hi all, I need some input on HR Audit. what all does it encompass apart from legal compliance issues? regard
From India, Faridabad
From India, Faridabad
Hi Shweta,
HR audit is same as auditing in A/Cs. HR auditing is to audit the people in company. The right way of doing HR audit is after appraisal.
In appraisal we have to take out needs of training, area of development, competency requirment etc.... to the employee.
Also in HR audit the OCTAPCE envionment is necessery to apply. This is very essential for all organization. With this eight essential requirement we can esaily audit our employees.
However the main reason of doing auditing is to check comptency of employee.
I hope this can give you an over look of HR audit.
From India, Ahmadabad
HR audit is same as auditing in A/Cs. HR auditing is to audit the people in company. The right way of doing HR audit is after appraisal.
In appraisal we have to take out needs of training, area of development, competency requirment etc.... to the employee.
Also in HR audit the OCTAPCE envionment is necessery to apply. This is very essential for all organization. With this eight essential requirement we can esaily audit our employees.
However the main reason of doing auditing is to check comptency of employee.
I hope this can give you an over look of HR audit.
From India, Ahmadabad
WITH reference to your question on HR AUDIT,
HEREBELOW is some useful resources.
Before you conduct your HR AUDIT, you should
-review your company vision/ mission statements.
-review your company core Objectives / strategies
-review your own HR objectives/strategies.
whose answers provide the real inputs.
The Human Resources (HR) Audit is a process of examining policies, procedures, documentation,
systems, and practices with respect to an organization’s HR functions.
Its limitations. explain the ways and mean of making this process more effective and efficient for development of the organization
The purpose of the audit is to
reveal the strengths and weaknesses in the human resources system, and any issues needing
The audit works best when the focus is on analyzing and improving the HR function in the
The audit itself is a diagnostic tool, not a prescriptive instrument. It will help you identify what you are
missing or need to improve, but it can’t tell you what you need to do to address these issues. It is most
useful when an organization is ready to act on the findings, and to evolve its HR function to a level where
its full potential to support the organization’s mission and objectives can be realized.
Like any other function, the performance and contribution of HR should be audited
regularly. The questions to which answers should be obtained are:
1. What strategic contribution is being made by HR to the achievement of business/corporate objectives?
2. To what extent are there well‑articulated and agreed HR strategies which are aligned to the business strategy and which are integrated with one another?
3. What role does HR currently play? Is this role appropriate in the context of the organization?
4. To what extent has the responsibility for HR issues been devolved to the management?
5. How well does HR reconcile the need for devolution with the need to ensure that organizational, ethical and legal obligations and requirements are being mf consistently?
6. What evidence exists that HR is being innovative in a practical and business way, based on an analysis of the business and people needs of the organizational and benchmarking?
7. How well is HR performing by reference to quantitative measures such as added value per employee, absenteeism and attrition?
8. How well is HR performing in terms of service delivery in fields such as recruitment, training, reward management, health and safety, the management of equal opportunity and diversity, advice on employment law and legal obligations, the provision of employee assistance programmes and the maintenance and use of personnel information systems?
9. To what extent does HR express proper concern for ethical considerations, the interests of all stakeholders (employees as well as management), enhancing the quality of working life and achieving a satisfactory work/life balance?
10. What ' contribution has HR made to the improvement of the employee relations climate?
11. How well is HR regarded by its customers ‑ management, line managers, employees generally, employee representatives, as measured by formal assessments or opinion surveys?
12. Is the HR function well‑organized and properly staffed with qualified professionals who are actively concerned with continuous professional development?
Who should conduct the audit?
The team that is responsible for the audit should represent a cross-section of the organization’s staff,
including line staff, middle and upper management, and those responsible for HR functions.
or you may use an external consultant to assist.
How should it be conducted?
The audit process consists of a series of questions covering the eight primary components of the HR
-Roles, head count, and HR information systems (HRIS)
. Recruitment
. Documentation
. Training, development, and career management
. Compensation and benefits
. Performance measurement and evaluation
. Termination and transition
. Legal issues and personnel policies
9. Health / Welfare systems
10.Employee Relations
11. Safety
12. Resourcing
The team works to collect information to answer the HR audit questions in each of these categories. The
focus is on how these activities and tasks are actually performed in the organization. The first step is to
collect all the pertinent information. The process of getting information, in and of itself, can be quite
How are needed improvements identified?
Once information is gathered, the audit team reviews each major section and notes disparities between
paper (what we think or say we do) and practice (what we actually do, as revealed by the answers to the
audit questions). This can then be compared to best practice (what we should do to best support our
organization’s mission).
How is follow-up and correction done?
Improving the HR system takes some time. A workplan — with a timeline, accountability, and
deliverables — should be created after the team reviews the completed audit and identifies areas where
improvement is needed. Follow-up and review should be a regular management function, performed on
an ongoing basis.
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*OBJECTIVE ---what is needed to be done
*ACTUAL -------what is/is not being done
*OBJECTIVE ---what is needed to be done
*ACTUAL -------what is/is not being done
*OBJECTIVE ---what is needed to be done
*ACTUAL -------what is/is not being done
The audit report categorises action needs into three separate areas.
-The areas that are urgent and important (UI),
-not urgent needs but important (NUI),
-not urgent but not important needs (NNI)),
-and important opportunities needs (IO).
As a result of this scheme of classification, YOU/managements can prioritise their steps.
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SAMPLE QUESTIONNAIRE [ not exhaustive]
Department Organization Questionnaire
The Human Resources Department is structured, organized and equipped to provide overall strategy, direction and effective management of the organization’s human resources function to accomplish organizational objectives.
*Is there one department or function within the organization that is responsible and accountable for planning, establishing, overseeing and coordinating all human resource policies, systems and services for all 11 major categories?
*Does the senior-level human resources manager report to the same level position as all other major staff and line departments within the organization?
*Does the senior human resources manager participate in addressing the organization’s strategic, tactical and policy issues?
*Does the senior human resources manager integrate all HR activities with the organization’s strategic business plan.
*Does the Human Resources department demonstrate a clear understanding of organizational and customer needs?
*Are HR services and functions aligned and prioritized to organizational and customer needs?
*Has a department mission statement been developed explaining its purpose within the organization?
*Has this mission statement been communicated to all management personnel?
*Has this mission statement been communicated to other customers throughout the organization?
*If so, to whom?
*Does the Human Resources department take a lead in striving for a more empowered and participative work force (productivity improvement, cost reduction, quality improvement and improved quality of work life programs?)
*Has a Human Resources department organization chart been published and distributed?
*If so, to whom?
*Does the organization chart clearly define functional responsibilities and whom customers can contact for service?
*Are job descriptions established for all HR personnel stating major job objectives, responsibilities and accountabilities?
*Do all HR personnel understand their respective roles and relationships to others in the department?
*Are department personnel cross-trained to perform duties outside their major areas of responsibility?
*Do they work on team and department task force projects?
*Are departmental personnel professionally and technically competent?
*Do they serve as internal consultants to management as well as counselors to employees?
*Does the department staff work well as a team?
*Are they readily accessible to all customers?
*Are department personnel provided adequate training and professional development to meet organizational challenges and demands?
*Is involvement in professional and technical groups encouraged?
*Does the department subscribe to major technical and professional journals?
*Is there a credible performance appraisal in place clearly stating mutually established goals and objectives for department personnel?
*Are human resources staff compensated according to market standards?
*Are they compensated based on comparable positions within the organization?
*Does department staff effectively balance organizational with employee needs and act as an intermediate for both?
*Is the Human Resources department results-oriented (i.e., measuring cost-effectiveness and the bottom line results of human resources programs)?
*If so, is it attentive to the bottom line and does it demonstrate a business orientation?
*What is the span of control of the top position within the departments (i.e., how many and which positions report to it)?
*Are supervisors or managers reporting to other mid-level managers?
*How many employees are in the Human Resources department?
*What is the ratio of HR department staff to all employees served?
*How does this compare to the staffing levels of other comparable organizations offering similar services?
*Are HR needs and programs accounted for in the organization’s budgeting process?
*Does the organization make plans for ensuring that HR’s future needs are met?
*On a scale of one to seven (seven being the highest and four being adequate), how would the Human Resources team rate the overall effectiveness and structure of your Human Resources department?
*On the same one-to-seven scale, how do you think other department heads would rate the overall effectiveness and structure of the HR department?
*On the same one-to-seven scale, how do you think the employees would rate the overall effectiveness and structure of the HR department?
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Human Resources Planning/Organizational Development Questionnaire
The process of identifying and providing ways to fulfill the organization’s developmental and human resource needs.
*Is there one position accountable for reviewing the organization’s human resources requirements?
*How is this review carried out?
*Formally/informally? (please describe)
*How often is this analysis updated (e.g., yearly, every two years, three years or more)?
*Do your projected needs include the following considerations?
*Availability of outside workforce demographics (age, sex, minority classification, education, skills level, occupations, etc.)
*Anticipated changed in your organizations technology, processes, products/services and markets.
*Personnel needs these changes will require (e.g. new skills, education, knowledge and abilities).
*Which sources outside the organization provide these demographics?
*What sources within the organization provided this information?
*To whom are these projections communicated?
*How often?
*How far into the future?
*Is there one position accountable for reviewing and assessing the HR department’s skills, education, interests and needs?
