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Hi HR, Can anybody tell me Rewards and recognitions Idea which are Innavative and cost effective. Regards, Abhishek Shukla Reliance HR
From India, Indore
AKNR Chandra Sekhar

Giving Reward points by management or peers is pickingup. This works like credit card loyalty points. Employee will accumulate the same to redeem when required. It is working in some of the organisations.

From India, Bangalore
Every organization is expected to achieve soemthing for the year, and targets and goals for the year may change depending upon the business needs. These targets are cascaded down to the departments, divisions and then finally to the individual employees. This means, there will be targets for the individual employees coherent to the organizational goals. There should be a way to recognize the performance and then reeward them accordingly.
Some out-of-box thinking employee make extraordinary achievements- which ultimately benefit the organization. Performance of such employees could be recognized and rewarded accordingly. Say for example the company concerned could come up with the employee recognition programs like employee of the month, on and so forth.
just a piece of thought


1. What tasks must be completed to develop or improve upon a reward system?
-an audit of the current situation.
-development of objectives
-setting up of criteria
-monitoring system

2. What are some different ways to solve these problems?
-set up objectives
-set up criteria
-have both monetary/ non monetary systems
-have rewards/ plus recognition.
You should set the objectives first.
to recognize and promote positive behaviors that support individual, work group, unit, team, department,
TO achieve business goals and objectives;
to provide timely recognition to employees either as planned or immediate recognition;
to provide multiple-levels of monetary and non-monetary recognition based on the significance of the contribution;
to provide both individual and team recognition and rewards;
to provide for both manager and employee initiated recognition and rewards;
to improve employee productivity and quality of work; and
to improve customer service.
Statistical information (if applicable)
should be provided to support any measurable impact on the operations of the
department .

• Customer satisfaction LEVEL
• Acquiring new skills
• Improving work processes
• Improving morale in the workplace
• SHOWING Leadership
• Problem solving
• Setting and achieving objectives
• Teamwork
• Work quality
• Work quantity
• Commitment to service
• Dedicated to the continuation, enhancement and success
• Sustain high level of productivity
* consistent quality of work
• Demonstrate high degree of initiative and leadership in the performance of responsibilities
• Maintain, demonstrate, and exhibit effective communication with others
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Effective Reward Systems.
Reward systems should focus on positive reinforcement. Positive reinforcement is the most effective tool for encouraging desired behavior because it stimulates people to take actions because they want to because they get something of value (internally or externally) for doing it. An effectively designed and managed reward program can drive an organization's change process by positively reinforcing desired behaviors.
The SMART criteria.
These criteria should be used when designing and evaluating programs. Programs should be:
Specific. A line of sight should be maintained between rewards and actions.
Meaningful. The achievements rewarded should provide an important return on investment to both the performer and the organization.
Achievable. The employee's or group's goals should be within the reach of the performers.
Reliable. The program should operate according to its principles and purpose.

. The recognition/rewards should be provided frequently enough to make performers feel valued for their efforts
Performance Management.
The process of performance management reflects how the work gets done and creates the environment in which people feel valued for their achievements. The performance management process includes four critical components:
Focus on what is important to change or be improved.
Measures to determine whether and how much progress is being achieved.
Feedback so that performers will know whether and how much progress is being achieved.
Reinforcement so that everyone celebrates achievements as they are unfolding.
Indicators of successful performance management include the following:
All measures are understood by the employees, who can describe the importance of their activities to the agency. Measures address results and behaviors/processes.
A tracking system is used to monitor performance in the areas identified.
The performance measures and progress are displayed in a public area.
Data on the performance charts is current.
The team leaders/managers are actively engaged in coaching staff members and providing assistance to improve performance.
Periodic celebrations mark achievements as they are realized. These celebrations are regarded positively by employees.
Data indicate performance is improving.

Recommend that organizations:
focus on variables critical to success;
create timely, chart-oriented feedback;
create celebrations that mean something to the performers;
use performance reviews as an opportunity to reflect "how we won" and "how we lost" make them as often as necessary to cement the learning;
anchor the memory of achievements achievement-oriented firms measure a lot, accomplish milestones frequently, and do much celebrating;
don't rely on annual performance appraisals as the sole source of feedback;
when designing programs, avoid copying programs used by other organizations; and
don't make the design process into the "let's make a form" game.

