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Dear All.
We are a US based Company in Contract research. We are planning to recruit somebody at director level in India who would be a Foreign National Origin. Since we are not finding desired expertise in India because of the lack of people at senior level for the desired position.
Can you help me with following questions.
1. Can we employ any Foreign Nationals?
2. What is the Visa requirement and whom to contact?
3. Are there any special Visa requirements for visiting foreign Nationals in India who carry out project specific work and stay for more than a month?
I would be very happy to know your responses and links supporting the informations.
Thanks and Best regards

Kindly click on the following link, it will give you some required information,

From India, Coimbatore
Dear Mohammed
Thanks for an immediate reply.
I have been through the link and many other posts in CiteHR but was unable to find the required information.
I would like to invite some more replies for clarity.
Best Regards

Dear Vikrant,

From top of my head, i can advise that Yes, a company can hire a expatriate on two scenarios i.e. as Employee or Consultant/Advisor. In both the situations their contract and job descritpion will assist for taxation purpose. the Visa could be a small time business visit or as employee visa. The person can apply to its nearest high commission, embassy and submit a request for both the categories with supporting documents i.e. appointment letter, invitation letter & any declaration required by the official.

Please ensure that the contract your company signs is full proof and indeminifies your company from any liabilities arising after hiring a expatriate.

Upon grant of visa he/her will have to get registered at the nearest police station or FRRO office in your city which is compulsory for any foreigner residing in country for more than 14 days. A resident employee is laible for taxation if he/she stays in country more than 180 days however, this rule is country specific and depends on the tax treaty with India (if any).

There are other more compliances too, however, if you need more assitance send me a mail on

Hope this gives you a fair idea on your queries. Thanks Prameet.

From India, Jaipur
I am with a US MNC in India and we have been inviting expats - PIOs or foreign nationals to head our operations in India even upto Chairman level and the procedure followed is viewed religiously to avoid any complications or hassles to them or their families. I have to similar care for their family members too especially children undergoing schooling, spouses professional engagement, donations or contributions made by them to local charitable trusts, etc., etc. This needs a liaison with the Embassey involved, nearest Police station, Home Ministry at New Delhi, etc.
On top of this, if they are eligible to get any compensation being a Director of a company registered under the Companies Act 1956 in India, then their salary, compensation needs to be approved by the Department of Company Affairs.
If you need any support, please feel free to write to me at
Wish you all the best.

From India, Mumbai
i'm wondeting if anyone can answer my questions. I've looked on the net as well but was not successful. basically My husband and i are staying in india, both of us have multiple entry visa and i have also registered at the FRRO. The question is i wanted to start working here, so is it possible for me to get a work permit from the embassy here without having a post guranteed.
Thanks for your help, look forward to your repsonses.

From India, Bangalore
Dear Mr.Prer Mohamed,
Thanks for your efforts towards spreading the good and quality knowledge, i appreaciate you concern,
in this case i am unable to find following queries generally a HR person will find.
1. What kind of agreement is required - i.e land of law
2. How Tax will imposed on and person will file ITR in our country as well as their country
3. How we can pay the amount in their own currency in their bank account in their country
4. What are the obligation and labour laws applicable to them
5. Suppose any mishappen what are the liability will have with us, apart from the medical insutrance
6. Suppose there is a breach of contract how they will follow and we will follow, incase the person escape from our country.
and so on
if you have any information like this , request to share so that we can discuss in all respect

From India, Delhi
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