Dear all,
Am extremely happy and delighted to inform you all the Mumbai Citehr Informal Meet on 4th April’09 was a stupendous success!
95 members turned up for the meet which I think is the record for any citehr meets held so far or till date.
The meeting started at 6:45 p.m. and ended at sharp 9:00 pm as planned. It started with networking session coupled with the discussions among the members as what they expect of future citehr meets.In a day or two we would be posting the minutes of the meet alongwith the snaps of the meet.
I would like to thank the following Organizers for this meet;
Neeraj Agrawal
Rohan Singal
Kenneth Lewis
Hema Ghogre
Jalpa Joshi
And special thanks to Dipali Golwala of Neelkanth Group for arranging for the Venue. Also to Ravi Gangwani for arranging the media coverage.
Lastly, I thank the members who attended this meet and made it a great success!
From India, Pune
Fantastic! Congratulations to all of you. Please do forward me the details of what the members expect from Citehr in the future. We are trying to build a recruitment solution for our HR professional members at Inpull - Build Alliances With Companies For Jobs, Services & Advice - hope some of you can write to me about what you think of it - and what you think can be improved.
From India, Gurgaon
From India, Gurgaon
Hi Rajat,
Thank you for sending this across. Yesterday's event goes to prove that strong intentions and unperturbed will causes immediate and impressive results.
No one would have thought that so many cite-hr members would turn up, but they did!.
Thank you all for making this possible.
Sid; Abhishek and Rohan have collated many valuable inputs for the site which will be send across to you.
Thank you,
From India, Mumbai
Thank you for sending this across. Yesterday's event goes to prove that strong intentions and unperturbed will causes immediate and impressive results.
No one would have thought that so many cite-hr members would turn up, but they did!.
Thank you all for making this possible.
Sid; Abhishek and Rohan have collated many valuable inputs for the site which will be send across to you.
Thank you,
From India, Mumbai
Dear all,
A big thank you for making something which was started as 10-12 people planning session and got transformed into a special event participated by 98 people. Yes that was the final count.
Some Statistics:
190 : No of people who had expressed interest in a Mumbai HR meet on CiteHR website in last 4 years
341: No of people who expressed interest in attending the 4th April 09 meet in last 13 days
13 : Total number of elapsed days from conceptualizing the 4th April 09 Meet till the meet date
20 : Initial expected/ planned participation turnout
166 : No of people confirmed registered
65 : No of people who had to be told NO since we were overbooked
110 : No of new calls /mails requests for registrations that we did not take on April 4th as we were overloaded for organizing the expanded logistics requirements because of the overwhelming response
Thank You Notes:
We thank each one of the 98 people who made the event alive by their presence and full hearted participation and cooperation. Each of you took out your prime time of Saturday evening to be with everyone. Also for filling the complete registration form diligently to give us an insight about you. Also for all the ideas and offer of support in future events. THANK YOU.
We thank each of the 23 people who took time out to inform us before the program that they will not be able to make it.
We thank all those 190 people who expressed interest in Mumbai HR meet in last 4 years, that sparked us into action to start something memorable. Also all those people who organized and participated in previous Mumbai meets. Also to those people who initiated threads that we must have Mumbai HR meet. All those threads gave us our initial mailing and SMS list for the event. They all sowed the seeds of the sprout we saw on 4th April 09.
We thank CiteHR website, that allowed us to come together in creating this event. Also its threads gave us our initial mobile & email list.
We thank Siddharth Roy, CiteHR Administrator & owner to help us reaching out to maximum number of HR professionals in Mumbai.
We thank each of the following organizing team members who helped whole-heartedly to make this event work:
Support team:
Jalpa Joshi: Thank you, for organizing still & video coverage of the event & getting a show-reel of the event made. All complimentary. This will immensely help us in getting sponsorships. Also for giving idea for speed HR datingJ. Also for diligently making tags in a beautiful handwriting on the positive take-aways from the event.
Kenneth Lewis: Thank you, for bringing life in organizing the speed HR dating and conducting the idea generation module.