The Do's and Don'ts of Effective Reward Programs.
The Do's and Don'ts of Effective Reward Programs. The fundamental principles for designing reward programs that work:
Do it now! Putting off change only makes the situation worse.
Keep your eye on the needs of the customer. The customer should be at the center of all measures, goals, and objectives.
Take action, be proactive. Well-designed programs require management, which should focus on providing people with meaningful measures, realtime feedback, and ongoing reinforcement.
Personalize rewards to their recipients. Rewards should be valued by the performer. The performer needs to see that the reward opportunities are directly linked to the effort and results taken and that there is an appropriate benefit to the organization. By personalizing the reward, you can anchor the meaning of the achievement more deeply than if you simply treat the reward as a mechanical administrative task.
Make sure everyone can win. Reward programs built on the principles of competition or compliance are counterproductive, if not downright destructive.
Make sure that rewards are contingent. Reward programs become entitlement programs when they lose their contingency on performance. Each reward should be fully earned and people should understand exactly what they have done to achieve it.
Don't expect success all at once. The process of developing an effective program is one of change and continual improvement.
Remember that you are in competition with other consequences. Reward programs simultaneously compete with negative reinforcements that occur throughout the organization. So rewards must be meaningful to the performer to have an impact.
Do it from the heart. Rewards that are intended to be manipulative are not accepted by employees. The fundamental purpose of reward programs is to build a powerful partnership between the individual and the organization. Collaboration is an essential theme of success.
Have fun while you are doing it. If a job is worth doing, it is worth measuring progress and celebrating achievements.
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Reward and Recognition
"People will forget what you said,
People will forget what you did,
But people will never forget
how you made them feel."

Why bother with Reward and Recognition?
Reward and Recognition plays a part in at least these areas
- Employee Satisfaction – influencing retention and motivation
- Performance Management – creating a workplace environment that provides positive reinforcement of behaviours necessary to achieve results and business goals
What’s the difference between reward and recognition?
Recognition = reinforcing behaviours
Reward = rewarding results
What’s the difference between formal and informal rewards?
Formal = part of a predetermined program
Informal = spontaneous
What can a Manager do?
Potential strategy:
· discover and implement some quick hits to gain immediate improvement (most likely informal rewards)
· develop and implement longer-term improvements (informal and formal rewards)

What are the success criteria of reward systems?
As part of Employee Satisfaction, here are criteria for successful reward systems:
1. match the reward to the person
2. match the reward to the achievement
3. be timely and specific

As Performance Management, here are some suggested criteria for successful reward systems:
· Reward systems need to have a positive impact on behaviour
1. contingent on achieving desired performance levels rather than on merely doing certain tasks
2. meaningful and valuable to the individual
3. based on objective and attainable goals
4. open to all, and not based on a competitive struggle within the workplace (everyone can win)
5. balanced between conditions in the workplace (extrinsic) and fulfilment of individual needs and wants (intrinsic)
· Reward systems need to focus efforts on serving the customer (internal or external)
· Reward systems need to enhance collaboration within the workplace
A popular slogan for managing and evaluating success criteria is
SMART – Specific, Meaningful, Achievable, Reliable, Timely.

What type of reward is most effective?
One study suggests that informal rewards are the most effective. Further, these motivating techniques were ranked as the top five:
1. The manager personally congratulates employees who do a good job
2. The manager writes personal notes about good performance
3. The organization uses performance as the basis for promotion
4. The manager publicly recognizes employees for good performance
5. The manager holds morale-building meetings to celebrate successes
Tactics for implementing an Informal reward system include
· Linking to organizational goals
· Defining parameters and mechanics
· Obtain commitment and support
· Monitor effectiveness, and change when the rewards are no longer special
· Link to formal rewards programs

Reward systems are not exclusively the realm of managers
Systems can include structures that allow for peers to recognize each other. For many people, peer recognition is more important than recognition by managers or customers.

Basics for Effective Rewards and Recognition
· Use the person’s name
· Strive to be timely
· The compliment is the only topic discussed
· Make it specific so the person knows why they are getting the recognition
· Describe how what they did helps the organization; how it will be used
· Follow-up a verbal compliment with a note
· Make it public if appropriate, especially if the performer could serve as a resource to others

20 Tips for No-Money Reward and Recognition
1. Post a thank-you note on the employee's or team member’s office door.
2. Have your director call an employee or team member to thank him or her for a job well done, or have the same person visit the employee at his or her workplace.
3. Greet employees and colleagues by name when you pass their desks or pass them in the hall.
4. When discussing an employee's or a group's ideas with other people, peers, or higher management, make sure you give credit.
5. Acknowledge individual achievements by using people’s names when preparing status reports.
6. Name a continuing recognition award after an outstanding employee.
7. Ask five people in your department or company to go up to the person sometime during the day and say "{Your name} asked me to thank you for [the task or achievement]. Good job!"
8. Write five or more Post-it notes thanking the person for a job well done and hide them among the work on his or her desk.
9. Have lunch or coffee with an employee or a group of employees you don't normally see.
10. Make a thank you card by hand.
11. Lunch outings for the entire group as an everyone-pays-his-own-way event. The value is in the going, so encourage but don't force anyone who isn't comfortable going with the group.
12. A personal letter of thanks to the employee or team member from the CEO/senior manager for a significant contribution (you might need to get the information to this person before the letter can be written).
13. Let the person you are recognizing know what you are doing or requesting on his or her behalf (i.e., send the person a copy of your requesting memo). Even if upper management doesn't approve the request, the person will know you were trying.
14. Clippings of special articles on a topic you know is meaningful to the individual. Attach a note to relate the articles to something that is special to the person.
15. Share verbal accolades. Don't forget to forward voice mail messages that compliment a team member’s work.
16. Ask a person to teach or share his accomplishment with others as a way of recognizing the person's ability and role.
17. Ask a person for advice or her opinion; this demonstrates respect.
18. Recognize an individual's accomplishments in front of peers -- yours or theirs.
19. Practice positive nonverbal behaviours that demonstrate appreciation.
20. Make a large calendar that can be posted. Call it the "celebration calendar" and use Post-Its and written notes of recognition tacked onto specific dates to honour contributions made by team members.

