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Thanks CRK. Here is one more from my end.

10 Tips to Use During the Difficult Conversation - Marriage and Relationships Issues

1. Open the lines of communication. Ask for input from your partner to help you best figure out a balanced solution to your issue. This will greatly reduce the other person’s defensiveness and make them more available to participate.

2. Acknowledge your partner’s willingness to talk. Thank them for having the conversation with you both at the start and the end. It will make the discussion a team effort and make your partner feel they have given of themselves. It will also make having the next difficult conversation easier.

3. Set a time limit. It’s important that you talk, but also that you don’t wear each other out. Thirty minutes to an hour is about the limit. If you need to continue the conversation, make an appointment to do so, that way things aren’t left hanging.

4. Paraphrase each other’s comments. Telling each other what you heard your partner say will let them know that you really got or didn’t get how they were feeling.

5. Work out a compromise. Relationships are all about compromise, and how you get there will determine your level of satisfaction with the relationship. Giving your partner what they need is not the same as giving up. Your attitude here is very important.

6. Make a list of what questions you have and what you’d like your partner to do. It always makes it easier to remember and to stay on topic if you have something in writing. It also helps you make sure you complete the whole issue rather than just some of its parts.

7. Be okay with being wrong. Difficult conversations don’t always end the way you’d like them to. Sometimes an apology or a change of mind is appropriate. Holding a grudge just because you didn’t get everything you thought you wanted will only cause more discord.

8. Respect expert advice. If you go to a therapist or read something that defends or rebuts your opinions, take the time to consider it. No one knows everything.

9. Understand the emotional component. Difficult conversation can bring up lots of feelings. Make sure you’re talking from your heart, but don’t let your emotions run you. Discuss your feelings and ask for theirs. Using I statements when sharing your feelings will minimize any feelings of guilt or anger.

10. Consolidate the gains and recommit to each other. After you have had the conversation, review what you have decided to do (even if that is only to continue the talking at another time), agree upon the conclusion, and let your partner know that you still love them. Lastly, don’t punish them for bringing up a difficult issue.

From India, Madras
Hi CRK, I think you are the superstar of CiteHR. Great job. Your all post are immensely inspiring for juniors like us. Once again many thanks for the posting. Santosh
From India, Bangalore

It is very much important to hold a positive reputation at work. It does not only enhance your job satisfaction but also adds chances of your promotions. Sometimes a little thing can cause to make you a hot topic of gossips. Keep in mind that all of your little deeds you act at your work can make your co-workers crazy. So you must be thoughtful for everything you do.

Bad reputation does not always means the fraud or dishonesty, but it also includes the little attributes and business habits which you do without thinking or awkwardly. Such things can not only kill your career reputation but also make you feel guilty afterwards. Your everyday business habits can either promote you to the heights of career or even drag you to the bad reputation.


Always be a good communicator and good listener. If you don’t have a habit of listen to others, you can be a good organizer.

Keep a flexible and learning attitude. Your close-mindedness or extra obstinateness can not be of good work for your career.

Don’t be so nosy and choose the balanced way. Let the things go on as they are running. Keep the concern with only the things which are directly connected with you.

If you need to keep up to date with some part of your jobs, schedule brief discussions and meetings with the concerned people.

Don’t always interrupt the discussions of your colleagues with too many queries. People eventually don’t like the people asking too many questions.

Don’t always be a flatterer or kiss-up. If you constantly try this, it can make you unpopular with people. Also this habit can be a hindrance if you need to take a stand for your own or a friend’s defense.

Avoid sharing extra information about your personal or social life with people at work. Never consider that everyone can be your friend. May be they listen to you at your face and laugh at you at your back. Also it makes an unprofessional impression about you.

If loudly speaking habit may be annoying your co-workers and create disturbance in work and take the concentration away. This habit can easily make people distracted from you.

Human is to err, but keep learning from your past mistakes. If your repeat your mistakes again and again, it can make your colleagues and even boss get peevish. They may walk away from you for your continuously error making habit.

Always be confident and self-assured. If you take too long time to make decisions or depend on others for your own responsibilities, it can probably kill your reputation at you work. So believe in your capabilities and utilize your own skills.

Don’t keep a sticky finger on your colleagues work material. Some people like to use other’s pen, calculator, or even glass of water etc. in some cases they object you for it and in some cases they think it better to avoid you.

