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Hi All,

Right now Iam dealing with an interesting case. Need advise of my seniors on this.

We hired a girl in FEb with one year serive bond, which was clearly commnicated to her. She agreed and the candiadate looked smart , we hired her.

Work wise she was ok.

After 2 months she comes up with her resignation with immediate relieving citing reason of her marriage and mother's health.

Believing her conditions we tried to help her and to reccomend wiaver on medical grounds .we asked for her mothers medical docs. On which she started arguing relenlessly and did not submit papers. Interesting part is her marriage date(as tiod by her ) was 7 months ahead and she was not ready to extend her stay even by one day.

We requested for extetion reason bieng our proces was very critical.

With the intetion of helping her, we asked her to py just the training cost and we will release her with proper docs.

To our surprise , she replied she doent wants any papers as she intends to join her finacee's business. She started threatining us to sue us in court.

As she was getting weired we asked her to leave for the day and defered discussions for next day.

A complete U turn..from resignation to inetetion of continuing.

Next day she comes up and asks for 2months "work from home", which anyways was not possible.

The same evening, we get a call from somebody posing as News paper reporter, again thretening us to publish news as harrasment. On further probe we found that he was her fiancee'(he only said so). We pardoned the act as bieng "kiddish."

After 3 days she writes a mail to MD of the company with personal allegations.

When we ckeked her mails, she was copying all her discussions with us to her personal ID's.

Pls suggest..right course of action.


From India, Chandigarh
Hi Yogita,

Very Kiddish indeed!!

Anyways, lets talk about the solutions here...

# Pardoning the act on grounds of being kiddish is not right on the part of employer, if she is building up her case( as she is sending all her mails to personal id) than you need to act smart rather than just reacting to her behavioral problems.

# Communicate everything through emails, and make sure there is no loopholes from your side while communication, the best way is to stick to facts.

# Write a mail asking her to provide medical docs of her mother's illness and state clearly that as she wants to leave job before completing one year she has to pay the cost of training which is mentioned in clause no such and such...also inform her that work from home facility is not available in your company.

# You did not write what was the content of mail to MD, what kind of personal allegation and how did MD react to such mails.

# Counsel her, be a friend and ask her the reasons of such behavior and how such things can impact her in future. If you cannot do it involve someone who can.

# Issue a warning letter for the call from her fiancée.

# Last thing, do you think employees like her are value addition to company? is she putting in her efforts and performing since all these discussions. There is no point keeping her in the company, address the issue verbally within the closed wall with no cell phones and other gadgets.

Hope it will be of help....

From India, Delhi
Get rid of such creatures forthwith. Forget the cost your company has incurred on her training. If you prolong her stay, she will be doing more sabotage to the organisation incl. data transfer. pon
From India, Lucknow
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