*How is this assessment carried out (formally or informally)? (Please describe.)
*How often is this assessment updated (e.g. yearly, every two years, three or more years)?
*To whom are this assessment and any projections communicated?
*How often?
*How far into the future?
*Are this assessment and projections used for training and development?
*Are this assessment and projections (workforce requirements) used for career planning (matching organizational and individual skills, abilities and needs)?
*Is there a formal career planning process in place?
*Is there a career counseling system to identify individual skills, interests and needs, and which offers inplacement and/or developmental assistance?
*Are high-potential employees identified for key positions?
*If yes, is there a succession plan to target high potential employees?
*Are human resource projections (i.e., numbers, job classifications, skills, knowledge, ability and education levels) identified in the recruitment plan?
*How far into the future?
*If the human resources plan calls for restructuring or downsizing, are there strategies set to deal with displaced employees?
*Is outplacement assistance offered?
*Are there strategies to support remaining employees?
*Are the human resources projections a part of the organization’s budgeting process?
*Does the organization have plans for ensuring its development and human resource needs are met?
*On a scale of one to seven (seven being high and four being adequate), how do you think the HR staff rates the human resources planning/organizational development process?
*On the same one-to seven scale, how do you think other departments would rate the human resources planning and organizational development process now in place?
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Recruitment and Selection Questionnaire
The process providing timely recruitment, selection and placement of high-quality employees to satisfy the organization’s staffing requirements.
*Is there a policy in place stating the organization’s philosophy on recruitment and selection?
*Does the policy contain procedures to guide managers through the recruitment and selection process and describe how to get help?
*Is there one position within the organization accountable for overseeing and coordinating recruitment and placement?
*Is there a formal process in place for identifying job vacancies?
*Briefly describe the process from needs identification through final approval authorization.
*Is recruitment done proactively from a planning mode (i.e., projected workforce plan) as well as reactively to immediate replacement and new job openings?
*Is recruitment linked to human resources planning (projected workforce requirements)?
*Is a job analysis conducted for each position?
*Does the job analysis accompany the hiring authorization?
*Does the job analysis accurately identify the key objectives and responsibilities of the position?
*Does the job analysis accurately identify the essential ‘can do’ skills needed (i.e., skills, abilities, knowledge, education and experience)?
*Does the job analysis accurately identify the essential ‘will do’ skills needed (e.g., leadership, interpersonal, entrepreneurial, communication and good attitude)?
*Is consideration given to internal candidates for all or some job openings before outside recruitment begins?
*If some positions are determined to be filled from within, how is this determination made?
*Is there a formal job posting procedure in place?
*If so, does the job posting contain the job objectives, needs and requirements cited in the job analysis (#6 above)?
*Are recruitment strategies (methods to obtain qualified candidates) set before active recruitment begins?
*Who participates in the strategy development?
*Does this strategy include affirmative action and diversity needs?
*What kind of recruiting sources does your organization use and for what positions:
*Newspaper sources?
*Professional journals/periodicals?
*College recruiting?
*Special events recruitment (e.g., job fairs and expos)?
*Community referral agencies (e.g., state employment and training offices)?
"Quasi-search" methods (e.g., hourly rate paid to recruiting professionals for targeting candidate sourcing or use of professional candidate researchers)?
*Employee referral?
*Internal computerized applicant database?
*Professional networking (e.g., associations)?
*Direct mail recruitment?
*Personal networks (e.g., local competitors, customers, suppliers, outplacement firms or industry research)?
*If so, please give examples:
*Does your organization measure the effectiveness as well as the costs of these recruiting sources?
*To whom are these performance measures and recruiting costs communicated?
*Does the HR department perform all initial screening of candidates?
*Are candidate telephone interviews, teleconferencing or video screening conducted before personal interviews?
*How many candidates are typically interviewed before filling a position and at what levels?
*Who participates in the interview and at what intervals?
*How many people are typically involved in the interviewing process?
*Are panel interviews used?
*Who makes the final hiring decision?
*Are hiring managers trained in objective selection (e.g., interviewing techniques, position-related questions and legal implications)?
*Are reference checks conducted on all candidates?
*Who performs the reference checks?
*Are tests or personality profiles used in the selection process?
*Are they professionally validated?
*Are drug tests administered to all new employees as a condition for hire?
*Does the organization compare the number of job openings and workforce projections with the HR department’s recruitment and selection capacity?
*Are peak and low hiring cycles identified?
*Has the organization examined or evaluated any of the following alternatives to satisfying workforce requirements:
Project or contract outsourcing?
*Temporary placement?
*Internal temporary placement pool?
*Part-time employment and job sharing?
*Are all employment costs accounted for in the organization’s budget?
*On a scale of one to seven (seven being the highest and four being adequate), how do you think the HR team would rate the effectiveness of the recruitment and selection process?
*On the same one-to-seven scale, how do you think departments would rate the effectiveness of the recruitment and selection process?
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Compensation Questionnaire
A system of evaluating jobs and compensating employees to ensure that the organization attracts, retains and motivates employees to accomplish organizational objectives.
*Does the organization have a policy clearly stating its position on employee compensation?
*Is this policy linked to the organization’s management philosophy on compensating employees, and does it reinforce the values of the organization?
*Is the organization’s compensation philosophy clearly communicated to all employees?
*Is it clearly supported and monitored by management?
*Does the compensation policy contain procedures to guide managers on how to implement the compensation system?
*Is there one position within the organization accountable for overseeing and coordinating all compensation-related activities (job evaluation, job classifications, job descriptions, salary administration, performance appraisal and compliance with all governmental pay regulations, ETC. ?
*Is there a process for keeping the organization aware of compensation paid for comparable job functions in the region?
*Compensation paid to comparable exempt job functions nationwide?
*Compensation paid to comparable exempt job functions industry-wide?
*How frequently are there market studies performed?
*Is your pay plan in agreement with the compensation philosophy of the organization?
*Are pay ranges wide enough so as not to force vertical pay growth?
*Are pay ranges wide enough and procedures available to reward additional knowledge, skills, abilities and responsibilities and encourage lateral career growth?
*Do the intervals between ranges clearly define the differences in positions assigned to those pay ranges?
*Are pay differences great enough to ensure that a subordinate is not paid more than his or her supervisor, including overtime payments?
*Are all jobs classified using a consistent job analysis?
*Are all job classifications reviewed for gender and minority equity?
*Are all comparable jobs reviewed for possible evidence of uneven treatment for females or minorities?
*Does your organization have an employee performance appraisal system?
*Does the performance appraisal establish clear objectives, expectations and performance measurement criteria linked to that specific job?
*Does the performance appraisal provide objective, interactive and meaningful feedback on performance?
*Do performance objectives clearly support departmental and organizational objectives?
*Are these objectives and measurement criteria discussed with the individual being appraised?
*Do the employees have clear and direct control over the outcome of their appraisals?
*Do performance appraisals reflect an employee’s positive behavior, as well as results?
*Do performance appraisals include a written plan to improve employees’ knowledge and skills?
*Are pay plans linked to rewards for measured performance?
*Is the performance rating/pay adjustment reviewed by someone in a position higher than that of the rater before discussion with the employee and implementation?
*Does your organization have a pay-for-performance (merit-based) system?
*Does it work as intended, or is it a tool for compensation adjustment?
*Does an outstanding performance merit an outstanding reward?
*Are compensation increases budgeted throughout the organization and are guidelines for distribution clearly communicated?
*Are ranges and limits clearly defined (e.g., pay increments linked to performance measures)?
*Is distribution of compensation among departments reviewed by management for consistency and equity before awarding increases?
*Are other performance compensation awards (results sharing) appropriate and in place?
Profit-sharing awards based on organization-wide profitability.
*Special recognition awards, e.g., bonuses for meeting a combination of results criteria, including department contribution performance, major productivity increases, sales and profit increases, and cost savings.
*Group or team productivity based on team performance and distributed by team members.
*Gain-sharing awards based on local performance.
*A special pay-for-knowledge system, e.g., payment for increased development of employee knowledge, skills, abilities and/or responsibility (allowing a broader job design without changing assignments).
*Does your organization have the capacity for a compensation strategy to attract, retain and motivate employees?
*Are compensation administration costs included in the budget?
*On a scale of one to seven (seven being highest and four being adequate), how do you think the Human Resources department would rate the effectiveness of the compensation system?
*On the same one-to-seven scale, how do you think your internal clients (other departments and employees) would rate the effectiveness of the compensation system?
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Employee Benefits Questionnaire
Programs by which employees receive noncash compensation to ensure that the organization attracts, retains and motivates employees to accomplish organization objectives.
*Does the organization have a clear policy regarding employee benefits?
*Is there one position within the organization accountable for fairly and consistently implementing employee benefit programs and ensuring compliance with governmental regulations ETC ?
*Is the organization current on competitive employee benefit practices, such as childcare, flextime, job sharing, vacation/sick time, time-off provisions and health plan alternatives?
*Is there a process in place to contain medical costs while offering quality health care to employees?
*Do you periodically gauge employee satisfaction with the benefit plan in terms of customer service, timeliness, claim management and accuracy?
*If employee dissatisfaction is high or costs are out of control or noncompetitive, do you put your benefit plans out to bid?
*How often does this occur?
