Hello Members,
For the recruiting process for KEY positions in our Group, we use psychometric tests that gauge the candidate on self image, Decision making style, interpersonal sensitivity - Firo - B, Ego state, leadership style and Emotional Intelligence.
I wanted to know if there is a tool to check if teh habit of an employee will interfere in work. To add more clarity, I can explain an incident that took place in our company:
We hired a person for a senior position - in accounting. He was perfect with his skills and was given a positive response from teh skills side.
I completed his psychometric tests that showed results that he was depicting himself to be a "perfect person", (under self image)...but Firo - B revealed that he was only "trying to present himself good" but the truth was just the opposite.
On the job - he was excellent. But we learnt that we was alcoholic. None of us were worried about that - until he started to drink and come to work. We warned him more than twice...but them he started drinking in his quarters (that we provide). We were still ok with that as long as he did not come drunk or drink on the job...
Also - we counselled him on ill effects of consuming too much alcohol.
But this person started to invite his assistants and labors in housekeeping to join him with his drinks. One day he was totally drunk and pucked in front of our factory gate and that was "a bad sight"
We are not in a position to let him continue...and he even borrowed advance from us stating that he is going through a divorce..whereas the truth was..there was no such divorce issue. His wife was ignorant of all these facts, and she contacted the company and asked why we were not paying him the salary! thank goodness we have all proofs.
Now my worry and our org's concern is - we dont mind a person having such habits provided it does not interfere work and others around and spoil the atmosphere. This is just one thing that happened.
Another person is addicted to computer games - Biz dev manager. good at work..but whenever he is not got work - he plays computer games and online games - obviously everyone are frustrated and asking me - "If he is that jobless cant he take a load of others work?"
I dont know if a tool exists to understand iof such habits would interfere their work. I cannot ask them - I mean, even if I ask, they would say "NO...!"
Or can atleast someone help me understand some parameters based on which this issue can be sorted out?
Looking forward to hear from you!
From India, Madras
For the recruiting process for KEY positions in our Group, we use psychometric tests that gauge the candidate on self image, Decision making style, interpersonal sensitivity - Firo - B, Ego state, leadership style and Emotional Intelligence.
I wanted to know if there is a tool to check if teh habit of an employee will interfere in work. To add more clarity, I can explain an incident that took place in our company:
We hired a person for a senior position - in accounting. He was perfect with his skills and was given a positive response from teh skills side.
I completed his psychometric tests that showed results that he was depicting himself to be a "perfect person", (under self image)...but Firo - B revealed that he was only "trying to present himself good" but the truth was just the opposite.
On the job - he was excellent. But we learnt that we was alcoholic. None of us were worried about that - until he started to drink and come to work. We warned him more than twice...but them he started drinking in his quarters (that we provide). We were still ok with that as long as he did not come drunk or drink on the job...
Also - we counselled him on ill effects of consuming too much alcohol.
But this person started to invite his assistants and labors in housekeeping to join him with his drinks. One day he was totally drunk and pucked in front of our factory gate and that was "a bad sight"
We are not in a position to let him continue...and he even borrowed advance from us stating that he is going through a divorce..whereas the truth was..there was no such divorce issue. His wife was ignorant of all these facts, and she contacted the company and asked why we were not paying him the salary! thank goodness we have all proofs.
Now my worry and our org's concern is - we dont mind a person having such habits provided it does not interfere work and others around and spoil the atmosphere. This is just one thing that happened.
Another person is addicted to computer games - Biz dev manager. good at work..but whenever he is not got work - he plays computer games and online games - obviously everyone are frustrated and asking me - "If he is that jobless cant he take a load of others work?"
I dont know if a tool exists to understand iof such habits would interfere their work. I cannot ask them - I mean, even if I ask, they would say "NO...!"
Or can atleast someone help me understand some parameters based on which this issue can be sorted out?
Looking forward to hear from you!
From India, Madras
These are normal in industrial work life..we met with many such incidents specially in manufacturing because most of the employees are continuously engaged on work with overtime and work without proper breaks which makes them adicts.
The second case is computer games is not fault of employee, because most of us also are log-in to citehr during our office hours. Employee's are engaged for work that does not mean if he is efficient he shall not do enything else. After finishing his normal and routine assignments from his boss we should not complaint for his idleness leading to some extra caricular activities. If we think that he is employed for 8 hours and donot enjoy liberty during 8 hours is very old fashion thinking. These kind of attitude was exist during slavery.
