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one employee's CTC salary is 14650 and his gross salary is 13000. he is present 23 days out of 30 days. how to caculate his salary??? on gross or on ctc?
and if on gross so from all diff heads i have to deduct? like Basic, HRA, Med Re-imb, cony and sp allw
pls reply soon

From India, Pune
Everybody is confusing the salary with ctc. CTC is the quantum only to the management and nothing concerned with the employee directly.It is to arrive the labour cost, the management is to be informed by the HR/Personnel department that the total amount incurred for each employee. This comprised Salary in total(bifurcation into basic,transportallowance,hra,allowances etc.,-is to be made separately by consulting the Employee during the interview or can be fixed as per the rules of the company)+(Employer share of PF,ESI,LWF),Bonus. Gratuity is to be considered in the cTC only after the employee completing five years of service. Hence the salary to be paid for 23 days in your specified case,13000 divided by 30 and multiplied by 23.
From India, Madras
Thank you Mr. ramchandran
So in salary slip i have to deduct from all diff heads? like Basic, hra, med., cony, others???
I have attached salary structure here pls can you design a salary slip for this employee and i also clear on this so i can make salary for others.... pls

From India, Pune
Here is the break up
The Monthly Salary Structure is bifurcated as Under
(Amt in Rs.)
CTC Offered 14650
Gratuity (4.81%) 317
Bonus (8.33%) 549
Employee's Contribution PF (12%) 780
Monthly Break up*
Basic 6593
House Rent Allowance 2637
Medical Re-imbursement 1250
Child Education Allowance 200
Conveyance Allowance 800
Special Allowance 1524
Gross Salary 13004
Professional Tax 200
Total Deductions 200
Net Salary 12804

From India, Pune
Hi, Please find the salary slip attached as per the 23 working days for the same salary structure.
From India, Hyderabad
Attached Files (Download Requires Membership)
File Type: xls Salary Slip.xls (26.0 KB, 87 views)

Bharath might have forget to show PT deduction of Rs. 110 so total deduction will be 891 and net payable will be 9078.
I belive you are facing this problem cos still yet you have not standardized salary breakup percentage. If you are doing the same on excel then allocate a specific % on salary head this will make your work easy and fast.
still confuse call me at 9231539330

From India, Calcutta
KHAN Format is already provided by Bharath.... go through that...... still confuse ask we are here to help you out....... Regards
From India, Calcutta
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