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Watching body language in addition to what is spoken might just save you from being a victim of fraud, or it could help you figure out when somebody’s being genuine. The police do this during an interrogation.

You have to learn the little facial and body expressions that can help you distinguish a lie from the truth. Here are some steps and tips to do so.

Learn to recognize deflections. Usually when people are lying, they will tell stories that are true but are deliberately aimed at not answering the question you asked. If a person responds to the question “Did you ever hit your wife?” with an answer such as “I love my wife, why would I do that?”, the suspect is technically telling a truth, but they are avoiding answering your original question, which usually means they’re lying.

Mind exaggerated details. See if they are telling you too much, like “My mom is living in France, isn’t it nice there? Don’t you like the Eiffel tower? It’s so clean there.” Too many details may tip you off to their desperation to get you to believe them.

We have illustrators, and manipulators. Illustrators are a sign of telling the truth, this is when you are using your hand gestures to talk. moving your hands while you are talking is a sign of telling the truth. We also have manipulators. These, are the opposite of illustrators. An example of a manipulator can be playing with your wrist-watch, your jewelry, pulling on your ear lobe, etc. People who behave this way tend to be hiding something. The last, commonly unknown sign of hiding something is reptile tissue, most people have a reptile tissue in their nose, and it itches when you’re hiding something. But, before you assume that the person is hiding something, please establish a base line.

Base Line: A base line is what someone acts like when they are not lying. You have to get a base line before you proceed with anything. Imagine you have a itch on your nose ever since you got out of bed. And someone thinks you are hiding something because you scratch your nose when answering a question…oops. What the person should have done is establish a baseline. To establish a baseline, you need to see the person when they aren’t lying. Try asking what their name is, and what they do for a living.

Look out for micro-expressions. Micro-expressions are split second facial expressions that flash on a person’s face for a less than a 25th of a second and reveal the person’s true emotion underneath their facade. Some people may be naturally sensitive to them, but almost anybody can easily train to be able to detect microexpressions. Put focus to the upper and lower eyelids, the corner of the eyes, the mouth and the muscles surrounding the mouth, the eyebrows and forehead.

Shaking hands… When you meet the person who you think is deceiving you, shake their hand. Take note of the temperature. When you are sure they are lying to you, pretend to be leaving and quickly grab their hand for a “Good-Bye” Handshake. If the temperature is colder, they are fearful.

Notice the person’s eye movements. Contrary to popular belief, a liar does not always avoid eye contact. Humans naturally break eye contact and look at non-moving objects to help them focus and remember. Liars may deliberately make eye contact to seem more sincere. You can usually tell if a person is remembering something or making something up based on their eye’s movements. When someone is remembering details, their eyes move to the right (your right). When someone is making something up, their eyes move to the left. It’s usually reversed for lefties. (although not always true.)

Be aware of their emotional responses

Timing and duration tends to be off when someone is lying. If you ask someone a question and they respond directly after the question, there is a chance that the person is lying. This can be because they have rehearsed the answer, or they’re already thinking about the answer just to get it over with and move forward. A delayed answer can be a sign of lying. To tell the truth takes 2 parts of your brain at most, however to lie takes 6 parts of your brain. If the person has a long story then you can ask them to tell it backwards. Liars have trouble telling stories backwards, because in their mind they have rehearsed it forwards, but not backwards. And, as with smiling, facial expressions of a poor liar will be limited to the mouth area.

Pay close attention to the person’s reaction to your questions. A liar will often feel uncomfortable and turn their head or body away, or even subconsciously put an object between the two of you. Also, while an innocent person would go on the offensive (usually responding with anger, which will usually be revealed in a microexpression directly after you say you don’t believe them), a guilty person will often go immediately on the defensive (usually by saying something to reassure their facts, such as deflections).

Listen for a subtle delay in responses to questions. An honest answer comes quickly from memory. Lies require a quick mental review of what they have told others to avoid inconsistency and to make up new details as needed. However, when people look up to remember things, it does not necessarily mean that they are lying.

Be conscious of their usage of words. Verbal expression can give many clues as to whether a person is lying, such as:

Using/repeating your own exact words when answering a question

Not using contractions

Avoiding direct statements or answers (deflections)

Speaking excessively in an effort to convince

Speaking in a monotonous tone

Speaking in muddled sentences

Vocal pitch rising

Using classic qualifiers such as “I’m only going to say this once…”

Using humor and sarcasm to avoid the subject

Using Deflections (beating around the bush, not answering the question.)

Allow silence to enter the conversation.

If they’re lying, they will become uncomfortable if you stare at them for a while with a look of disbelief. If they’re telling the truth, they will usually become angry or just frustrated (lips pressed together, brows down, upper eyelid tensed and pulled down to glare).