If you realize that you have committed some serious error, you must apologize for it. No matter they are your clients, customers, co-workers or employer. It will make them consider a flexible and good-natured person.

Never think yourself perfect. Nobody is perfect in this world. Always keep struggling for your personal growth and keep improving.

Never leave your assignments in flaw and rush toward other. Be a punctual and regular worker to make accomplishments.

If you hold the managerial tasks, it needs more essentially to adopt the best ways and strategies that can solve the issues.

You must carry a leading attribute for your subordinates. Seek for the second and third opinion where appropriate to keep validating your positive reputation.

Its true that bad habits can never be changed, but it can be replaced with the good one. If your fell there are some of the issue true is your case, its not that late. Determine the ways how you can change it to enhance your good reputation which is very much valuable for career satisfaction and growth


From India, Vijayawada

Much of what managers do is solve problems and make decisions. Decision-making is a key role of a manager and leader. Some managers find this to be one of the most difficult tasks to perform. They have a fear of failure, and procrastinate mainly because they have a lack of a structured approach. One of two things usually happens, they either put off making the decision in the hopes that someone else will bail them out, or even worse, make a decision using a knee jerk reaction.

It is best to think of making a decision, as drawing a line between two points. If you can’t draw a straight line between the two points, then that decision should most likely be rejected. When the line goes off into tangents, there might not be a realistic link between the proposed action and outcome

Don’t be afraid to talk to your boss or upper management about major problems or needs that concern you. You do not want to be known as a manager who “keeps secrets” because you are scared of the possible repercussions. It is better to be upfront and honest, while at the same time showing you are diligently working on the resolution. You may even find yourself working with other department managers to rectify issues affecting your department. There is nothing wrong with this as it shows your commitment to your department and the company

Define the problem or need before you make the decision. Ask yourself, and others if needed, the following who, what, when, where, how and why type of questions


Who should make the decision? First of all, you might be looking at a problem or need that is not your decision to make. Be sure you are not stepping on anyone’s toes, even though your heart is in the right place. If you are the one to make the decision, go to the next step.

What makes you think there is a problem, or why the need? Before you can start to make any decisions, you need to be absolutely clear the problem or need is valid. Make sure you consider those who will be affected by the decision. Talk to some key staff members to make sure you and your staff fully understands the nature of the problem or need. You want people who will speak up, are efficient, take necessary risks, have somewhat opposing views, and are strongly motivated. There are times when it seems like the problem or need comes at you like “the sky is falling,” but when you take the time to truly investigate the problem or need, you might find it is overly exaggerated. This happens quite often as emotions take over logic. For instance, is it one person complaining about a particular situation or does everyone feel the same way? Is there a common complaint from your customers or just one or two disgruntled people who will never be happy? Is there a common trend or is it just speculation? Do you really need to invest in a new database or can you work with what you’ve got? Dig deep to find if there is a true problem, and then start on finding ways to improve. You don’t want to fix something that is not broke. If you indeed suspect there is a problem, follow steps 3 through 12:

Where is the problem or need? Is it internal or external? Is it in your department or somewhere else? Is it only in certain areas of your network? Is it one employee or the whole group? You need to know where the problem or need lies before you can begin to make the right decision to fix or buy.

When is it happening or needed? Is it certain parts of the day? Is it when there is over usage? Is it when shifts overlap? Is it always at the end of the month? Is it every time there is a new software release? By pinpointing when the problem happens, it helps greatly in detecting the root cause of the issue.

What is causing the problem or need? Is the problem process related? A lack of training? Old and slow computers causing longer handle times, which in turn is affecting customer satisfaction? Are there not enough employees to handle the amount of calls? Is it a design or engineering flaw? Is it quality control issues? You need to get with key staff members to truly determine the root cause of the issue. Determining you have a problem is useless if you, or another department, cannot find the cause.

How complex is the problem or need? The more complex the problem or need, the deeper you will have to dig. Don’t be afraid to go back to the drawing board until you are fully confident with the choices you have made.

What is the urgency and how should you prioritize? Some problems are more important than others. You would not want to work on a complex minor issue when you have an easy major issue that should be dealt with immediately.

What is the ideal outcome? When you are faced with a big decision, it is easy to get lost in the detail and circumstances. Write a list of pros and cons, advantages and disadvantages, and short term and long-term goals to make sure the outcome has the desired effect. Think about the objectives, alternatives, and risks. You need to be absolutely clear on exactly what it is you are expecting to achieve. Review the facts at hand then absorb them into your subconscious mind. Let these thoughts simmer for a while before going to the next step.

