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Hello everybody,
I m a french studient and I m realizing a market study on the "360 leadership assessment on line".
I have some difficulties to find informations about this market, the competition because I haven't the opportunity to use good databases.
Moreover I d like to have your opinion about this tool, its advantages, its drawbacks, its potential...
Thank you

From Canada,
:? :? :? hi steve this dipendra here basically i want to know will you pleaase be more specified, are you looking external or internal 360 degree feed baack

I don't know what you hear by "internal or external 360 feedback".
What i m realizing for the moment is a study about the "360 Leadership Assessment on line"
I think it 's what you call "internal feedback"...

From Canada,
Steve, Quoi exactement cherche tu? dit en francais si c’est plus facile.... il y a des personnes ici qui parle et lire en francais. Bonne Journee Rekha
From United States, Saint Louis
Désolé je pensais que ce site était principalement visité par des anglophones!

Donc comme je l'ai écrit plus haut, je fais une étude de cas relative aux méthodes permettant d'évaluer les managers en ligne!

Une des méthodes les plus réputées est l' Evaluation 36O ou "360 leadership assessment".

Vous devez surement connaitre cet outil!

Je sais que certaines compagnies proposent déja ce service en ligne mais je souhaiterai savoir ce que je pourrai améliorer si a mon tour j'offrais ce service.

Quels sont les avantages et les inconvenients de l Evaluation 360 en ligne?

Estce quelque chose que l'on peut personnaliser en tant qu'utilisateur?

Je souhaiterai aussi avoir un panel de concurrents avec leurs stratégies, leurs poids sur le marché,...

Enfin il me faudrait des infos sur le marché des tests aux entreprises (enz ligne) mais je ne sais ou trouver des chiffres, des statistiques, des données concrètes.

Voila. Donc si vous pouviez maider ou m'aiguiller je vous en serais trés reconnaissant!

Bonne aprés midi


From Canada,
hi steve and rekha,
if u can help me understand what you people have posted. since nothing i was able to get since i think it is french.. then i think if the post and question is in english then there will be more replies for you steeve. but if it is in french i donot know how members can understand that..
see u
have a nice time

From India, Vadodara
Hello sreenivasan,
My level in English is rather weak, therefore I can't be precise in my questions. However if nobody speaks french I am ready to make an effort!
Moreover I 'm waiting for your answers.
Have a good time too

From Canada,
Hi Steeve, :)

First of all, it was really nice of you to try and communicate in English to make us all understand what you want.

Secondly, from what you told Rekha I could figure out that you want to know more details of 360 degrees feedback on Leadership. You want to know the different methods involved, advantages and disadvantages of this feedback. You also want to know the strategies followed for the effective implementation of the same. Do let me know how close Iam to your query :?:

Here are some links that would help you in your study. Iam sorry as they are all in English, I would know how really helpful it might be for you.

For Developing Feedback Instruments, <link updated to site home>

For Sample Action Plans <link updated to site home>

For Feedback form on Leadership Attributes and Behaviours

For 360° Feedback on Senior Executive Leadership Capabilities <link updated to site home>


Soumya Shankar

From India, Bangalore
Hello Soumya,
Thank you very much for all these informations! It was very helpful ;)
Nonethelesse, as I wrote in my fisrt mail, I have some difficulties in finding information about companies specialised in 360° Leadership Management and this market.
I must know the current situation on the human resources tools market, I have to determinate which are the opportunities and the weaknesses.
I must analyse my competitors, their strategy, their market share, their location...
For that, I need a good data base. But it is expensive and my school does not arrange a materiel check...
So i hope you will help me again :)
Have a nice day

From Canada,
If you have time and if you want, go the website :
test the demonstration and tell what you think about that...

From Canada,
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