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Mohit Sadawarti
1. Infosys

In 2007 the company launched satellite centres in some cities where the employees particularly new and to be mothers can cut down on travel time to work. The centre could accommodate upto 50 women at a time.

2. Subex Systems

Subex is a vendor of business support (BSS) and operational support systems (OSS) headquartered in India.

Every candidate who is called into subex house for a scheduled interview is welcomed thus making a significant difference the way company is perceived.

On joining, the employee is welcomed by the subex culture club. Even before he joins, he is entitled with one person of his family to have dinner in oberoi.

As soon as the company decided to recruit a person, it also decided on his mentor. The mentor will not be senior subexian (his group head) but will be someone senior from the same division who understand the nature of the work of the new person.

There are a lot of HR policies of Subex, which are worth mentioning. One is the feel the pulse meet.

Every subexian will have to meet his senior subexian, not the immediate manager but the manager who is one level above.

This happens once in six moths and this basically helps the senoir members to feel the pulse of junior, to know whether he is doing well or not, whether he is enjoying his job or not etc.

3. Sapient

Binoo Wadhwa, Director – People Success, Sapient Corporation, talks about the organization and its HR policies says: A critical aspect of our people philosophy at Sapient is to enable people to “choose” to align to a common future and using processes and tools to get there. This ensures that we go into an exponentially better tomorrow and enables our people to achieve full potential in their careers. There is also a strong sense of continuity and evolution in our year-on-year strategy, which is directly linked to our overall purpose as a company.

The culture of ‘working hard and partying harder’ is intrinsic to Sapient. Our daily team meetings, where one ends with a loud team cheer, weekly new hire social dos, leadership breakfasts (where the leadership team cooks for the whole office), internal team events and our annual parties are just some examples of the spirit of Sapient.

4. Mahindra and Mahindra

5. Satyam Computer Service

6. H.U.L.

7. Wipro

From India, Ludhiana
saahil goel
1. Syntel This global IT Company recently awarded in several categories of human resource management in the HRD congress. The use of technology for achievement of strategic HR objectives and creative practices in HR solution made it to be one of the most valued companies with

2.Mc Donald's- Good

Performances rewards Every company has some employees who outperform others. Such performances should be highlighted and displayed where other employees can look at them such as on the display boards and intranet etc. This will encourage others to give their best. A proper system should be set up to make a list of high performances at specific times in a year. most innovative human resource management practice.


is known for its human resource practices in India as well as globally. In the EU, it continues to be the employer of choice and has the lowest attrition rate of 9.9 per cent.The company lays emphasis on the overall development of it employees and also offers multi-lingual capability training modules .

SEMCO Ricardo Semler’s idea is about making everyone’s salary a public knowledge. this motivates the employees to work harder for appraisal.

From India, Mumbai
Kanika Jain MBA 1-C

Most HR functions are implementing core HRMS tools and technology and many are now at the stage of seeking out the next level of efficiency and effectiveness. Technology will continue to be a powerful enabler in transforming how we work, bringing a global workforce closer and realizing operational cost savings.


Quatrro is a global services company offering business and knowledge processing services to organizations seeking higher operational effectiveness, greater flexibility and lower operating costs.


The main strength of the company's HR practice lies in rigorous and continuous training in general management, technical disciplines and business policy and this made L&T as one of the top companies with most innovative human resource management practices.L&T engineering and construction division is recently awarded the Asia Pacific HR Conclave Award for most innovative HR practices.


As we move into the final trend for the future of HR Transformation, keep in mind that HR needs to excel in all three areas to maintain responsibility for operational delivery and board and talent strategy. The organization’s expectation of HR will no doubt continue to increase – driven by increasing competitive pressures in markets and recognition of the role played by human capital in succeeding in these markets.

From India, Chandigarh
Madhuri Dhanda
1.FedEx has developed several innovative human resource programs over the years. These programs have served as a benchmark for many companies

a. FedEx’s ‘People-Service-Profit’ (PSP) philosophy:This philosophy was based on the fact that if FedEx took proper care of its employees, they would provide efficient service to the customers.

b. Survey-Feedback-Action Program or SFA Program at FedEx.with the introduction of online survey system in the US and other automations. Each April, every employee is asked to participate in the on-line survey. After the results are gathered, managers hold feedback sessions with their employees to discuss the survey findings and identify problems within and outside of their department.

c.Leadership Evaluation and Awareness Process’ (LEAP): to encourage non-managerial cadre employees to move to the managerial level within the company.

d.Employee Communication Program: included the SFA program, Guaranteed Fair Treatment Procedure and Open Door Policy. FedEx also devised a mechanism to address and resolve employee grievances. This was apart from employing a formal communication system to inform employees about the major events taking place in the company.

e.Job Change Applicant Tracking System on-line computer job posting system that allows hourly employees to post for any available job.

