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Do not open unexpected e-mail attachments or instant message download links

Always check the web address carefully before sharing any sensitive information

The Padlock icon at the upper or bottom right corner of the webpage must be always 'On' during secure transactions

Ensure that you have installed the latest anti-virus/ anti-spyware/ personal firewall/ security patches on your computer or high end mobile phones

Use non-admin user ID for daily work on your computer

Do not access NetBanking or make payments using your Credit/ Debit Card from shared or unprotected computers in public places

Do not call and leave any personal or account details on any telephone system, voice message, e-mail or an SMS

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Do not transfer funds to or share your account details with, unknown/ non-validated source, luring you with commission, attractive offers


From India, Vijayawada

Do not give your social security number unless you are confident that the other party is who they claim to be. For example, you could ask them for a call-back number to use for verification purposes.
Be careful when providing credit card or bank information, or engaging in any monetary transactions. Be sure to verify the legitimacy of the employer with whom you are interacting.
Do not provide any non-work-related personal information (e.g., Social Security Number, eye color, marital status, etc.) over the phone or online.
Be cautious when dealing with contacts outside your own country
Be wary of emails that offer an opportunity that involves acting as a go-between for money transfers. Disregard the email and DO NOT follow through with the employment offer being made
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From India, Vijayawada

Dear CRK, Wonderful post on different topics. Very useful tips for all of us to follow. Thanks a lot for sharing very useful post with all of us. Regards. Rameshbala
From India, Hyderabad


1. Make extra payments during each payment schedule during the first five to seven years as the interest rate is high during that period and people are generally astounded to see that they have paid thousands buts its merely reduced the principal by few hundreds. Paying off your mortgage within seven years is safer if you have not paid a huge down payment because the rate of interest is high during the initial years and the principal does not reduce, thus early payment can help your equity grow faster.

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2. Try to make lump sum payment annually, you can use your tax refund or your work bonus and apply it straight to the principal. Check your mortgage loan documents and find out how often you can prepay the amount and what parameters you have on extra payments. This is first and the foremost thing you should be asking while signing your mortgage loan document.

3. Try to prepay some lump sum or balloon payment every month if your financial situation has improved. Most Lenders will allow you to increase your monthly payments but it will accompany with certain restrictions.

4. Try to switch to bi-weekly payment as you are making 26 half payments as compared to 12 monthly payments so it enables you to pay your mortgage faster and thus saves your thousands of dollars. Beware of some bi-weekly pitfalls where the lender charges you upfront fees of around $300 to $400. Avoid being cheated by the lender's fees therefore make the bi-weekly payments yourself and check to make sure that any amount above the interest is added to the principal.


5. Stay updated on all the interest rates and once you get the mortgage loan learn the nuances upfront as it could save you money. Red flag all your payment details and make sure that your payments are handled precisely because generally, the payments are monthly and when the lender receives payment unexpectedly, they do not know what to do. So make extra payments on a separate check and make a note about it. Tally the payments and keep a tab on it regularly. Think well before you plan to pay off your mortgage faster!


From India, Vijayawada


Treat everyone with respect. That means your co-workers, the person on the phone, the stranger in the elevator, everyone you come in contact with at work should be treated in the same manner in which you would like to be treated.

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Smile and put your best face forward. Friendliness and understanding go a long way toward creating an atmosphere of teamwork and teamwork is what being a professional is all about.

Volunteer your expertise to those less experienced than you are. Let them know that they can come to you at any time for help. Remember, a professional is also a teacher and a mentor.

Admit your mistakes. You will be surprised at how understanding people will be when you admit that you made an error. We all make mistakes at one time or another, and admitting that you made a mistake and that you are correcting it is a sign that you are not only human but also a true professional.

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Take a leadership role whenever possible. Show that you are willing to accept responsibility and produce results.

Demonstrate the core values of professionalism--appropriate attire, punctuality, organization and dedication to your job. These are important attributes no matter what position you hold in a company or organization, and are signs of your professionalism


From India, Vijayawada

Do not switch on a/c in your car immediately

Please do not turn on A/C immediately as soon as you enter the car.

Open the windows after you enter your car and turn ON the air-conditioning after a couple of minutes.