*Does your medical cost containment review cover the following:
A. Have you analyzed both of the following alternative health care programs for their cost containment processes, including services offered, accessibility, quality of care and cost?
What are new employee numbers for the past three years.
Is the company accredited by the National Committee for Quality Assurance ?
Were any conditions attached to the accreditation?
What are the exclusions or limitations on procedures, such as transplants, rehabilitative procedures and mental and nervous disorders?
A. Do employees accept the COMPANY network doctors?
B. Has HR reviewed the following administrative controls:
-In-house company data on premiums paid and claims processed?
-Retention provisions of carriers, such as rebates or favorable rate consideration for retention of company funds?
-More favorable stop-loss arrangements with a carrier?
-Encouraging employees to report errors in medical bills?
-Health-care spending accounts and changing rules?
Nonduplication of benefits instead of traditional coordination of benefits?
Initiating a probationary period before health coverage begins?
C. Has HR reviewed basic cost management programs, including the following:
Increasing deductibles, coinsurance responsibility or copayment amounts?
Requiring second opinions for surgery?
Instituting pre-admission testing and certification?
Concurrent hospital stay reviews?
Closely managing chronic or costly illnesses?
Patient auditing of hospital bills?
Requiring employee plan usage data from health care carriers/administrators?
D. Has HR reviewed employee health promotion and education programs?
E. Has HR communicated with health care providers to review customized plan options and cost containment measures?
Are the costs of employee benefits regularly calculated and compared to national, industry and local data?
Are vacation and sick leave accruals analyzed for purpose as well as cost consideration?
Are there programs to control absentee costs?
Are there programs to curb sick leave abuse?
Are unemployment compensation costs analyzed for cost savings?
Are pension plans reviewed and employees counseled on win-win pension options that will save the organization money?
Does your organization offer retirement counseling to employees?
Are there benefits to extending the retirement age?
Should changes in long-term disability payments be considered?
Does your organization regularly communicate the benefits it provides as well as emphasize the company’s contribution to employee benefits?
Does your organization have the capacity to provide necessary employee benefits and address cost-containment issues that affect profitability?
On a scale of one to seven (seven being the highest and four being adequate), how do you think the Human Resources department would rate the effectiveness of employee benefits programs?
On the same one-to-seven scale, how do you think internal clients (department heads and employees) would rate the effectiveness of the employee benefits programs?
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Employee Relations and Communications Questionnaire
This section audits programs that govern employee treatment, communications, support systems and services that encourage greater employee satisfaction, motivation and productivity.
*Is there one position within the organization accountable for overseeing and coordinating all employee relations and communications activities?
*Are there policies that state the organization’s employee relations philosophy governing all conditions affective employees?
*Do these policies state expected behaviors of employees?
*Are these policies condensed into an employee handbook?
*How and to whom is the employee handbook distributed?
*Is the employee handbook information reviewed by legal counsel to satisfy all laws affecting employment, personnel relations, working conditions, employment at will, implied employment contracts and disclaimer issues?
*How frequently is it updated?
*Is there a formal orientation for new employees?
*Are follow-up employee orientations scheduled?
*Are employees given the opportunity to exchange information with superiors as well as assimilate information being transmitted from the top down?
*Are there forums that allow for regular interaction and information exchanges between employees and management?
If so, briefly describe:
*Are there forums in which racial and ethnic minority concerns are conveyed to management with the intent of affecting positive changes?
*Does your organization engage in employee opinion surveys?
*If yes, how frequently?
*Do you communicate survey results to employees?
*Is there a demonstrated commitment to introducing changes based on survey data?
*Are employees afforded a process where both sides of a complaint are heard and a decision is rendered fairly?
*Are disciplinary procedures and rules of conduct explained in an employee handbook or other form of notice? (Remember, the purpose of discipline is to have people behave in an acceptable way.)
*Are progressive forms of discipline expressly cited?
*Are they consistently applied?
*Are fairly competitive employee benefit programs in place?
*Is there a program that provides for management and employee participation in the discipline process?
Are there opportunities for employee professional growth?
Does the organization demonstrate, emphasize and reward leadership to ensure success and satisfaction in the organization?
Using a one-to-seven scale how do immediate manager practices rate in terms of daily supervision and management of employees?
Has the organization demonstrated reasonable employment security?
Is direct compensation/pay reasonable, equitable and competitive?
Are employee and team accomplishments, special efforts and contributions recognized in addition to direct pay?
Does the organization encourage teamwork and employee involvement?
What is the organization’s monthly absentee rate?
Do you consider this high or low?
In what departments/areas are absences particularly high and why?
What is the annual turnover rate (average position replacements per year)?
Do you consider this high or low?
Are exit interviews conducted?
By whom?
Who is given feedback from the exit interview and how is it used?
Are demographics of turnover data analyzed?
How is this analysis used?
What has management done in the past two years to reduce turnover?
Has the organization attempted to project future needs in terms of an increase in working mothers, child care, single parents, elder workers, a more diverse work force, etc.?
Has the organization made plans to meet its future employee relations needs?
On a scale of one to seven (seven being the highest and four being adequate), how do you think your Human Resources department would rate the effectiveness of the organization’s employee relations and communications programs?
On the same one-to-seven scale, how do you think your internal clients (other departments and employees) would rate the effectiveness of the employee relations and communications programs?
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Personnel Policies/Workplace Rules Questionnaire
Statements of guiding principles intended to translate organizational objectives and means into operational terms and help managers make decisions.
*Are there written procedures governing all conditions of employment and policies clearly stating the organization’s human resources philosophy?
*Are there procedures for monitoring the organization’s compliance with personnel laws and regulations?
*Are there policies and procedures published and adequately communicated?
*How? (please describe)
*Is there one position within the organization accountable for overseeing the development, coordination and distribution of these policies and procedures?
*Do these policies reflect the organization’s desire to be an "employer of choice"?
*Do these policies and procedures contribute toward the organization’s mission and objectives?
*Do they balance empowerment of staff with sufficient controls to ensure achievement of the organization’s mission and objectives?
*Are managers guided by policy as they make decisions from hire through separation of employment?
*Are managers given the opportunity to provide input to policy drafts before they are formalized?
*If there are other rules outside the organization’s stated policies, such as Civil Service rules, are they communicated to and understood by the managers?
*If yes, does management periodically review such outside rules to see if they reflect the organization’s current needs?
*Is policy consistent in purpose, background and procedures for implementation?
*Are effective dates of policies cited, and do they specify any previous policy statements they supersede?
*Are all policies approved at the highest appropriate level of the organization before being adopted?
*Are personnel policies condensed into an employee handbook?
*Is the current personnel policy manual periodically reviewed by legal counsel to reflect new laws affecting employment, personnel relations, working conditions, employment at will, implied contract and disclaimer issues?
*Are new policies that may have legal implications also reviewed by legal counsel?
*Does the organization regularly assess existing policies for necessary replacement or amendment?
*On a scale of one to seven (seven being the highest and four being adequate), how do you think your Human Resources department team would rate the effectiveness of the organization’s policies and procedures?
*On the same one-to-seven scale, how do you think your internal customers (other departments) would rate the effectiveness of the organization’s policies and procedures?
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Equal Employment Opportunity and Regulatory Compliance Questionnaire
Policies and practices to ensure compliance with equal employment opportunity laws and other governmental regulations as they relate to recruitment, selection, placement, compensation and treatment of employees while enhancing the validity and effectiveness of related personnel systems.
Does your organization have a stated policy covering equal employment opportunity as well as its compliance with all applicable discrimination laws?
Does your organization explicitly state its position against discrimination because of:
Sexual orientation?
Physical/mental handicap or disability?
National origin?
Marital status?
How is this policy communicated inside and outside the organization?
Is there one position within the organization accountable for overseeing and coordinating EEO policies and procedures?
Is there a review process to keep the organization up-to-date regarding regulatory issues and compliance?
Are job openings analyzed for job-related skills, education, knowledge and ability requirements?
Are selection criteria based on these job-related requirements?
Can all hiring decisions be defended against these criteria?
Are all tests used in the hiring process valid?
Are all hiring managers trained in nondiscriminatory hiring practices?
Has the employment application been reviewed to ensure that it meets all equal employment opportunity requirements?
Is there an internal process for employees to register complaints concerning discrimination and harassment?
Does your organization have an explicit policy against sexual harassment?
Has a procedure to resolve sexual harassment claims been implemented?
Do you offer training to management on sexual harassment awareness and legal requirements?
Does your organization conform to all provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)?
Does your organization have a policy statement that prohibits discrimination against qualified handicapped or disabled individuals?
Do your organization’s job descriptions distinguish between those qualifications, physical requirements, duties and responsibilities which are essential and those which are nonessential?
Are policy manuals, handbooks, recruitment notices, job postings and advertisements consistent regarding qualified individuals with a physical or mental impairment of a major life activity?
Can disabled individuals apply for job openings and gain access to the premises?
Is there a review process for employee restrictions and reasonable accommodation requests?
If you are a CENTRALor State government agency, does your organization conform to the requirement of the Veterans’ Preference Act?
Does your organization have a government supplies/service contract or subcontract of $50,000 or more in any 12-month period?
If yes, does it have an Affirmative Action Plan (AAP) in place for each of the organization’s establishments?