Recognition and Reward Program

f.FedEx rewards employees for their work with awards such as the ‘Bravo Zulu’ and the ‘Golden Falcon Award’.

FedEx is an example of an organization that has created an effective HR strategy that supports productivity and profitability.


a. 360-Degree Feedback: The employees also look at aspects of the managers' performance, strategic vision, ability to communicate, problem-solving skills, responsiveness. The results of the survey (the rankings and comments) are then aggregated and published online for everyone to see.

-Recognition for Adding Value: 'What gets measured gets reviewed and what gets reviewed gets improved' is what the company believes in and rewards each employee whose innovation is lauded by the customer.

-Employee-Management Interface: It reduces the gap between the manager and the employee. Direct Q&A link with the President himself, who is to respond within a given time-frame.

b. Focus on Learning: A lot of investment in employee-focused resources (e-Learning) and creating libraries for employees, holding workshops. All employees are eligible for ESOPs after one year of joining.

-Innovation: Innovate@HCL is one such e-forum that enables employee involvement and participation towards innovations in their work environment and beyond.

c.MyXtraMiles is a loyalty point system that gives 'mileage' to employees who receive appreciation from any of the following four sources: peers, subordinates, managers and customers. The points can be redeemed for attractive gifts, including trips abroad. The EHD Team comprising HR and finance professionals aids the employees in solving their day-to-day transactional needs.


All Accenture employees have career counsellors, typically two levels above them in the hierarchy, who are given a budget and specific time to mould the career of their wards.

It has a Cross Entity Leadership Program to allow people to switch between businesses, and all openings are posted on internal portals. It allows employees to work from home and also work part time.

It has set up an Inhouse Event Management arm and employees who take part in clubs and special interest groups are expected to conceive and run programmes for each of these initiatives, ranging from sports to corporate social responsibility.

4.Unique and innovative HR policies of Haier -- Which are-

1-race track model of recruiting and promotion.

2-Ways to apppraise high performance manager and how to deal with low performance managers.

3-Daily OEC management evaluation of factories workers.

4- 6 S footprints on factory floor.

5- 80-20 management responsibility principles.

6- Individuality monthly SBU profit and loss statement for each employee.

7- SST market chain based compensation system

Haier's incentive policies are openness and fairness. It adopts a point system for production workers using the OEC management 3E card. Haier's Human Resources Management Director Wang Yingmin explains the OEC acronym: "O stands for Overall; E stands for Everyone, Everything, and Everyday; C stands for Control and Clear. OEC means that every employee has to accomplish the target work every day. The OEC management-control system aims at overall control of everything that every employee finishes on his or her job every day, with a 1% increase over what was done the previous day." Employees are required to fill out an OEC 3E Card daily. This is a Microsoft Excel file with items of production quantity, quality, defective product material used, technology level, equipment evaluation, safe operation, and labor discipline evaluation.

If an employee earns more points on the 3E card than required, he or she makes a higher wage and bonus, and both management and the employee know his or her daily wage and why.

From India, Chandigarh
The road to hiring a good VA starts before you’ve even begun searching. Here are four steps to consider:

Step1: Create a clear job description. Clearly write out all of the job’s responsibilities. Think about how your business is currently set up and how the VA will fit in. Do you need a task-based VA, a full-time assistant, or someone who will work for you on a part-time basis?

Step 2: Determine the job’s requirements. This means not only requirements in terms of experience but also the kind of hardware/Internet connection necessary to complete the job, as well as any necessary skills and personality traits. Also, determine what time frame will be given to complete the job/role​.

Step 3: Calculate how much can you afford to pay. Knowing this can help you narrow down your search and ensure that you stick to your priorities. You should also research what VA’s are typically receiving for conducting the work that you seek. You can do this by asking your peers what they charge, looking at the listings on virtual hiring sites, and even heading over to a VA forum and asking some experienced VA’s themselves.

Step 4: Determine how you will evaluate the new hire. Set some benchmarks and productivity goals so you can quickly cut your loses should the arrangement not work out. Though it may be disheartening to have to let a new VA go and start the hiring process again, keep in mind that there are plenty of candidates out there who are willing and able to do the work you need. Don’t waste your precious time and money going around in circles.

The Low-Down on Working with Overseas Virtual Assistants

Many aspiring entrepreneurs and small business owners looking to keep their costs to a minimum seek to hire VA’s based overseas in order to take advantage of the sometimes stark differences in payrate. But there are a whole host of issues that can easily whittle away any anticipated savings. Here are a few things to consider:

Overseas VA’s aren’t so cheap anymore. As demand increases, prices for competent overseas virtual assistants have been on the up and up.

