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We are a company covered under Shops and Commercial Establishment Act. We are having our offices in multiple states. I want to know that whether we can follow leave policy as applicable in our head office or we have to make different policies as per different states.
From Denmark
It is better that you have policy as per the festivals of respective states RKM
From India, Delhi
Hi, You can prepare the Leave Policy as your head office where your head office is situated in my last company also we maintained the same.
From India, Hyderabad
You follow a uniform leave policy for all state in such away that the no of leaves are not less than what is prescribed under any Shop & Comm estt; Act of the states where you have offices.It is good if your employees are transferable to any offices .For holidays you can have deferent policies depending on states.
Varghese Mathew
Base India Consultants

From India, Thiruvananthapuram
Dear All;
Leave as a inclusive subject will include CL, SL, PL, PH. Out of these only for PL there are laws and rules of different states. These rules are also not very different from each other. Whatever states you have branches in, study the rules there in that state and select the maximum PL given to employees and apply it to all other states wherever you have branches. As for CL, SL and PH it is your unilateral decision or a clause in agreement with union. Truly speaking this should be forced by employer, may be a clause in the agreement. Uniformity in service conditions is a must for smooth functioning of transfers.
Vibhakar Ramtirthkar.

From India, Pune
Mr Vibhakar Not only for PL there are provision for CL & SL in the Shops& Commercial Establishments Acts of defferent states.. Varghese Mathew BaseIndia Consultants Trivandrum(9961266966)
From India, Thiruvananthapuram
Leave Policy is always of the company. How it is dove-tailed with the 'Holidays Calendar' of different states may be looked into? It is surely desirable to follow the holidays applicable in each state, particularly if your employees at a location belong to that state. The general practice is to have the holidays list comprising of (i) Closed holidays (applicable to all employees) & (ii) Restricted holidays (provide a list of all state-wise festivals & give option to choose any 3).
From India, Delhi
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