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Friends. . .Greetings
I have to come up with a Communication policy for our organisation.
Please give me some references/samples/ inputs.
The proposed policy should broadly cover \"usage of Fonts type, font size for written correspondence i.e. E.mails, Hard copies of letters, presentations, general notes etc.
Please guide me.
Thanks & Wishes

From India, Secunderabad

Dear Srikanth.HR,

i hope the below policy would help you.


A Directive on E-mail Use


1. Electronic mail is an essential element of business in XXXXXX (WRITE YOUR ORG NAME), providing convenient,

time-saving commXXXXXX (Write your Org Name)ication within the Organization and externally. It also conserves

institutional memory. The electronic exchange of information has a profoXXXXXX (Write your Org Name)d impact on

business, and regulating such exchange is not merely a technical issue. Clear guidelines are

required in order to ensure that XXXXXX (WRITE YOUR ORG NAME)’s e-mail system is used efficiently and effectively.

2. The “XXXXXX (WRITE YOUR ORG NAME)’s corporate e-mail” directive is issued by AD in the framework of its

mandate for administration management and in collaboration with other concerned Offices. It

sets forth the policy for an efficient, secure and reliable use of the corporate e-mail system.

3. The objectives of the policy are to ensure that:

XXXXXX (WRITE YOUR ORG NAME)’s e-mail system is used efficiently and effectively;

staff members are informed of the rules regarding use of e-mail services;

availability and continuity of e-mail services are maximized;

the institutional memory of e-mail commXXXXXX (Write your Org Name)ication is preserved;

exposure of the Programme to breaches in security is minimized; and

the use of e-mail is compatible with the ethical standards of the International Civil

Service environment.

The rules and procedures described in this document apply to all XXXXXX (WRITE YOUR ORG NAME) staff members and

anyone granted access to XXXXXX (WRITE YOUR ORG NAME)’s e-mail system (hereafter called “users”).


As with most businesses, e-mail commXXXXXX (Write your Org Name)ications at XXXXXX (WRITE YOUR ORG NAME) fall into one of two categories:

administrative or personal.

Administrative e-mail

4. Administrative e-mails convey content related to XXXXXX (WRITE YOUR ORG NAME) activities or to the service

conditions of its staff. They enable and facilitate operations, provide a basis for individual or

institutional accoXXXXXX (Write your Org Name)tability, and/or protect legal interests.

5. Administrative e-mail messages are part of the institutional memory and, as such, are

preserved in electronic registries. Such messages include, but are not limited to: project

documents, donor proposals, contracts, press releases and letters to applicants.

Administration Department Directive 3

6. E-mail messages of a less substantive nature which have an indirect, supportive

relationship to XXXXXX (WRITE YOUR ORG NAME)’s business may not need to be registered in electronic registries. Such

messages are expected to have a short-term value and include drafts of documents, providing

or requesting meeting or travel arrangements, responding to simple enquiries.

Personal e-mail

7. Personal e-mails have no relationship whatsoever to XXXXXX (WRITE YOUR ORG NAME) or to the service conditions

of its staff. Examples of personal e-mail include: correspondence with friends or family,

responses to advertisements, purchase of personal goods.

8. XXXXXX (WRITE YOUR ORG NAME) values the importance of enabling its staff to properly balance work and their

personal lives. XXXXXX (WRITE YOUR ORG NAME) recognizes that staff can use the corporate system to exchange personal

e-mail from time to time, particularly in hardship conditions. In other circumstances, staff is

encouraged to use commercial e-mail accoXXXXXX (Write your Org Name)ts for personal purposes. These accoXXXXXX (Write your Org Name)ts are

widely available at no cost.



9. Corporate e-mail services are extended for the use of XXXXXX (WRITE YOUR ORG NAME) staff and partners to

accomplish tasks related to and consistent with XXXXXX (WRITE YOUR ORG NAME)'s activities and mission.

