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We want to clarification in the following points regarding EDLI Exemption:
1. Is Relaxation Order issued by the Regional Provident fund Commissioner valid for Forever or some specific period?
2. Can Regional Provident fund Commissioner Issue the second relaxation order for the same establishment?
3. If the exemption order is not issued by the Central Provident fund Commissioner to the establishment then what is the time period for applying new application for EDLI exemption?
4. What is the validity of the exemption letter or deemed exemption letter issued by the RPFC i.e. Recommendation for exemption along with EO report sent by the Regional provident Fund Commissioner to Central Provident fund Commissioner? Is Deemed exemption letter valid for the date of issue of the letter by the department or date of applying the exemption by the establishment?
5. Can establishment adopt the Group Insurance Scheme after apply the exemption for EDLI?
6. Is it necessary to establishment to intimate the PF department for increasing the Basic Cover limit under EDLI?
Please clarify our above issues.
Thanks and regards
Parmod Agarwal

From India, undefined

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