Are all AAPs developed according to the guidelines, including:
Affirmative Action Plan Narrative?
Workforce Analysis?
Job Group Analysis?
Availability Analysis?
Utilization Analysis?
Goals and Timetables?
Does your organization conduct a self-EEO/AAP audit on a periodic basis?
Does your organization have a hiring procedure regarding the examination of documents to verify applicant identity and authorization to work in the United States as spelled out in the Immigration Reform and Control Act ?
Does your organization have a Federal contract or subcontract of $25,000 or more?
If yes, does your organization fulfill the following requirements of the Drug-Free Workplace Act ?:
Publish a policy statement prohibiting the unlawful manufacture, distribution, possession or use of a controlled substance in the workplace and specifying what actions will be taken against employees who violate the policy?
Provide a copy of the policy to employees working under the contract?
Provide guidance/training on policy requirements?
Have a drug/alcohol-free awareness program?
Notify employees they must, as a condition of employment, notify the employer if they are convicted of a criminal offense occurring in the workplace within five days after the conviction?
Does your organization comply with the requirements of the Employee Testing Act ?
Does your organization provide programs for drug/alcohol rehabilitation?
Does your organization conform to the Family Leave Act?
Does your organization comply with requirements set forth in the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA)?
Does your organization conform to the provisions of Employee Retirement Income Security Act ?
Has the organization assessed or met current and emerging legal issues relating to equal employment and other governmental regulations?
On a scale of one to seven (seven being the highest and four being adequate), how do you think your Human Resources department would rate the organization’s performance in the area of equal opportunity and regulatory compliance cited above?
On the same one-to-seven scale, how do you think employees would rate the organization’s compliance performance?
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Training and Development Questionnaire
Programs, processes and strategies that will enable organizations to develop and improve their internal human resources in order to optimize their contributions to organizational objectives.
*Is there a policy that states the organization’s philosophy on employee training and development?
*Is there a position within the organization accountable for overseeing and coordinating training and development activities?
*Is there a process for assessing the organization’s immediate training needs and individual development needs?
*If yes, how is this assessment carried out?
*How often is the assessment updated?
*Who participates in the assessment?
*Is there a process to assess the organization’s future training needs?
*If yes, how is this assessment carried out?
*Who participates?
*How far into the future are the needs projected?
*Are job skills, knowledge and ability considered in assessing training needs?
*Are new technologies, processes, products, services, market changes and community needs considered in assessing training needs?
*Are organizational issues, such as mission, objectives, cultural changes and customer orientation, considered in training needs?
*Are the organization’s social responsibilities and respect for diversity reflected in training needs?
*Are legal requirements considered in training needs?
*Is remedial training in literacy and basic computation skills offered?
*Are employee development plans addressed in performance appraisals or other formal settings?
*To whom are the organization’s immediate and future training and development needs communicated?
*How often?
*How are all training programs and opportunities communicated to employees?
*Are subscriptions to professional training and development journals maintained and circulated among department members?
*Is there a reference library of training and development material for employee use?
*Is there coordination of professional development material?
*Do all training and development programs have clear objectives (For example, in a workshop on WordPerfect, a clear objective would be: At the end of this training, participants will be able to use the Merge/Sort feature.)?
*How are training resources identified internally and externally?
*Who is involved in the determination?
*How are all training resources coordinated?
*Are the results of training programs monitored and evaluated?
*Is cost considered in the selection of training resources?
*Is there a method to track training costs in terms of lost work time?
*Does your organization measure a return on investment in training?
*How do you know training is used back in the job?
*Does the organization provide adequate capacity to meet chosen training and development needs?
*Are employees availing themselves of training opportunities?
*Are training and development needs reflected in the organization’s budget?
*On a scale of one to seven (seven being the highest and four being adequate), how do you think your Human Resources department team would rate the organization’s training and development activities and performance?
*On the same one-to-seven scale, how do you think your customers (other departments) would rate the training and development activities and performance.
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Labor Relations Questionnaire
The process that ensures and oversees fair and effective collective bargaining with those unions representing employees and fosters positive labor relations designed to achieve organization objectives.
*Does the organization clearly state its philosophy on labor relations and implement guiding procedures for managers who deal with contract and labor relation issues?
*Is there a position within the organization that oversees and coordinates labor relation activities?
*Do labor relations strategies support the organization’s business plan?
*Is top management informed and supportive of labor management strategies and goals?
*Is there an atmosphere of management respect for union representation?
*Are negotiation strategies and objectives formulated in advance of contract negotiations?
*Does management understand the laws that govern collective bargaining?
*Is your labor management team educated and trained in private- or government-sector bargaining techniques?
*Does your labor relations staff network with professionals from other organizations?
*Are union officials involved in workshops, educational forums or other interactive sessions with management to address topics of mutual concern, such as business competition, health care costs, compensation and organization change issues?
*Is there a formal labor/management group to discuss issues of mutual concern outside of the bargaining process?
*If yes, does this group have a charter and regularly scheduled meetings?
*Is the group trained in effective meeting skills (e.g., agenda, ground rules, timekeeping, facilitation and action plans)?
*Is adequate assistance provided to managers in contract administration and handling grievances?
*Are managers trained in handling discipline matters, recordkeeping, counseling skills, precedent-setting issues, etc.?
*Are efforts made to analyze root causes of grievances and take corrective/preventative measures to reduce them?
*When grievances are submitted, are they resolved in a timely fashion?
*Are there credible efforts made to gain labor’s input and participation in finding better ways for the organization to survive?
*Has the organization made plans to meet its future labor relations needs?
*On a scale of one to seven (seven being the highest and four being adequate), how do you think your Human Resources department would rate the effectiveness of labor relation’s performance?
*On the same one-to-seven scale, how do you think other departments would rate labor relations performance?
*On the same one-to-seven scale, how do you think union officials would rate labor relations performance?
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Safety, Health and Wellness Questionnaire
Programs that provide a work environment that contributes to and demonstrates concern for employee safety, health and well-being, and that produce the economic benefits derived from a safer work environment and healthier workforce.
*Does the organization have a policy stating its philosophy on employee safety, health and wellness?
*Is this policy clearly supported and monitored by management?
*Are there policies and procedures that demonstrate compliance with federal, state and local regulations?
*Does the policy provide guidance to managers on implementation of related programs?
*Does one position within the organization oversee and coordinate safety, health and wellness activities?
*Is there a process that ensures organizational compliance with current governmental regulations?
*Are all aspects of OSHA regulations adhered to, such as:
*The general duty clause?
*General industry and vertical standards?
*Recordkeeping requirements?
*The right-to-know clause?
*Does your organization have a wellness program in place?
*Does it include:
*A qualified wellness coordinator?
*Voluntary free biennial physicals?
*A health risk assessment?
*A health risk assessment follow-up?
*Counseling and feedback on health and lifestyle improvements?
*Discussions/training on health-related topics?
*Access to exercise and fitness facilities?
An evaluation of program effectiveness (measurable by reduced absenteeism, increased productivity, reduced healthcare costs, fewer claims, and progress against major risk factors measured in health exams)?
*Does the evaluation include a cost/benefit analysis?
*Does your organization have an Employee Assistance Program (EAP)?
*Does it include:
*An analysis of problems employees exhibit that, if assisted, would improve the organization’s bottom line (this could be determined by an examination of company records of accidents, benefits usage, absences, performance, as well as by interviews with employees, supervisors and medical personnel)?
*An evaluation of the program’s effectiveness to reduce absenteeism and accident and health insurance claims and improve performance?
*A cost/benefit analysis?
*Does your organization have formal accident prevention programs?
If so, do they include:
An analysis of work-related injuries by category, department and location?
*Formal workplace inspections?
*A process to address biomechanics and ergonomics in the workplace?
*Inspections that address accident causes, unsafe conditions and unsafe behaviors?
*Employee training in accident prevention and good safety practices?
*Reinforcement and recognition of safe behaviors?
*Does your organization measure the cost/benefit ratio of safety programs?
*Does your organization engage in workplace evacuation drills?
If so, how often?
*On a scale of one to seven (seven being the highest and four being adequate), how do you think your Human Resources team would rate the effectiveness of the organization’s safety, health and wellness programs?
*On the same one-to-seven scale, how do you think your internal clients and employees would rate your safety, health and wellness programs?
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From India, Mumbai
WITH reference to your question on HR AUDIT,
HEREBELOW is some useful resources.
Before you conduct your HR AUDIT, you should
-review your company vision/ mission statements.
-review your company core Objectives / strategies
-review your own HR objectives/strategies.
whose answers provide the real inputs.
The Human Resources (HR) Audit is a process of examining policies, procedures, documentation,
systems, and practices with respect to an organization’s HR functions.
Its limitations. explain the ways and mean of making this process more effective and efficient for development of the organization
The purpose of the audit is to
reveal the strengths and weaknesses in the human resources system, and any issues needing
The audit works best when the focus is on analyzing and improving the HR function in the
The audit itself is a diagnostic tool, not a prescriptive instrument. It will help you identify what you are
missing or need to improve, but it can’t tell you what you need to do to address these issues. It is most
useful when an organization is ready to act on the findings, and to evolve its HR function to a level where
its full potential to support the organization’s mission and objectives can be realized.
