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Sharad Shah


I know little about the esoteric world, but I came across statements of some of the enlightened masters and also met few. To my understanding any desire is enough to push you to the next birth. Thus this is not our first birth but we are traveling on this earth from the beginning of mankind and every birth we simply change the body, as we change our cloth or car after its full utilization. But during the given life span, either evolution or involution is possible. That depends on how we live our life.

People like Hitler or Mussolini or Osama, it is difficult to get suitable womb for decades or some times centuries and such souls move on in the space surround us and wait till they get suitable time, situation and womb. Hindu mythology call them Rakshas Yoni or Danav (Devils). Similarly there is another category of souls who are pious, honest, compassionate, loving, like Jesus or Mohammad or Shankracharya, they also face the same problem of getting suitable womb for their birth and they also have to wait for years together, till they get a quality womb and best time. They are called Dev Yoni according to Hindu Mythology.

And there is a third category like common people like us. When they leave the body, they immediately get opportunity and invitation as every where it is available and they get immediate birth. According to Hindu Mythology maximum twelve to thirteen days are required to take new birth. Thus Bad quality souls and Good quality souls wonder in the space surround us. Bad quality souls are known as Ghosts and good quality souls are known as Devta or Devatma or Holy Spirits.

His Blessings;

Sharad Shah

From India, Ahmadabad
Sharad Shah

Dear Janet;


I went through the index of the book "Life Between Lives". It seems more or less on the same line. It is more elaborated, whereas I gave brief description in latter. I have classified souls in three main categories, whereas the book is more in details. But it sounds the same.

I have read one book namely “Many Lives Many Masters" written by Dr. Brian Weiss. It is a true story and very interesting. If you can get it from book store or library, I suggest you to read it. Just wonderful book. In my view, it is one of the best 1000 book on the earth.

I also give you more information here to clear the subject.

There are several books, literatures in all languages of the world in all time have accepted and written about rebirth and even today’s science have also accepted it. You know in paramedical, while studying Hypnosis, past birth regression technique is one of the subject and they are taught how to remember past birth.

If you notice you will find that the only religions of the world have not accepted the idea of rebirth is Muslim, Christen and Jews. All other religions have supported rebirth theory. If you look in to the history of Jerusalem before 1500 to 2500 years, you will find that the entire region, where these religions has erupted during these years, was a back ward region and people were almost in barbarian stage. That's the reason Jesus was crucified and Mohammad had to lift sword to fight with opponents. Both Mohammad and Jesus were fully aware (as they were great masters) about the truth of rebirth, but they had to lie out of compassion. They declared no rebirth. The intension was to give a sock treatment to the people around them, so that they can be transformed in the same birth and do not postponed in next birth or next birth. (Just think, if you have only 24 hours to live, how you would live). That trick worked also and you can see the progress and reformation in that region to day.

But the unfortunate part of the lie is wrong belief has been created among Muslims and Christens about the rebirth truth. But to day the situation is totally changed, and lots of researches are done and it is proved that rebirth is truth. Today many Christens, Muslims, and Jews believe that there is rebirth, though their religion says no. Today it is not a matter of great dispute.

His Blessings;

Sharad Shah

From India, Ahmadabad
Sharad Shah

Many Lives, Many Masters is the true story of a prominent psychiatrist, his young patient, and the past-life therapy that changed both their lives.

As a traditional psychotherapist, Dr. Brian Weiss, M.D., graduating Phi Beta Kappa, magna cum laude, from Columbia University and Yale Medical School, spent years in the disciplined study of the human psychology, training his mind to think as a scientist and a physician.

He held steadfastly to conservatism in his profession, distrusting anything that could not be proved by traditional scientific method. But when he met his 27-year old patient, Catherine, in 1980, who came to his office seeking help for her anxiety, panic attacks, and phobias, he was taken aback at what unfolded in the therapy sessions that followed, which jolted him out of his conventional ways of thought and psychiatry. For the first time, he came face-to-face with the concept of reincarnation and the many tenets of Hinduism, which, as he says in the last chapter of the book, “I thought only Hindus… practiced.”