What are the possible solutions to the problem or need? Brainstorm with your key staff members for solutions to the problem or need, unless you are dealing with a confidential or personal issue. Note all of the ideas and alternatives on your whiteboard and then screen out the top solutions. Go over the pros and cons once again with everyone. Know the cost and risk associated with each alternative, and then be prepared to decide on what it is you are going to do.

Make the final decision. You should now know the direction you are going to take. Commit to your final choice or course of action. Recognize that you cannot know with 100% certainty that your decision is correct. You can’t predict the future, but you can do everything possible to assess the problems or needs along with the benefits and risks. So make the decision, don’t worry about the “what ifs,” and don't look back. Do not prolong or deliberate about the decision any more. Trust yourself to make the decision. You will be able to deal with any consequences appropriately and with confidence because you did your homework.

Plan and implement the final decision. Now that you have decided on what you are going to do, you need to determine how and when you will make it happen. Be realistic in your approach. Can you accomplish the task now? Do you have the resources? Is it in your immediate budget? Are there any time constraints? Do you have the facilities? What steps need to be taken? What systems or processes should be changed in your organization? Once you have a plan and know how to implement the solution to the problem or need, it is time to put the plan into effect. Write a schedule that includes the start and stop times, and when you expect to see certain indicators of success. If you are delegating the task, make sure the person realizes they are responsible for ensuring the implementation of the plan. Make sure the plan is communicated to all involved, including your boss and upper management if needed.

Monitor and verify whether the problem or need has been solved and/or is effective. It is a good idea to set up daily or weekly meetings to make sure all is well. Make sure all is going according to plan and is on schedule. You can then move to monthly meetings until you are 100% the problem or need has been solved. You will find out very soon how successful you are by checking reports, surveys, comments made in meetings, and whether there is any tension in the air. Use this opportunity to learn how to avoid future related problems. If you are still having problems, or your expectations have not been met, call in your key players again. Look at whether the plan was unrealistic, if you had the right resources, was it communicated enough, and did you prioritized correctly. If needed, the plan should be changed. Go through the steps again until you fully resolve the issue and find the exact solution


From India, Vijayawada

Frenetically busy, many executives find themselves feeling empty, depleted, and totally unfulfilled. Despite big salaries and prestigious titles, they wonder how they can enrich their daily experience of managing from the top. Are YOU one of these who are disillusioned by the rat race, heavy burdens, and other people's off the charts expectations? If so, take a look at the following ten tips for increasing your job satisfaction:


1. Identify your personal values and those of your organization. Discover how well or how poorly they actually align.

Amazingly, some executives are unclear about what they truly value in life. Until you get clear about this, you can count on wading through meaningless days. If you are already in touch with your values, congratulations. Now you are in a place where you can live them. However, you may not be working for a company that honors your personal values. Do you know what your organization values? How do those values mesh with your own? If there is a significant gap between your values and those of your workplace, watch out. You are on a slippery slope. Either you are compromising your personal values for the sake of the company, or you're trying to live your values in an environment that rejects them. Whichever is the case, you probably feel unhappy. When a notable dichotomy exists between the two sets of values, it's best that you leave and find employment with an organization that mirrors what you hold most important. Ignoring this reality has both short term and long term consequences.

2. Clarify your personal and professional priorities.

You have to know what you value before you can establish priorities. Values drive priorities. For example, if developing people in the workplace is one of your professional values, you are going to make employee growth opportunities a priority on the job. The two go hand in hand. If you value managing with integrity, then you communicate with others in a way that shows them you say what you mean and mean what you say. If parenting is a priority for you, then you most likely choose attending your son's baseball game on Tuesday over staying late at the office that day. Valuing your marriage may manifest by honoring your wedding anniversary in a way that pleases your spouse. You cannot say you value your marriage but then ignore your anniversary. To do so would be a huge disconnect between what you SAY you value and how you decide to behave. When your priorities mesh with your values, you automatically increase your level of happiness.

