I am Divya Kishore working with Jindal Steel as a managemnt trainee. Can anyone help me with some training games on "Time Management" as I have been asked to provide training on this topic.
Also, as I am deputed at factory, I have been asked to organize some activities that can make plant life even more lively.
So, please suggest me such activities.
My Email ID is 'divyakishore33@rediffmail.com'
From China
Also, as I am deputed at factory, I have been asked to organize some activities that can make plant life even more lively.
So, please suggest me such activities.
My Email ID is 'divyakishore33@rediffmail.com'
From China
Dear Dhivya,
This exercise makes it easy for leaders of other teams to come together as a group
For the purpose of updating one another on recent developments in their own work groups.
The exchange is a way to break the ice in a team-building session without requiring people to expose themselves beyond their individual comfort level.
You will need one of the “ Team starter Worksheet” for each participant. Each participant will need a pen or pencil for completing the worksheet.
Introduce the exercise by pointing out that the press of business sometimes makes it difficult to keep up with one another and that at the beginning of this session it is important to know what everyone’s expectations are.
Inform the participants that their goal will be to update one another when necessary on recent developments in their respective work situations.
Give everyone a copy of the Worksheet and instruct them to take about five minutes to complete it. Ask them to work quietly and to remain quiet until everyone has finished.
When all have finished ask each participant to read his/her responses aloud. After each person finishes, ask the rest of the group members to summarize what were said by that person.
5. Ask the group members what themes they heard. Then ask whether or not there are things that surfaced during this disclosure that will need the attention of the group during this team-building session.
Make a transition statement that will lead into the next activity. For example: “ now that we’ve heard what is going on with each of the group members, let’s turn our attention to how this team-building session can help is to support one another during the rest of this session and in the future.”
Time Required
30 minutes
Seated place
Hand out copies of any of the following "IQ Tests". Each block represents a well known phrase or saying. You may divide a large group to teams of three or four. Give a time limit. The team with the most correct answers wins.
PLASMA - H2O - Blood is thicker than water
Arrest You're - You're under arrest
HIGH CLOUDS - High above the clouds
1 3 5 7 9 WHELMING - Overwhelming odds
PICT RES - You ought to be in the pictures
Head/ache - Splitting headache
EMPLOY T - Men out of employment
LESODUB TENNIS - Mixed doubles tennis
KJUSTK - Just in “Ks”
WRitING - Put it in writing
LOV - Endless love
T RN - No U Turn
24 Hours - Call it a day
B ILL ED - Ill in bed
PETS A - A Step Backward
Gettingitall - Getting it all together
1 T 3 4 5 6 - Tea for two
A READ AND DO TESTS Time Limit: 3 min.
Read all that follows before doing anything:
1. Write your name in the upper right-hand corner of this page.
2. Circle the word "corner" in sentence two.
3. Draw five small squares in upper left hand corner of this page.
4. Put an "X" on each square.
5. Put a circle around each square.
6. Sign your name under line 5.
7. After your name, write "yes, yes, yes".
8. Put a circle around number 7.
9. Put an "X" in the lower-left triangle around the "X" you just made.
11. Call out y-hand corner of this page.
10. Draw aour first name when you get to this point.
12. On the reverse side of this paper add 6950 and 9805.
13. Put a circle around your answer.
14. Now that you have finished reading carefully, do only number 1 and 2.
Hope this help u ...
John N
From India, Madras
This exercise makes it easy for leaders of other teams to come together as a group
For the purpose of updating one another on recent developments in their own work groups.
The exchange is a way to break the ice in a team-building session without requiring people to expose themselves beyond their individual comfort level.
You will need one of the “ Team starter Worksheet” for each participant. Each participant will need a pen or pencil for completing the worksheet.
Introduce the exercise by pointing out that the press of business sometimes makes it difficult to keep up with one another and that at the beginning of this session it is important to know what everyone’s expectations are.
Inform the participants that their goal will be to update one another when necessary on recent developments in their respective work situations.
Give everyone a copy of the Worksheet and instruct them to take about five minutes to complete it. Ask them to work quietly and to remain quiet until everyone has finished.
When all have finished ask each participant to read his/her responses aloud. After each person finishes, ask the rest of the group members to summarize what were said by that person.
5. Ask the group members what themes they heard. Then ask whether or not there are things that surfaced during this disclosure that will need the attention of the group during this team-building session.
Make a transition statement that will lead into the next activity. For example: “ now that we’ve heard what is going on with each of the group members, let’s turn our attention to how this team-building session can help is to support one another during the rest of this session and in the future.”
Time Required
30 minutes
Seated place
Hand out copies of any of the following "IQ Tests". Each block represents a well known phrase or saying. You may divide a large group to teams of three or four. Give a time limit. The team with the most correct answers wins.
PLASMA - H2O - Blood is thicker than water
Arrest You're - You're under arrest
HIGH CLOUDS - High above the clouds
1 3 5 7 9 WHELMING - Overwhelming odds
PICT RES - You ought to be in the pictures
Head/ache - Splitting headache
EMPLOY T - Men out of employment
LESODUB TENNIS - Mixed doubles tennis
KJUSTK - Just in “Ks”
WRitING - Put it in writing
LOV - Endless love
T RN - No U Turn
24 Hours - Call it a day
B ILL ED - Ill in bed
PETS A - A Step Backward
Gettingitall - Getting it all together
1 T 3 4 5 6 - Tea for two
A READ AND DO TESTS Time Limit: 3 min.
Read all that follows before doing anything:
1. Write your name in the upper right-hand corner of this page.
2. Circle the word "corner" in sentence two.
3. Draw five small squares in upper left hand corner of this page.
4. Put an "X" on each square.
5. Put a circle around each square.
6. Sign your name under line 5.
7. After your name, write "yes, yes, yes".
8. Put a circle around number 7.
9. Put an "X" in the lower-left triangle around the "X" you just made.
11. Call out y-hand corner of this page.
10. Draw aour first name when you get to this point.
12. On the reverse side of this paper add 6950 and 9805.
13. Put a circle around your answer.
14. Now that you have finished reading carefully, do only number 1 and 2.
Hope this help u ...
John N
From India, Madras
Hi Divya
I am also working for Jindal Saw Ltd as Executive - HR(Training). Well for Time Management, you can use a questionnaire (kind of quiz) to demonstrate that people generally do not read the insdtructions properly and just in order to complete the work, they make mistakes. I can only explain this here. Incase you want to know more, you may call me up at +919879523805 or mail me at
Thanks & regards
From India, Mumbai
I am also working for Jindal Saw Ltd as Executive - HR(Training). Well for Time Management, you can use a questionnaire (kind of quiz) to demonstrate that people generally do not read the insdtructions properly and just in order to complete the work, they make mistakes. I can only explain this here. Incase you want to know more, you may call me up at +919879523805 or mail me at
Thanks & regards
From India, Mumbai
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