For 18 months, Dr. Weiss used conventional methods of treatment to help Catherine overcome her traumas. When nothing seemed to work, he tried hypnosis, which, he explains, “is an excellent tool to help a patient remember long-forgotten incidents. There is nothing mysterious about it. It is just a state of focused concentration. Under the instruction of a trained hypnotist, the patient’s body relaxes, causing the memory to sharpen… eliciting memories of long-forgotten traumas that were disrupting their lives.”

During the initial sessions, the doctor regressed her back to her early childhood and she strained and stretched her mind bringing out isolated, deeply-repressed memory fragments. She remembered from age five when she swallowed water and felt gagged when pushed from a diving board into a pool; and at age three when her father reeking of alcohol molested her one night. But what came next, catapulted skeptics like Dr. Weiss into believing in parapsychology, and in what Shakespeare had said in Hamlet (Act I scene 5), “There are more things in heaven and earth… than are dreamt of in your philosophy.”

In a series of trance-like states, Catherine recalled “past life” memories that proved to be the causative factors of her recurring nightmares and anxiety attack symptoms. She remembers “living 86 times in physical state” in different places on this earth both as male and female. She recalled vividly the details of each birth – her name, her family, physical appearance, the landscape, and how she was killed by stabbing, by drowning, or illness. And in each lifetime she experiences myriad events “making progress… to fulfill all of the agreements and all of the Karmic (from Hindu concept of Karma) debts that are owed.”

Dr. Weiss’s skepticism was eroded, however, when she began to channel messages from “the space between lives”, messages from the many Masters (highly evolved souls not presently in body) that also contained remarkable revelations about his family and his dead son. Often he had heard his patients talk about near-death experiences when they float out of their mortal bodies guided towards a bright white light before reentering their discarded body once again.

But Catherine revealed much more. As she floats out of her body after each death, she says, “I am aware of a bright light. It’s wonderful; you get energy from this light.” Then, while waiting to be reborn in the in-between-lives state, she learns from the Masters great wisdom and becomes a conduit for transcendental knowledge.

From India, Ahmadabad

Thanks Sharad Shah for your lengthy and insightful article. and i am totally agree with you on this regard that there is a life after death and i also have the out of body experience and i also have some weired experience which i do not think that it is a suitable place to share here. because this thread is only to motivate others not to draw the fear to the reader here. you are experienced and open minded but most people are not open minded in this regard so i think that this talk bring the fear in them. if you wanted to talk with this kind of people please visit the link of and she have the forum where this like minded people are gather and talk about this subject. i think you feel good to surround with this kind of people.

but i do not think that we can talk here about this subject. because i am here to help people by providing the good books and audio book so that they can grow in their life. i have also read the book many life many masters many times and moreover i have read all the books of same author. i really like his work. and it has been pleasure for me to share this information with you. if you need anything please let me know i try my best to provide all the books if i find in digital form to you.

and i also appreciate you for another reason you are the first person with whom i share a meaningful conversation.

please share your insightful words also in future.

janet smith

From India, Madras

hi to all,

thanks john for your appreciation.

this is an another article for you about the law of attraction.

Courage and the Law of Attraction

A pattern I've noticed with many would-be Law of Attraction enthusiasts is that they often try to use the LoA as a substitute for courage. Instead of facing their fears head on, they shrink back and focus on forming and visualizing intentions, hoping they can somehow attract what they want without having to stretch beyond their comfort zone.

This approach really doesn't work. People who attempt this simply end up attracting an abundance of frustration. Then they complain that the LoA doesn't work.

For example, suppose you want to attract an intimate partner into your life. Does it make sense to sit on your couch holding the intention for this person to show up at your door? Well, it's fine to do that, but not if you're using it as a means of avoiding going outside and talking to people. If the people you want to meet are outside, and you're sitting at home trying to manifest someone, there's a disconnect somewhere, isn't there?