3. Examine your use of time and make necessary changes.

Your values and priorities shape your calendar. Think about it. There is really no mystery about why your schedule looks like it does. Your schedule reflects what you are choosing to value most and what you have concluded are your priorities. If you don't like how your calendar looks, then you are allowing other things to usurp the places of what you honestly believe is most important. Here's what usually happens: people say that x,y, and z are the most important things to them, but their schedules fail to indicate that. Most of us are running around from meeting to meeting, task to task, without giving a thought to how those items actually fit into our value system and stated priorities. That is why so many folks are miserable too much of the time. Is this why YOU are miserable? Are you filling your days with a hundred obligations, few of which align with your values and priorities?

4. Focus on energy enhancing projects and tasks.

As you assess how you spend your days, can you say that most of what you do actually energizes you? Or is it true that most of what you do drains you? To stop playing the drain game, you have to know what does energize you. What gets you excited? Motivated? Inspired? Juiced up? What would get you to jump out of bed when the alarm clock rings each morning? It may not be what you're doing now. It may very well be something else. The point of this paragraph is not necessarily to nudge you toward quitting your current job. It could be, but more likely it's to push you toward gaining clarity of focus within the work you are doing now. Get focused, and then arrange your days doing things that support that focus. Eliminate dull tasks and meetings that really serve no purpose for you or the organization. Try fresh approaches. Employ different strategies. Energy flows from engaging in things and methods that result in something worthwhile.

5. Know your strengths and then use them.

Too often people get hung up on what they don't do well. They spend enormous amounts of time agonizing over the skills they lack or have not mastered. Instead, zero in on all of your strengths, and you will feel great. Everybody has multiple skills that can truly make a difference in the lives of individuals and the lives of companies at large. If you are an excellent listener, employees may forgive the fact that you can't design a computer program. If you successfully inspire others with whom you interact, people are likely to overlook the fact that you forget little details occasionally. These few examples make the point. This does not mean that you shouldn't develop and expand your skill set. But minimizing or under using the skills you do have hardly serves others. Use them everywhere you can-all day-with folks who can benefit.

6. Deal with conflict as it unfolds.

Ignoring conflict-both real and perceived-guarantees trouble for both you and the company. Most people don't like dealing with conflict, but as an executive you absolutely have to do it. Conflict is like cancer: it only grows bigger and uglier if intervention doesn't take place. If you lack the ability to handle conflict directly and swiftly, tap into resources that can enhance your skills in this area. Do not delay. Conflict brews every day with somebody somewhere. Convincing yourself that you can wait until you feel more ready is an illusion. The truth is that you will never be ready. You cannot wait another day to alter your situation. Executives owe it to their employees, Boards, and stakeholders to develop strategies for facing conflict and then coping with it effectively. If you shy away from all or most conflict, perhaps you are not executive material. When you deal with conflicts as they arise, life seems cleaner.

7. Learn a new skill or acquire new knowledge.

One of the most rewarding ways to boost job satisfaction is to proactively seek ways to "grow" yourself. What skill or knowledge would make your job easier? Serve people better? What have you been putting off for a long time? What addition could hasten that promotion you've wanted? What skill may catch somebody's attention and make you stand out? What could help you feel better about YOU? Growing yourself has the same effect upon your life as spices and herbs have upon food. Taking conscious steps to increase your professional attractiveness enhances your stature in your own eyes too. That is no small thing. When you feel good about YOU, you tend to exude greater confidence. As a result, others have more confidence in you. It's a big, beautiful snowball rolling downhill scenario.

8. Treat others as they want to be treated.

This is known as the platinum rule. Have you ever heard of it? It actually goes beyond the Golden Rule because it focuses more on the other person. Keep in mind that the way YOU want to be treated may not necessarily be how your employees or CEO want to be treated. Take time to find out how they want you to treat them. Get to know them. Show that you care about them as human beings, not just as production agents. Never delude yourself by thinking that people don't notice how you interact with them. They do in fact notice, and often in detail. They tend to have elephant memories too. You cannot mistreat someone even once and get away with it. You may believe you got away with it, but that is only a fantasy in your mind. How you treat others in the workplace carries more weight than a paycheck. Once last note: how you treat others is a direct reflection on YOU-even if you think they deserve your cold shoulder, your wrath, or your inappropriate words.

9. Add value to individuals' lives and the organization at large every single day.

As an executive and as a leader, your main job is to build people. When you invest in your people, they and you accomplish great things for the company. The organization cannot reach or exceed its potential if your people are stagnant, uninspired, and bored. Give your employees the opportunity to grow. Nurture them. Talk with them. Ask them for their ideas. Use their ideas when you can and let everybody know about it. When you are building people, those folks feel it. And they respond to it. They get excited. They start believing they can do fantastic things. When that happens, they allow themselves to stretch. When that happens, YOU succeed along with them. Your best asset in the workplace is your people. Never forget that. Pumping more and more value into them is ultimately what makes an organization shine. Along the way you get to smile.