Be prepared for a language barrier. While English is commonly spoken in some of the major countries supplying virtual assistants, such as India and the Philippines, don’t assume that your potential VA is fully fluent in English, or any other language that you may require. In fact, it’s best to go into the search process assuming the opposite. Make sure that you specifically request fluency in a given language and that you incorporate some of the screening tips mentioned below to verify this fluency.

Consider the cultural differences. Before you start looking for workers from another country, make sure you are familiar with the cultural differences that exist there. In India, for example, workers are more likely to agree to take on a project even if it is above them as they tend to have a harder time saying no.

Consider the time difference. One of the biggest barriers to working with an overseas VA is the difference in time zones. If your virtual hire is on the other side of the globe, then you may find it particularly challenging to manage his or her workflow. Someone who is working in a time zone that is 10-12 hours off from your own may not be readily available for the spontaneous questions, clarifications, or last minute requests that tend to come up.

Consider the quality of equipment and online access. Research the quality and reliability of any equipment and internet connectivity your new hire will need as well as how the particular country’s infrastructure is set up. Like any other contractor, a virtual assistant is responsible for his or her own internet connection and hardware. But Internet service and access to higher-end equipment may be limited within some countries.

How to Screen Applicants

Even if a potential hire comes recommended by a good friend or peer, you should nevertheless exercise your full due diligence in checking up on this person’s background, skills, and experience. This becomes all the more vital if your virtual assistant will be handling or have access to sensitive information, such as customer payment and contact info, or areas of your business, such as files for your company website.

The internet is cluttered with virtual assistant horror stories- lack of stated experience or expertise, instances of shoddy work, resentful VA’s who shut down websites, or stole information, or sought to sully their employer’s online reputation. If you want to avoid adding your own experience to the fray, then here are a few tips to keep in mind:

-Look for a clear and concise response to your job posting or request. The candidate should clearly detail the skill and experience he or she has and how it suits your requirements. Where appropriate ask to see samples of prior work or jobs that they have completed.

-The candidate should provide at least three references, and you should make the effort to contact them. You should also pay attention to how current these references are. A collection of old references, like a client the VA worked for three years ago, or an unexplained gap in employment may be a warning sign that you should move on to someone else.

-Check out their web presence. Does this person have a website, a Facebook page, and LinkedIn profile? Take a look at them. You will get a sense of who this person is by looking at how they present themselves online.

-Make sure that you have your VA sign a clear and thorough confidentiality agreement as well as an independent contractor agreement. (See my collection of free business documents for a generic example of such a contract.) It will help to protect both you and them from misunderstandings and liabilities.

-Conduct a phone interview and correspond via email. Make it a point to communicate a few times with potential VA’s before agreeing to hire them. Doing so will help you to see how good their English is and if they really know what they say they do. You can generally get a pretty good idea about this just from speaking to them on the phone or via email exchanges.

-Consider using a virtual staffing firm. If all the checking and research doesn’t seem doable then you should consider using the services of a virtual staffing firm. The cost may be a little higher than what you would expect to pay if you were working with a virtual assistant directly, but the time, money, and effort you’d save in the hiring process whether by using their services to narrow down the applicant field or to screen out potential candidates may make it worth it.

Some Tips to Effectively Working with a VA

In a previous post, I detailed some tips for getting the most out of your outsourcing arrangements. When it comes to virtual assistants, here are a few additional things to keep in mind:

-First, as a precaution make sure that all your documents and other vital business information are backed up. The chances of a fatal error occurring with your precious files are greater with a VA since this person is not in front of you, you are more likely to leave out some important information or step, and you may have the added difficulty of working across cultural lines and time zones.

-Keep instructions, clear, concise, and where you are able to, include screenshots and pictures. It may take sometime for you to do all these steps, but the potential time (and headache) you’ll save may be much greater. From experience I found that all the back and forth explaining, re-hashing, clarifying, and correcting of errors due to misunderstandings can be a very big black hole when it comes to time and money.

-Put some kind of time frame on your requests and make sure that it is clearly communicated to your VA. If, for example, you need some Internet-based research or help answering emails, then indicate how long your virtual assistant should work on the project and then let the person know that he or she should get back to you with progress report. This way you can both keep tabs on how your VA is performing and quickly recognize any bottlenecks in the work process.

-Make sure that you use some process of evaluation mentioned above. Where a VA arrangement clearly isn’t working out, then it is in you best interest to move on as quickly as possible.


Human Resource Policies in Toyota India

The human resources in Toyota a 70 year old company in the automotive sector are given much importance and according to the Chairman of the board of directors of the company human resource development efforts across the globe have been enhanced quite a lot to meet the challenges of global human resource issues relating to diverse cultures and backgrounds in various countries Toyota operates. To accomplish this task the company follows the Monozukuri philosophy of Japanese manufacturing according to which “making things means making people” (Toyota Motor Corporation 2008).

