I’m sure that you are here to know the warning signs of diabetes experienced either by you or some of your loved one.
I’m glad that you have tried to listen to your body which is giving different signals to you that something is going wrong.
This is the only good thing you can do to prevent or delay the onset of Diabetes.
This chronic disease if left untreated can lead to various diabetic complications.
Luckily it seems that you are trying to detect the problem at earlier stage.
The good news is that early detection and the right treatment is the key to delay, prevent or in some cases even reverse the diabetes.
Even if a single person visiting this site is able to detect his problem and go for the early treatment I will feel the purpose of this site has been fulfilled.
Most of the times diabetes goes undetected as the signs of diabetes are not obvious and harmful.
Type 1 and 2 share most of the signs.
For instance in both cases there is too much of glucose in the bloodstream and an inadequate amount of glucose in the cells, where it is basically needed.
Whatever the cause is the cells are not getting enough amount of glucose. The body tends to tell the person about malfunctioning of the body by giving different signs of diabetes
Some Warning Signs of Diabetes are mentioned below;
Excessive Thirst
Frequent Urination
Numbness &Tingling
Blurred Vision
Nerve Damage
Unexplained Weight loss
Yeast Infection
Diabetic Rash
Slow Healing Of Wounds
If any of the above warning signs of diabetes is noticed either in you or your loved one; you must schedule a visit to the doctor’s office.
Explore to discover why is it important to listen carefully to your body and consult the doctor if you experience any new problem or sign
From India, Madras
I’m sure that you are here to know the warning signs of diabetes experienced either by you or some of your loved one.
I’m glad that you have tried to listen to your body which is giving different signals to you that something is going wrong.
This is the only good thing you can do to prevent or delay the onset of Diabetes.
This chronic disease if left untreated can lead to various diabetic complications.
Luckily it seems that you are trying to detect the problem at earlier stage.
The good news is that early detection and the right treatment is the key to delay, prevent or in some cases even reverse the diabetes.
Even if a single person visiting this site is able to detect his problem and go for the early treatment I will feel the purpose of this site has been fulfilled.
Most of the times diabetes goes undetected as the signs of diabetes are not obvious and harmful.
Type 1 and 2 share most of the signs.
For instance in both cases there is too much of glucose in the bloodstream and an inadequate amount of glucose in the cells, where it is basically needed.
Whatever the cause is the cells are not getting enough amount of glucose. The body tends to tell the person about malfunctioning of the body by giving different signs of diabetes
Some Warning Signs of Diabetes are mentioned below;
Excessive Thirst
Frequent Urination
Numbness &Tingling
Blurred Vision
Nerve Damage
Unexplained Weight loss
Yeast Infection
Diabetic Rash
Slow Healing Of Wounds
If any of the above warning signs of diabetes is noticed either in you or your loved one; you must schedule a visit to the doctor’s office.
Explore to discover why is it important to listen carefully to your body and consult the doctor if you experience any new problem or sign
From India, Madras
DiabeTics must strictly EliMiNate all Sugars from their diet, or else it will spike up their InSuLin, ThereFore if u still want to eat fruit, please do ConSult your DocTor or PhySiCian about it first, and one InTerNet site claims that if a DiaBeTic PaTient wants to eat fruit, they must eat it ToGeTher with a ProTein...don't know whether that is true or not, and since i am not a DiaBeTic, so i do not AdVoCate that at all, as i do not know at all, what are the safe foods for DiaBeTics, and not all the InForMaTion in the InTerNet is TrustWorthy, b'coz some are OutDated and some are ConFlicting, in giving AdVice.
Since i do not like to MenTion Brand Names, those ArTiFiCial Sugars that u put InTo your BeVeRages, are very bad for your KidNeys, (some have warnings, esp those on the SugarLess sweets & Diet Sodas), b'coz if u do not take care of your DiaBeTes, then EvenTually, your KidNeys will fail, and then u might have to go for KidNey DiaLysis which is worse, or u might go blind EvenTualLy, and most of your other body OrGans will fail too, which will ReSult in u having a host of DiSeaSes, due to to KidNey Failure, so please do take care.
Here is another advice for DiaBeTics, from another yahoogroup member, {Many Thanks for your PerMission}
"Good advice but I believe it only applies to organic produce.
Also, one man's food is another man's poison.
Some people are allergic to many fruits and must be careful which ones they eat.
Also, diabetics should never drink any fruit juice and should keep their fruit consumption down to a level, where their blood sugar does not spike drastically.
Diabetics who need fruits for their fiber content should include some rind, in with the fruit itself and sometimes should eat the fruit about two hours after a meal when the stomach is ALMOST empty, but with some residual food from the prior meal.
Since diabetics have digestive problems the fruit enzymes may help complete the digestive process. If this cannot be done some digestive enzymes should be included with the meal."
This is a DisClaimer from me, that each InDiViDual's Body SysTem is UniQue, and that "One Man's Meat is Another Man's PoiSon", and if u are suffering from any SickNess or AilMents, please do ConTiNue your MeDiCaTion, as some people, (from another Health Group that i am in, and is very thankful and grateful for), are AllerGic or have Food InToLeRance, to some Fruits and VeGeTaBles also, esp DiaBeTics, and they may even HinDer the effect of your BeFore u EmBark on any Health Food, please do ConSult your own DocTor and PhySiCian first!
From India, Madras
Since i do not like to MenTion Brand Names, those ArTiFiCial Sugars that u put InTo your BeVeRages, are very bad for your KidNeys, (some have warnings, esp those on the SugarLess sweets & Diet Sodas), b'coz if u do not take care of your DiaBeTes, then EvenTually, your KidNeys will fail, and then u might have to go for KidNey DiaLysis which is worse, or u might go blind EvenTualLy, and most of your other body OrGans will fail too, which will ReSult in u having a host of DiSeaSes, due to to KidNey Failure, so please do take care.
Here is another advice for DiaBeTics, from another yahoogroup member, {Many Thanks for your PerMission}
"Good advice but I believe it only applies to organic produce.
Also, one man's food is another man's poison.
Some people are allergic to many fruits and must be careful which ones they eat.
Also, diabetics should never drink any fruit juice and should keep their fruit consumption down to a level, where their blood sugar does not spike drastically.
Diabetics who need fruits for their fiber content should include some rind, in with the fruit itself and sometimes should eat the fruit about two hours after a meal when the stomach is ALMOST empty, but with some residual food from the prior meal.
Since diabetics have digestive problems the fruit enzymes may help complete the digestive process. If this cannot be done some digestive enzymes should be included with the meal."
This is a DisClaimer from me, that each InDiViDual's Body SysTem is UniQue, and that "One Man's Meat is Another Man's PoiSon", and if u are suffering from any SickNess or AilMents, please do ConTiNue your MeDiCaTion, as some people, (from another Health Group that i am in, and is very thankful and grateful for), are AllerGic or have Food InToLeRance, to some Fruits and VeGeTaBles also, esp DiaBeTics, and they may even HinDer the effect of your BeFore u EmBark on any Health Food, please do ConSult your own DocTor and PhySiCian first!
From India, Madras
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