Change the subject quickly. While an innocent person would be confused by the sudden shift in the conversation and may try to return to the previous subject, a liar will be relieved and welcome the change. You may see the person become more relaxed and less defensive.

Watch his or her throat. A person may constantly be either trying to lubricate their throat when he/she lies by swallowing or clearing their throat to relieve the tension built up. A person’s voice can also be a good lie indicator; they may suddenly start talking faster or slower than normal, or their tension may result in a higher-pitched speaking tone. See baseline info

Check the facts. If you have the means, check the validity of what the liar is saying. A skilled liar might give some reason why you shouldn’t talk to the person who could confirm or deny a story. Perhaps the liar will infer that the person is particularly favourable towards the liar, or that the person would have little time for you. These are probably lies themselves, so might be worthwhile overcoming your reluctance and to check with the person you’ve been warned against.

Judge the character. Most people tell the truth most of the time, and will cherish their reputation. Liars will ’sail close to the wind’ – they’ll artificially bolster their reputation so that they seem more credible or desirable than they actually are.

If you overhear a version of an anecdote that seems wrong, listen to those alarm bells – it might be a liar.

If someone takes the time out to ingratiate themselves with you out of the blue, it’s very flattering, but you have to ask, why are they doing that?

If John rubbishes or smears people more than normal, John is possibly putting in the groundwork so the audience are more receptive to John, and less receptive to the people who John has lied to – they’re discredited before they can say ‘John is a liar’.

Note -

Some people are extremely experienced or even professional liars. He or she has told their made up story so many times that they are actually believable, getting all their days, dates and times down perfectly! Sometimes, you may need to simply accept that you can’t catch every lie all the time.

If you do catch a lie, don’t reveal it to the liar; they will just adjust their story. Once you know one thing that is not true, you can use it to find more of the net of lies, and other nets of lies. Then decide which points you reveal and to whom.

From India, Madras

Everyday I hear the same complaints from the same people about how tired they are, how stressed they are etc. with no solution in sight! The key is to correct the situation versus standing idle and accepting it.

Forget about the energy drinks or pills. Learn to increase your energy naturally, and have a healthy steady supply to get you through each day. By adjusting your personal eating, sleeping and exercise habits, you can boost your energy the natural way and settle into a self-sustaining rhythm.

Essential Water – Keep your body hydrated throughout the day. The first sign of dehydration is fatigue. Your body can’t function at capacity without that good old H2O. A steady supply of water will naturally keep things flowing–including your energy.

Improve Sleeping Habits – Often a small adjustment of your sleeping habits can already do wonders for your energy levels.

Lying in bed is not sleeping: Don’t go to bed if your not sleepy and end up lying in bed pondering and stressing. If you are drifting off at the computer, while reading, or watching TV, it’s time to get to bed. Your bedtime should and will vary from night to night. Let your body tell you when to sleep as opposed to the following the 8-hour rule.

Rise and Shine: Put an alarm and get up at the same time everyday.

Sleepy at Noon?: Try a powernap of 20 minutes in a quiet place.

Experiment and find out what your optimal sleep levels are.

Yoga, Exercising & Stretching – It sounds counter-intuitive, perhaps, but by expending energy on a regular basis, you will actually give yourself more of it in the end. The key is to set up a fairly regular schedule–about three times a week–and push to the point that you feel refreshed, not exhausted. Don’t overdo it. It may take a couple of weeks to get into the natural rhythm, so have patience and higher energy levels will follow.

Deep breathing exercise – Another great way to re-energize your body is with a quick deep breathing exercise. Sit on a chair with a straight back and breathe deeply while you focus on your breath going in – going out. At the same time use a powerful affirmation to invigorate your mind and body.

Eliminate Energy-Sappers From Your Diet – Have more alkaline-forming foods like fruits and vegetables. Avoid excess sugar and coffee as they lead to lower blood sugar levels–and less energy–after they give you an initial kick. Also one could pack some almonds and nuts for a quick and convenient protein snack.

From India, Madras

Whether it’s buying a house, getting the best business deal, disputing your cell phone bill, haggling in a shop, or paying off your credit card, the basic principles of negotiation are the same. Just remember that even the most skilled and experienced negotiators will feel discomfort when negotiating. The only difference is a skilled negotiator has learned to recognize, and suppress the outward signs of these feelings.

Here are some useful steps, tips and warnings on how to negotiate like a pro!


Decide on your breakpoint (the lowest amount or cheapest price you will accept in the deal, the “worst-case scenario”).

