Dear member friends,
There are many freshers as well as experienced who are looking for a job and some who are looking for a change in their work profiles... etc...... etc....
The problems which the candidates / aspirants would be facing might be that of -
- Not getting interview calls
- Resume getting rejected
- Not suitable for the vacant profile
and so on...............
These reasons are all due to weak resumes.... and posting the same resume for all profiles...........
So, for better understanding and guidance, i intended to start this thread, which comprises of my suggestions and advices in this regard, to my knowledge......... and mostly the collection from various other sources.
Hope this would be useful to most of us and hope you all contribute / post queries / give advices or suggestions and participate in this thread....
Before i attach a good e-book, when i searched, i found someone has already did it........ so just giving you the link to download.........
There would be continuous postings on this thread, like my other threads such as -
and so on.......
....... if you members are interested......
Thanks & Regards
From India, Vijayawada
There are many freshers as well as experienced who are looking for a job and some who are looking for a change in their work profiles... etc...... etc....
The problems which the candidates / aspirants would be facing might be that of -
- Not getting interview calls
- Resume getting rejected
- Not suitable for the vacant profile
and so on...............
These reasons are all due to weak resumes.... and posting the same resume for all profiles...........
So, for better understanding and guidance, i intended to start this thread, which comprises of my suggestions and advices in this regard, to my knowledge......... and mostly the collection from various other sources.
Hope this would be useful to most of us and hope you all contribute / post queries / give advices or suggestions and participate in this thread....
Before i attach a good e-book, when i searched, i found someone has already did it........ so just giving you the link to download.........
There would be continuous postings on this thread, like my other threads such as -
and so on.......
....... if you members are interested......
Thanks & Regards
From India, Vijayawada
Hello CRK Sir,
As you said earlier,i started to modify my resume.After go through this book,i wondered! there is big story behind the resume preparation.
So thank you so much for sharing the information sir...............
From India, Coimbatore
As you said earlier,i started to modify my resume.After go through this book,i wondered! there is big story behind the resume preparation.
So thank you so much for sharing the information sir...............
From India, Coimbatore
Yes Indhu...... Very happy to see that you started stepping forward towards your goal in a planned manner...
From now, many important aspects would follow in this thread...... Keep checking...
All the very best...
From India, Vijayawada
From now, many important aspects would follow in this thread...... Keep checking...
All the very best...
From India, Vijayawada
- Aman Mehra
1. Resume Essentials
Before you write, take time to do a self-assessment on paper. Outline your skills and abilities as well as your work experience and extracurricular activities. This will make it easier to prepare a thorough resume.
2. The Content of Your Resume
Name, address, telephone, e-mail address, web site address... All your contact information should go at the top of your resume.
Avoid nicknames.
Use a permanent address.
Use your parents' address, a friend's address, or the address you plan to use after graduation.
Use a permanent telephone number and include the area code. If you have an answering machine, record a neutral greeting.
Add your e-mail address. Many employers will find it useful. (Note: Choose an e-mail address that sounds professional.)
Include your web site address only if the web page reflects your professional ambitions.
Objective or Summary
An objective tells potential employers the sort of work you're hoping to do.
Be specific about the job you want. For example: To obtain an entry-level position within a financial institution requiring strong analytical and organizational skills.
Tailor your objective to each employer you target/every job you seek.
New graduates without a lot of work experience should list their educational information first. Alumni can list it after the work experience section.
Your most recent educational information is listed first.
Include your degree (A.S., B.S., B.A., etc.), major, institution attended, minor/concentration.
Add your grade point average (GPA) if it is higher than 3.0.
Mention academic honors.
Work Experience
Briefly give the employer an overview of work that has taught you skills. Use action words to describe your job duties.
Include your work experience in reverse chronological order—that is, put your last job first and work backward to your first, relevant job. Include:
Title of position,
Name of organization
Location of work (town, state)
Dates of employment
Describe your work responsibilities with emphasis on specific skills and achievements.
Other information
A staff member at your career services office can advise you on other information to add to your resume. You may want to add:
Key or special skills or competencies,
Leadership experience in volunteer organizations,
Participation in sports.
Ask people if they are willing to serve as references before you give their names to a potential employer.
Do not include your reference information on your resume. You may note at the bottom of your resume: "References furnished on request."
3. Resume Checkup
You've written your resume. It's time to have it reviewed and critiqued by a career counselor. You can also take the following steps to ensure quality:
Run a spell check on your computer before anyone sees your resume.
Get a friend (an English major would do nicely) to do a grammar review.
Ask another friend to proofread. The more people who see your resume, the more likely that misspelled words and awkward phrases will be seen (and corrected).
These tips will make your resume easier to read and/or scan into an employer's data base.
Use white or off-white paper.
Use 8-1/2- x 11-inch paper.
Print on one side of the paper.
