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HEllo Everybody
Now a days computer based training is increasingly becoming interactive and realistic. For ex interactive multimedia training integrates the use of text, video and graphics and sound with which the trainee interacts. This also happens for the training of physician wherein he takes hypothetical patient's history, conduts examination and checks tests and even hears the sound of patient's heart.
What else is being done in this field now a dayz in India and abroad

From India, Ludhiana
Hello Mam,

As CBT is the rapidly growing and effective method of training, many organizations are shifting from IBT(Instructor Based Training) to CBT(Computer Based Training).

Below are the some examples of Industry/Companies which are using Computer Based Training:

CBT in Aviation

Air Traffic Control: Computer system provides same conditions that a traffic controller faces. He learns how to make planes land and take off during bad weather conditions. He can see the different plane on the screen and then decide how to make them land.

Pilot Training: Mostly pilots are trained through Pilot stimulators. But it’s very costly. But in CBT using a mix of video, graphics and audio, some airlines were able to cut down on the amount of simulator time that their pilots required to gain. This in turn made pilot training cheaper and faster and cut simulator training costs. It provides similar weather conditions to the pilot. These are totally risk free and are very effective.

Hp is also training their employees through Computer Based Training Systems. It is the best way in which they can provide same type of training to their employees in different areas of world. They have also developed software programmed through which we can learn how to diagnose the problem on our workstation or operating systems. (HP Vision Field Diagnostics Computer-Based Training Utility)

Anheuser-Busch Company
It is a Belgium based American owned brewing and theme park company The Company operates 12 breweries in the United States and nearly 20 in other countries. Also one of America's largest theme park operators.
This company is also training their workers through computer based training systems. In both divisions (Brewery and theme park) they are using CBT.

Ravninder Jit Singh Dhillon

From India, Ahmadabad
Good Evening Mam,
Some Computer based training techniques are:-
1) IBM’s virtual world program
The idea behind the program was to take new employees from more remote locations and give them an orientation and training platform that would not only connect them to a larger social network, but also allow them to develop the necessary skills needed to perform their jobs.
IBM created IBM@Play, a virtual world where employees create avatars and interact in real business solutions in a safe, fictional environment. The idea was to take a simulation and present it more as game.
2) E-learning games ICICI Bank plays to train its new employees
India’s largest private sector bank, play is an integral part of work. Junior and middle-level managers hired for customer-facing functions are made to play online games for several hours before they get down to the business of dealing with people. More than 2,000 ICICI employees have been playing games, and winning prizes, as preparation for handling customers. The use of online games fits in nicely with the HR department’s focus on e-learning.
3) Training techniques used by Airtel
To encourage learning within the organization, the company has set up a state-of-the-art learning centre. Here, employees can get logged on to customized training programmes developed by British Telecom (BT). Though the material is transmitted through the Internet, they are not accessible to anybody outside the organization as the access is protected.

Gurinder Singh

From India, Kanpur
Subject - Re: computer based training techniques

Hello Mam,

Companies looking to CUT DOWN EMPLOYEEtraining costs are tapping into collaboration technology, ranging from flashy, full-fledged video-on-demand services to wikis and micro-blogs.

Employee training can be expensive for companies. Classes take up valuable time, can generate travel expenses, and require outlays of cash to pay experts to offer the same instruction over and over again. Translating that training content into video and social software platforms like wikis and blogs can reduce or eliminate many of those costs.

"There's demonstrable savings in terms of travel and in distance-learning types of things, and then there's productivity benefits in terms of giving employees the information they need to do their job," .

"CISCO" often touts the millions it has saved in travel through its TelePresence systems, but even a minimal capital investment, coupled with a smart strategy, can provide serious savings.




From India, Mumbai
simranpreet singh
Hello mam....



Most CBT uses one or a combination of the following techniques:


The most common of all techniques is the tutorial. It is used to introduce new information that must be taught in a sequential manner. It is useful for teaching factual information, simple discrimination, rules, and simple application of rules.

Drill and Practice

Another commonly used technique is known as drill and practice. It provides opportunities for practice when mastery of a new skill or information is desired. It should be used after initial instruction.

Training Games

Training games supplement other instruction and are used to provide motivating and engaging opportunities for practice after a skill or new information is taught. Training games capitalize on the competitive interests of learners and add entertainment value to instruction.


The technique of simulation is most often used when practicing a skill in its real context is too costly or dangerous. It provides an opportunity for experimentation, and allows students to test assumptions in a realistic context. Simulations are also used to model real-world situations that are not physically dangerous or costly, in order to build realism and relevance into the training situation.

Problem Solving

One of the most challenging techniques used in CBT is problem solving. It helps students develop skills in logic, solving problems, and following directions, and is generally used to augment higher order thinking skills.


