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View Poll Results: Money would loose its value soon.
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Strongly Disagree 11 15.71%
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We Humans have forgot our true purpose of life and running behind materialistic needs, End has come to materialistic world and Time has come to open our inner eyes, welcome to 2012 era of mass awakening era of satya yuga .
From India, Bangalore
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File Type: pps Gita simplified PPS.pps (3.25 MB, 1558 views)

Please check my other post on petro dollar scam(PPT), Manmade Financial system has already collapsed and we are running on a Stimulus patch up work(printing more money into the system and creating hyper inflation) to run our families, control unemployment and keeping Crime rate under control, Creating new world currency would a mere dream, we are hitting the mother nature very badly and the result you watch in everyday news(Floods, Droughts, Storms, Tsunamis and wild fire), World would change once Israel attacks Iran major population of this world would perish all manmade religions would fail.
2012 shall witness the fiercest war ever fought by mankind on Mother Earth. A full scale nuclear war between Christianity and Islamic Dharma would result in almost 20% population of the world getting wiped out. A fight to the finish between Christianity and Islamic Dharma... Triggered by unrest amongst nations who suffered at the hands of USA and its allies... The world would witness a massive destruction!
A total upheaval of the society is the call of the day. Almost 6% people are governing the system world over. It comprises of the politicians, bureaucrats, the policemen and the hard-core criminals. This nexus will be totally rooted in 2012... The year Bhagwan Kalki... the Avatar of the modern era surfaces... the upholder of ethics and values in the society!
Bhagwan Kalki incarnation, or manifestation, of a deity in earthly form. Generally of Vishnu, who is sent to earth to accomplish a divine purpose; Krishna and Rama are the most popular avatars.
It is the law of karma that rules the roost. In the cosmic system everything moves in accordance with the doctrine of karma. As we sow so shall we get... nothing less or more... so says the law of karma!

From India, Bangalore
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File Type: ppt Hinduism.PPT (1.22 MB, 334 views)
File Type: ppt 24Avtars.ppt (585.0 KB, 339 views)

Let me r- attach the Petro Dollar Scam PPT
• “you know what the big difference is between the Big Depression of 1929 and the onset of the one of today?”
• “In 1929 the bankers jumped from the windows committing suicide. Today they get a Golden Parachute for a soft landing.”
• This crisis is man-made. It is in no way a natural catastrophe – like a hurricane.
• Why?
We are living in an economic system that is driven by debt, speculation and greed.
• Today the world is run by a deregulated dollar. It has become ‘Fiat Money’
It is just paper money. It turns into debt, since it has no longer the backing of gold, silver or commodities
• According to the US General Accounting Office, the Government debt – is about $56 trillion (expected to increase to about 60+ trillion by the end of 2009 calendar year)
• 4 x the US GDP of $ 13.5 trillion
• How serious can such a system be, if it is possible that the stock exchange wipes out almost $25 trillion in corporate values – almost twice the US GDP – in less than a month ?
• Speculation leads to billions of dollars in profit for the rich and powerful
• ExxonMobile 3rd Q record profits ever $14.8billion – 15% above previous record profit
• Yet Government gives it further tax breaks
Why does the world get pneumonia when the US coughs?
• The dollar is still reserve currency for most countries, especially developing countries – and the US debt is globalized - it is distributed around the world
(China – US# 1 trillion, Japan – US$ 1 trillion, India US$ 300 billion ….)
• If the dollar collapses other countries’ reserves will be partially wiped out
• But - how long will the world continue to honor the dollar as its reserve currency?
• This question is for you to reflect on.

From India, Bangalore
Attached Files (Download Requires Membership)
File Type: ppt Petrodollar.ppt (1.79 MB, 190 views)

Dear coolsunny
Thank you for posting the attachment with an introductory note. The responses received for this thread as opposed to previous messages at clearly shows that a good introduction enhances the value of a thread and will get some responses.
Have a nice day.
A retire academic in UK

From United Kingdom
Beautiful Indeed... Geetha Simplified. If each human being starts following this , there will never be clashes , fights for enything. Thanks a Lot Cool Sunny !! Regards, Nimita Shah
From India, Bangalore
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