Like any other function, the performance and contribution of HR should be audited
regularly. The questions to which answers should be obtained are:
1. What strategic contribution is being made by HR to the achievement of business/corporate objectives?
2. To what extent are there well‑articulated and agreed HR strategies which are aligned to the business strategy and which are integrated with one another?
3. What role does HR currently play? Is this role appropriate in the context of the organization?
4. To what extent has the responsibility for HR issues been devolved to the management?
5. How well does HR reconcile the need for devolution with the need to ensure that organizational, ethical and legal obligations and requirements are being mf consistently?
6. What evidence exists that HR is being innovative in a practical and business way, based on an analysis of the business and people needs of the organizational and benchmarking?
7. How well is HR performing by reference to quantitative measures such as added value per employee, absenteeism and attrition?
8. How well is HR performing in terms of service delivery in fields such as recruitment, training, reward management, health and safety, the management of equal opportunity and diversity, advice on employment law and legal obligations, the provision of employee assistance programmes and the maintenance and use of personnel information systems?
9. To what extent does HR express proper concern for ethical considerations, the interests of all stakeholders (employees as well as management), enhancing the quality of working life and achieving a satisfactory work/life balance?
10. What ' contribution has HR made to the improvement of the employee relations climate?
11. How well is HR regarded by its customers ‑ management, line managers, employees generally, employee representatives, as measured by formal assessments or opinion surveys?
12. Is the HR function well‑organized and properly staffed with qualified professionals who are actively concerned with continuous professional development?
Who should conduct the audit?
The team that is responsible for the audit should represent a cross-section of the organization’s staff,
including line staff, middle and upper management, and those responsible for HR functions.
or you may use an external consultant to assist.
How should it be conducted?
The audit process consists of a series of questions covering the eight primary components of the HR
-Roles, head count, and HR information systems (HRIS)
. Recruitment
. Documentation
. Training, development, and career management
. Compensation and benefits
. Performance measurement and evaluation
. Termination and transition
. Legal issues and personnel policies
9. Health / Welfare systems
10.Employee Relations
11. Safety
12. Resourcing
The team works to collect information to answer the HR audit questions in each of these categories. The
focus is on how these activities and tasks are actually performed in the organization. The first step is to
collect all the pertinent information. The process of getting information, in and of itself, can be quite
How are needed improvements identified?
Once information is gathered, the audit team reviews each major section and notes disparities between
paper (what we think or say we do) and practice (what we actually do, as revealed by the answers to the
audit questions). This can then be compared to best practice (what we should do to best support our
organization’s mission).
How is follow-up and correction done?
Improving the HR system takes some time. A workplan — with a timeline, accountability, and
deliverables — should be created after the team reviews the completed audit and identifies areas where
improvement is needed. Follow-up and review should be a regular management function, performed on
an ongoing basis.
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*OBJECTIVE ---what is needed to be done
*ACTUAL -------what is/is not being done
*OBJECTIVE ---what is needed to be done
*ACTUAL -------what is/is not being done
*OBJECTIVE ---what is needed to be done
*ACTUAL -------what is/is not being done
The audit report categorises action needs into three separate areas.
-The areas that are urgent and important (UI),
-not urgent needs but important (NUI),
-not urgent but not important needs (NNI)),
-and important opportunities needs (IO).
As a result of this scheme of classification, YOU/managements can prioritise their steps.
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SAMPLE QUESTIONNAIRE [ not exhaustive]
Department Organization Questionnaire
The Human Resources Department is structured, organized and equipped to provide overall strategy, direction and effective management of the organization’s human resources function to accomplish organizational objectives.
*Is there one department or function within the organization that is responsible and accountable for planning, establishing, overseeing and coordinating all human resource policies, systems and services for all 11 major categories?
*Does the senior-level human resources manager report to the same level position as all other major staff and line departments within the organization?
*Does the senior human resources manager participate in addressing the organization’s strategic, tactical and policy issues?
*Does the senior human resources manager integrate all HR activities with the organization’s strategic business plan.
*Does the Human Resources department demonstrate a clear understanding of organizational and customer needs?
*Are HR services and functions aligned and prioritized to organizational and customer needs?
*Has a department mission statement been developed explaining its purpose within the organization?
*Has this mission statement been communicated to all management personnel?
*Has this mission statement been communicated to other customers throughout the organization?
*If so, to whom?
*Does the Human Resources department take a lead in striving for a more empowered and participative work force (productivity improvement, cost reduction, quality improvement and improved quality of work life programs?)
*Has a Human Resources department organization chart been published and distributed?
*If so, to whom?
*Does the organization chart clearly define functional responsibilities and whom customers can contact for service?
*Are job descriptions established for all HR personnel stating major job objectives, responsibilities and accountabilities?
*Do all HR personnel understand their respective roles and relationships to others in the department?
*Are department personnel cross-trained to perform duties outside their major areas of responsibility?
*Do they work on team and department task force projects?
*Are departmental personnel professionally and technically competent?
*Do they serve as internal consultants to management as well as counselors to employees?
*Does the department staff work well as a team?
*Are they readily accessible to all customers?
*Are department personnel provided adequate training and professional development to meet organizational challenges and demands?
*Is involvement in professional and technical groups encouraged?
*Does the department subscribe to major technical and professional journals?
*Is there a credible performance appraisal in place clearly stating mutually established goals and objectives for department personnel?
*Are human resources staff compensated according to market standards?
*Are they compensated based on comparable positions within the organization?
*Does department staff effectively balance organizational with employee needs and act as an intermediate for both?
*Is the Human Resources department results-oriented (i.e., measuring cost-effectiveness and the bottom line results of human resources programs)?
*If so, is it attentive to the bottom line and does it demonstrate a business orientation?
*What is the span of control of the top position within the departments (i.e., how many and which positions report to it)?
*Are supervisors or managers reporting to other mid-level managers?
*How many employees are in the Human Resources department?
*What is the ratio of HR department staff to all employees served?
*How does this compare to the staffing levels of other comparable organizations offering similar services?
*Are HR needs and programs accounted for in the organization’s budgeting process?
*Does the organization make plans for ensuring that HR’s future needs are met?
*On a scale of one to seven (seven being the highest and four being adequate), how would the Human Resources team rate the overall effectiveness and structure of your Human Resources department?
*On the same one-to-seven scale, how do you think other department heads would rate the overall effectiveness and structure of the HR department?
*On the same one-to-seven scale, how do you think the employees would rate the overall effectiveness and structure of the HR department?
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Human Resources Planning/Organizational Development Questionnaire
The process of identifying and providing ways to fulfill the organization’s developmental and human resource needs.
*Is there one position accountable for reviewing the organization’s human resources requirements?
*How is this review carried out?
*Formally/informally? (please describe)
*How often is this analysis updated (e.g., yearly, every two years, three years or more)?
*Do your projected needs include the following considerations?
*Availability of outside workforce demographics (age, sex, minority classification, education, skills level, occupations, etc.)
*Anticipated changed in your organizations technology, processes, products/services and markets.
*Personnel needs these changes will require (e.g. new skills, education, knowledge and abilities).
*Which sources outside the organization provide these demographics?
*What sources within the organization provided this information?
*To whom are these projections communicated?
*How often?
*How far into the future?
*Is there one position accountable for reviewing and assessing the HR department’s skills, education, interests and needs?
*How is this assessment carried out (formally or informally)? (Please describe.)
*How often is this assessment updated (e.g. yearly, every two years, three or more years)?
*To whom are this assessment and any projections communicated?
*How often?
*How far into the future?
*Are this assessment and projections used for training and development?
*Are this assessment and projections (workforce requirements) used for career planning (matching organizational and individual skills, abilities and needs)?
*Is there a formal career planning process in place?
*Is there a career counseling system to identify individual skills, interests and needs, and which offers inplacement and/or developmental assistance?
*Are high-potential employees identified for key positions?
*If yes, is there a succession plan to target high potential employees?
*Are human resource projections (i.e., numbers, job classifications, skills, knowledge, ability and education levels) identified in the recruitment plan?
*How far into the future?
*If the human resources plan calls for restructuring or downsizing, are there strategies set to deal with displaced employees?
*Is outplacement assistance offered?
*Are there strategies to support remaining employees?
*Are the human resources projections a part of the organization’s budgeting process?
*Does the organization have plans for ensuring its development and human resource needs are met?
*On a scale of one to seven (seven being high and four being adequate), how do you think the HR staff rates the human resources planning/organizational development process?
*On the same one-to seven scale, how do you think other departments would rate the human resources planning and organizational development process now in place?
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Recruitment and Selection Questionnaire
The process providing timely recruitment, selection and placement of high-quality employees to satisfy the organization’s staffing requirements.
*Is there a policy in place stating the organization’s philosophy on recruitment and selection?
*Does the policy contain procedures to guide managers through the recruitment and selection process and describe how to get help?
*Is there one position within the organization accountable for overseeing and coordinating recruitment and placement?
*Is there a formal process in place for identifying job vacancies?
*Briefly describe the process from needs identification through final approval authorization.
*Is recruitment done proactively from a planning mode (i.e., projected workforce plan) as well as reactively to immediate replacement and new job openings?
*Is recruitment linked to human resources planning (projected workforce requirements)?
*Is a job analysis conducted for each position?
*Does the job analysis accompany the hiring authorization?
*Does the job analysis accurately identify the key objectives and responsibilities of the position?