10. With the exception of material clearly owned by third parties, XXXXXX (WRITE YOUR ORG NAME) is the legal owner

of all accoXXXXXX (Write your Org Name)ts and information stored on or passing through its e-mail system.

11. E-mail messages generated by users are identified, over the public Internet, XXXXXX (Write your Org Name)der the


12. Access to XXXXXX (WRITE YOUR ORG NAME) e-mail services is a privilege that may be restricted by XXXXXX (WRITE YOUR ORG NAME) without

prior notice and the consent of the e-mail user.

Activation and termination of e-mail accoXXXXXX (Write your Org Name)ts

13. A user is provided with an e-mail accoXXXXXX (Write your Org Name)t by the ADI Division through the

completion of an access form signed by his or her manager.

14. When a user leaves the Programme, e-mail system privileges cease, XXXXXX (Write your Org Name)less a request

for continuation has been approved in writing by the ADI Security Officer. Normally, such

approvals will be granted for a limited period.

15. In special cases, e-mails could be redirected to the user’s new affiliation or to a

designated accoXXXXXX (Write your Org Name)t at XXXXXX (WRITE YOUR ORG NAME) for a reasonable period of time, as determined by the staff


16. E-mail accoXXXXXX (Write your Org Name)ts that have not had any activity or access for a period of six months

will be automatically deleted and the corresponding contents archived.

Administration Department Directive 4


17. XXXXXX (WRITE YOUR ORG NAME) recognizes e-mail as an indispensable means of commXXXXXX (Write your Org Name)ication and emphasizes

proper e-mail content and prompt replies in delivering quality service and a professional

image. Common rules are set hereafter to commXXXXXX (Write your Org Name)icate better and derive maximum benefit

from using e-mail efficiently. A list of encouraging practices can be foXXXXXX (Write your Org Name)d in Annex I, ‘’email


18. To supplement this Policy, field offices may define additional technical conditions of

appropriate use for local computing. Such conditions are intended to deal primarily with

situations of limited resource supply.

When to use e-mail

19. The use of e-mail is encouraged particularly when it is a cost-effective means of

commXXXXXX (Write your Org Name)ication, when it facilitates work in multi-time zone environments, or when the

message/information being sent needs to be transformed for other uses.

20. At the same time, e-mail is designed for convenience, not urgency. The phone is a

better tool for urgent messages. When actually important, a follow-up e-mail should be sent to

document the verbal discussion.

21. XXXXXX (WRITE YOUR ORG NAME) staff and other users are requested to use the same personal and professional

courtesies and considerations in e-mail as they would in other forms of commXXXXXX (Write your Org Name)ication,

particularly those applicable to written commXXXXXX (Write your Org Name)ications. It should be kept in mind that e-mail

creates a tangible record of commXXXXXX (Write your Org Name)ication.

User identification

22. In line with XXXXXX (WRITE YOUR ORG NAME)’s culture of transparent commXXXXXX (Write your Org Name)ication, the user name, e-mail

address, organizational affiliation and related contact information must always reflect the

actual originator of a message.

23. Anonymous accoXXXXXX (Write your Org Name)ts are not allowed.

24. The e-mail sender is automatically identified by the first and last names of the owner

(e.g. eugene.smith@XXXXXX (Write your Org Name).org or Eugene Smith/XXXXXX (WRITE YOUR ORG NAME)).

25. Further identification of the sender should be made by inserting the following

information XXXXXX (Write your Org Name)der the body of the e-mail message: first name, last name, title and Office,

telephone number(s).

Administration Department Directive 5

Choice of recipient and subject

26. The “To” header line. Recipients listed in the “To” header line should be limited to

those for whom the message requires direct attention or action. If a message is addressed to

multiple parties, no one person is considered the responsible party.

27. The “CC” header line. Recipients listed in the “CC” header line should be limited to

those who need the message for information purposes but are not required to take action.