Abhishek Srivastav: Thank you, for organizing 100s of Reg form print-outs & other stationery. For organizing colour print out of banners. For directing new participants when they arrived. For taking down minutes of all the proceedings so that others can spend time participating in the event.
Hema Ghogre: Thank you, for taking charge of registration desk, ensuring that all unfilled forms are filled, bringing 6-sigma accuracy in collecting visiting cards, registration forms. Also for organizing accessories.
Ruchi Maheshwari: Thank you, for manning registration desk and helping in streamlining it. Also for relieving the other registration desk members in the last mile from 7:10 pm to 8:15 pm, to enable them also to participate in the idea generation module.
Prasanna Advadkar :Thank you, for manning registration desk & sharing the sudden load of participants.
Lakshmi: Thank you, for manning registration desk & handling participants
Meenakshi Kaul: Thank you for initiating the CiteHR Mumbai meet thread on 18-May-2008, this helped us in collecting email & mobile list. For active support in the events during the day. For the loudest whistle that could get us people’s attentionJ
Ian Gallyot: Thank you for your active support in various events during the day.
Bhavini Sejpal & Abhinav Sabharwal: Thank you for helping in exploring finding a complimentary venue around Dadar, going & meeting various schools & colleges.
Rajat Gupta: Thank you for giving an impromptu vote of thanks & organizing mementoes on your own initiative.
Video & Still coverage team
-Shrey Upadhyay (9833502323) & Dhruv Shah (9869716366): They are amateur photographers & aspiring film makers and do freelancing photography & video coverage. Thank you for taking your precious Saturday evening for this event coverage. Also for agreeing to create a promotional show-reel of the event.
-Mahi Chaddha: Thank you for handling still photography
A special thanks to Pankaj Sawardekar for sponsoring part payment of expenses on a 2 hour notice from his company.
Core Coordination:
Neeraj Agrawal: Thank you for initiating this entire event & working day & night in making this event work. For creating an environment that allowed so much support from all quarters. For overall managing the show from the beginning till the end.
Rohan Singal: Thank you for collating and maintaining the database of all potential & confirmed participants. For sending mailers & SMS to all. For answering queries. For project planningJ & delivery support. For organizing sponsorship to cover part expenses. For coordinating the overall event.
Neha Mehta: Thank you for helping in maintaining database of participants, handling mails & enquiries (especially the deluge of calls & mails on April 2,3 & 4), getting confirmations from people. For selecting the venue. For organizing internal meetings, For making all participants labels. For spending midnight hours on e-mails after full working days (at the cost of studying for her exams). Also for being available to help at a short notice of 1 hour and reach wherever requested for the support.
Dipali Golwala: Thank you for providing an apt venue from Neelkanth group complimentarily. For insisting again & again to do better, detailed step by step planning of the entire event, despite our resistance. For personally under-writing all additional venue expenses including a/c, extra chairs, PA system, water & cold-drinks. For handling deluge of calls & emails for registrations. For handling participation requests politely till the last hour.
Four photographs are enclosed.
-Three full group photographs are the ones that we got in a hurry. They may be missing some people who were standing on the edges. Our apologies in advance. Our photography team will collate and give us a complete wide-angle photograph (hopefully with red-eye correction) next week.
-Organization team photograph:
oFront Row : Left to Right : Jalpa Joshi, Neha Mehta, Dipali Golwala, Hema Ghogre, Meenakshi Kaul, Sunayna Navani, Neeraj Agrawal
oBack Row: Left to Right : Abhishek Srivastav, Rohan Singal, Kenneth Lewis, Rajat Joshi, Ian Gallyot
Detailed minutes of meeting, details of next meeting on June 6th, 2009 will follow later
Warm regards:
Facilitating team:
Neeraj Agrawal: 9967647279,
Rohan Singal: 9820806712,
Neha Mehta: 9820930449,
Dipali Golwala: 9323112660,
From India, Mumbai
A big thank you for making something which was started as 10-12 people planning session and got transformed into a special event participated by 98 people. Yes that was the final count.