According to a research done, the car dashboard, sofa, air freshener emits
Benzene, a Cancer causing toxin (carcinogen - take note of the heated plastic
Smell in your car).

In addition to causing cancer, it poisons your bones, causes anemia, and reduces white blood cells. Prolonged exposure will cause Leukemia, increasing the risk of cancer. May also cause miscarriage.

Acceptable Benzene level indoors is 50 mg per sq. ft...

A car parked indoors with the windows closed will contain 400-800 mg of Benzene. If parked outdoors under the sun at a temperature above 60 degrees F, the Benzene level goes up to 2000-4000 mg, 40 times the acceptable level...
& the people inside the car will inevitably inhale an excess amount of the

It is recommended that you open the windows and door to give time for the
interior to air out before you enter. Benzene is a toxin that affects your
kidney and liver, and is very difficult for your body to expel this toxic stuff.

'When someone shares something of value with you and you benefit from it, please do share it with others.' –

From India, Madras

A new Windows Built in Keyboard

There is an alternative keyboard in Windows If In case your keyboard or some keys stop working Microsoft provides you with an alternative way to type in using the mouse to work this tool go to:
Start menu, Then
Select Run
Type in OSK
Press OK
A new Keyboard will display which you can utilize using Mouse..

From India, Madras

Tips for Positive Attitude :

1. Find a happy place. Create a place in your mind that is your ideal paradise. When you feel stressed or down just go to your happy place, relax there and enjoy it.

2. Get a hobby. Doing something you enjoy and that will raise your spirits and allow you to maintain a positive attitude.

3. Exercise. While many people look at exercise in a negative way, it really can bring positive influences to your life. The body's reaction to exercise is a good one. You will feel better and therefore act better if you adopt an exercise routine.

4. Find affirmations. Affirmations are sayings, verses or other short pieces that have a positive influence. Affirmations can be a quote, a verse from the Bible or even a line from a greeting card. They are simply something that make you think positive or even just bring a smile to your face. Using an affirmation daily can perk up your attitude in an instant.

5. Exploring new things. Instead of walking away from the unknown, walk towards it.

6. Do not walk away from a challenge. Let yourself accept challenges and try creative ways to deal with them.

7. Make a mess. Make messes to learn. Do not get caught up in caring about the mess. Happiness can be messy and unrestricted.

8. Ignore the rules. You can end up having a fun time simply because you are doing something you were specifically told not to do. Defying authority can be an adrenaline rush. Break a few rules now and then.

9. Pretend. The imagination is a wonderful thing. Allow yourself to go to some make believe place. Get away for your normal life and pretend you are someone else. Have fun and you are sure to smile. You can take these tips and build upon them. You can surely come up with things that have a way of making you happy. You know what makes you smile, so take that and run with it. Allow whatever it is that makes you happy to guide you to your new positive attitude.

From India, Madras

5 tips to help you overcome worry

1. Laughter- Use laughter as an antidote to worry and anxiety. Smile a great big smile and burst into laughter, even though you may at that time be stressed, the laughter will brush aside the worry. It feels great to laugh so why not do it more?

2. "Worry time"- When you are beset by worry, set aside part of your day, let's say half hour, as "worry time". Choose a time of the day when you tend to be calm and positive, and then pull up a chair and make a list of all the concerns that are nagging at you. Then work on ways of dealing with each one. If at other times, during the day, you feel a bout of worry coming on; postpone it until your "worry time" period, then deal with it.

3. Occupy yourself with the accomplishment of a task- This will divert attention away from the worry and then at least you will feel you are doing something constructive, rather than moping around, even if you just go shopping.

4. Write your top 5 worries down-When you are feeling especially low and can't seem to drag yourself out from under the dark clouds of despair, write down the things that are worrying you. You could 'think' of what is worrying you, but when we are worried and feeling down, we are unable to focus on just one worry. Usually a flood of worries come at us. So think of the top 5 worries you have, one by one, and write them down so you can see them right there in front of you and work out solutions to them.

5. Make a gratitude list- Make a list of all the things you are grateful for. Again, write them down so that you can read them over, once you are done.