Senders should make a careful selection of recipients to avoid an XXXXXX (Write your Org Name)necessary accumulation

of e-mails by recipients, thus detracting from important information that recipients may need

to access.

28. The “BCC” header line. Blind copies are permitted only when a message needs to be

sent to a large number of recipients. Each recipient listed in the BCC header line will receive

a copy of the e-mail with his or her name in the To header line. This is considered proper

protocol by corporate standards.

29. Various lists of multi-recipient addresses are available for this service: All HQ Staff’,

‘All CoXXXXXX (Write your Org Name)try Directors’, ‘All XXXXXX (WRITE YOUR ORG NAME) Staff’. Its use is limited to offices of Division Directors

and the central ADI service desk.

30. The “Subject” header line. As all e-mails are filed in an Organization-wide system,

e-mails should contain only one topic in the subject line to facilitate this process. The topic

should be expressed as tersely as possible. On those occasions when the recipient needs to be

provided with information on two or more XXXXXX (Write your Org Name)related topics, it is advisable to send separate emails,

with each corresponding to one topic.

Replying to an e-mail message

31. Individuals should respond promptly to all messages containing their names in the

“To:” header field. An acknowledgement of receipt is expected be sent within 24 hours, and a

substantive reply within three working days whenever possible, XXXXXX (Write your Org Name)less the message makes it

clear that no response is necessary.

32. All users accepting the responsibility of a mailbox in their name should check the

mailbox at least once each day when they are in the office. They should also make

arrangements for the handling of their e-mail during absences, either by having their e-mail

forwarded to another XXXXXX (WRITE YOUR ORG NAME) staff member or activating an out-of-office reply.

33. To keep the thread and context of the message clear, it is recommended that the “reply

with history” fXXXXXX (Write your Org Name)ction be used when replying. However, any attachment should be removed

before using the fXXXXXX (Write your Org Name)ction.

34. To maintain e-mail effectiveness, the fXXXXXX (Write your Org Name)ction ‘’ reply to all’’ should be carefully

used: only the interested recipients should be addressed. It is not necessary to "copy all" to

get the point across. This fXXXXXX (Write your Org Name)ction may clog up the recipient’s mailbox, creating impediment

and nuisance.

Administration Department Directive 6

35. If an e-mail message contains restricted information1, users must not forward it to

another recipient XXXXXX (Write your Org Name)less the recipient has been authorized to view the information or the

originator has explicitly approved the forwarding.

Copying commXXXXXX (Write your Org Name)ications in the electronic registry

36. In order to maintain the integrity of the Programme's institutional memory, all

administrative electronic correspondence that has financial, fiscal, administrative or legal

value should be copied to the electronic registry.

37. Administrative e-mail messages of a less substantive nature, (e.g. meeting or travel

arrangements, simple enquiries) should not be registered in the electronic registry. It may be

saved in the user’s personal computers for quick reference and then discarded whenever


Deleting messages/attachments

38. Mailboxes are not intended to be used as data repositories; users should save

important e-mail messages and attachments as documents in their personal computers or in

the electronic registry.

39. Old or XXXXXX (Write your Org Name)needed messages should be deleted or archived as they take up valuable disk

space. Attachments should be deleted after replying. XXXXXX (Write your Org Name)less there are new recipients being

addressed, attachments needlessly consume system resources.

40. Attachments should be zipped before being sent. A number of field offices suffer from

poor connectivity. Large attachments may clog the line up and cause much inconvenience.

Personal use

41. XXXXXX (WRITE YOUR ORG NAME) recognises the need to use its systems for personal use, which may arise from

time to time. In these instances, staff can make personal use of corporate e-mail facilities,

provided that it does not:

a. interfere with the operation of XXXXXX (WRITE YOUR ORG NAME)’s computing facilities by wasting computer

resources or XXXXXX (Write your Org Name)fairly monopolizing them to the exclusion of others. Computerbased

resources – such as network bandwidth and storage capacity – are not

XXXXXX (Write your Org Name)limited;

b. diminish the user's productivity in terms of work-related obligations; and

c. violate the rules contained in this or any other applicable policy.