We have to understand modern time HR practices and limitation to interfering with employee's liberty to do what he enjoy in free time.
From Saudi Arabia
These are normal in industrial work life..we met with many such incidents specially in manufacturing because most of the employees are continuously engaged on work with overtime and work without proper breaks which makes them adicts.
The second case is computer games is not fault of employee, because most of us also are log-in to citehr during our office hours. Employee's are engaged for work that does not mean if he is efficient he shall not do enything else. After finishing his normal and routine assignments from his boss we should not complaint for his idleness leading to some extra caricular activities. If we think that he is employed for 8 hours and donot enjoy liberty during 8 hours is very old fashion thinking. These kind of attitude was exist during slavery.
We have to understand modern time HR practices and limitation to interfering with employee's liberty to do what he enjoy in free time.
From Saudi Arabia
Dear Partho,
We give enough breaks. this person drinks at morning 3:00 AM, and comes to the unit at 4:00 AM and sits there!
We haev advised him many times to come only at 9:00 and not to extend work at all!
We give him enough break hours...on his request we had also given him a COMPLETELY furnished quarters (in a Ist class allocation - with allll comforts!)
But his alcoholic nature is interfering in work.
And as far as the computer game is concerned - I would not say that using citehr is equivalent to that. But IF my boss does not wnat me to use this, I might very well not use. (even if he does not understand). But for my luck, he knows that I use such forums and prefers me networking and gaining information.
Here - teh problem is, he is a Biz Dev manager. As far as theopportunity is concerned, he supposed to identify new business prospects. But since he was initially based out of Orissa..he used the excuse of flood, as a reason for NO work. But we have always asked him to look at other areas too. We have invested a huge amount on his training as far as offsite visits are concerned...I guess.. he should know how to utilize the time and tools for atleast office purpose. He can very well play games once he is outside. Trust me - he comes in at 9 and leaves at 5:00 pm. From morning 9 - 10:30 he plays chess.
11:00 - 12:30 he reads news paper
2:00 to 3:00 he browses some material on website (guess its related to work) and after that he plays other games.
The attitude has changed from before. He was always doing somethign or teh other - but now, he is OUT OF FOCUS.
From India, Madras
We give enough breaks. this person drinks at morning 3:00 AM, and comes to the unit at 4:00 AM and sits there!
We haev advised him many times to come only at 9:00 and not to extend work at all!
We give him enough break hours...on his request we had also given him a COMPLETELY furnished quarters (in a Ist class allocation - with allll comforts!)
But his alcoholic nature is interfering in work.
And as far as the computer game is concerned - I would not say that using citehr is equivalent to that. But IF my boss does not wnat me to use this, I might very well not use. (even if he does not understand). But for my luck, he knows that I use such forums and prefers me networking and gaining information.
Here - teh problem is, he is a Biz Dev manager. As far as theopportunity is concerned, he supposed to identify new business prospects. But since he was initially based out of Orissa..he used the excuse of flood, as a reason for NO work. But we have always asked him to look at other areas too. We have invested a huge amount on his training as far as offsite visits are concerned...I guess.. he should know how to utilize the time and tools for atleast office purpose. He can very well play games once he is outside. Trust me - he comes in at 9 and leaves at 5:00 pm. From morning 9 - 10:30 he plays chess.
11:00 - 12:30 he reads news paper
2:00 to 3:00 he browses some material on website (guess its related to work) and after that he plays other games.
The attitude has changed from before. He was always doing somethign or teh other - but now, he is OUT OF FOCUS.
From India, Madras
Nice problem you have Asha.....though it does gave me a laugh while I was reading your posting, I can visualise the headache you-as HR-must be going thru.
Frankly I don't think there is any such Test to find out. But there could be 2 ways of handling/pre-empting such situations.
1) Build-in such inputs too in your joining formalities or for existing employees, a part of the Annual Appraisal Form. In the later, it can be a bit more discrete to avoid any ego hangups.