If you are representing someone else in a negotiation, get your client’s agreement in writing to a target deal before hand. Otherwise, when you get them a great deal, they may decide they don’t like it after all. Your credibility is the one that takes the hit.

Know what you’re worth. How much does the other party need you? Is what you’re offering hard to come by, or a dime a dozen? How desperate are they? Who needs who more? And if you need them more than they need you, how can you give yourself an edge?

Plan how you will move in your proposals. Your moves should be in ever-decreasing steps, which will give the impression that you are being “bled” and there is increasingly less bargaining range to be had.

Open extreme. Open at your maximum sustainable position (the most you can logically argue for). Ask for what you want, and then some. When starting off a negotiation, don’t be scared to make an outrageous request. You never know–you might get it! And what’s the worst that could happen? They might think you’re vain, or delusional; but they’ll also know you have guts, and you value yourself, your time, and your money. Are you worried about insulting them, especially if making a very low offer to buy something? Remember that this is business, and if they don’t like your offer, then can always counter-offer. Just be bold. If your opening offer is too close to your breakpoint, then you will not have enough bargaining range to concede to the other party as a way of giving satisfaction.

Offer or request extras. What else can they give you that is of low value to them, and high value to you? Or what can you offer that is of low value to you, and high value to them? This is why retail stores offer employee discounts. Think along the lines of bartering, andbe creative . What do you have a lot of, or what can you offer with ease, that they would find valuable? Make a list of your skills and your stuff. Calculate how much they cost you, then find out how much they sell for.

Research their costs (retail versus wholesale). Let’s say you’re doing business with a winery, for instance, and they want to pay you 5000 to perform there. You want 7500. Why not suggest that they pay you 5000 and give you a 3500 bottle of wine? It’s worth 3500 bucks to you because that’s how much you’d have to pay to buy it, but it costs them much less to produce that bottle. (This is, of course, assuming you like their wine!) Or, you can ask them for a 5% or 10% discount on all their wine. Presuming you buy wine regularly anyway, you’ll save money, and they’ll still make money from your purchases (just not as much).

Offer to pay up front. An up front payment is always desirable to a seller, especially in situations where most people do not pay up front (such as car dealerships). As the buyer, you can also offer to buy in bulk, paying in advance for a certain number of products or services, in exchange for a discount. One tactic is to come into the negotiation with a pre-written check; ask to buy the product or service for that amount, and tell them that’s your final offer. They may accept it, since the lure of an immediate payment is hard to resist. Finally, paying in cash rather than with a check or credit card, can be a useful negotiation tool because it reduces risk & transaction cost to the seller.

Shop around, and bring proof. If you are buying a car and you know the other dealer will sell you the same car for $200 less, tell them so. Tell them the name of the dealer and salesman. If you’renegotiating a salary and you’ve researched how much people in equivalent positions get paid in your area, print out those statistics and have them handy.

Always hold back a closer or two: One or two facts or arguments you can use when you sense the other side is close to a deal but needs that final push. If you are a broker and your client is going to buy this week whether this seller is willing or not, that is a great deal closer.

Be ready to walk away. You know what your breakpoint is, and you know if that’s not what you’re getting. Be willing to walk out the door if that’s the case. You might find that the other party will call you back, but you should feel happy with your efforts if they don’t.


If they surprise you with a very appealing offer, don’t let on that you expected something less favorable.

Preparation is 90% of negotiation. Gather as much information about the deal as you possibly can, evaluate all the key variables, and understand which concessions you can trade.

Even when you are unsure, speak with authority, speaking louder than usual and giving the impression that you have done this many times before will close deals with people who are not experienced.

Avoid soft exposing language when making your proposal. E.g. “the price is -about- £100″ or “I’m looking for £100″. Be firm in your proposals – “the price is £100″ or “I’ll give you £100″


Never talk about their figure or price, as this subconsciously validates it- always talk about your figure instead.

Acrimony is a deal killer. People will refuse deals just because they are pissed. This is why divorces drag on for years. Avoid hostility at all costs. Even if there has been hostility in the past, start each contact upbeat, positive, don’t hold a grudge.

Watch your body language – a skilled negotiator will pick up on non-verbal signals which may give away your true feelings.

Never negotiate after receiving an unscheduled phone call. They’re ready but you are not. State that you are not currently able to talk and ask to reschedule. This will give you time to plan ahead about responses to questions and to perform simple research.

If someone is totally unreasonable, don’t negotiate. Tell them to keep you in mind if they come down in price (or whatever). Negotiating when they are way out of line starts you out at way too weak a position.

