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Very sorry to say that recruitment industry is becoming worst with its culture and expectations.companies or consultancies ask us to sell like call centres and close position..with such a pressured environment how to find the right candidate...if you influence the candidate to join .he will surely leave in 3 months time if not convinced..we have to leave candidates to decide than pressurising the closure
From India, Mumbai
I believe go in for a drive rather than appointing we may get genuine candidates who wait all day and give interview..also comoany sbould see thwy give favourable environment to the employees...not cheat like mwntioning one amount in offer letter and giving chutta if not performed .
From India, Mumbai
Marketing and recruitment have become forcefullness preasurable...stop calling it business..companies give accordingly work.not for profitability.instead of appointing 20 30 staffs in consultancies or clmpanies work with 10 or less and get quality business rather than time for closing.i have also asked big govt management committee