Some Statistics:
190 : No of people who had expressed interest in a Mumbai HR meet on CiteHR website in last 4 years
341: No of people who expressed interest in attending the 4th April 09 meet in last 13 days
13 : Total number of elapsed days from conceptualizing the 4th April 09 Meet till the meet date
20 : Initial expected/ planned participation turnout
166 : No of people confirmed registered
65 : No of people who had to be told NO since we were overbooked
110 : No of new calls /mails requests for registrations that we did not take on April 4th as we were overloaded for organizing the expanded logistics requirements because of the overwhelming response
Thank You Notes:
We thank each one of the 98 people who made the event alive by their presence and full hearted participation and cooperation. Each of you took out your prime time of Saturday evening to be with everyone. Also for filling the complete registration form diligently to give us an insight about you. Also for all the ideas and offer of support in future events. THANK YOU.
We thank each of the 23 people who took time out to inform us before the program that they will not be able to make it.
We thank all those 190 people who expressed interest in Mumbai HR meet in last 4 years, that sparked us into action to start something memorable. Also all those people who organized and participated in previous Mumbai meets. Also to those people who initiated threads that we must have Mumbai HR meet. All those threads gave us our initial mailing and SMS list for the event. They all sowed the seeds of the sprout we saw on 4th April 09.
We thank CiteHR website, that allowed us to come together in creating this event. Also its threads gave us our initial mobile & email list.
We thank Siddharth Roy, CiteHR Administrator & owner to help us reaching out to maximum number of HR professionals in Mumbai.
We thank each of the following organizing team members who helped whole-heartedly to make this event work:
Support team:
Jalpa Joshi: Thank you, for organizing still & video coverage of the event & getting a show-reel of the event made. All complimentary. This will immensely help us in getting sponsorships. Also for giving idea for speed HR datingJ. Also for diligently making tags in a beautiful handwriting on the positive take-aways from the event.
Kenneth Lewis: Thank you, for bringing life in organizing the speed HR dating and conducting the idea generation module.
Abhishek Srivastav: Thank you, for organizing 100s of Reg form print-outs & other stationery. For organizing colour print out of banners. For directing new participants when they arrived. For taking down minutes of all the proceedings so that others can spend time participating in the event.
Hema Ghogre: Thank you, for taking charge of registration desk, ensuring that all unfilled forms are filled, bringing 6-sigma accuracy in collecting visiting cards, registration forms. Also for organizing accessories.
Ruchi Maheshwari: Thank you, for manning registration desk and helping in streamlining it. Also for relieving the other registration desk members in the last mile from 7:10 pm to 8:15 pm, to enable them also to participate in the idea generation module.
Prasanna Advadkar :Thank you, for manning registration desk & sharing the sudden load of participants.
Lakshmi: Thank you, for manning registration desk & handling participants
Meenakshi Kaul: Thank you for initiating the CiteHR Mumbai meet thread on 18-May-2008, this helped us in collecting email & mobile list. For active support in the events during the day. For the loudest whistle that could get us people’s attentionJ
Ian Gallyot: Thank you for your active support in various events during the day.
Bhavini Sejpal & Abhinav Sabharwal: Thank you for helping in exploring finding a complimentary venue around Dadar, going & meeting various schools & colleges.
Rajat Gupta: Thank you for giving an impromptu vote of thanks & organizing mementoes on your own initiative.
Video & Still coverage team
-Shrey Upadhyay (9833502323) & Dhruv Shah (9869716366): They are amateur photographers & aspiring film makers and do freelancing photography & video coverage. Thank you for taking your precious Saturday evening for this event coverage. Also for agreeing to create a promotional show-reel of the event.
-Mahi Chaddha: Thank you for handling still photography
A special thanks to Pankaj Sawardekar for sponsoring part payment of expenses on a 2 hour notice from his company.
Core Coordination:
Neeraj Agrawal: Thank you for initiating this entire event & working day & night in making this event work. For creating an environment that allowed so much support from all quarters. For overall managing the show from the beginning till the end.