Prohibited use

42. All actions and commXXXXXX (Write your Org Name)ications performed by users in the course of serving XXXXXX (WRITE YOUR ORG NAME)

may reflect the corporate posture or image of the Programme. To minimize the risks of

1 For an explanation of restricted information, please refer to Policy AD 2002/002, ‘’XXXXXX (WRITE YOUR ORG NAME)’s Corporate

Information Security Policy’’.

Administration Department Directive 7

compromising this posture or image, the use of XXXXXX (WRITE YOUR ORG NAME)’s e-mail system is not allowed XXXXXX (Write your Org Name)der the

circumstances and conditions described below.

43. Incompatibility with International Civil Service Environment. XXXXXX (WRITE YOUR ORG NAME)’s e-mail

services shall not be used to view, store or disseminate any message whose content can be

classified as not compatible with a civil service environment. These include, but are not

limited to2:

pornographic texts or images

material promoting sexual exploitation or discrimination, racism or violence

messages that are derogatory or inflammatory regarding race, age, disability,

religion, national origin or sexual preference

information concerning drugs or weapons

commercial advertisements

44. Strain on computing facilities or e-mail systems of others. XXXXXX (WRITE YOUR ORG NAME) e-mail services

shall not be used for purposes that could reasonably be expected to cause strain on any

computing facilities, or interference with others' use of e-mail or e-mail systems. Such uses

include, but are not limited to:

entry into, examination, use or transfer of, or forging or tampering with the

accoXXXXXX (Write your Org Name)ts and files of others;

misrepresenting, obscuring, suppressing their own or another user's identity;

altering e-mail system software or hardware configurations;

theft, destruction, falsification or XXXXXX (Write your Org Name)authorized removal of e-mail messages;

entering destructive codes (e.g. viruses) and material concerning ‘hacking’;

exploiting users’ lists or similar systems for the widespread distribution of

XXXXXX (Write your Org Name)solicited mail;

subscribing to newsletters with no business-related content

sending/receiving attachment files that exceed the size limited set by ADI (filters

are set to prevent large attachments and specific types of files that are harmful).


2 See directive AD 2003/001 for a complete listing of such prohibitions

Administration Department Directive 8

45. To safeguard data security and help prevent XXXXXX (Write your Org Name)authorized access, XXXXXX (WRITE YOUR ORG NAME) puts in place

appropriate physical, electronic, and managerial procedures


46. The XXXXXX (WRITE YOUR ORG NAME) e-mail system technologies and configuration guarantee a high degree of

confidentiality. However, confidentiality may be compromised by XXXXXX (Write your Org Name)intended redistribution

of security credentials (e.g. passwords, signatures) or by messages, especially if transmitted

over the public Internet.

47. Messages sent/received to/from e-mail accoXXXXXX (Write your Org Name)ts outside of the XXXXXX (WRITE YOUR ORG NAME) e-mail system

over the public Internet are not protected by XXXXXX (WRITE YOUR ORG NAME) security tools. These messages can be

easily read, changed and forwarded without any permission.

48. Users need to be aware that the identity of a sender of messages received from the

public Internet may be easily coXXXXXX (Write your Org Name)terfeited. Therefore, due diligence is requested when

receiving from external accoXXXXXX (Write your Org Name)ts.

49. To limit the dissemination of restricted information, forwarding of e-mail to addresses

outside XXXXXX (WRITE YOUR ORG NAME) is not permitted without a copy being saved in XXXXXX (WRITE YOUR ORG NAME)’s system.

