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Dear All
I am writing a paper on factors affecting job satisfaction in the field of sales. More importantly, in banking, telecom and pharma industry. Kindly, write back some of the factors that you feel affect job satisfaction level in these three fields..

From India, Jaipur
Factors Affecting Job Satisfaction:

Job satisfaction can be influenced by a variety of factors, e.g. the quality of one's relationship with their supervisor, the quality of the physical environment in which they work, degree of fulfillment in their work, etc.. Numerous research results show that there are many factors affecting the job satisfaction. There are particular demographic traits (age, education level, tenure, position, marital status, years in service, and hours worked per week) of employees that significantly affect their job satisfaction.

Satisfying factors motivate workers while dissatisfying ones prevent. Motivating factors are achievement, recognition, the job conducted, responsibility, promotion and the factors related to the job itself for personal development. Motivating factors in the working environment result in the job satisfaction of the person while protective ones dissatisfy him/her .

Maslow connects the creation of the existence of people's sense of satisfaction with the maintenance of the classified needs. These are: physiological needs (eating, drinking, resting, etc.), security needs (pension, health insurance, etc.), the need to love (good relations with the environment, friendship, fellowship, to love and to be loved), need to self-esteem (self-confidence, recognition, adoration, to be given importance, status, etc.) need of self-actualization (maximization of the latent[potential] power and capacity, development of abilities, etc.) .

Insufficient education, inability to select qualified workers for the job, lack of communications, lack of job definitions, all affect job satisfaction negatively. It has been asserted that participating in the management, having the decision making power, independence on the job and the unit where the individual works, have positive impact upon the job satisfaction. The job itself (the work conducted), and achievement and recognition at work result in satisfaction while the management policy, relations with the managers and colleagues result in dissatisfaction. Factors related to the job itself such as using talents, creativity, responsibility, recognition have influence on the job satisfaction.

Age is one of the factors affecting job satisfaction. Studies conducted in five different countries prove that the elder workers are more satisfied . Kose has also found a meaningful relation between the age and job satisfaction .

There is a strong connection between feeling secure and saying one is satisfied with a job. People who state their job is secure have a much larger probability of reporting themselves happy with their work.

Similarly, by some researchers, sex is also found to have an influence on job satisfaction . Besides, Wahba has found out that male librarians give more importance to personal development and free decision making in their jobs than the female librarians, and the female librarians are more dissatisfied than the male librarians .

Job satisfaction and devotion to the job, affected each other reciprocally, and they have great impact upon performance. The most significant of the factors affecting performance are economical, technical, socio-political, cultural and demographical ones .

However, most efforts to improve performance seem to center on improving the conditions surrounding the work. These are worthwhile efforts, but they usually result only in short-term improvements in attitudes and productivity, and the situation often returns quickly to normal .

There is no strong acceptance among researchers, consultants, etc., that increased job satisfaction produces improve job performance -- in fact, improved job satisfaction can sometimes decrease job performance. For example, you could let workers sometime sit around all day and do nothing. That may make them more satisfied with their "work" in the short run, but their performance certainly doesn't improve. The individual's willingness to get a result, his/her endeavour and expectation of maintaining the result will push him/her to show the highest performance.

Job satisfaction varies a lot. (Researches suggests, the higher the prestige of the job, the greater the job satisfaction). But, many workers are satisfied in even the least prestigious jobs. They simply like what they do. Most workers like their work if they have little supervision. The least satisfied workers are those in service occupations and managers that work for others. Ethnic and religious orientation is associated to work attitudes, and job satisfaction is related to education.

The difference between the results that the individual desire and those s/he maintained will affect his/her satisfaction . There is a consistent relationship between the professional status and the job satisfaction. High levels of job satisfaction are observed in those professions which are deemed of good standing in the society.

The workers usually compare their working conditions with the conditions of the society, under the variable of social conditions. If the social conditions are worse than the individual's working conditions, then this will result in satisfaction of the individual, as the workers deem themselves relatively in good position.

No meaningful relationship between the job satisfaction and age, professional experience, education level, level of wage, sex and professional group was found. On the contrary, professional experience has been claimed to increase job satisfaction .

FActors Affecting Job Satisfaction

In today’s competitive environment organisations thrive and survive on their human resources. Values, attitudes, perceptions and behaviour, which form these resources, influence employee performance. It is a key factor in realising organisational and individual goals that in turn greatly depends on individual’s self-motivation and job satisfaction.

What is job satisfaction?

Job satisfaction is one’s attitude towards his job (positive or negative). Satisfaction in work and the work environment is the basic constituent of employee job satisfaction. Employee attitudes and values influence their behaviour. Positive outlook and backup from HR helps modify behaviour resulting in higher performance levels.