Rohan Singal: Thank you for collating and maintaining the database of all potential & confirmed participants. For sending mailers & SMS to all. For answering queries. For project planningJ & delivery support. For organizing sponsorship to cover part expenses. For coordinating the overall event.
Neha Mehta: Thank you for helping in maintaining database of participants, handling mails & enquiries (especially the deluge of calls & mails on April 2,3 & 4), getting confirmations from people. For selecting the venue. For organizing internal meetings, For making all participants labels. For spending midnight hours on e-mails after full working days (at the cost of studying for her exams). Also for being available to help at a short notice of 1 hour and reach wherever requested for the support.
Dipali Golwala: Thank you for providing an apt venue from Neelkanth group complimentarily. For insisting again & again to do better, detailed step by step planning of the entire event, despite our resistance. For personally under-writing all additional venue expenses including a/c, extra chairs, PA system, water & cold-drinks. For handling deluge of calls & emails for registrations. For handling participation requests politely till the last hour.
Four photographs are enclosed.
-Three full group photographs are the ones that we got in a hurry. They may be missing some people who were standing on the edges. Our apologies in advance. Our photography team will collate and give us a complete wide-angle photograph (hopefully with red-eye correction) next week.
-Organization team photograph:
oFront Row : Left to Right : Jalpa Joshi, Neha Mehta, Dipali Golwala, Hema Ghogre, Meenakshi Kaul, Sunayna Navani, Neeraj Agrawal
oBack Row: Left to Right : Abhishek Srivastav, Rohan Singal, Kenneth Lewis, Rajat Joshi, Ian Gallyot
Detailed minutes of meeting, details of next meeting on June 6th, 2009 will follow later
Warm regards:
Facilitating team:
Neeraj Agrawal: 9967647279,
Rohan Singal: 9820806712,
Neha Mehta: 9820930449,
Dipali Golwala: 9323112660,
From India, Mumbai
Dear All,
This is to inform you about the new offline HR group (originated from CiteHR on 4 April 2009) that we have recently formed. Please do look at the 2 page newsletter, especially the photograph of enthusiastic 90+ people who came together.
Genesis of Mumbai HR Meet:
-For past many years a need was felt and expressed by many HR professionals about a human connect, face to face offline forum/ platform that brings them together from various industries, levels and areas of work. There had been many spurts of efforts done in past to bring them together, but the efforts fizzled out after some time.
-Therefore a concrete decision was taken and initiated by Neeraj Agarwal to start an offline professional body on 4th April 09. Rohan then joined with his expertise in database & list management and communication. People were connected by direct means including email, SMS and phone calls. It was realized that posting on a site does not lead to concrete offline events. It needs human touch. An unprecedented response was received for the initial planning event on 4th April 2009. More than 340 people expressed interest in attending. Only 166 could be confirmed and finally 98 persons showed up on the venue. The venue was organized complimentarily by Dipali from Neelkanth group.
-Thus this professional body got generated. The initial set of people and participants came from CiteHR online networking and knowledge sharing site.
-Jalpa Joshi & Kenneth Lewis then joined core facilitating team with a commitment to evolve and sustain this creative setup.
-To have HR influence business leadership and create an ambience of growth and expression in their organizations.
Core objectives:
-To bring HR professionals together & make available to them a framework & platform for self expression, learning & growth for themselves & their organizations
-It would be like a second home where they can be themselves, they can share their issues, predicaments and get meaningful assistance
-It would conduct workshops, programs and event that will address most pertinent requirements of the members
-Create & build enriching, mutually benefitting relationships among various members
-Have events that are 100% engaging, participative, full of life, fun & learning
-Its events would be focused on transformational HR. This means helping HR professionals in evolving & building their departments and image as HR that transforms the organization to its next level. Thus the focus would be on areas such as organization development, culture change, employee engagement etc.
-This setup would be self sustaining and would sustain tests of time.