You can't fool the LoA. You r whole being is part of the attraction process. If you're sending out a genuine intention on one channel, but you're secretly worried about what fears you might have to face along the way, and you're hoping to use the LoA as a magical shortcut to avoid facing those fears, then you're still broadcasting fear on another channel. Your intention will simply fizzle out, and little or none of it will manifest.

On the other hand, when you hold a clear intention, and then you cooperate fully with that intention by stretching beyond your comfort zone to meet it head on, you're going to find it manifesting right quick. When you broadcast your intention on one channel and move toward it with courageous action on another channel, you're congruent. Your thoughts, feelings, and actions are in harmony.

Going back to our example of attracting a partner, it's great to focus on attracting what you want. Sit on your couch and visualize you and your new partner having fun together and feeling a wonderful loving connection. It's very nice to do this. But when you're done, get off your butt, go outside, and meet people you find attractive. Your own body in motion is part of the manifestation process. If you don't have the courage to go outside, how can you possibly pretend that you're a vibrational match for your intention of connecting with a great partner? Were you hoping to date the next Jehovah's Witness that knocks on your door?

Building Your Courage

Fear melts when you face it head on. It really does. When you fail to face up to it, the fear grows and grows. Fear is really nothing but an illusion, but your thoughts make it seem real. When you realize it's only illusion and run straight at it, the fear dissolves very quickly.

I learned this lesson in my late teens, albeit in a rather destructive way. I got hooked on shoplifting, and soon I was doing it almost every day for the thrill. The first time I shoplifted, I stole some cassette tapes from a music store. As I walked out of the store, my heart was racing so fast it was practically bursting out of my chest. But when I realized I'd gotten away with it, I breathed a huge sigh of relief, and then I felt amazing. I enjoyed an awesome surge of power for facing my fear and pushing right through it.

Eventually I reached the point where I could steal several hundred dollars worth of merchandise at a time from a major department store, and my heart wouldn't skip a beat, even though I knew I'd be facing jail time if I got caught. I progressed from committing misdemeanor petty theft to felony grand theft and kept right on going. The bigger risk required more courage, but it also meant shedding more fear.

I noticed a similar effect the first time I got arrested. Initially I felt terrible and ashamed, but I recall that when I was sitting in the back of the police car as we drove to the police station, there was also this feeling of exhilaration. I was facing yet another fear, and I was still breathing and living through it. I knew I'd have to deal with some unpleasant stuff as a consequence of getting caught, but I believed I'd get through it okay, and I did.

Ironically, the more I got arrested, the bolder I became. Shoplifting became my form of courage training. Eventually I got to the point where the fourth time I got arrested -- that time for felony grand theft -- I was sitting in the back of the police car laughing out loud. The officer must have thought I was nuts. I was laughing because I was amused at life's attempts to scare me. I realized that no matter what, I could always choose to be courageous, regardless of the consequences. I could stare in the face of very negative consequences and still move forward without hesitating.

Now obviously that was a rather destructive -- not to mention illegal -- way to develop courage, but it was certainly effective. That training has served me well ever since. It made other potential fears seem miniscule by comparison. For example, when I started my first business and went bankrupt, it just didn't faze me. I kept right on going. How could I be worried about something like that when I could be sitting in jail? How can I possibly get worked up about a silly fear like running out of money?

Stepping Up

On some level, you must see how silly your fears really are... and how utterly lame it is to let them have any say in how you live your life.

What's the big deal about walking up to a stranger and trying to start a conversation? What's the worst outcome? They might be rude to you and reject you? Oooohhh... so scary!

What about public speaking? Is it really the end of the world if you screw up and embarrass yourself in front of a group of people? So what? Life goes on...

What if you adopt a lifestyle that causes other people to disapprove of you? Who cares? Why should that bother you at all? It's your life to live.

Can you imagine what your life would be like if you had a lot more courage -- the courage to face your fear of failure, fear of rejection, fear of success, and fear of embarrassment? Imagine what it would be like to move forward in spite of fear instead of hesitating, rationalizing, and making excuses. Hesitation doesn't create results. Co urageous action does. Having a viable excuse isn't even in the same ballpark as achieving a desired result.