20 Tips for Low-Cost Rewards and Recognition
1. Movie Tickets.
2. See’s Candy gift certificates.
3. Book of Stamps.
4. A framed memento/letter/certificate.
5. Inscribe a favourite book as a gift.
6. Balloons decorated with appropriate messages.
7. Purchase a plant or flower arrangement with appropriate message.
8. Buy the person something to use in his or her hobby.
9. Candy bar awards within a team or department. Choose something meaningful and make it tradition: examples include "Mr. Goodbar" award for the ABAZABA team award.
10. Lunch-on-me coupons.
11. Take the person to lunch as a form of thanks or to mark a special event.
12. Doughnuts, bagels, or rolls as an early morning starter.
13. A "funny" trophy that is passed among team members based on "inside" criteria.
14. Submit the person's name for a Wall of Fame award. This will result in a one-time increase on their pay.
15. Gift Certificates or vouchers that can be used at local department stores, specialty shops, or local merchants; especially appropriate for ones that can be easily assessed during the workday.
16. Something engraved with the person’s name, such as a pen set, business card holder, plaque, or portfolio.
17. Paid subscription to a professional magazine or newsletter.
18. A small contribution to their favourite charity in the person's name.
19. Authorize a non-standard stationary item; set a maximum limit.
20. Authorize time-off; full day or half-day.

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The following list offers ideas and you can
add on more from your own experience.

Praise, "thank you" in person and/or in front of others
Email thank you
*Letter of appreciation with copies to employee's file and CEO.

*Publicity – mention in newsletter/COMPANY News Bulletin/Local newspaper [ special achievement]
*Electronic message boards recognizing accomplishments
* "Behind the scenes" Award – for those not normally in the lime light
*Employment anniversary note
*"Meet the President" forum or lunch
*Lunch with senior management
*Invitation to "higher-level" meetings
*Offer to mentor the employee

Opportunity for advanced training
*attendance at seminars or conferences
*More frequent assignment of responsibilities the employee enjoys
*Reassign work the employee does not enjoy
*More autonomy to determine how the work is completed
*Additional staff for project development
*Job sharing
*Work off-site
*Flexible work schedules
*Increase work space privacy
*Upgrade of computer
*Special parking space near the office
*Regular recognition lunches

*Tickets to local events
*company t-shirts, jackets, hats, cups, desk accessories
*Restuarant coupon
*Tour factory workshop/facilities during work hours
Contribution to a favorite charity
Food basket
Social club membership
Cash bonus – with taxes pre-paid
Food parcels , balloons or flowers delivered to employee(s) home.
Employee appreciation day – with banners, lunch, etc. in honor of employee
Employee photo boards or "Hall of Fame" – with kudos provided by peers
Certificate of accomplishment

Employee of the month

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From India, Mumbai

Find attached the file on rewards. Hope it would be useful for u..
From India, New Delhi
Attached Files (Download Requires Membership)
File Type: doc Rewards Tips.doc (30.5 KB, 1417 views)


Hi everybody,

I uploaded one file. But It can not display. I used internet explorer 8.0.

How can I repair? Or some problems happened to IE8?
Apart from that, you also ref more information at: Reward programs books

From Vietnam, Hanoi

Every company out there wants to maintain a high level of employee satisfaction and engagement. And the best way to achieve it is by rewarding and recognizing employees rightly. Now, rewards and recognition ideas and their outcomes can never be the same for every organization. Let’s face it, the expectations of employees differ from company to company.

That said, HRs and employers should understand what reward will make their employees happy. Once that’s done, a company can pick any of the following ideas:

Performance-based awards like The Employee of The Month, Stand-out Performer, The Star Employee, Achiever of The Month, etc.
Lunch with the boss
Offer company apparel
Hold a THANK YOU meeting
Recognition in front of peers
Give coupons
Develop a point reward system

Last but not least, companies should also make sure they have a continuous feedback system in their workplace. It not just keeps employees happy but also productive along the way.

Hope it helps.

Your Definitive Cheatsheet to Rewards and Recognition Program

From India, Noida
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