10. Visualize your future both within the company and outside of it.

Most executives are so busy running from meeting to meeting, obligation to obligation, that they rarely if ever sit down in a quiet place to assess where they are and where they are going. They're just grateful to survive another day. Unfortunately, the days lack purpose and direction when you don't consider where you want to end up. Do you want to stay with this particular company? If so, how long and for what reason? If not, why not? If not, where might you seek employment? Or maybe you're ready to retire. What can retirement be for you? An opportunity to do things you always dreamed of doing? A chance to relax for the first time in thirty-five years? A time when you can rediscover your relationship with your spouse? Schedule some dreaming time each week to clarify what you truly want out of your work experience as well as your personal life. Set aside fifteen minutes and let your mind wander. You have to give yourself permission to do this. This may challenge you in the beginning simply because you are not used to it. Keep doing it, and you'll find that you actually look forward to those brief "do nothing" periods that invite you to connect with the real you


From India, Vijayawada

Mobile phone technology and mobile services are developing and improving very quickly. If you are confused about what to look for when buying a new phone here are eight important tips to consider.

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What Functions Do You Want, and What Functions Do You need?

The most basic function of any mobile phone is to send and receive phone calls and SMS text messages. Beyond the basics some mobile phones have calculators. Others have voice answering and voice dialing, allowing you to send and receive phone calls without using your hands. More sophisticated phones have built in digital cameras, MP3 and video players, computer games and other features.

Choose the phone with the features that you can really use and don’t waste money on a phone with functions that you will seldom use or with functions that duplicate your other electronic gadgets.

Do a Sound and Display Check

Will you be making calls in noisy settings? If so then you should check the volume of the phone and see if it is strong enough to be heard. Make sure that the phone has an easy to use volume control so that you can turn it up whenever necessary and make sure that the volume is really adequate for your needs.

Take a look at the display and also consider the colors. The display is one of the most important features of any mobile phone. Make sure that the display is easily readable even in difficult lighting conditions. You can’t check this feature over the Internet, rather, you should go to the store and examine the phone physically.

If you are buying a phone with a colour display then you should realize that quality of colour and resolution varies dramatically from model to model. If you want to watch videos or look at photos taken with your phone’s camera then you will need a handset with at least “65,000 colour”. The quality of the colours is shown with a number; the higher the number the higher the picture quality.

Check the Quality of the Ring Tones

Polyphonic ring tones are featured in all of the new mobile phones. Polyphonic tones make it possible for a ring tone to sound like many instruments playing together. As with colors, the quality of the ring tone is measured numerically.

If your retailer says that the phone has “16 polyphonic” it means that 16 instruments can be heard in a ring tone. If you want a good sound then you need at least a 16.

See Which Accessories are Included with the Phone

All mobile phones normally come with a battery and charger, but there are other accessories that may be useful to you. Check to see if the phone comes with a spare battery, an earphone, a leather casing, a neck strap or an antenna. If you need any of these accessories and if they are optional, then your phone will cost you more than you thought. If the accessories are part of the deal, then you may be getting a bargain. Also, if you don’t need an accessory now, but would like to get one in the future, check to see if accessories for your model are easily available on the market.

Find Out How Long the Battery Will Last

Battery life is an important variable. The average user only asks about the “talk time” of a a battery. However, “stand-by” time is just as important, especially for people who do not want to carry around a charger with them.

It is common to find phones whose batteries have a three to seven-hour talk time, but you should also find out whether the battery has enough stand-by time so that you can make it through the entire day without recharging.

Consider the “Look and Feel” of the Phone

Once again you can’t choose a phone from a catalog or over the Internet. You might prefer to go down to the store and handle the phone before buying it. Feel how much it weighs and see if the menus are easy to understand. Take a look at the layout of the keyboard and other buttons. On some of the smaller phones the buttons are so small that it is difficult and tiresome to dial a number or compose a message.

If you consider your phone a fashion accessory then choose one that best suits your personality and style.