Demonstration or presentation is best used to support the introduction of new information. It can also be used as a review tool.

Most CBT incorporates one or more of these techniques. A training game, for example, might have some of the elements of drill and practice; a tutorial might use problem solving questions. If one or more of these techniques is right for meeting your training requirements, CBT may be an appropriate training method for you.


Simranpreet Singh


From India, Ludhiana
Harshdeep singh
Subject - Re: computer based training techniques

some examples of Industry/Companies which are using Computer Based Training:

1. Microsoft Excel computer based training- a training software you can take both online or on your computer that will teach you basic and advanced techniques in using MS Excel.

2. Adobe Photoshop CBT- is a training course for those who want to learn photo editing and graphic designs.

Today CBT has grown to include nonlinear learning and collaborative communities for learners to connect with other learners.


Moodle, an open-source Course Management System (CMS), was launched in November 2001 and boasts over 50,000 validated registered sites in 214 countries, offering over 3 million courses. The Moodle platform is able to deploy on an individual website or for large institutions with thousands of students. Moodle includes modules such as forums, databases and wikis to help create Web 2.0 collaborative communities, along with the ability to implement the Sharable Content Object Reference Model (SCORM) for assessing assignments or quizzes.

Training Jump Start

Training Jump Start allows you to create CBT with a wide variety of options such as PowerPoint, videos, YouTube, Flash, audio, TechSmith's Camtasia Studio, Adobe Captivate or Articulate Presenter, HTML, Word, PDF and more. There is also the option of having users pay to enroll.


Conductor CBT for employee education allows registration and tracking of your employees' training needs. You can create employee profiles, assign classes and track attendance. You can also issue licenses and certifications. Reports are available and if you are not able to find a report from their list you have the option to modify or create your own.

From India, Chandigarh
hello madam ...
Computer Based Training Methods
1.e Learning:
Using presentations slides ,audio Video ,Graphics . e Learning training process is broken down into smaller modules that contain training content.
2.Webinars : Another new type of CBT.Instructors use webcams to conduct seminars and train their trainee.
3. Videos Videos can be created to teach a wide variety of content--anything from applying make-up to using certain types of software.
Er.Amandeep Singh

From India, Ludhiana
Gud Evening Mam,

With the worldwide expansion of companies and changing technologies, the demands for knowledge and skilled employees have increased more than ever which is putting pressure on HR department to provide training at lower costs. Many organizations are now implementing CBT as an alternative to classroom based training to accomplish those goals.
About 75% of the organizations are providing training to employees through Intranet or Internet. Internet is not the method of training, but has become the technique of delivering training.CBT does not require face to face interaction with a human trainer.

The various methods that come under Computer based Approach are:

1.INTELLEGENT TUTORIAL SYSTEM(ITS) – It is a text based System and interactive System. It consists of a System which consists of expert knowledge base, A trainee model, A training session manager, A user – ISC learning Group, United Nations for Drugs and crime provide CBT to 3,000 employees per year.

2.PROGRAMMED INSTRUCTION (PI) - It comprises of graphics, multimedia, text that is connected to one another and is stored in memory. This method allows the trainees to go through the content according to the individual speed, and capability. If the trainees are not able to retain the information, they are referred back to the original information. If the trainees retain the information, they are referred to the next log of information that is to be – IT companies like Epistema, Webucator Inc.

3.VIRTUAL REALITY –Virtual Reality is a training method that puts the participant in 3– D environment which simulates situations and events that are experienced in the Job. Eg – Military Training

Shaveta Gupta
MBA – 1 A

From India, Ludhiana
Hello Mam,

Introduction to e-learning


Many companies have implemented e-learning, which encompasses several different types of technology assisted training, such as distance learning, computer-based training (CBT), or web-based training (WBT). Distance learning occurs when trainers and trainees are in remote locations; typically, technology is used to broadcast a trainer's lecture to many trainees in many separate locations. Distance learning can be much less expensive than paying for trainees in multiple locations to travel for a lecture, but it may reduce motivation to learn because of the remoteness of the trainer.