HR must ensure pursuance of right assignment by the employee at the recruitment and selection stage itself. HR should consider value systems as key credentials along with abilities and experience to be compatible with that of the organisation.

Organisations, which give due recognition to the perceptions, attitudes, motivation and learning abilities of employees, successfully create an efficient workforce. Efficient workforces identify themselves with the organisation’s mission and aid in its success.

How to achieve?

Attitudes influence behaviour and are the indicators of potential problems an organisation might encounter. HR must help employees to cope with frustrations and sustain job satisfaction.

Motivated employees stay on for long to achieve their goals. Job responsibilities, achievements, growth, self-fulfilment and recognition enhance job satisfaction levels. A candid interaction of managers with employees helps develop good relationships. Continuous coaching and genuine appreciation by the managers also enhances job satisfaction.

To cultivate an attitude of excellence in their employees, managers must provide a certain degree of autonomy. Organisations and managers desirous of excelling must therefore, work toward ensuring employee job satisfaction.

‘A happy worker is a productive worker’. The Hawthorne studies conducted at an electrical plant in Chicago from 1924-1932 revealed that employee morale and satisfaction increase productivity. Since then, management has pursued the topic of job satisfaction, as it is believed to enhance performance, reduce absenteeism, retain qualified workers and establish smooth employment relations.

Job satisfaction is a ‘pleasurable or emotional state resulting from the appraisal of one’s job and experience.’ (Locke: 1976). It is important to realise that these attitudes vary according to individual experiences and expectations and hence there is no single unitary concept of job satisfaction.

Measures of job satisfaction

Unlike other psychometric tools, used to test a sample of behaviour, measures of job satisfaction are prone to subjectivity. However a battery of tests can be conducted to make accurate predictions. One approach is the Global Measure, which measures the overall satisfaction of the job. The second approach is the Facet Measure where satisfaction is measured on each aspect of the job.

Causes of job satisfaction/dissatisfaction

Since job satisfaction is subjective to individual experience and expectation, personality often plays an influential role. Stable personality traits could influence satisfaction or dissatisfaction at work. Type A’ personalities tend to be more aggressive, set high standards for themselves and therefore are more susceptible to job dissatisfaction. In contrast, Type B’s seem to be more relaxed and, this may reflect on their attitudes towards work. Today, there is an increasing interest in the concept of the ‘person –job- fit’ theory. The managerial implications are that people who get themselves into the right job that fit their attitudes and personalities seem to be more satisfied.

The characteristics of the job may also influence one’ is attitude towards it. This could include the physical environment like lighting, temperature and space. Work, when too difficult or easy can lead to dissatisfaction. Reward is viewed as satisfactory only when it is equitable and is in line with expectations. A friendly and supportive group at work is conducive to job satisfaction.

Consequences of job satisfaction/job dissatisfaction

Work Performance:

Though job satisfaction leads to efficiency, recent findings indicate that other factors are responsible for work performance. Today, technological and market forces play a major role in organisational efficiency. Stockbrokers, for example, would depend on the results of the stock market where a rise in share prices would probably lead to satisfaction.

Absenteeism and Turnover:

This causes tremendous cost and loss of investment. An interesting finding is that absenteeism followed by negative feedback like, loss of pay might lead to dissatisfaction and in turn a high rate of absenteeism.


Organisations today have expressed a lack of loyalty and commitment from employees and hence are unable to retain qualified professionals.

Recent concepts of job satisfaction

There is a growing recognition that external environmental factors play an influential role in job satisfaction. Another concept is that performance depends on the overall effectiveness of the organisation.

In today’s competitive world, management needs to continuously emulate practices that will attract and retain a highly qualified and skilled workforce. Dissatisfied employees may be forced to work due to unemployment or insecurity, but this is not in the interests of the long-term success of the organisation. Dissatisfaction may be expressed in other forms like internal conflicts, poor interpersonal relations, low trust, stress leading to workplace conflict, violence and low productivity.

Though job satisfaction is difficult to measure and is dependent on a number of factors, management may reduce levels of dissatisfaction and control workplace conflicts through common objectives like career development, training, appropriate rewards and improvements in the quality of working life.

This is a lot of latest information on Job Satisfaction. It will surely help you.



From India, Delhi
Dear Friend,
Just don't adopt copy & paste approach. Prepare one simple questionnaire and conduct survey to be more realistic and attach these as evidance of your field work and conclusion shall be drawn on realities and no on the basis of contrivance of ones assumptions and presumptions.

From Saudi Arabia
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