Use a font size of 10 to 14 points.
Use nondecorative typefaces.
Choose one typeface and stick to it.
Avoid italics, script, and underlined words.
Do not use horizontal or vertical lines, graphics, or shading.
Do not fold or staple your resume.
If you must mail your resume, put it in a large envelope
From India, Vijayawada
i have started changing my resume that fits into the industry which i apply and the position which o apply.
Thanks CRK for all the help. May be ill FWD my resume too after reading ur thread..just check out ur PM somewhere today..and im sure ul appreciate that..
From India, Bangalore
Thanks CRK for all the help. May be ill FWD my resume too after reading ur thread..just check out ur PM somewhere today..and im sure ul appreciate that..
From India, Bangalore
By Edgar Jesus
Well! there is a famous saying “First Impression Is The Last Impression”
In today’s competitive world the above saying is playing very important role.
As today people are running for jobs in every fields and in all directions, but some of them get success and some are not. Why some are not getting?
Now here is the answer for the above question and it is Resume or Biodata of the person. And this is the first impression of the person for getting and losing the jobs. A good resume is the tool that can get you an invitation to the interview for your dream job. If writing a good resume is part of your preparation for the job hunt.
Don’t forget that your resume is really an index of your abilities.
The very first step is to build your resume in right and professional format.
Today 2 main formats are used: Chronological and Functional
To build your resume you can use free resume forms located on the web. This can provide you with directions if you are having trouble building your resume.
There are 2 important things to keep in mind while building resume is proper order and punctuations. Correct punctuation is another consideration for expressing good grammar, and essential for creating clear business communications. A resume with lots of grammatical errors, or one that contains lots of typos drives recruiters crazy. If you can’t proofread your resume yourself, get a friend or a professional do it for you!
Use action and industry oriented words which create a positive impression about you, that you are professional and knowledgeable.
A lot of people think a generalized resume describing everything they have ever done is a great way to show their experience and skills. This is not true. You should only include information that is useful to the job you are applying for.
From India, Vijayawada
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From India, Vijayawada
From India, Vijayawada
Source: Career Know how
There are clear differences between a good résumé and a great résumé.
A good résumé is a glorified application.
This type of résumé explains to the hiring manager the following information in this order:
dates of employment,
titles held,
and job functions.
It concludes with when and where you received your education. It is good because the hiring manager can get a clear summation of your past experience and education.
A great résumé is a marketing brochure. This résumé highlights the scope and depth of your experience. It describes the expertise you have developed throughout your career that relates to your future employer's needs.
A great résumé communicates a compelling reason for the prospective employer to need and want your services.
Good résumés identify where you went to school, the jobs you have had, and your responsibility in those jobs.
Great résumés extract the relevant accomplishments from your past experiences and highlight them. This prompts the interviewer to ask about them with the future in mind.
Great résumés also pave the way for great interviews. A well-crafted résumé will prompt the interviewer to target specific areas that are most relevant to the open position. A résumé that lists everything you have ever done requires you to be prepared to talk about all these things in an interview. It is difficult to prepare for such an extensive interview and can lead the interview astray.
Create a Great Résumé
Once you have adopted a future-focused orientation, you are ready to create your résumé. The presentation of your information, the layout, and the language you use to communicate value are extremely important.
There are only two things you can be sure a hiring manager will do when reviewing your résumé:
(1) Hiring managers will begin reviewing a résumé by starting at the top, and they will read the lines from left to right.
(2) Their first impression will have the greatest impact and will influence how they perceive you. It creates the lens through which all other information is filtered.
Based on these principles, it is essential that the most relevant, important information be presented at the top and along the left side of your résumé.
The least important information should be at the bottom and along the right side.
Résumé Format
In order to transform your résumé from a good résumé to a great résumé, concentrate on using your layout and language most effectively. Here's how.
The main heading is where you provide contact information for the hiring managers. Your main heading lets them know who you are and where you can be reached. This section should be designed like a professional letterhead. Résumés are formal documents, so you should not use abbreviations here.
The main heading highlights your name and provides the contact information on one line, followed by a divider line. This format saves space that can be dedicated to communicating more of your strengths.
Notice that it is not necessary to label the phone number or e-mail address; these items are understood. Be as concise as possible.
Use the same heading on your references page, cover letters, and thank-you letters. By creating a professional-looking letterhead, you offer a consistent image to the hiring manager. It also allows the hiring manager to quickly access your contact information on every document.
Section headings are titles you assign to different areas of your résumé. For example, your employment section will have one heading. Your education and community activities sections will have their own headings.
Section headings are extremely important. A section name influences how the hiring manager perceives the information within the heading. If you use an objective statement as your first section heading, you communicate your needs to the hiring manager. You are saying to the hiring manager, "My objective is to get a job."