Take a Careful Look at the Price

Be sensible. Buy a mobile phone that lets you stay within your budget. If you follow the previous tips and get a phone that matches your requirements, you should be able to get a handset that will not put you in debt or force you to cut back on your usual expenditures. Remember one thing about consumer electronics: the prices usually fall. If you can’t afford to buy a phone that can show videos this year, next year it may be within your reach.

Find Out About After Sales Service

What will you do if your mobile phone breaks down? Find out where you can get it serviced and whether you will be given a replacement during the servicing period. Be clear about after sales service before choosing the place where you will finally make your purchase.

If you pay attention to these “8 Tips on Buying the Mobile Phone that’s Right For You” then you are sure to get a phone that will meet all of your needs, without breaking your budget


From India, Vijayawada

It is essential to communicate effectively in English so that people belonging to different regions, states, and countries are able to interact without constraints. To communicate effectively and more confidently, enrolling in an English course can be beneficial, but there are several other ways to improve your communication skills.


1. Learning the script

To enhance your communication skills, it helps to be able to read and write in the language. Listening to spoken English will definitely improve your own communication skills, but reading and writing the language will also help. Communication is both verbal and written. Practicing both aspects will make you more confident and fluent.

2. Use English Whenever Possible

Improvement in any language depends mainly on its usage. Try to converse in English whenever possible even if you flounder through and make mistakes. Fluency increases with regular use and also helps overcome existing flaws.

3. Knowledge Of Grammar

To learn a language, proper knowledge of grammar is necessary. One feels encouraged if a sentence, verbal or written, is framed in a correct manner. This will also help in proper communication without any misunderstanding, which may arise due to grammatical errors or incorrect punctuation. Start communicating with small and simple sentences and after gaining confidence, shifting to complex sentences is easier.

4. Reading

Reading books and newspapers in English is a great way of improving your communication skills. Your vocabulary increases and one can better understand the language. Reading familiarizes you with different styles of expression, thus increasing your knowledge of the nuances of the language.

5. Translations

Try to translate your feelings into English whenever communicating with others. This will help to overcome shyness and increase confidence. Constant practice at this will make you reach a point when you will not feel any need of translation and thus gain command over the language.

6. Confidence

It may be difficult to converse regularly in English, but do not stop. By practicing regularly you gain confidence and having confidence in one’s own ability is the most positive point in life. Do not take criticism to heart or be nervous while speaking. As long as your practice constantly and make an effort, it will definitely pay off.

7. Handouts

Make use of handouts or worksheets to improve your English. Practicing the exercises specially designed for increasing fluency and getting them assessed by subject experts is a great way of learning your weak points and improving on them.

8. Listening

Listening entails actually listening to English music or radio shows, as well as watching English movies and programs. Just hearing the language being spoken will familiarize you with different tones, accents, stressing on different words and other expressive nuances. Something as easy as turning on the news in English as you are getting ready for work in the morning, can be highly effective as the constant stream in the background will gradually become engrained in your mind.

9. Socializing

It is difficult to learn and become fluent in a language unless you mix with regular speakers of the language. Mingling with people who are already well versed in English will compel you to communicate with them and even if you make mistakes, they will gradually fade away as you listen and speak more frequently.

10. Challenge

Apart from all the above-mentioned tips, if you treat communicating in English as a challenge, then nothing can stop you. Overcoming obstacles, whether nervousness or constant mistakes, will be part of the process, but feasible if you are focused. Even conversing in English for fifteen minutes in a day can do wonders


From India, Vijayawada

There are many people who are very much dedicated to their work. There are also a lot of people who would stick to their tasks even till late night, and then they would leave for the office earlier morning. They are always attentive and productive. The person whose nature includes all these qualities would achieve success in future. But at times it is seen that our efforts are not being recognized by the employer. However, the co-employees think that we are putting so much of effort to get the reward. So, there are various points which are to be kept in mind, to get our works noticed or recognized by our employer or boss. Points are given below:

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1. Do Not Be Self-Centered: Take into consideration that our boss might be as busier as we are. One would be depressed if his efforts are not being recognized. If more opportunities are given, then things could be done in a better way. Cooperate with the office mates as everyone in the office is working for the sole purpose. Try to be good to the staff members. Do not stay self focused. Finally, the efforts made would not go unheeded.

2. Recognize Others' Efforts: You are not the only person working in the office. If you are making efforts to complete your task, so are others. Every staff member is hungry for making his own recognition. A person who knows how to reward others for their efforts is said to be the fair player and the best observer.

