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chitra anand

Dear all,
If an employee is continuouly late after counselling, deducting salary, warning letter, charge sheet etc. and he is the member of union. He got genuine reason for late coming. Management is strictly prohibiting latecomings.
What action can we take as IR person? as he is the member of Union, we cannot suspend or terminate him.
Your suggestions are highly appreciated.
Thanks & regards.

From India, Madras
santosh modak

Hi Chitra,Habitual late coming is a part of 'gross misconduct' as per the model standing orders applicable to all employees. The said employee may be warned in writing with show cause. If no improvement is seen either, he can terminate from services without paying him notice pay. Union is establised to protect the right of workers and not to protect their misconducts.</p>
From India, Thana
Kalyan Mitra

Hi Chitra,
Genuine reasons cannot justify coming late on a regular basis. Coming late once or twice month supported by genuine is acceptable but not on a regular basis. Coming on time is a basic discipline which everybody should obey regardless of position held in the Company.
Suggest call the Union President or Unit Secretary and explain to them the problems and give them two /three weeks time to improve the guy. If it does not work call the Union leaders again and tell them that management is going to get rid of him.

From India, Calcutta

Hey Chitra,

I see that you have already taken all the recourse to discpline the employee, then I am sure you have and must have also kept the Union informed on the same. So, please go ahead and follow what action was informed to staff if he did not comply.

Secondly, I see you have mentioned that he's got guinine reason, "so why was the all the above action taken on the first instance.

I am of the opininon that if the employee is good at his work and has been adding value to organization, and his late coming has a serious reason which cannot be avoided; we must give room to him since he part of company family and adjust the late coming to his work hours by asking him to work additional hours to cover-up. This however, must be with a time-frame with due discussion with him, or else other employees will demand same behaviour. Informly, all his colleagues must be informed on this adjustment due to valid reason.

we need to build employee relations, if his reason for delay is genueine. In my past company, an accountant had a mentally strained spouse and every morning he had drop his kid to school. The had company allowed him flexi-time for 8 months after which, he had arranged some other alternative.


From Saudi Arabia, Riyadh

Hi Chitra,
Not able to understand your challenge there. you are telling that he is coming late frequently and acknowledged the reason is genuine. If you have that mentality, you may not take good decision.
In the case of his genuinity, then why you took disciplinary actions so far. first you let confirm what you want from him. then, stick with that until your decision arrived.
As a IR person, it is important what actions we are taking and should predict the impact also.

From India, Jhajjar

Dear Chitra, You too become a memeber of that union from management part and start taking action.
From India, Madras

Dear Chitra
Being a member of Union doen't permit an employee to to be habitally late for his duty. Infact It is expected from union personnels to be a role model in order to guide the mass to follow dicipline inside plant. Considering the genuine case you may consider a shift change if possible but late comming should not be allowed on a regular basis.
Suggest you to discuss the issue with Gen. Secretary/President of the union and issue him a advosy note seeking justificsation as to why management shouldn't take discipilinary proceedings against him

From India, Delhi

Dear Ms. chitra,
As sugested by others, i also agree that it is not a union concern. if the employee has commited misconduct u have to take decision and not to wait/decide as per the union. plz follow ur certified standing orders and as per the natural justice take action. if all formalities like warning, show cause , charge sheet is conducted trough domestic enquiry and the same thing is continued as per ur standing orders if clause is mentioned u can suspend him a week or as required without pay. and even u can disconnect his/her non statutory facilities which ever is appilcable.

From India, Bangalore