From India, Madras

This seems to be a sales promotion catlogue.Please avoid these messages
From India, Madras

This woman in the video found this lion injured almost close to death, lying near her home that was close to the forest.she kept the lion with her in the house and nursed the lion back to health.
When the lion was better she made arrangements with a zoo to take the lion and give it a new and happy home.
This video was taken when the woman visited the lion after some time to see how he was doing.
Watch the lion's reaction when he sees her. Amazing!!!!
How wonderful if the humans are also so lion hearted !

From India, Madras

What Is Love. Excellent PPT on this topic
From India, Madras
Attached Files (Download Requires Membership)
File Type: pps What is LOVE.pps (1.75 MB, 894 views)


Dear All
TEMPLE is a 6 letter word
CHURCH is a 6 letter word
MOSQUE is a 6 letter word
GEETA is a 5 letter word
BIBLE is a 5 letter word
QURAN is a 5 letter word

From India, Madras

Behind A Smile
Do you ever wonder what people are
feeling when they smile ?
Do they smile because they're happy ,
or do they smile because they want people to
believe they're happy?
Maybe they smile because they want you to smile and be happy.
A Smile can touch a person's life in ways
you can never imagine.
It's infectious and can cause a chain reaction
It can be memorable to someone you pass on the street or the mall or driving...and it only tak a split second to smile and forget,
yet to someone that needed it
It can last a lifetime
Maybe we all could Smile more often.
So my friends Smile cause you have a lots
to smile about God love You
Have A Nice Week

From India, Madras

celebration means.....
Four friends.
Bahar barsaat.
Four glasses of drink.
Celebration means
Hundred bucks of petrol.
A rusty old bike.
And an open road.
Celebration means
Maggi noodles.
A hostel room.
4.25 a.m.
Celebration means
3 old friends.
3 separate cities.
3 coffee mugs.
1 internet messenger.
Celebration means
Rain on a hot tin roof.
Pakoras deep-frying.
Neighbours dropping in.
A party.
Celebration means
You and mom.
A summer night.
A bottle of coconut oil.
A head massage.
but to celebrate
all you have to do is spend your Time with your loved ones.
Keep in touch with your loved ones

From India, Madras

Kindly, share this valuable information wherever possible.

1. If you see children Begging anywhere in TAMIL NADU, please contact:

"RED SOCIETY" at 9940217816. They will help the children for their studies.

2. Where you can search for any BLOOD GROUP, you will get thousand's

of donor address.

3. Engineering Students can register in to

attend Off Campus for 40 Companies.

4. Free Education and Free hostel for Handicapped/Physically

Challenged children.

Contact:- 9842062501 & 9894067506.

5. If anyone met with fire accident or people born with problems in

their ear, nose and mouth can get free PLASTIC SURGERY done by

Kodaikanal PASAM Hospital . From 23rd March to 4th April by German


Everything is free. Contact : 045420-240668,245732

"Helping Hands are Better than Praying Lips"

6. If you find any important documents like Driving license, Ration

card, Passport, Bank Pass Book, etc., missed by someone, simply put

them into any near by Post Boxes. They will automatically reach the

owner and Fine will be collected from them.

7. By the next 10 months, our earth will become 4 degrees hotter than

what it is now. Our Himalayan glaciers are melting at rapid rate. So

let all of us lend our hands to fight GLOBAL WARMING.

-Plant more Trees.

-Don't waste Water & Electricity.

-Don't/Minimize use or burn Plastics

8. It costs 38 Trillion dollars to create OXYGEN for 6 months for all

Human beings on earth.


"Respect them and Save them"

9. Special phone number for Eye bank and Eye donation: 04428281919

and 04428271616 (Sankara Nethralaya Eye Bank). For More information

about how to donate eyes plz visit these sites. Welcome to Lions Club of Karimnagar - Charitable Eye Hospital

10. Heart Surgery free of cost for children (0-10 yr) Sri Valli Baba

Institute Banglore. 10.

Contact : 9916737471

11. Medicine for Blood Cancer!!!!

'Imitinef Mercilet' is a medicine which cures blood cancer. Its

available free of cost at "Adyar Cancer Institute in Chennai". Create

Awareness. It might help someone.

Cancer Institute in Adyar, Chennai

Category: Cancer


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Landmark: Near Michael School

Phone: 044-24910754 044-24910754 , 044-24911526 044-24911526 ,

044-22350241 044-22350241


If you have a function/party at your home in India and food gets

wasted, don't hesitate to call 1098 (only in India ) - Its not a Joke,

This is the number of Child helpline.

They will come and collect the food. Please circulate this message

which can help feed many children.


Please Save Our Mother Nature for


Please don't delete this without forwarding.

Let it reach to all Indians.

लोकाः समस्ताः सुखिनो भवन्तु !

(May all the people of the world be happy).


From India, Madras
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