The Toyota Way is a set of 14 principles devised by the company to implement an effective and efficient manufacturing process and maximising on quality and excellent human resource management. Some of these principles are directly linked to human resource management and employee satisfaction and loyalty. Principle 4 is concerned with levelling out and distributing work load which is termed as Heijunka in Japanese. Principle 6 is concerned with standardising tasks for improvement and employee empowerment. The main principle which focuses purely on effective human resource management is principle 9 which is concerned with the training, development and growth of employees and managers who not only implement these techniques themselves but teach it to others as well (Liker 2004).

The company implements these principles to production and manufacturing of cars throughout its plants around the world including India. The company faces challenges in human resource management in India due to cultural differences more diverse than any other country including United States of America. Indian employees are usually sensitive to criticism, tend to resist the company’s policy of continuous improvement through identification of problems and may not be quite serious towards deadlines. The company has to adapt to these conditions and devise plans accordingly to cope with these challenges. The company has made quite a few efforts over the years to make human resource management in India by placing much emphasis on policies related to training, development, benefits, growth and attractive compensation to employees


From India
neha pcte
Mc Donald's- Good
Performances rewards Every company has some employees who outperform others. Such performances should be highlighted and displayed where other employees can look at them such as on the display boards and intranet etc. This will encourage others to give their best. A proper system should be set up to make a list of high performances at specific times in a year. most innovative human resource management practice.
a. 360-Degree Feedback: The employees also look at aspects of the managers' performance, strategic vision, ability to communicate, problem-solving skills, responsiveness. The results of the survey (the rankings and comments) are then aggregated and published online for everyone to see

From India, New Delhi
himanshu sharma Mba1A
INFOSYS: As part of its inclusive HR policy, Infosys will throw open a satellite centre in the heart of the city to

enable employees (particularly new and to-be mothers) to cut down on travel time to work. The centre,

which can accommodate up to 50 women at a time. The company has also initiated a pilot project for

employees giving them an opportunity to opt for a one-year sabbatical at any point in their careers.

Mahindra Satyam: IT major Mahindra Satyam launched a campaign called 'Career Divas' on social networking website Facebook and successfully hired only women.

Mahindra Satyam, says it hires 10% of its workforce , largely at the 2-6 years experience level, from social media platforms and plans to increase its focus further.

RELIANCE TELECOMMUNICATIONS: "We bet on people," said Dhirubhai Ambani, our legendary founder. This is at the core of Reliance Communications’ business philosophy. Reliance Communications believes in hiring world-class talent and supporting them with an enabling organisational framework.We have already invested in 50,000 person training days and state-of-the-art e-learning facilities. We are introducing several progressive and employee friendly HR practices in e-HR, Employee Self Service, Performance Management System, 360° Feedback and Leadership Development initiatives.

From India, Ludhiana
Tapinder Garcha
Innovative HR practices build competencies and capabilities for superior and winning performances today and simultaneously create long term fertility for innovation of business ideas and strategies for future.
Those in high-growth sectors such as technology usually do well, in particular before they become too large (Google would be a good example). Google has done a great job of making HR a priority
L&T engineering and construction division is recently awarded the Asia Pacific HR Conclave Award for most innovative HR practices. The main strength of the company's HR practice lies in rigorous and continuous training in general management, technical disciplines and business policy and this made L&T as one of the top companies with most innovative human resource management practices.

From India, Sangrur
divya mahajan
Infosys BPO Ltd
In the recent world HRD congress held in Mumbai the company won 7 awards for its human resource management practices. The major strength of the company lies in innovative talent hunting, recruitment and retention process.
This global IT Company recently awarded in several categories of human resource management in the HRD congress. The use of technology for achievement of strategic HR objectives and creative practices in HR solution made it to be one of the most valued companies with most innovative human resource management practice.

From India, Mumbai
Manjot singh Pandher (MBA 1A)
a few companies following new and innovative techniques for their human resources areas follows:

1. Google- providing a very open environment including video games,nap time, pool tables and flexible timings etc thus provide a great environment for their employees.

2. UNINOR- this company has removed doors and large desks to promote open work culture

3. Zappos- here the various employees are given great medical benefits and up to 40% off on the purchase of any product from Zappos

4. DreamWork Animation- Employees are given free breakfasts and lunches, afternoon yoga, on-campus art classes and monthly parties providing creative environment for employees

5. Accenture- here the employees are provided with all thier daily schedules online hence not having to go to any office and get daily orders or instructions.

6.Facebook- employees are provided free food, laundry service, barber services, lucrative stock options paid maternity leave and up to 4000 dollars as "baby cash" for care and well being.

From India, Jalandhar
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