If your first section is a summary of qualifications, your section heading communicates the value you offer the hiring manager. You focus the reader on the ways you will meet the company's needs. This heading also tells the hiring manager you are indeed "qualified" for the position. You summarize the qualifications that will be explained in detail in the remainder of the résumé.
A summary of qualifications should be confined to three high-impact statements.
The first statement should highlight your years of experience in the profession and industry.
The second statement should identify the areas of expertise you want to emphasize.
The third statement should identify personal attributes that are important to the role and company.
Summary of Qualifications
Offers more than 10 years of progressive advancement in the manufacturing industry, serving as an operations executive. Demonstrates a proven record of success in leading as many as 250 associates, streamlining business processes, and managing multiple projects delivered on time and within budget. Possesses exceptional communication skills and the ability to develop high-performance teams.
While "Summary of Qualifications" is the best section heading to begin your résumé, there are several exceptions to the rule. If you fall into one of these exceptions, then you need to consider beginning your résumé with an objective statement.
Exception 1: Clarity. If you are making a transition by applying for a position that diverges from your past experience, an objective statement is needed, since your skills are not an obvious or solid match for the position. Use the objective statement to clarify your interest in the position and show that your skills are transferable.
Exception 2: Intent. If you do not use a cover letter to introduce your purpose in sending the résumé, an objective statement is appropriate. The objective statement communicates the purpose of your résumé. In this circumstance, the objective should be very direct and specific to the prospective company and position.
Additional section headings that are useful in constructing a résumé that communicates value to a hiring manager include:
Areas of Expertise
Career Highlights
Professional Achievements
Key Accomplishments
These sections follow your summary of qualifications. They emphasize specific strengths you have developed throughout your career. These sections provide an opportunity to bring special attention to experiences that are most relevant to the hiring manager, regardless of when and where they occurred.
For example, if you want to convey that your experience as a leader is a key asset even though your leadership experience has been in a different industry, you can emphasize this in a leadership experience section.
This way, the hiring manager focuses on your leadership qualifications first before reading about it later in the context of the industry.
Be careful not to give too much information in this section. For example, if you create an areas of expertise section, ideally confine your expertise to four areas and not more than six areas. Listing too many areas dilutes the depth of expertise. The same holds true for accomplishments and achievements. Focus the hiring manager's attention on your most important accomplishments by creating three strong statements.
Select a high-impact section heading for your employment section. Do not use "Employment History" or "Work Experience." These headings are vague and generic. The terms employment and work define virtually every type of job available, from soda jerk or paperboy to corporate CEO or marketing director.
Instead, create a compelling section heading that optimizes your experience. The following section headings are appropriate for professional résumés. They communicate a career path, versus a series of jobs.
Career Progression
Career Advancement
Professional Experience
Now you are ready to arrange the most important information at the top left of the page and least important information at the bottom right. Start with what is most compelling to the hiring manager. Begin with your professional title or your industry and company name. Then list the location and your dates of employment to the right.
Résumé Length
There are differing opinions regarding the appropriate length of a résumé. The general rule regarding résumé length is:
One page for less than 10 years of professional experience
Two pages for more than 10 years of professional experience
However, this rule can vary depending on your circumstances.
For example, say you have more than 20 years of professional experience. If the last 5 to 10 years are the most relevant and substantial, then a one-page résumé that highlights this experience may be more appropriate.
This conversation between an author and his editor illustrates why you should pay attention to your résumé length.
Editor: I like your book except for the ending.
Author: What's wrong with the ending?
Editor: It should be closer to the beginning.
More is not better in résumé writing. Your objective is to keep the hiring manager's attention focused on your skills that add immediate value to the company.
If you describe every experience and function of your entire career, you risk diverting the focus away from the parts of your résumé that are most important.
Additionally, if you put every single experience on your résumé, you have to be prepared to discuss every single experience in the interview. As a result, your interview will be more difficult to prepare for and you run the risk of being asked about experiences that are not relevant to the position. You may be perceived as "not a good fit" because, based on your résumé, the hiring manager asked about the wrong skill, rather than what was needed for that particular position.
Résumé Content
Transform your résumé from a description of job functions to a series of accomplishment statements that are of interest to the hiring manager. To do this, read your job function statements and ask yourself:
What was the purpose of this responsibility/project/task?
How was this job function relevant to the company?
Did this job function save time, save money, increase revenue, improve a process/policy/infrastructure?
The answers to these questions are typically the most important elements of the résumé to the hiring manager and need to be communicated clearly..
From India, Vijayawada
Hello Sir,
I am attaching my resume in this post. Please give me a feedback on it. I have been searching for a job since quite some time. Please tell me about the areas where I am lacking.
Ligesh Govindan
From India, Mumbai
I am attaching my resume in this post. Please give me a feedback on it. I have been searching for a job since quite some time. Please tell me about the areas where I am lacking.
Ligesh Govindan
From India, Mumbai
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