Signed authorizations

50. Authorizations of action may be carried out using e-mail, in virtually the same way as

practiced using traditional other commXXXXXX (Write your Org Name)ications methods (e.g. telephone, letters). This

applies only to accoXXXXXX (Write your Org Name)ts belonging to XXXXXX (WRITE YOUR ORG NAME) e-mail system.

51. All contracts formed through e-mail offer and acceptance messages, as well as other

legal and financial documents, must be formalized and confirmed via paper documents within

two weeks.

52. Scanned versions of hand-rendered signatures are not encouraged and do not replace

the original sender authorization.

Transmitting sensitive information

53. Users must not send any sensitive information or parameters (such as fixed passwords

or accoXXXXXX (Write your Org Name)t numbers) through e-mail XXXXXX (Write your Org Name)less the message has been protected by encryption.

54. Encryption refers to the process of making a message indecipherable to protect it from

XXXXXX (Write your Org Name)authorized viewing or use. The encryption fXXXXXX (Write your Org Name)ction works within the XXXXXX (WRITE YOUR ORG NAME) e-mail system

but does not necessarily apply to messages in which the recipient is an external accoXXXXXX (Write your Org Name)t on

the public Internet.

55. When sending restricted information, the use of the Return Receipt fXXXXXX (Write your Org Name)ction is


Administration Department Directive 9

XXXXXX (Write your Org Name)solicited e-mail

56. If a user has been requested by another user via e-mail or in writing to refrain from

sending e-mail messages, the recipient may not send that user any further e-mail messages.

57. In general, XXXXXX (WRITE YOUR ORG NAME) cannot and does not wish to be the arbiter of the contents of e-mails.

Neither can XXXXXX (WRITE YOUR ORG NAME) protect users from receiving XXXXXX (Write your Org Name)solicited e-mail they may find XXXXXX (Write your Org Name)desirable.

However, when technically feasible, XXXXXX (WRITE YOUR ORG NAME) may evaluate and set cost-effective mechanisms to

alleviate this problem.


58. Users shall not give the impression that they are representing, giving opinions, or

otherwise making statements on behalf of XXXXXX (WRITE YOUR ORG NAME) or any of its XXXXXX (Write your Org Name)its XXXXXX (Write your Org Name)less expressly authorized

to do so.

59. They should ensure that their messages do not harm the Programme's reputation in

any way.

60. In line with the policies and procedures of major organizations and companies, all email

messages being commXXXXXX (Write your Org Name)icated from XXXXXX (WRITE YOUR ORG NAME) offices to external parties will be attached

with a disclaimer notice3

Privacy and system monitoring

61. The Organization recognizes the importance of protecting the privacy of information.

XXXXXX (WRITE YOUR ORG NAME) is committed to make its best efforts to respect the privacy of staff and partners. It is

XXXXXX (WRITE YOUR ORG NAME)’s corporate intent to balance its legitimate business interests with reasonable

expectations of privacy.

62. XXXXXX (WRITE YOUR ORG NAME) reserves the right to inspect, monitor and log any aspects of staff activity on its

e-mail system.

63. Inspection, monitoring and logging are authorized following the rules set in AD

Directive 2003/001’’ Usage of Internet and network services’’.

64. XXXXXX (WRITE YOUR ORG NAME) reserves the right to retrieve data when there are time-dependent, critical

operational needs of XXXXXX (WRITE YOUR ORG NAME) business in which a XXXXXX (WRITE YOUR ORG NAME) Office has determined that the

information sought is not more readily available by other means (in such instances, the

Managers will authorize retrieval and e-mail users will be informed, when possible).

65. Automatic mechanisms may be set up to check the content of e-mail in order to block

those deemed XXXXXX (Write your Org Name)solicited (spam).