*Does the job analysis accurately identify the essential ‘can do’ skills needed (i.e., skills, abilities, knowledge, education and experience)?
*Does the job analysis accurately identify the essential ‘will do’ skills needed (e.g., leadership, interpersonal, entrepreneurial, communication and good attitude)?
*Is consideration given to internal candidates for all or some job openings before outside recruitment begins?
*If some positions are determined to be filled from within, how is this determination made?
*Is there a formal job posting procedure in place?
*If so, does the job posting contain the job objectives, needs and requirements cited in the job analysis (#6 above)?
*Are recruitment strategies (methods to obtain qualified candidates) set before active recruitment begins?
*Who participates in the strategy development?
*Does this strategy include affirmative action and diversity needs?
*What kind of recruiting sources does your organization use and for what positions:
*Newspaper sources?
*Professional journals/periodicals?
*College recruiting?
*Special events recruitment (e.g., job fairs and expos)?
*Community referral agencies (e.g., state employment and training offices)?
"Quasi-search" methods (e.g., hourly rate paid to recruiting professionals for targeting candidate sourcing or use of professional candidate researchers)?
*Employee referral?
*Internal computerized applicant database?
*Professional networking (e.g., associations)?
*Direct mail recruitment?
*Personal networks (e.g., local competitors, customers, suppliers, outplacement firms or industry research)?
*If so, please give examples:
*Does your organization measure the effectiveness as well as the costs of these recruiting sources?
*To whom are these performance measures and recruiting costs communicated?
*Does the HR department perform all initial screening of candidates?
*Are candidate telephone interviews, teleconferencing or video screening conducted before personal interviews?
*How many candidates are typically interviewed before filling a position and at what levels?
*Who participates in the interview and at what intervals?
*How many people are typically involved in the interviewing process?
*Are panel interviews used?
*Who makes the final hiring decision?
*Are hiring managers trained in objective selection (e.g., interviewing techniques, position-related questions and legal implications)?
*Are reference checks conducted on all candidates?
*Who performs the reference checks?
*Are tests or personality profiles used in the selection process?
*Are they professionally validated?
*Are drug tests administered to all new employees as a condition for hire?
*Does the organization compare the number of job openings and workforce projections with the HR department’s recruitment and selection capacity?
*Are peak and low hiring cycles identified?
*Has the organization examined or evaluated any of the following alternatives to satisfying workforce requirements:
Project or contract outsourcing?
*Temporary placement?
*Internal temporary placement pool?
*Part-time employment and job sharing?
*Are all employment costs accounted for in the organization’s budget?
*On a scale of one to seven (seven being the highest and four being adequate), how do you think the HR team would rate the effectiveness of the recruitment and selection process?
*On the same one-to-seven scale, how do you think departments would rate the effectiveness of the recruitment and selection process?
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Compensation Questionnaire
A system of evaluating jobs and compensating employees to ensure that the organization attracts, retains and motivates employees to accomplish organizational objectives.
*Does the organization have a policy clearly stating its position on employee compensation?
*Is this policy linked to the organization’s management philosophy on compensating employees, and does it reinforce the values of the organization?
*Is the organization’s compensation philosophy clearly communicated to all employees?
*Is it clearly supported and monitored by management?
*Does the compensation policy contain procedures to guide managers on how to implement the compensation system?
*Is there one position within the organization accountable for overseeing and coordinating all compensation-related activities (job evaluation, job classifications, job descriptions, salary administration, performance appraisal and compliance with all governmental pay regulations, ETC. ?
*Is there a process for keeping the organization aware of compensation paid for comparable job functions in the region?
*Compensation paid to comparable exempt job functions nationwide?
*Compensation paid to comparable exempt job functions industry-wide?
*How frequently are there market studies performed?
*Is your pay plan in agreement with the compensation philosophy of the organization?
*Are pay ranges wide enough so as not to force vertical pay growth?
*Are pay ranges wide enough and procedures available to reward additional knowledge, skills, abilities and responsibilities and encourage lateral career growth?
*Do the intervals between ranges clearly define the differences in positions assigned to those pay ranges?
*Are pay differences great enough to ensure that a subordinate is not paid more than his or her supervisor, including overtime payments?
*Are all jobs classified using a consistent job analysis?
*Are all job classifications reviewed for gender and minority equity?
*Are all comparable jobs reviewed for possible evidence of uneven treatment for females or minorities?
*Does your organization have an employee performance appraisal system?
*Does the performance appraisal establish clear objectives, expectations and performance measurement criteria linked to that specific job?
*Does the performance appraisal provide objective, interactive and meaningful feedback on performance?
*Do performance objectives clearly support departmental and organizational objectives?
*Are these objectives and measurement criteria discussed with the individual being appraised?
*Do the employees have clear and direct control over the outcome of their appraisals?
*Do performance appraisals reflect an employee’s positive behavior, as well as results?
*Do performance appraisals include a written plan to improve employees’ knowledge and skills?
*Are pay plans linked to rewards for measured performance?
*Is the performance rating/pay adjustment reviewed by someone in a position higher than that of the rater before discussion with the employee and implementation?
*Does your organization have a pay-for-performance (merit-based) system?
*Does it work as intended, or is it a tool for compensation adjustment?
*Does an outstanding performance merit an outstanding reward?
*Are compensation increases budgeted throughout the organization and are guidelines for distribution clearly communicated?
*Are ranges and limits clearly defined (e.g., pay increments linked to performance measures)?
*Is distribution of compensation among departments reviewed by management for consistency and equity before awarding increases?
*Are other performance compensation awards (results sharing) appropriate and in place?
Profit-sharing awards based on organization-wide profitability.
*Special recognition awards, e.g., bonuses for meeting a combination of results criteria, including department contribution performance, major productivity increases, sales and profit increases, and cost savings.
*Group or team productivity based on team performance and distributed by team members.
*Gain-sharing awards based on local performance.
*A special pay-for-knowledge system, e.g., payment for increased development of employee knowledge, skills, abilities and/or responsibility (allowing a broader job design without changing assignments).
*Does your organization have the capacity for a compensation strategy to attract, retain and motivate employees?
*Are compensation administration costs included in the budget?
*On a scale of one to seven (seven being highest and four being adequate), how do you think the Human Resources department would rate the effectiveness of the compensation system?
*On the same one-to-seven scale, how do you think your internal clients (other departments and employees) would rate the effectiveness of the compensation system?
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Employee Benefits Questionnaire
Programs by which employees receive noncash compensation to ensure that the organization attracts, retains and motivates employees to accomplish organization objectives.
*Does the organization have a clear policy regarding employee benefits?
*Is there one position within the organization accountable for fairly and consistently implementing employee benefit programs and ensuring compliance with governmental regulations ETC ?
*Is the organization current on competitive employee benefit practices, such as childcare, flextime, job sharing, vacation/sick time, time-off provisions and health plan alternatives?
*Is there a process in place to contain medical costs while offering quality health care to employees?
*Do you periodically gauge employee satisfaction with the benefit plan in terms of customer service, timeliness, claim management and accuracy?
*If employee dissatisfaction is high or costs are out of control or noncompetitive, do you put your benefit plans out to bid?
*How often does this occur?
*Does your medical cost containment review cover the following:
A. Have you analyzed both of the following alternative health care programs for their cost containment processes, including services offered, accessibility, quality of care and cost?
What are new employee numbers for the past three years.
Is the company accredited by the National Committee for Quality Assurance ?
Were any conditions attached to the accreditation?
What are the exclusions or limitations on procedures, such as transplants, rehabilitative procedures and mental and nervous disorders?
A. Do employees accept the COMPANY network doctors?
B. Has HR reviewed the following administrative controls:
-In-house company data on premiums paid and claims processed?
-Retention provisions of carriers, such as rebates or favorable rate consideration for retention of company funds?
-More favorable stop-loss arrangements with a carrier?
-Encouraging employees to report errors in medical bills?
-Health-care spending accounts and changing rules?
Nonduplication of benefits instead of traditional coordination of benefits?
Initiating a probationary period before health coverage begins?
C. Has HR reviewed basic cost management programs, including the following:
Increasing deductibles, coinsurance responsibility or copayment amounts?
Requiring second opinions for surgery?
Instituting pre-admission testing and certification?
Concurrent hospital stay reviews?
Closely managing chronic or costly illnesses?
Patient auditing of hospital bills?
Requiring employee plan usage data from health care carriers/administrators?
D. Has HR reviewed employee health promotion and education programs?
E. Has HR communicated with health care providers to review customized plan options and cost containment measures?
Are the costs of employee benefits regularly calculated and compared to national, industry and local data?
Are vacation and sick leave accruals analyzed for purpose as well as cost consideration?
Are there programs to control absentee costs?
Are there programs to curb sick leave abuse?
Are unemployment compensation costs analyzed for cost savings?
Are pension plans reviewed and employees counseled on win-win pension options that will save the organization money?
Does your organization offer retirement counseling to employees?
Are there benefits to extending the retirement age?
Should changes in long-term disability payments be considered?
Does your organization regularly communicate the benefits it provides as well as emphasize the company’s contribution to employee benefits?
Does your organization have the capacity to provide necessary employee benefits and address cost-containment issues that affect profitability?