2) Expand on the USUAL inferences that you do with the results of your regular psychometric tests. For eg., the result about this guy on FIRO-B could be a lead/indication to a POSSIBLE attitude of lying when faced with inconvenient situations/questions--frankly with that sort of a result, am not sure if he would qualify even for a regular job.........you would never know if he was speaking the truth on the job. Under normal/casual circumstances, it may not matter. But in critical situations, would that be an acceptable trait?
From India, Hyderabad
Frankly I don't think there is any such Test to find out. But there could be 2 ways of handling/pre-empting such situations.
1) Build-in such inputs too in your joining formalities or for existing employees, a part of the Annual Appraisal Form. In the later, it can be a bit more discrete to avoid any ego hangups.
2) Expand on the USUAL inferences that you do with the results of your regular psychometric tests. For eg., the result about this guy on FIRO-B could be a lead/indication to a POSSIBLE attitude of lying when faced with inconvenient situations/questions--frankly with that sort of a result, am not sure if he would qualify even for a regular job.........you would never know if he was speaking the truth on the job. Under normal/casual circumstances, it may not matter. But in critical situations, would that be an acceptable trait?
From India, Hyderabad
no tool asha i can provide many examples where people sitting n playing cards, chewing tobacco coz it eases tension to them its common twity
From India, Pune
From India, Pune
From morning 9 - 10:30 he plays chess.
11:00 - 12:30 he reads news paper
2:00 to 3:00 he browses some material on website (guess its related to work) and after that he plays other games.
The attitude has changed from before. He was always doing somethign or teh other - but now, he is OUT OF FOCUS.
hey too much spying going on haaaa
From India, Pune
11:00 - 12:30 he reads news paper
2:00 to 3:00 he browses some material on website (guess its related to work) and after that he plays other games.
The attitude has changed from before. He was always doing somethign or teh other - but now, he is OUT OF FOCUS.
hey too much spying going on haaaa
From India, Pune
This is going on for one month Ravi!
He is "EVEN NOW" playign chess.
And the best part was he was admitted a couple of days back for high BP!
Everyone here are teasing and asking, did he lose the game so badly that his bp went high?
I felt bad that his image and our company standards are becoming degraded.
From India, Madras
He is "EVEN NOW" playign chess.
And the best part was he was admitted a couple of days back for high BP!
Everyone here are teasing and asking, did he lose the game so badly that his bp went high?
I felt bad that his image and our company standards are becoming degraded.
From India, Madras
Dear TS....
This guy was good at the job. Infact he is perfect with work...and for that reason, my boss and Chairman thought that we could infact help him change.
Chairman hismelf advised the person to consume less and not let others point their finger at him. Each time he apologizes and he swears on "Lord Saibaba" that he will not drink.
Though My Chiarman was not concerned about all his promises...but thought of giving him time to correct himself.
But.... seriously he is losing the job only because of the uncontroling nature.
From India, Madras
This guy was good at the job. Infact he is perfect with work...and for that reason, my boss and Chairman thought that we could infact help him change.
Chairman hismelf advised the person to consume less and not let others point their finger at him. Each time he apologizes and he swears on "Lord Saibaba" that he will not drink.
Though My Chiarman was not concerned about all his promises...but thought of giving him time to correct himself.
But.... seriously he is losing the job only because of the uncontroling nature.
From India, Madras
There is no tool to precisly check a person habit interfering in his work. But one simple thing can be done by the HR that would be along with the Tests which have been conducted by you, One check back with the references given by the individual will surely help.
You can ofcourse cross verify from H.R point of view. and the same can be explained to the person on the other end stating this is procedure.
There is no tool to precisly check a person habit interfering in his work. But one simple thing can be done by the HR that would be along with the Tests which have been conducted by you, One check back with the references given by the individual will surely help.
You can ofcourse cross verify from H.R point of view. and the same can be explained to the person on the other end stating this is procedure.
Hello Asha,
I am no HR expert. But I can say that if drink intereferes with the job, uou have no option but to give him written warning and get rid of him, if he does not change.
Same goes for playing games while at work.
You browsing citehr and networking is entirely different.
Best wishes
From United Kingdom
I am no HR expert. But I can say that if drink intereferes with the job, uou have no option but to give him written warning and get rid of him, if he does not change.
Same goes for playing games while at work.
You browsing citehr and networking is entirely different.
Best wishes
From United Kingdom
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