66. XXXXXX (WRITE YOUR ORG NAME) may elect to publish e-mail addresses as directory information. Requests for

identification or release of staff e-mail addresses should be authorized by the Office of the

Director, ADH

3 See ICT memoranda 2003 for more details and the text of the disclaimer

Administration Department Directive 10


Divisional responsibility

67. The Director, AD is responsible for ensuring:

overall implementation of the policy

monitoring the execution and impact of the policy on the Programme

reporting to the Executive Director on its implementation

compliance with relevant XXXXXX (Write your Org Name)ited Nations rules and legislation

68. The Director, ADI is responsible for ensuring:

implementation of the policy through cost-effective technical solutions

security of commXXXXXX (Write your Org Name)ications and protection of data

maintenance of technical components

provision of the required connectivity

69. Managers are responsible for:

the activities of staff, consultants and project personnel authorized to gain access

to the e-mail services XXXXXX (Write your Org Name)der their written approval

ensuring staff are informed of the rules outlined in this document and adequately

trained in the use of the e-mail systems.

Individual responsibility

70. The assigning of an e-mail accoXXXXXX (Write your Org Name)t is an implicit statement of trust in the individual’s

judgement and professionalism. It implies an expectation that he/she will accept the

responsibilities inherent with the use. Specifically, all users are responsible for :

using E-mail in accordance with the rules and procedures set out in this


taking the necessary precautions to protect the confidentiality of data containing

personal or confidential information generated in the performance of their duties4

the messages that are sent out from their mailbox and for the security and use of

their password. Passwords should not be divulged to other persons for any reason.

4 Directive AD 2002/002, ‘’XXXXXX (WRITE YOUR ORG NAME)’s Corporate Information Security Policy’’

Administration Department Directive 11

Copying to the registry any e-mail messages necessary for the completeness of the

Programme's institutional memory.


71. Violations of XXXXXX (WRITE YOUR ORG NAME) policies governing the use of the e-mail services may result in

disciplinary action, as applicable XXXXXX (Write your Org Name)der staff regulations and rules.

72. Violations of this directive will be brought to the attention of the manager of the

relevant office and the Assistant Executive Director AD.

73. The Director, ADI reserves the right to terminate access to computing services in

cases of technical misuse.


74. The policy applies throughout the Programme, both at Headquarters and in all offices.

75. The directive replaces the administrative Document ADM 95/02 ‘’ Electronic Mail:

Policy and Practice’’.

76. Any questions or comments about this e-mail policy should be referred to the Office

of CIO & Director, ADI


77. This policy takes effect immediately.

Susana Malcorra

Deputy Executive Director, AD


Administration Department Directive 12


Here are some suggestions that will enable to commXXXXXX (Write your Org Name)icate better and derive maximum

benefit from this speedy and efficient commXXXXXX (Write your Org Name)ications medium.

Keep e-mail messages brief. Messages should be concise and to the point. Messages

that rXXXXXX (Write your Org Name) into multiple screens are ineffective; people just don’t read them.

Keep to short paragraphs with blank lines in between. Reading from a screen is

different to reading from paper - it's more difficult. Great blocks of text are visually

daXXXXXX (Write your Org Name)ting and difficult to read.

Keep your formatting simple. Effort spent on making letters bold, italic, coloured or

XXXXXX (Write your Org Name)derlined will be lost. Special fonts in messages (rXXXXXX (Write your Org Name)es, faces, dingbats, etc.) will be

translated into normal text when received by a system outside.

Keep a neutral tone. It is difficult to determine the context and intent of a typed

message because you can’t see the person saying what you are reading, and they can’t

see you. So, an intended "light" comment can be perceived negatively.

Use upper-case words sparingly. As it’s more difficult to read text in capitals, they

should only be used for emphasis. Many readers consider the use of capital letters to be

the electronic equivalent of SHOUTING.

Keep e-mails to one topic. Even if it means sending multiple e-mails to the same

person. It's easier for the recipient to file and forward the mail appropriately.

Follow reply threads. If you're replying to an e-mail and don't need a new title, then use

the "reply" facility. The recipient can immediately grasp and recognise the context.