At some point in your life, you may say to yourself, "Enough with this. I'm sick and tired of being ruled by these stupid fears. I'm going to do whatever it takes to squash them!"

You may not want to hear this, but courage is essential for long-term growth. You can hammer away at taking in more information, but eventually you're going to have to face some fears if you want to make real progress toward your goals and dreams. There's no getting around it. Courage is an absolute must.

Courage Training

But how do you do this? How do you build up your courage to face and overcome your fears?

There are many methods you can use. My personal favorite is progressive training. Start by tackling a very small version of your fear. Face it over and over again. Once you can do that consistently, you can progress to a slightly more magnified version of the fear. Keep doing this progressively until you've effectively squashed the fear, and it no longer limits you.

For example, suppose you have major approach anxiety when it comes to starting up conversations with strangers. That's a fear that will surely limit your social life and relationship options. It will take a real commitment to overcome this fear, but it's certainly one that can be overcome.

I suggest you commit to going out to a public place at least a couple times a week, ideally 4-7 times a week if you really want to make rapid progress. Go out for 90-120 minutes at a time if you can swing it.

Each time you go out, give yourself a simple social goal to accomplish. It should be something that requires a small amount of courage but that you still feel quite confident you can achieve.

For example, go to a large shopping mall, and visit a few dozen stores. In each store ask one of the employees a simple question like "Hi... Do you know what time it is?" Or ask for directions to the nearest restroom. It doesn't matter what you ask. Your goal is to get used to approaching and talking to people. Do this a few dozen times, and it will eventually feel very easy and probably boring to you. If it takes a little courage for you to do this, you'll gain a confidence boost afterwards. Most people would find this easy but still mildly rewarding once it's done.

For the next level, you might try throwing out comments to other customers in each store. Say things like, "Oh, I think that shirt would look great on you." or "Have you eaten here before? Do you know if the food's any good?" You don't have to say hi and introduce yourself. Just toss something out like you already know the person. It doesn't matter if the other person replies back. This exercise is entirely for you.

If you feel more comfortable talking to store employees, then you might try this with employees first until you feel ready to branch out. Go to one of the Apple stores and chat with one of their employees -- they tend to be very talkative, as long as you talk about Apple stuff.

Sometimes a stray comment will turn into a full-on conversation if the other person is receptive. If that happens, have fun and go with it. Recently when I was in an art gallery, I made a stray comment about a painting to one of the employees, and we ended up talking about art for 15 minutes. I learned quite a bit that I didn't previously know. When I had to go, she sent me off with a free art book that the store normally sells.

Each time you go out, up the ante. Give yourself a sli ghtly bigger challenge than the one you last achieved. It should take a little bit of courage but not so much that you cringe when you think about it. Turn it into a fun game. See how far you can take it.

To increase the challenge, think about going longer, wider, and deeper. See how long you can keep a conversation going with someone you just met. See how many different things you can learn about the other person (birthday, hometown, siblings' names, most important values, etc). See how many different types of people you can approach. See how deep of a connection you can create in a short period of time. Remember that this is a training exercise, so it's okay to try things you wouldn't normally do in a regular conversation. Push yourself!

It's critical that you don't just do this haphazardly. Go out regularly, and keep raising the bar each time you go out. Challenge yourself to reclaim more and more territory from your fear. If you don't keep raising the bar, th e fear will simply creep back in, and you'll stagnate. Don't let your courage succumb to atrophy.

Of course you can do this with non-social fears too. You can use progressive training to face and overcome any type of fear. Taken one by one, none of the baby steps should be terribly difficult for you. Each new challenge builds upon your previous success. But when you string all those little steps all in a row, some serious progress can be made in a relatively short period of time.

One of my goals is to be able to meet a random stranger on the street, start a conversation, get to a place of sharing and acknowledging a connection of unconditional love with them, and part ways with a nice hug -- in 5 minutes or less. I can do this pretty well in certain circles, like when I'm around people who are very open and spiritual -- in those cases it's almost too easy -- but I'd like to be able to do it with just about everyone if possible. I'm not sure how easy it will be, b ut it's a fun challenge to work on.

