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Dear All,

I am working in a IT service based company as a HR Manager. I am looking for some help in preparing a HR Newsletter fro my company. Can anyone help me out with some examples or some sample newsletters?

I will appreciate if anyone will send me some document for the same.
Arpit Nayak

From India, Calcutta

Hi Arpit,

You can make a good beginning by studying a few house magazines of well reputed corporates to get an idea of the layout and contents of these in-house magazines. You need not restrict it to just manufacturing companies but explore magazines of other organizations like public sector banks too. Fireside the house magazine of Thermax is one of the award winning house magazines and Kshema of Corporation Bank is also worth going through. I do not have a pdf copy readily available to share with you. I do understand that a newsletter would me more crisp and contain less material than what a typical house magazine will contain. However a look at good house magazines will give you manifold ideas.

When you are planning your internal magazine/ news letter it is important that you be clear why you need to have a magazine, what you wish to attain by circulating it, what is the frequency and how you will manage to generate content. Most house magazines contain and editorial, message from the chairman, some brief about the new business and new initiatives, , a mix of human interest articles, some motivational content, rewards, recognition, obituary. There could be other columns like a learner’s corner, employee’s contribution like poems, articles, humor etc. Special awards or outstanding achievements of employees or departments or the company must be suitably highlighted too.

It would be useful to have a good editorial board in place so that the contents are screened and no bias or favoritism is shown in selection of content or rejection of content. More importantly they should ensure that there is quality content and good production of the house magazine with special emphasis on timely circulation to all. The cost factor is also a key component that will impact the quality of the magazine. Having representatives from functional departments and branches will ensure sufficient inflow of content. You can also consider an e-magazine to save costs and ease the logistics of distribution.

You must be vigilant and ensure that copyrighted material is not published without permission. Also make sure that content is not plagiarized and passed of as original material and also ensure that publication of email forwards and SMS messages are avoided as far as possible.

You are invited to also visit the following Inspirational and Motivational blogs to get an idea of the variety of content that can be incorporated in the newsletter being planned by you.

Best Wishes

From India, Mumbai
Dear Arpit,
I am rather surprised that you have raised this question, as you have posted few attachments for other queries. These attachments you must have obtained by searching the web in the past.
B.Jacob has give you some sound advice. A search of the web led me to Creating an Employee Newsletter
at Google

From United Kingdom
Hi B.Jacob/Nashbramhall, Thanks For sharing the knowledge. Its really useful for me. If you have any sample news letters please upload the same for my better understanding. Thanks Arpit
From India, Calcutta
Dear Arpit,
The in-house newsletters are for the benefit of the people that work there and they cannot be posted. Usually they are not sent as a soft copy, even when sent they should not be passed on to others. It is unethical.
If you search the web, there are some sites that will give you some format when you register with them. Have you accessed the links and studied the material in them?
Have a nice day.

From United Kingdom
In addition to the guidance offered by Simhan, I request you to consider the newsletter, as contributed by our member to this community.
It would be a point of reference for you .
Here's a point -wise details, that are incorporated by our member in their news-letter, with a document as contributed. - Employee news letter
Here's a descriptive discussion with a template. - How to prepare a newsletter
This primarily includes article and is not a customized or focused newsletter which is generally circulated internally- Newsletter
(Cite Contribution)

From India, Mumbai
Dear (Cite Contribution), Thank you very much for sharing such links and I downloaded the documents which is very useful for me. I got a fair idea about Newsletter. Thanks Arpit
From India, Calcutta
Dear Arpit, Congrats ! Well begun , is half done. Please share the queries that you would have, as you design the news letter. Wish you all the best. Regards, (Cite Contribution)
From India, Mumbai
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