Follow the chain of command. Use proper procedures for corresponding with

management. For example, don't send an e-mail directly "to the top" just because you

can. It is not necessary to "copy in" layers of management to get your point across.

Use “return receipt requested”. If it's an important e-mail, use the “return receipt

requested” fXXXXXX (Write your Org Name)ction when sending the e-mail. That stops you from worrying whether it

has been received. If you receive an important mail, have the courtesy to send an

immediate reply saying it arrived.

Check recipients. Before hitting the SEND button, make sure the e-mail is going to

only the person/people you want it to go to: especially when replying. It's easy to reply

to all the addressees of an incoming mail when you didn't mean to, or mistake the name

of the sender.

Re-read your e-mail before sending it. Time spent getting spelling, formatting and

grammar correct is time that creates a positive perception of you amongst people who

may only know you through your e-mails.


ASH Nejati +93 796 21 51 81

From Singapore, Singapore

Hi Nejati
While I appreciate your efforts in posting that detailed communication policy, I am sure you would have done a more efficient job and communicated effectively if you had shared that as a WORD document file.
All the same kudos for sharing that detailed writeup.

From India, Mumbai

Hi B.Jacob
Please find the attachment and would you please go to each part of the doc and then edit it as per your organization needs and want but please note the following tips,
• Be aware of your organization type (profit / none profit)
• Human Resource Polices / Harassment policy
• Usage of the email communication in your org
• and overall those things that its related to overall your org image and communication within inside the org and outside
I hope this doc would be useful for all of the members
Skype – nejati80

From Singapore, Singapore
Dinesh Divekar

Dear Srikanth,

This is in addition what Nejati has given the material.

When you design the policy, your attempt should be towards standardisation. The standardisation cannot be just restricted to font size, colour etc but you need to make standard templates for various subjects. Standardisation will help you in bridging cultural gaps across the continents. The templates are for:

a) How juniors should write mails to seniors or board members

b) How seniors should write mail to juniors

c) Letters to outsiders i.e. your suppliers, service providers etc

d) Officer circulars

e) Templates for various procedures of discipline or indiscipline like show cause notice, warning letters, Enquiry Report by Enquiry Officer (EO) etc

f) Templates for circulars to electronic or print media

What I mentioned above was written communication. Your policy document should cover telephonic communication, how to conduct the meetings, standard format to maintain records of the meetings etc.

The next thing is about how to conduct the conferences.

Yet another important thing is about how employees should use social media like twitter, facebook etc.


Dinesh V Divekar

Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.

From India, Bangalore

Dear All,

i have some problem that i cannot attach the document for you but for your more information you can simply just copy and paste to word and than design it as per your org memo or letter head pat since as per the Dinesh advice above i want to add some thing

Please try to make your communication as simply as you can do, do not create so many boundaries in order that if someone wants to reach you he or she must pass and send 1000 email and do communication since he or she can reach you and tell you a simple problem

make a join group in your org email since if a person want to send an email to all simply he or she can write ( xyz all users ) and such a theme way IT staff can help you more in this case

And try to design the email communication according the world standard not in your country or region since one of the most important things that people is going from the org is the type of behavior that they are facing in your org especially when they have a problem and no one is hearing them

There is a lot of issues that we cannot cover in one email as I gave you my Skype id in case of any problem please free to contact me

From Singapore, Singapore

Dear Nejati, Still the attachement is not available. Could you please upload the attachement?
From India, Madras

Dear All,
Apologize regarding the attachment due to some problem i cannot attach the doc for all of you but already i pasted it in my pervious comment and simply you can copy and paste it in word and go accordingly.
Once again sorry for inconvenience

From Singapore, Singapore

Dear Friends,
Having noticed the keen interest shown by many of you to have the communication policy outline shared by Ash Nejati as an attachment I have made a WORD document file of the same, edited it to the best of my abilities and uploaded the same in the following link
Hope the same is found relevant and useful to all of you.

From India, Mumbai
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