In working toward this goal, I've noticed that as I open myself up more and more, other people seem to pick up on it. It's like I exude a vibe of greater approachability. One morning as I was walking down the Vegas Strip, some random guy walking by looked up at me and gave me a high-five for no apparent reason. That's a small example of seeing other people moving to connect with me as I move to connect more with them. It's a lot of fun to watch these changes unfold and to see that other people relate to us very much as we relate to them. If you're willing to approach strangers to start a conversation, you'll find that other people will approach you more frequently as well.

When you weight train certain muscles, there's a local effect but also a systemic effect. The specific muscles you train get stronger (local), but your whole body gets stronger too, even the parts you didn't specifically train (systemic). Courage training wor ks much the same way. When you train to overcome a specific fear, you also benefit from a systemic boost in confidence. You'll become less afraid in general, and other fears will diminish in intensity.

The Vibration of Courage

Courage is a very powerful vibration. When you act with courage and confidence, your goals and intentions will manifest much more readily because you're actively moving toward them instead of hoping they'll magically appear at your door. Hope is a very weak vibration -- it doesn't manifest squat!

If you shrink from your fears, you're going to have little success with the LoA. Fear serves as a counter-intention to all of your positive intentions. Trying to manifest without courage is like going to the gym to do a workout, then returning home to smoke a cigarette and chow down on junk food. Now go ahead and complain that exercise has no effect. :)

Some people might be turned off by this, but I have to say it. The people I know who are most convinced the LoA doesn't work are invariably the biggest cowards I've ever met. They've given up so much ground to their fears and retreated so far into their heads that their goals are buried beneath a weighty tome of excuses and rationalizations. When I talk to such people for even a few minutes, it's crystal clear that fear and worry are their dominant vibrations. Courage is like a totally alien concept to them and has very little place in their lives. The closest thing to courage they can muster is to complain about what they don't want.

For example, I know someone who hates her job and has enough money saved up to last a year, but she can't bring herself to quit. So she keeps doing heartless, soulless work year after year. She's good at what she does, but she knows it's a dead end. She lacks the courage to go after her dreams, so she plays it safe instead. I can ask her what she wants, and she'll tell me her goals, but there's no passion or enthusiasm behind her words. The goals are nothing but emotionless content -- there's no energy behind them at all.

When she asks me for advice on how to create a better life for herself, I tell her, "Go to your boss and say, 'I quit.' It will take about one second." It's a very straightforward, simple, concrete step to take. I can see that she'll be utterly relieved, but also excited and terrified, when she lets that job go. It will allow her to embark on an adventurous new chapter of her life. But will she do it? I doubt it will happen anytime soon. She doesn't see the value of courage. She thinks she can get by without it. And yet she remains a woman whose life is tediously the same year after year.

At the same time, she wonders why she can't seem to attract the man of her dreams, no matter how much time she invests in clarifying what she wants and (feebly) moving toward her goal. Of course she can't succeed with this approach. Such a man only exists on the other side of her fear. The man of her dreams, should he ever appear in her life, could never find such a disconnected, cowardly woman attractive. Until she musters the courage to step outside her comfort zone, she'll remain perpetually alone.

Fortunately I know that life will eventually force the issue. With each passing year as she ages, she has to watch her dreams fading faster and faster. I expect that will eventually stir something in her, especially since she wants to have a family of her own.

If you want to grow consciously, don't wait for life to force the issue. Build your courage consciously. Apply it consciously. Push yourself to grow instead of being shoved around or beaten down.

Don't wait for life to magically bring you what you want. Go out and hunt it down. Be bold, brave, and proactive. Activate the Law of Attraction at full intensity. Speed toward your desires just as they speed toward you. Let them attract you just as you attract them.

From India, Madras

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janet smith

From India, Madras

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janet smith

From India, Madras

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Best regards

From India, New Delhi
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