Computer-based training and web-based training are virtually similar. With this type of training, content is delivered through the computer, using any combination of text, video, audio, chat rooms, or interactive assessment. It can be as basic as reading text on a screen or as advanced as answering quiz questions based on a computerized video that the trainee has viewed. The difference between CBT and WBT is that, with CBT, the training program is stored on a hard-drive, a CD-ROM, or diskette. This means that it is not easy to update and may be more difficult for employees to access. Conversely, WBT is housed online through either a company's intranet or through the World Wide Web. This increases accessibility of training; employees may even be able to train from their home computers. Additionally, updates to content are quick and relatively easy. For example, if an error in the training content is found, one update on the training program housed on a server updates the content for every trainee who accesses it after that point. For a change to made to CBT, new CD-ROMs or diskettes would have to be produced.
E-learning is an alternative to classroom-based training, and it can provide a number of advantages. E-learning can:
• reduce trainee learning time, by allowing trainees to progress at their own pace
• reduce the cost of training, particularly by reducing costs associated with travel to a training location
• provide instructional consistency, by offering the same training content to employees worldwide
• allow trainees to learn at their own pace thereby reducing any boredom or anxiety that may occur
• provide a safe method for learning hazardous tasks with computer simulations
• increase access to training to learners in locations around the world
E-learning is effective at developing declarative and, in particular, procedural knowledge. It can be useful in developing some types of skills and for modifying attitudes. E-learning develops declarative knowledge through repeated presentation of facts, using a variety of formats and presentation styles. It can do an excellent job of describing when and how to apply knowledge to various situations. Procedural knowledge is developed by allowing trainees to practice applying the knowledge to various situations simulated by the software. This training delivery method is valuable because it can automatically document trainee's responses, interpret them, and provide appropriate practice modules to improve areas of weakness.
Using e-learning, skill development is limited by the software's ability to mimic the trainee's job environment and context. For some situations, such as training employees in the use of word processing, spread sheet, and other computer-based software, e-learning is an appropriate choice for teaching skills. Here, the tasks and situations trainees will face on the job are easily simulated by the training software. On the other hand, it is very difficult to develop CBT software that realistically simulates interaction between two or more people or a person and an object in a dynamic environment. Other methods must be utilized for these situations.
E-learning can be effective at developing or modifying attitudes. The factual relationships among objects and events, and the consequences of particular courses of action, can be portrayed in many ways with e-learning technology. How objects, events and their relationships are perceived can be altered by the visual and textual presented in a CBT. However, since the objects and events are simulated, rather than real, the emotional or affective side of attitudes may not be activated. In addition, there is no opportunity during e-learning to discuss attitudes with others in a setting where a trainer can monitor, direct, and reinforce the discussion to support the desired attitude(s). This may be one reason many adult learners indicate a preference for e-learning to be combined with some form of instructor-based training. Trainees often prefer blended training, which is when both computer and face-to-face training are combined, and it is used by many organizations.

varun gupta

From India, Chandigarh
navreet kaur
Hello Ma,am

computer training techniques are used in following :-

The best way to see how CBT works ; One is a Contractor Orientation system that is video based and delivered over the web. The other is a operator training CBT for a pulp mill which can be delivered on a CD-ROM or over a company Intranet.

Contractor Orientation
Operator Training


medical career online training (distance education) courses offer you the experience of a virtual learning center, which allows you to set your own pace, work within your own schedule, and study how/where you want. Through medical training online, you will learn how to transcribe, code, bill, assist with patients, and process all kinds of insurance forms. You will learn to use software to augment your experience. Upon online medical training course completion, you will be certified in your field of choice.

2. Online Study:

Online training lets students and teachers work completely on the Internet from any location with computers or other mobile devices. In many cases, a computer and Internet access is all that is required to enroll in a web-based training course. While some courses are just as strictly scheduled as traditional classes, meaning students are required to be virtually present at a specific time and day, others are flexible, assigning work and providing feedback when the student completes the project.

3. Corporate pilot training

For most professional pilots, it's once or twice a year at the training center, spend a few solid days of training and learning, pretty much doing the same thing year in and year out. As professional pilots cramming so much into a training/checking event, that it was nearly impossible to learn anything, it was a matter of surviving the enormous amount of material and maneuvers that were mandatory to accomplish in the limited amount of time provided. Would having continual access to a library of web or computer based courses help with proficiency, at least proficiency with book knowledge. Hands on flying proficiency is another story

4Coors - Multi-location Multi-personnel Safety Induction - Interactive DVD

Molson Coors the international brewer wanted to replace the then-existing interactive contractor induction programme, which was used at all 4 of their UK process plant sites.

What made the Rossiter & Co solution unique was the provision of a flexible induction, for all types of personnel.

This meant having a custom induction localised for each site, with separate versions for each type of worker, ie, new starters, visitors, contractors, office contractors, office staff.

This comprehensive safety video approach means that Coors now deliver precisely the right safety messages, to precisely the right work groups, for precisely the right locations.

The whole production runs from a single interactive HD widescreen DVD.

5. Social Media, Web 2.0, and Blogging

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From start to finish, our Internet Marketing Solutions … our Online Techniques … are exactly the methods your growing business needs to prosper in the New Age of Web 2.0!

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Navreet Kaur

From India, Delhi
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