3. Be Unique and Outstanding: You must make yourself unique, i.e. to do something different from the rest. Pursuing things on a regular basis is not considered to be an outstanding performance, rather casual. The key to recognition is Innovation. At least once in a blue moon try to do things in a different manner from what the legacy has been. Following this strategy, you would surely get recognition.

4. Volunteer for Projects and Committees: Before being asked to do the projects, start working on that project without any complaints and people would notice and see you as a capable and perfect leader

5. Let People Know What You Are Working On: A weekly or monthly report should be given to the supervisors, so that they may have the knowledge about what is going in your area and the part you are playing. This also proves that you are an organized and consistent communicator.

6. Attend Company Events: Attending the company events and meetings will prove a helping hand in knowing about the people you are working with. You must involve more in projects and daily operations. In order to attain recognition, the outsiders need to know who you are, what works have been done by you and see you as an integral part of the company's work.

7. Positive Attitude: You must maintain a positive attitude towards the job and the employer. Read positive uplifting books. Make supervisor notice your initiatives. Let your boss know on what you are working and the results achieved. Let everyone see your positive can-do attitude


From India, Vijayawada


Weight gain isn’t something that is easy to do, it requires patience and discipline to diet and training. Hopefully the weight gain tips on this site will help you to achieve your goals.

One of the best weight gain tips to remember is DO EVERYTHING BIG! That means eat BIG and lift BIG to get BIG. Say that over and over again in your head until you fully understand it. Many people think weightlifting is the key to gaining weight. Of course weightlifting is an extremely important part. However to gain weight, think beyond weightlifting! Your diet is just as important when it comes to gaining weight.

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Weight Gain Tip No 1 – Get Counting

Count your calories on a normal daily basis. That doesn’t mean you have to change your normal eating habits – just eat as you normally would and count the calories you have consumed. This is of crucial importance to try to be as accurate as possible. Then get on the scales and weigh yourself.

Weight Gain Tip No 2 – Get Eating!

Eating is first and foremost the most important thing you need for proper weight gain. It makes sense that you need to eat more calories than you burn. This does not mean eating anything and everything within reach! It means you need to include in your weight gain diet, foods that will help you gain lean mass, not bad fats. 6 meals a day is a good start. Breakfast, lunch, dinner, and three other small meals at regular intervals throughout the day. Make it your goal to eat every 2.5 to 3 hours. Remember the principal weight gain tip is to get BIG, you have to eat BIG!

Steak, chicken, fruit, milk, vegetables, cheese and assorted types of nuts are the foods to feast on. Eat 4 – 6 pieces of fresh fruit a day, and at least four tall glasses of milk. Low fat milk is a great, cheap protein source – take advantage of it. A sample snack meal would be a glass of milk, an apple, and a hand full of peanuts.

Plan your meals carefully and stick to the plan. What you eat is the most important ingredient in a successful weight gain program.

Weight Gain Tip No 3 – Get Lifting!

As stated above, proper eating is of utmost importance if you want to gain weight, but if you do not complement eating with weightlifting, all that gained weight will be fat – not muscle.

When trying to gain weight, try working out 3-4 times a week. Make sure you are weightlifting correctly! Lift hard and then recover for the next workout. Focus on the big exercises such as squats, deadlifts, bent-over rows, chin-ups, bench press, & military press. These are the exercises that will turn those extra calories into muscle and therefore help you gain weight. You are not going to gain weight by doing lateral raises and step-ups every workout. It’s the multiple-joint lifts that will shock your system and stimulate your body into growth. Gradually add a little amount of weight each time you workout – this will help you strengthen those muscles. If you focus on strength, size will follow. You need to gain muscular strength in order to get bigger. Look around at your local gym – the strongest guys are also the biggest!

Weight Gain Tip No 4 – Get Weighing!

Weigh yourself at the end of a week. You’ll notice you’re gaining more weight after only one week! However, don’t expect miracles. You won’t have put on 10lb!. Remember that when it comes to weight gain, gaining anymore then 1 or 2 pounds a week is unhealthy and means you’re putting on fat instead of muscle. Patience is a virtue! What you want is to see 1 or 2 pound gains at the end of the week. It may not seem like a lot but add it up. You easily gain weight at the rate of 5-8 pounds a month!

Sooner or later you will stop gaining weight and it is now that you should concentrate on eating even more. So, when you stop gaining for at least 2 weeks, start eating an extra 250 calories a day. Every time you see you haven’t gained weight for at least 2 weeks, add an extra 250 calories.

