Satish Parimal

Dear Sima,
I think, its not a time for ran away from your situation. You are lucky, you got such an interesting & challenging organization in the starting of your career. I will suggest you, first of all, try to start the HR activities, which would not required money and which will helpful for employee as well as management. Sometime management take time to follow welfare approach, but HR have to continuously make aware them about further problems & solutions. We are there for giving support to employee & employer. I'm not agree with Mr. Kamesh & Mr. Anand, it is not the right way to handle such situation, it will create problem for you. Better keep try to analyzing little - little issues, try to solve them. Whenever get chance put the solutions for this issue in front of management. When you will earn confidence of your management, their would not be limit for you. You can change the system in professional manner.
Best Regards,

From United States
madhur jain
Hi Johnson Sir,
I am competely disagree with your advice which you gave to Ms.Sima. I don't think so being a HR person we should take that kind of steps because HR person play a role as arbitrater, who always think about the benefit of employee as well as management.
I agree Ms.Sima facing a problem but it dosen't mean she takes any action against the management. She suppose to do one thing like one on one meeting with management regarding employees' problem.
Madhur Jain

From India

Dear Sima,

I would like to share few things on this matter. Please, Don't take it personally.

Being a HR person, first of all dont make any negative commnents about management, ultimately you are also a part of management.

Though, it is a very tough situation to handle, but you have to learn few things from this. If you are managing and controlling an organization at anywhere, such conditions will be definately arised with less or excess. But you should be calm and firm on your suggestions to management.

Try to convince your senior management persons by presenting, pros and cons of every situation you are facing. also try to convince him, the benefits of good HR practices in terms of performance, production etc. as well as the losses of bad practices going on and its effects on employees. Positively, slowly, they could try to understand and things can be changed accordingly.

According to the situation mentioned by you, almost all the employees are aware with the on going practices of organization, so they may also try to misguide for taking any unauthorised step by you only. As a HR person, you should be very balanced in your approach. So I suggest you, not to involve in the processes like to complaint against management or to make others to do so. This may seriously affect your career. So be careful and stay away from such things.

Dont take any emotional burden on you only, because no any organization will be forever for any employee, everything is changing by itself.

If things are not in your hand, let it be as it is and dont ever blame yourself for non completing the things. In such a panic mode, you need to be more perfect, rather to be a frusted person.

Inspite of this, still you are unsatisfied, its better to have another option, not with negative intention but for your better career only.

Its a gently advice only... afterall decision is yours....

Atul Malve

Manager- HR & Admin

From India, Sholapur

atul and johnson ji your both advices are very nice .. one is HR is from management prospective as HR is management represntative another one is giving a jerk to management and make the aware and afraid .. any y its really a diffcult job to manage all hr statutory and non statutory kind of HR practices while management is not interested. dear sima i think you are taking things too personelly .. please come out of it.. as a HR you just take intiative to create awareness among your employees and management. you just try to convince your management by explaining how good HR practices can create good working environment. try to maintain a good communication with your canada boss. i think itz really hard to convince a old traditional kinda of gentlemen.. you are really fortuantae enough as a fresher you get a oportunity to handle overall HR issues. make the best of it.. if you really not comfortable with management please choose alternatives.
From India, Hyderabad
Talk to ur boss , in lenth and share with him about his father , tell him how this would affect his business, he will have to delegate power if he has to survive.
From India, Meerut

Some of the answers are truly unbelievable !!! I think some of you guys are confused between HR and IR. You are also confused between being a employee friendly HR and a Union Leader. My suggestion is please do not instigate your younger friends to do something that is not correct. Instigating employees against a management is the work of a union leader and u cannot be both a union leader and HR at the same time. Decide what you are and then act but think before you act because you just might be getting yourself into trouble unnecessarily.

Sima, Make a SWOT chart of the current situation in your organization.