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View Poll Results: does your organization conduct an HR audit by external auditor every year?
yes 4 50.00%
no 4 50.00%
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Hi to all cite HR members and HR fraternity,

I am doing research in HR AUDIT as part of my curriculum. During the research I was preparing a questionnaire but because of my lack of experience I unable to frame many questions relating to HR audit. So I request you all to share your experience so that it will be useful in further fulfillment of my research.

Plese i request everone who views this to comment and share their experience so that it may be helpful in fulfillment of my research.

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Questionnaire Model 1

1. Why should an organization conduct an HR audit?
ðEnsure compliance
ðImprove HR practices
ðPrepare for potential government audit or litigation
ðunderstanding of department’s environment
ðCorrect errors

2. What should an audit cover?
ðReview of internal policies and processes
ðReview of filing and tracking systems
ðSurveys and questionnaires of employees and managers on the effectiveness of the human resources operation in the department
ðAll the above

3. Who should conduct the audit of the HR department?
ðHR staff
ðA cross-section of the organization’s staff, including line staff, middle and upper management,
ðInternal Audit team
ðExternal auditor

4. What should be time frame for conducting an internal audit?
ðOnce in a quarter
ðEvery half yearly
ðOnce in two years

5. When should be an external audit be conducted
ðorganization in their initial years of establishment
ðOrganization after five years of establishment
ðafter diversification or other business expansion decisions
ðafter downsizing, reorganization and other consolidation or synergy decisions
ð for restructuring the HR function
ðAfter the change of the CEO or the top management

6. What is the reason for your organization using the HR audit?
ðThe HR department uses it for a quick review of the organization ‘health’
ðThe HR team uses it to facilitate internal diagnosis, discussion and action planning.
ðThe senior executive team might use it to assess how HR policies and practices impact individual and organizational performance

7. What is the audit tool used for audit in your organization?
ðInterviews (individual / group)
ðQuestionnaire/ survey method
ðObservation method
ðHistorical analysis

8. What is the philosophy of the top management in your organization?
ðBenevolent (or) paternalistic style
ðCritical style
ðDevelopmental style

9. What is the current HR structure in your organization?
ðA corporate HR department with separate HR cells in the units or location
ðA dedicated and fully manned HR department
ðA high profile HR chief with limited staff
ðA HR task force largely drawn from line managers with a HR trained chairman/supervisor
ðHR being handled at corporate level by HR staff and at unit level integrated into corporate level

10. What are the competencies that HR department does not possess or needs to develop?
ðThe competencies required to execute or conduct the current business effectively and efficiently meet business goals
ðThe competencies needed to contribute to the future business goals of the company (diversification, news product development, new technologies, markets etc.)
ðBuilding employee motivation, satisfaction, commitment and accountabilities so that business activities are taken with zeal and enthusiasm and achievement motivation

11. What are the challenges that your organization is going to face in the coming years?
ðPeople challenge
ðTechnological changes
ðIncreasing business risk and Cost challenges
ðIncrease in competition

12. Which section of employees should take part in the audit?
ðOnly the HR staff
ðOnly the HR staff and top level management employees from other Department
ðA team of cross functional employees representing all the departments.

13. How should the benchmarking be done in HR audit?
ð Internal Benchmarking
ð External benchmarking

14. What is the pay philosophy?

From India, Madras
64 views and O comment.. is there any thing wrong with is questionnaire... please help in this regard... Regards Tarun
From India, Madras
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