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Roshni R

It's another morning......... Again I have to go to the office.

Ohh!! this is me... I shouted, having a glance at my ‘photo’ in today's news paper.

But what the HELL is it doing in the death column??


One second.......Let me think, last night when I
was going to bed I had a severe pain in my chest,
but I don't remember anything after that, I think
I had a sound sleep.

It's morning now, ohh....... It's already 10:00 AM,
where is my coffee?

I will be late for office and my boss will get a
chance to irritate me..

Where is everyone...??? I screamed.

"I think there is a crowd outside my room, let me
check." I said to myself.

So many people..... Not all of them are crying......

But why are some of them crying....

WHAT IS THIS??? I’m lying there on the floor...

"I AM HERE" ....... I shouted!!! No one is

"LOOK I AM NOT DEAD" .... I screamed once again!!
No one is interested in me.

They all were looking at me on the bed.

I went back to my bed room.
"Am I dead??" I asked myself...

Where is my wife, my children, my Mom, my Dad, my

I found them in the next room, all of them were
crying...still trying to console each other.

My wife was crying... she was really looking sad.

My little kid was not sure what happened, but he
was crying just because his Mom was sad..

How can I go without saying to my kid that I
really love him,

I really do care for him. ??

How can I go without saying to my wife that she is
really the most beautiful and most caring wife in
this world..??

How can I go without saying to my parents that I’m
what I am ... just because of you??

How can I go without telling my friends that
without them perhaps I would have done most of the
wrong things in my life... thanks for being there
always when I need them...and sorry for not being
there when they really need me..

I can see a person standing in the corner and
trying to hide his tears....

Oh.... he was once my best friend, but a small
misunderstanding made us part, and we both have a
strong enough ego to keep us disconnected.

I went there..... And offered him my hand, "Dear
friend.... I just want to say sorry for
everything, we are still best friends, please
forgive me."

No response from other side, what the hell?? He is
still preserving his ego, I am saying sorry... even

I really don't care for such people.

But one second...... It seems he is not able to see
me!!!! He did not see my extended hand.

My goodness...... AM I REALLY DEAD???

I just sat down near ME; I was also feeling like


I just want to make my wife, my parents; my
friends realize how much I love them.....

My wife entered the room, she looks beautiful.


She didn't hear my words, in fact she never heard
these words because I never said this to her.

"GOD!!!!" I screamed... a little more time, plzzzzz...

I cried...

One more chance please... to hug my child, to make
my mom smile just once, to feel my dad proud of me
at least for a moment, to say sorry to my friends
for everything I have not given to them, and
thanks for still being in my life....

Then I looked up and cried!!

I shouted.......


"You shouted in your sleep," said my wife as she
gently woke me up. "Did you have a nightmare?"

I was sleeping....

Ohh that was just a dream....

My wife was there... she can hear me...
This is the happiest moment of my life...

I hugged her and whispered....


I can't understand the reason of the smile on her
face with some tears in her eyes, still I’m


SO, now it's not late... Forget the egos, the
Past... and express your love to others.......

Be friendly...

Keep smiling...... forever....It is another chance
For you...

Please let us do things more sincerely...

From India, Mumbai

hi really touchy.........dont know whats going on spend everyday happily .............time is just like sand we can not hold in hand................
From India, Pune
jai shastri

ohh really nice yaar , we all don know what will happen next up comin day so its better to live today.

I am jai shastri doin work in wipro as a sr. hr deprt. stayin alone mine mom dad had saperated before 3 and half year... mine dad stay in thai and mine mom in delhi. last three year i am just spendin mine full time with books and in office. Truly say i never missed mine mom dad. but some times any special occasions like, any festival i miss them allotted. before two months i met a girl , and we have a very nice mutual understandin, we both are respectin each other, we are in same caste and we decided for marry. then i thought mine bad time just passed away now i am a happy man... you have to hope there are happier days ahead for some one like me... i told her every thin about me but she don have any issue... every thin gonna be planned and good. i started dreamin the moment about married life... one day her dad called me and asked mine dad number and the same day mine dad shooted by local thai criminal... and still on ventilator on hospital... the time is just stop for me ... some time i wonder passed days are just a sweet dream for me but, reality is now i am just take carin of mine dad and tryin to make over the all...

its really true live today , forget past , don thin future... good work roshni thanx for sharin...

with best regards

From India, Lucknow

Superb superb superb posting...
We have one choice in life. We may not know the rebirth. It is only a faith.
We should not feel later for not showing the love on our loved ones.
We we should start love our parents, friends....this world for the lesson and love we received from them.

From India, Madras

Hello Everyone,

I was actually about to post my reply to Roshni for the good Posting when I saw Jai Shastri's response.

I 'felt' he needs a response more than Roshni right now.

Just remember one thing Jai--NOTHING HAPPENS WITHOUT A REASON, just because we don't understand it while we are passing thru that phase. But like they say: time's a great healer & as time passes, one will slowly realise/understand the meaning of the past. How soon depends on one's Faith & Link with HIM.

Coming to your present situation, try looking @ it this way Jai. Maybe your father's hospitalisation right when your girl-friend's father wanted to talk reg your marraige was meant to be HIS way of testing if your girl-friend TRULY loves you or not. For she should have been beside you in your hours of pain, NOT in your hour of triumph--i.e. if she truly loves you. I remember a quote: A true friend is the one who walks IN when the world walks OUT. And your girl-friend is supposed to be your life-partner, much more than just a friend.

And I am not sure if you realise another thing--you at least don't have any financial issues, with a good job. That way you are much, much better off than many others who have to fight constantly just to survive.

I suggest you to add another avocation apart from your work--try out reading spiritual books, since you already have the reading habit. That will give you an insight slowly but surely of 'why' things are happening 'when' they are happening & gradually 'even while they are happening'.

Life is full of ups & downs--no point asking HIM to give you only ups. Ask HIM to give you the strength to HANDLE the ups & downs [yes Jai, even the ups--it's not easy to handle some of the ups too].

All the Best.



From India, Hyderabad
D.sainath goud

Nice one yaar. we miss the right time to express ourself...and egos, arrogance which makes us apart from our closed ones. happens with me too.. thanks for sharing dear.. Regards, Sai..
From India, H