Weight Gain Tip No 5 – Cut out the Bad Fat!

Avoid trans fats like the plaque, and go for the “good fats”. Yes, you want to gain weight, however you don’t want to gain weight that is in fact just fat. So, cut out the cakes, chips and candy. No more visits to McDonalds and steer clear of anything fried. High protein low fat foods like tuna fish (and other seafood), chicken breast, turkey, lean meats, fruits and vegetables etc, are the good clean foods to eat.

Weight Gain Tip No 6 – Get Drinking! (Sorry, water only)

Drink around a half gallon of water a day and even more if you can. Sure, that’s a lot of water, but believe it or not, it’s that water you need for the energy you need to gain weight! Dehydration can lead to all sorts of health problems, including less stamina at the gym.

Weight Gain Tip No 7 – Go to Sleep!

Get lots of sleep. This is one of the easiest yet most neglected weight gain tips. Sleep for a minimum of 8 hours night. You’re body needs it to function properly.

How Much Will I Gain?

Of course as the saying goes “everyone’s body responds in different ways, so it varies”. That said, if you do eat well, lift heavy, and use weight gainers or mass gainers, you can expect to gain about 10-15lbs within 8 weeks.


To gain weight, you do not NEED supplements, but they will help you gain the weight quicker. That’s what they are, supplementation to an already good diet and training program. Think of supplements as the finishing touch


From India, Vijayawada


A person must take care of the following points while investing in share market..

1. Don't invest in only one share at a time :
Don't invest the whole investment in a single company or in same type of shares. Invest in many types of shares and in many companies so that in case of loss from one share or company, that loss can be reimbursed by gain from another share/ company. Always save some money with you in hand so that you can purchase the profitable shares at time of need. Please note that the capital invested by you is termed as risk capital.

2. Step in with trading plans :
Always consider the ups and downs in shares. Suppose that there is an up in share 'A' and share 'B' is fallen down. In such a condition, a clever investor will invest not only in share 'A' rather he will also invest in share 'B' but with full trade planning.

3. Don't opt excessive trading :
Whatever is the profit in a particular share, keep your risk capital in that particular share equivalent to the risk capital in the beginning in that share. A phase of correction comes after fluctuation in share prices, i.e. if the price of that any share has reached to its maximum level, then people will sell such shares so as to gain profits from them. This will result in downfall of prices. In such a situation, you cam also suffer losses. Similarly, when the prices of any share reaches its minimum level, then correction phase starts again resulting in rise in price of that share.


4. Squeeze out your profits :
There are very few ways to recover from the losses in share market. Sometimes, over confidence makes you drown. Therefore, it is advisable to take out your profits from time to time so that you can invest that money at right place in times of need.

5. First in first out :
Its very necessary to recognize the ability of shares to earn profits from them. Its advisable to do long term investment in established companies while you should take out your profits from time to time inc case of new and small scale companies.

6. Be a horse of long race :
Invest for minimum 5-10 years because only then you can get optimum return (maximum benefit) from any share. But don't forget to keep an eye on the market movements simultaneously.

7. Do less estimates and more argues:
Well, share market is know as 'Mathematics of estimates' and those are quiet effective who believe in profits, but don't adopt a practice to follow crowd. Use your own senses. The decision to invest or withdraw money should be taken after considering the volume and balance sheet of company. Don't get nervous with the up slope or downfall in the share market. This is normal in share market. If there is no change in the infrastructure or basics of the company of whose shares you are holding, then keep on to invest in that company. Don't sell the shares uselessly by getting nervous from sudden sharp bounce or sharp fall in mutual funds.

8. Clarify your view :
How much update you are for investments and you are comfortable with what kind of investments? You want to make money in intra-day trading or want to prefer huge investment for long term? Prepare your trading plan considering these all facts. If your view is clear, then you are sure to get gains.

9. Do not salute the rising sun only :
The price of share does not increase just because it has very good presentation. This may happen also because stockers are increasing their prices by future purchases. They have their own business interest behind this. Thus it matter a lot that what is the presentation of any share or mutual fund during downfall.

10. Know Stop loss :
Market experts decide a target price of shares of a particular company and it is suggested to buy or sell shares beyond that target price. Stop loss means suggestion to sell the shares on sharp bounce or fall in their prices. Thus their will be no misunderstanding towards any share


From India, Vijayawada
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