On a scale of one to seven (seven being the highest and four being adequate), how do you think the Human Resources department would rate the effectiveness of employee benefits programs?
On the same one-to-seven scale, how do you think internal clients (department heads and employees) would rate the effectiveness of the employee benefits programs?
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Employee Relations and Communications Questionnaire
This section audits programs that govern employee treatment, communications, support systems and services that encourage greater employee satisfaction, motivation and productivity.
*Is there one position within the organization accountable for overseeing and coordinating all employee relations and communications activities?
*Are there policies that state the organization’s employee relations philosophy governing all conditions affective employees?
*Do these policies state expected behaviors of employees?
*Are these policies condensed into an employee handbook?
*How and to whom is the employee handbook distributed?
*Is the employee handbook information reviewed by legal counsel to satisfy all laws affecting employment, personnel relations, working conditions, employment at will, implied employment contracts and disclaimer issues?
*How frequently is it updated?
*Is there a formal orientation for new employees?
*Are follow-up employee orientations scheduled?
*Are employees given the opportunity to exchange information with superiors as well as assimilate information being transmitted from the top down?
*Are there forums that allow for regular interaction and information exchanges between employees and management?
If so, briefly describe:
*Are there forums in which racial and ethnic minority concerns are conveyed to management with the intent of affecting positive changes?
*Does your organization engage in employee opinion surveys?
*If yes, how frequently?
*Do you communicate survey results to employees?
*Is there a demonstrated commitment to introducing changes based on survey data?
*Are employees afforded a process where both sides of a complaint are heard and a decision is rendered fairly?
*Are disciplinary procedures and rules of conduct explained in an employee handbook or other form of notice? (Remember, the purpose of discipline is to have people behave in an acceptable way.)
*Are progressive forms of discipline expressly cited?
*Are they consistently applied?
*Are fairly competitive employee benefit programs in place?
*Is there a program that provides for management and employee participation in the discipline process?
Are there opportunities for employee professional growth?
Does the organization demonstrate, emphasize and reward leadership to ensure success and satisfaction in the organization?
Using a one-to-seven scale how do immediate manager practices rate in terms of daily supervision and management of employees?
Has the organization demonstrated reasonable employment security?
Is direct compensation/pay reasonable, equitable and competitive?
Are employee and team accomplishments, special efforts and contributions recognized in addition to direct pay?
Does the organization encourage teamwork and employee involvement?
What is the organization’s monthly absentee rate?
Do you consider this high or low?
In what departments/areas are absences particularly high and why?
What is the annual turnover rate (average position replacements per year)?
Do you consider this high or low?
Are exit interviews conducted?
By whom?
Who is given feedback from the exit interview and how is it used?
Are demographics of turnover data analyzed?
How is this analysis used?
What has management done in the past two years to reduce turnover?
Has the organization attempted to project future needs in terms of an increase in working mothers, child care, single parents, elder workers, a more diverse work force, etc.?
Has the organization made plans to meet its future employee relations needs?
On a scale of one to seven (seven being the highest and four being adequate), how do you think your Human Resources department would rate the effectiveness of the organization’s employee relations and communications programs?
On the same one-to-seven scale, how do you think your internal clients (other departments and employees) would rate the effectiveness of the employee relations and communications programs?
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Personnel Policies/Workplace Rules Questionnaire
Statements of guiding principles intended to translate organizational objectives and means into operational terms and help managers make decisions.
*Are there written procedures governing all conditions of employment and policies clearly stating the organization’s human resources philosophy?
*Are there procedures for monitoring the organization’s compliance with personnel laws and regulations?
*Are there policies and procedures published and adequately communicated?
*How? (please describe)
*Is there one position within the organization accountable for overseeing the development, coordination and distribution of these policies and procedures?
*Do these policies reflect the organization’s desire to be an "employer of choice"?
*Do these policies and procedures contribute toward the organization’s mission and objectives?
*Do they balance empowerment of staff with sufficient controls to ensure achievement of the organization’s mission and objectives?
*Are managers guided by policy as they make decisions from hire through separation of employment?
*Are managers given the opportunity to provide input to policy drafts before they are formalized?
*If there are other rules outside the organization’s stated policies, such as Civil Service rules, are they communicated to and understood by the managers?
*If yes, does management periodically review such outside rules to see if they reflect the organization’s current needs?
*Is policy consistent in purpose, background and procedures for implementation?
*Are effective dates of policies cited, and do they specify any previous policy statements they supersede?
*Are all policies approved at the highest appropriate level of the organization before being adopted?
*Are personnel policies condensed into an employee handbook?
*Is the current personnel policy manual periodically reviewed by legal counsel to reflect new laws affecting employment, personnel relations, working conditions, employment at will, implied contract and disclaimer issues?
*Are new policies that may have legal implications also reviewed by legal counsel?
*Does the organization regularly assess existing policies for necessary replacement or amendment?
*On a scale of one to seven (seven being the highest and four being adequate), how do you think your Human Resources department team would rate the effectiveness of the organization’s policies and procedures?
*On the same one-to-seven scale, how do you think your internal customers (other departments) would rate the effectiveness of the organization’s policies and procedures?
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Equal Employment Opportunity and Regulatory Compliance Questionnaire
Policies and practices to ensure compliance with equal employment opportunity laws and other governmental regulations as they relate to recruitment, selection, placement, compensation and treatment of employees while enhancing the validity and effectiveness of related personnel systems.
Does your organization have a stated policy covering equal employment opportunity as well as its compliance with all applicable discrimination laws?
Does your organization explicitly state its position against discrimination because of:
Sexual orientation?
Physical/mental handicap or disability?
National origin?
Marital status?
How is this policy communicated inside and outside the organization?
Is there one position within the organization accountable for overseeing and coordinating EEO policies and procedures?
Is there a review process to keep the organization up-to-date regarding regulatory issues and compliance?
Are job openings analyzed for job-related skills, education, knowledge and ability requirements?
Are selection criteria based on these job-related requirements?
Can all hiring decisions be defended against these criteria?
Are all tests used in the hiring process valid?
Are all hiring managers trained in nondiscriminatory hiring practices?
Has the employment application been reviewed to ensure that it meets all equal employment opportunity requirements?
Is there an internal process for employees to register complaints concerning discrimination and harassment?
Does your organization have an explicit policy against sexual harassment?
Has a procedure to resolve sexual harassment claims been implemented?
Do you offer training to management on sexual harassment awareness and legal requirements?
Does your organization conform to all provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)?
Does your organization have a policy statement that prohibits discrimination against qualified handicapped or disabled individuals?
Do your organization’s job descriptions distinguish between those qualifications, physical requirements, duties and responsibilities which are essential and those which are nonessential?
Are policy manuals, handbooks, recruitment notices, job postings and advertisements consistent regarding qualified individuals with a physical or mental impairment of a major life activity?
Can disabled individuals apply for job openings and gain access to the premises?
Is there a review process for employee restrictions and reasonable accommodation requests?
If you are a CENTRALor State government agency, does your organization conform to the requirement of the Veterans’ Preference Act?
Does your organization have a government supplies/service contract or subcontract of $50,000 or more in any 12-month period?
If yes, does it have an Affirmative Action Plan (AAP) in place for each of the organization’s establishments?
Are all AAPs developed according to the guidelines, including:
Affirmative Action Plan Narrative?
Workforce Analysis?
Job Group Analysis?
Availability Analysis?
Utilization Analysis?
Goals and Timetables?
Does your organization conduct a self-EEO/AAP audit on a periodic basis?
Does your organization have a hiring procedure regarding the examination of documents to verify applicant identity and authorization to work in the United States as spelled out in the Immigration Reform and Control Act ?
Does your organization have a Federal contract or subcontract of $25,000 or more?
If yes, does your organization fulfill the following requirements of the Drug-Free Workplace Act ?:
Publish a policy statement prohibiting the unlawful manufacture, distribution, possession or use of a controlled substance in the workplace and specifying what actions will be taken against employees who violate the policy?
Provide a copy of the policy to employees working under the contract?
Provide guidance/training on policy requirements?
Have a drug/alcohol-free awareness program?
Notify employees they must, as a condition of employment, notify the employer if they are convicted of a criminal offense occurring in the workplace within five days after the conviction?
Does your organization comply with the requirements of the Employee Testing Act ?
Does your organization provide programs for drug/alcohol rehabilitation?
Does your organization conform to the Family Leave Act?
Does your organization comply with requirements set forth in the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA)?
Does your organization conform to the provisions of Employee Retirement Income Security Act ?
Has the organization assessed or met current and emerging legal issues relating to equal employment and other governmental regulations?
On a scale of one to seven (seven being the highest and four being adequate), how do you think your Human Resources department would rate the organization’s performance in the area of equal opportunity and regulatory compliance cited above?
On the same one-to-seven scale, how do you think employees would rate the organization’s compliance performance?
================================================== =============
Training and Development Questionnaire
Programs, processes and strategies that will enable organizations to develop and improve their internal human resources in order to optimize their contributions to organizational objectives.
*Is there a policy that states the organization’s philosophy on employee training and development?
*Is there a position within the organization accountable for overseeing and coordinating training and development activities?
*Is there a process for assessing the organization’s immediate training needs and individual development needs?
*If yes, how is this assessment carried out?
*How often is the assessment updated?
*Who participates in the assessment?
