The MoU signed between recognised union and a company is a secret document , should it not be disclosed to employees plz reply with the proofs thanq
From India, Hyderabad
Dear friend,
Normally, among the multiple number of Trade Unions functioning in an industry, only one Union is recognized by the Management as the sole Collective Bargaining Agent regarding common employment issues affecting all employees in the industry as a whole based on its majority of membership. The main objective behind this practice is avoidance of multicipility of representation which would make the process of deliberations protracted.
The MoU is nothing but a document containing the consensuous decision reached by the parties to the deliberations. Since both the deliberation and the resultant MoU are about the employment issues of employees as a whole, it cannot be treated as a secret document.

From India, Salem
Dear Friend,
Any agreement signed between Employer & Trade Union is a public document if it is in relation to the employees of the company. It should be immediately published to the employees otherwise it will result in loss of confidence for Employer & trade union both.
Warm Regards
Bharat Gera
HR Consultant

From India, Thane
The ultimate benefisiries are employees and there is no reason why it should not be disclosed to employees. R R Kapoor Vadodara
From India, Vadodara
I may add, MoU/agreement(s) are signed, in many instances, a tripartite document involving, 1) management representatives, 2) Representatives of either all recognised unions or elected union representing all employees), and 3) Labour Commissioner-in-charge of the area or duly appointed under conciliatary machanism. It could be on wages revision or other allowances, perquisites and all other service conditions. Once the MoU/ agreements are executed by all parties there is no possibility of any secrecy. Moreover such documents should be placed on the notice board of the estt. and if no copy is available Conciliation office can provide copies when asked for.
From India, Bangalore
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