Further to the overwhelming response to the initial planning Mumbai HR meet on 4th April 2009 (originated from CiteHR), please find enclosed our first newsletter.
It contains: highlights, outcomes & photographs of the first meeting on 4th April 2009
1.We intend to bring it out on monthly basis
2.We are opening a contest – to name this newsletter. The person with the winning name will receive a gift in our next event.
3.Next event as scheduled is on June 6th 2009, Sunday, Mumbai for 100 participants. Details will follow separately
For all communications & enquiries kindly use the email ID:
If you wish to be part of this group and the mailing list, please send a mail with mobile number & email address to
We also request you to circulate this newsletter and mail to people in your HR circle especially people who are in Mumbai to start with.
Warm regards,
Rohan Singal
+91 9820806712
From India, Mumbai
This is to inform you about the new offline HR group (originated from CiteHR on 4 April 2009) that we have recently formed. Please do look at the 2 page newsletter, especially the photograph of enthusiastic 90+ people who came together.
Genesis of Mumbai HR Meet:
-For past many years a need was felt and expressed by many HR professionals about a human connect, face to face offline forum/ platform that brings them together from various industries, levels and areas of work. There had been many spurts of efforts done in past to bring them together, but the efforts fizzled out after some time.
-Therefore a concrete decision was taken and initiated by Neeraj Agarwal to start an offline professional body on 4th April 09. Rohan then joined with his expertise in database & list management and communication. People were connected by direct means including email, SMS and phone calls. It was realized that posting on a site does not lead to concrete offline events. It needs human touch. An unprecedented response was received for the initial planning event on 4th April 2009. More than 340 people expressed interest in attending. Only 166 could be confirmed and finally 98 persons showed up on the venue. The venue was organized complimentarily by Dipali from Neelkanth group.
-Thus this professional body got generated. The initial set of people and participants came from CiteHR online networking and knowledge sharing site.
-Jalpa Joshi & Kenneth Lewis then joined core facilitating team with a commitment to evolve and sustain this creative setup.
-To have HR influence business leadership and create an ambience of growth and expression in their organizations.
Core objectives:
-To bring HR professionals together & make available to them a framework & platform for self expression, learning & growth for themselves & their organizations
-It would be like a second home where they can be themselves, they can share their issues, predicaments and get meaningful assistance
-It would conduct workshops, programs and event that will address most pertinent requirements of the members
-Create & build enriching, mutually benefitting relationships among various members
-Have events that are 100% engaging, participative, full of life, fun & learning
-Its events would be focused on transformational HR. This means helping HR professionals in evolving & building their departments and image as HR that transforms the organization to its next level. Thus the focus would be on areas such as organization development, culture change, employee engagement etc.
-This setup would be self sustaining and would sustain tests of time.
Further to the overwhelming response to the initial planning Mumbai HR meet on 4th April 2009 (originated from CiteHR), please find enclosed our first newsletter.
It contains: highlights, outcomes & photographs of the first meeting on 4th April 2009
1.We intend to bring it out on monthly basis
2.We are opening a contest – to name this newsletter. The person with the winning name will receive a gift in our next event.
3.Next event as scheduled is on June 6th 2009, Sunday, Mumbai for 100 participants. Details will follow separately
For all communications & enquiries kindly use the email ID:
If you wish to be part of this group and the mailing list, please send a mail with mobile number & email address to
We also request you to circulate this newsletter and mail to people in your HR circle especially people who are in Mumbai to start with.
Warm regards,
Rohan Singal
+91 9820806712
From India, Mumbai
For more information on the registration formalities required for Mumbai HR meet (originated from CITEHR), being held on June 6th, 2009, saturday please look at the following post:
Mumbai HR meet Newsletter-2 pages- vol001 - May 4, 2009
Warm regards,
Rohan Singal
+91 9820806712
singalrohan AT
From India, Mumbai
Mumbai HR meet Newsletter-2 pages- vol001 - May 4, 2009
Warm regards,
Rohan Singal
+91 9820806712
singalrohan AT
From India, Mumbai
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