*Is there a process to assess the organization’s future training needs?
*If yes, how is this assessment carried out?
*Who participates?
*How far into the future are the needs projected?
*Are job skills, knowledge and ability considered in assessing training needs?
*Are new technologies, processes, products, services, market changes and community needs considered in assessing training needs?
*Are organizational issues, such as mission, objectives, cultural changes and customer orientation, considered in training needs?
*Are the organization’s social responsibilities and respect for diversity reflected in training needs?
*Are legal requirements considered in training needs?
*Is remedial training in literacy and basic computation skills offered?
*Are employee development plans addressed in performance appraisals or other formal settings?
*To whom are the organization’s immediate and future training and development needs communicated?
*How often?
*How are all training programs and opportunities communicated to employees?
*Are subscriptions to professional training and development journals maintained and circulated among department members?
*Is there a reference library of training and development material for employee use?
*Is there coordination of professional development material?
*Do all training and development programs have clear objectives (For example, in a workshop on WordPerfect, a clear objective would be: At the end of this training, participants will be able to use the Merge/Sort feature.)?
*How are training resources identified internally and externally?
*Who is involved in the determination?
*How are all training resources coordinated?
*Are the results of training programs monitored and evaluated?
*Is cost considered in the selection of training resources?
*Is there a method to track training costs in terms of lost work time?
*Does your organization measure a return on investment in training?
*How do you know training is used back in the job?
*Does the organization provide adequate capacity to meet chosen training and development needs?
*Are employees availing themselves of training opportunities?
*Are training and development needs reflected in the organization’s budget?
*On a scale of one to seven (seven being the highest and four being adequate), how do you think your Human Resources department team would rate the organization’s training and development activities and performance?
*On the same one-to-seven scale, how do you think your customers (other departments) would rate the training and development activities and performance.
================================================== ====
Labor Relations Questionnaire
The process that ensures and oversees fair and effective collective bargaining with those unions representing employees and fosters positive labor relations designed to achieve organization objectives.
*Does the organization clearly state its philosophy on labor relations and implement guiding procedures for managers who deal with contract and labor relation issues?
*Is there a position within the organization that oversees and coordinates labor relation activities?
*Do labor relations strategies support the organization’s business plan?
*Is top management informed and supportive of labor management strategies and goals?
*Is there an atmosphere of management respect for union representation?
*Are negotiation strategies and objectives formulated in advance of contract negotiations?
*Does management understand the laws that govern collective bargaining?
*Is your labor management team educated and trained in private- or government-sector bargaining techniques?
*Does your labor relations staff network with professionals from other organizations?
*Are union officials involved in workshops, educational forums or other interactive sessions with management to address topics of mutual concern, such as business competition, health care costs, compensation and organization change issues?
*Is there a formal labor/management group to discuss issues of mutual concern outside of the bargaining process?
*If yes, does this group have a charter and regularly scheduled meetings?
*Is the group trained in effective meeting skills (e.g., agenda, ground rules, timekeeping, facilitation and action plans)?
*Is adequate assistance provided to managers in contract administration and handling grievances?
*Are managers trained in handling discipline matters, recordkeeping, counseling skills, precedent-setting issues, etc.?
*Are efforts made to analyze root causes of grievances and take corrective/preventative measures to reduce them?
*When grievances are submitted, are they resolved in a timely fashion?
*Are there credible efforts made to gain labor’s input and participation in finding better ways for the organization to survive?
*Has the organization made plans to meet its future labor relations needs?
*On a scale of one to seven (seven being the highest and four being adequate), how do you think your Human Resources department would rate the effectiveness of labor relation’s performance?
*On the same one-to-seven scale, how do you think other departments would rate labor relations performance?
*On the same one-to-seven scale, how do you think union officials would rate labor relations performance?
================================================== ====================
Safety, Health and Wellness Questionnaire
Programs that provide a work environment that contributes to and demonstrates concern for employee safety, health and well-being, and that produce the economic benefits derived from a safer work environment and healthier workforce.
*Does the organization have a policy stating its philosophy on employee safety, health and wellness?
*Is this policy clearly supported and monitored by management?
*Are there policies and procedures that demonstrate compliance with federal, state and local regulations?
*Does the policy provide guidance to managers on implementation of related programs?
*Does one position within the organization oversee and coordinate safety, health and wellness activities?
*Is there a process that ensures organizational compliance with current governmental regulations?
*Are all aspects of OSHA regulations adhered to, such as:
*The general duty clause?
*General industry and vertical standards?
*Recordkeeping requirements?
*The right-to-know clause?
*Does your organization have a wellness program in place?
*Does it include:
*A qualified wellness coordinator?
*Voluntary free biennial physicals?
*A health risk assessment?
*A health risk assessment follow-up?
*Counseling and feedback on health and lifestyle improvements?
*Discussions/training on health-related topics?
*Access to exercise and fitness facilities?
An evaluation of program effectiveness (measurable by reduced absenteeism, increased productivity, reduced healthcare costs, fewer claims, and progress against major risk factors measured in health exams)?
*Does the evaluation include a cost/benefit analysis?
*Does your organization have an Employee Assistance Program (EAP)?
*Does it include:
*An analysis of problems employees exhibit that, if assisted, would improve the organization’s bottom line (this could be determined by an examination of company records of accidents, benefits usage, absences, performance, as well as by interviews with employees, supervisors and medical personnel)?
*An evaluation of the program’s effectiveness to reduce absenteeism and accident and health insurance claims and improve performance?
*A cost/benefit analysis?
*Does your organization have formal accident prevention programs?
If so, do they include:
An analysis of work-related injuries by category, department and location?
*Formal workplace inspections?
*A process to address biomechanics and ergonomics in the workplace?
*Inspections that address accident causes, unsafe conditions and unsafe behaviors?
*Employee training in accident prevention and good safety practices?
*Reinforcement and recognition of safe behaviors?
*Does your organization measure the cost/benefit ratio of safety programs?
*Does your organization engage in workplace evacuation drills?
If so, how often?
*On a scale of one to seven (seven being the highest and four being adequate), how do you think your Human Resources team would rate the effectiveness of the organization’s safety, health and wellness programs?
*On the same one-to-seven scale, how do you think your internal clients and employees would rate your safety, health and wellness programs?
================================================== ===========================
From India, Mumbai
Mr. Leo
Please dont post such a long mail. you can send it to the requestor personally.
It will make the readers to lose interest and give them a bad opinion of website full of junks..
Its a forum.. Before posting think a lot .. I hope you wont feel bad on my statement .. Its my request...
From India
Please dont post such a long mail. you can send it to the requestor personally.
It will make the readers to lose interest and give them a bad opinion of website full of junks..
Its a forum.. Before posting think a lot .. I hope you wont feel bad on my statement .. Its my request...
From India
From India, Mumbai
From India, Mumbai
Hi Swetha,
There is one Great Book on HRD Audit (Evaluating the Human Resource Function for Business Improvement) by Sri T V Rao. This is a fine book that explains, in simple words, as to what are the HR functions and what is HR Audit.
If you really want to know more, you may mail to me and I will give the excerpts from the book.
It is essential, that in larger companies, the HR Audit, play a monumental role.
Subba Rao Bhagavatula
From India, Hyderabad
There is one Great Book on HRD Audit (Evaluating the Human Resource Function for Business Improvement) by Sri T V Rao. This is a fine book that explains, in simple words, as to what are the HR functions and what is HR Audit.
If you really want to know more, you may mail to me and I will give the excerpts from the book.
It is essential, that in larger companies, the HR Audit, play a monumental role.
Subba Rao Bhagavatula
From India, Hyderabad
Dear Mr. Leo Lingham,
Your post on HR audit was excellent. I am currently doing an HR audit of our company as part of my course requirements in a master's program. I have no idea at all how to go about an audit and your information was great!
Your post on HR audit was excellent. I am currently doing an HR audit of our company as part of my course requirements in a master's program. I have no idea at all how to go about an audit and your information was great!
Dear Leo,
Your posting on the HR audit was just excellent. I guess people in citehr should share information like this which helps in passing on a lot of knowledge. The length is not important as long as it contains information and such information benefits others. I am sure Leo did an excellent job.
Prasad Nair
From India, Thiruvananthapuram
Your posting on the HR audit was just excellent. I guess people in citehr should share information like this which helps in passing on a lot of knowledge. The length is not important as long as it contains information and such information benefits others. I am sure Leo did an excellent job.
Prasad Nair
From India, Thiruvananthapuram
The content of very valuable and excellent. Pls don't discourage this type of postings. The content is important and those who are not interested will not read it so there is no question of loosing interest! Leo that is a very good info
From India, Pune
From India, Pune
Dear Leo Sir
I respect him a lot because he always takes the effort to clarify others doubts and queries in a detailed manner which we will not be able to get from any site or through net surfing.
So please do not try to discourage him if anyone cannot read any lengthy info just ignore and do not post any discouraging comments.
Thank you leo sir for the info.
warm regards
From Australia, Adelaide
I respect him a lot because he always takes the effort to clarify others doubts and queries in a detailed manner which we will not be able to get from any site or through net surfing.
So please do not try to discourage him if anyone cannot read any lengthy info just ignore and do not post any discouraging comments.
Thank you leo sir for the info.
warm regards
From Australia, Adelaide
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