary/benefits

• Satisfaction ratio with conditions/physical work environment

• Satisfaction ratio with job

• Satisfaction ratio with personal relations

• Satisfaction ratio with participation and recognition

• Satisfaction ratio with opportunities for development

• Number of employees who would seek re-employment with company

Hope the above will help you to understand the KRA and KPI of the HR Department.

With Best Regards,


“Encouragement costs you nothing to give, but it is priceless to receive"

From India, Bangalore
Many corporate MNC’s having hierarchy level for all designations and isolate their jobs. My query is about, what are the roles and responsibilities for HR-Executive, Sr.HR Executive, HR-Manager, Sr.HR-Manager, VP-HR, etc…
Please could you differentiate their profiles and how they split the day-day assignments?
I’ll expect all members on citehr forum should give an appropriate feedback.
Thanks in advance.

From India, Delhi
business process again divide into two part inboud and out bound.please refer standerd site to get relevant information. Regard’s RAHUL JAT.
From India, Pune
Thanks .Hi all i want ppt on interpersonal skill.and know the answer of how opening ,closing ,KOPSA and defusing technique will be used in interpersonl skill ppt.
From India, Mumbai
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