From India, Madras

10 Health tips for regular Computer users

Stretch once an hour: Do not sit in a posture for more than an hour. Lean forward, cross your arms in front of you, hold your knees, and push your knees apart, keeping your hands on them. You’ll feel this stretch across your shoulder blades. Stretch your fingers, arms, hands, and torso at regular intervals.

Exercise throughout the day: Make sure you move your hands, legs, back, and neck every 10 minutes throughout the day. Get up and take short walks from your workstation periodically.

Maintain a good working posture: According to the US Department of Labor Occupational Safety and Health Administration, the following are important considerations when attempting to maintain neutral body postures while working at the computer workstation:
  • Hands, wrists and forearms are straight, in-line and roughly parallel to the floor.
  • Head is level or bent slightly forward, forward facing, and balanced. Generally it is in-line with the torso.
  • Shoulders are relaxed and upper arms hang normally at the side of the body.
  • Elbows stay in close to the body and are bent between 90 and 120 degrees.
  • Feet are fully supported by floor or footrest.
  • Back is fully supported with appropriate lumbar support when sitting vertical or leaning back slightly.
  • Thighs and hips are supported by a well-padded seat and generally parallel to the floor.
  • Knees are about the same height as the hips with the feet slightly forward.
Place and adjust the monitor: Place the computer monitor at the recommended viewing distance and angle, adjusting it to the right clarity settings.
  • Adjust your position at a safe distance from where you can clearly view the elements on the monitor and read the text without slipping to awkward postures. The preferred distance between the eye and monitor is in the range of 20-40 inches (50-100 cm).
  • Adjust your computer monitor to be directly in front of you with your head, neck, and torso facing the screen. Your monitor should not be farther than 35 degrees to the left or right.
  • Give periodic rest to your eyes by looking at far-away objects. For example, a clock or calendar on the wall that is away from your workstation. Viewing the monitor for a long period results in fatigue and dryness. You must stop, look away and blink at regular intervals to give your eyes the necessary moisture. Other non-computer tasks such as filing, phone work, etc., can help your eyes take the needed break from the stress.
Position the pointer/mouse to maintain a straight and neutral wrist posture: If the keyboard tray/surface is not large enough to accommodate both the keyboard and mouse, try one of the following to limit stresses related to reaching and holding:
  • A mouse platform positioned over the keyboard. This design allows the mouse to be used above the 10-key pad.
  • A mouse tray next to the keyboard tray.
  • A fingertip joystick attached to the keyboard.
  • Pointing devices attached to the keyboard such as a touchpad.
  • Point devices such as mouse that have the right size so that they fit the hand.
  • Mousepad with a wrist rest.
Keep the keyboards at a comfortable position: Placing keyboards, pointing devices or working surfaces too high or too low may result in awkward wrist, arm, and shoulder postures.
  • Adjust the chair height and desk height to maintain a neutral body posture.
  • Raise or lower the tilt of the keyboard to maintain straight, neutral wrist postures.
  • If you are left-hand user, use an alternative left hand keyboard, which has the keypad permanently affixed to the left side.
Adjust the location of frequently-used devices: Devices such as keyboard, phone and mouse must be placed within the repetitive access (primary work zone) area.

Use mobile and size-adjustable chairs: Desks that are not at the right height may force you to take awkward postures such as extending your arms to reach the keyboard or raising your shoulders. Make sure that you have adequate clearance space for your thighs, legs, etc. particularly if you frequently change working postures.

Seating: Opt for a chair that provides adequate support to your back, legs, buttocks, and arms. For example, an ideal chair for your workstation should have the following:
  • Backrest that adjusts well to the natural curvature of your spine and provides necessary lumbar support
  • Comfortable seat that allows your feet to rest flat on the floor or a footrest that helps you adjust the height
  • Soft armrests that allow your shoulders to relax and your elbows to stay close to your body
  • Five-leg base with casters that allow easy movement along the floor
Keep the phone at your reach: Most office workers cannot do without a telephone at work. Placing the telephone at the right place is as important as adjusting other workplace objects. Keep the phone close enough to avoid repeated reaching. Use a speaker phone or a headset for teleconferences or long conversations.

From India, Madras
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